Haxe | 1534 lines | 639 code | 253 blank | 642 comment | 106 complexity | 93db8c0471f4097df088cfc4926683a8 MD5 | raw file
- // Copyright (c) 2009 The haxegui developers
- //
- // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
- // this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
- // the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
- // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
- // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
- // subject to the following conditions:
- //
- // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- // copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- //
- package haxegui.controls;
- //{{{ Imports
- import feffects.Tween;
- import flash.accessibility.Accessibility;
- import flash.accessibility.AccessibilityImplementation;
- import flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.FocusEvent;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import haxegui.Haxegui;
- import haxegui.Window;
- import haxegui.events.MoveEvent;
- import haxegui.events.ResizeEvent;
- import haxegui.managers.CursorManager;
- import haxegui.managers.FocusManager;
- import haxegui.managers.ScriptManager;
- import haxegui.managers.TooltipManager;
- import haxegui.toys.Transformer;
- import haxegui.utils.Color;
- import haxegui.utils.Opts;
- import haxegui.utils.Size;
- //}}}
- /**
- *
- * Component is the basic protoype for all components.<br/>
- * <p>It is not an abstract class, in a sense, it is amorphic, its visual appearance can easily and dynamically change at runtime.
- * It derives from [Sprite] so all the flash api drawing functions apply, but take a look at [redraw] function for what you more you can do.</p>
- * <p>More than being just the parent class, handing down all widgets with properties and functions (and having some static functions of its own),
- * the class abstracts some of its functionality to script. This is similar to how 3D engines pass the handling of material rendering to various script files and shaders</p>
- * <p>Some widgets have hard-coded actions, the default event listener callback of this class is overriden in the those cases, but still after that code executes the script action is fired.
- * This is because of the untyped nature of hscript, that code is better written in haxe. Most widgets just have default scripts loaded into them, which is easier to customize.</p>
- * <p>Controling how the component looks is just one action, the following can be used along with normal event listeners:
- * validate, interval, mouseClick, mouseOver, mouseOut, mouseDown, mouseUp, gainingFocus, losingFocus, focusIn, focusOut</p>
- * <p>Notice that even disabled components execute actions, its up for the script to respond properly.</p>
- * <p>Each component carries around not only an [id], but also a [box], its the [Rectangle] that will be used for drawing calculations.
- * This is due to several reasons, the vector rather than bitmap nature of the graphics, it prevents errors that might result when drawing transparent regions (but still allows you to do that),
- * its a good union of visual properites to pass around between components, has some handy functions as a class, and leaves you free to scale the result.</p>
- * <p>When a [ResizeEvent] is fired the listener's response typicaly uses that [box].</p>
- * <p>One more thing to note, is that a [MoveEvent] only fires when using the functions from this class, when manually moving a component with its inherited [x] and [y] properties, dispatch as needed.
- * </p>
- * @author Omer Goshen <gershon@goosemoose.com>
- * @author Russell Weir <damonsbane@gmail.com>
- * @version 0.26
- *
- *
- */
- class Component
- extends Sprite,
- implements IAccessible,
- implements IMovable,
- implements IToolTip,
- implements ITween,
- implements IValidate,
- implements haxe.rtti.Infos
- // implements haxe.Public,
- // implements Dynamic
- {
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //{{{ Members
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //{{{ Private
- /** Current color tween in effect **/
- private var colorTween : Tween;
- /** Current saturation tween in effect **/
- private var saturationTween : Tween;
- /** Current position tween in effect **/
- private var positionTween : Tween;
- /** The initial opts **/
- private var initOpts : Dynamic;
- /** Number of interval calls per second **/
- private var intervalUpdatesPerSec : Float;
- /** Last timestamp when an interval occured **/
- private var lastInterval : Float;
- //}}}
- //{{{ Public
- /** A flag raised while tweening **/
- public var isTweening : Bool;
- /** Rectangular dimensions **/
- public var box : Rectangle;
- /** Minimum size **/
- public var minSize : Size;
- /** @todo Maximum size **/
- public var maxSize : Size;
- /** The color of this component, which has different meanings per component **/
- public var color : UInt;
- /** Disabled \ Enabled **/
- public var disabled(__getDisabled, __setDisabled) : Bool;
- /** Flag for when component needs a redraw **/
- public var dirty(__getDirty,__setDirty) : Bool;
- /** Whether the component can gain focus **/
- public var focusable : Bool;
- /** Unique component id number **/
- public var id(default, null) : Int;
- /** Creation timestamp **/
- public var created(default, null) : Float;
- /** Reference for tooltip **/
- public var tooltip : Tooltip;
- /** Component description for tooltip \ accessbility **/
- public var description : String;
- /** Does object validate ? **/
- public var validates : Bool;
- /** Fit horizontaly to parent **/
- public var fitH : Bool;
- /** Fit verticaly to parent **/
- public var fitV : Bool;
- public var allowedParents : Array<Class<Dynamic>>;
- public var left : Float;
- public var right : Float;
- public var top : Float;
- public var bottom : Float;
- //}}}
- //{{{ Static
- /** The static component id counter **/
- private static var nextId : Int = 0;
- //}}}
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //}}}
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //{{{ Constructor
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * The common constructor for all components.<br>
- *
- * Each component is given a unique id, it then gets his name either by parameter, or by its class name.<br>
- *
- * Next the constructor sets some variables to default, like disabled to false, and focusable to true,
- * and registers all event listeners, component is moved to position, and is waiting to get more properties at init().
- *
- * @param DisplayObjectContainer to attach to, will default to root
- * @param Component's name
- * @param Horizontal position relative to parent
- * @param Vertical position relative to parent
- **/
- public function new (parent:DisplayObjectContainer=null, name:String=null, ?x:Float, ?y:Float) {
- super ();
- // id from static
- this.id = Component.nextId++;
- this.created = haxe.Timer.stamp();
- //
- color = Color.MAGENTA;
- box = new Rectangle();
- minSize = new Size();
- maxSize = Size.square(2<<15);
- //
- tabEnabled = mouseEnabled = true;
- buttonMode = false;
- focusable = true;
- doubleClickEnabled = true;
- disabled = false;
- // Name from given parameter or classname and id
- if(name!=null)
- this.name = name;
- else
- this.name = Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(this)).split(".").pop() + id;
- // Tooltip text
- description = this.name;
- // Attach to parent
- if(parent!=null)
- parent.addChild(this);
- else
- flash.Lib.current.addChild(this);
- // Move
- move(x,y);
- // Listeners
- addEventListener (Event.ADDED, onAdded, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onKeyUp, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, onMouseClick, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onMouseDoubleClick, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onRollOut, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onRollOver, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel, false, 0, true);
- addEventListener (ResizeEvent.RESIZE, onResize, false, 0, true);
- }
- //}}}
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //{{{ Functions
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //{{{ Public
- //{{{ toString
- override public function toString() : String {
- return this.name + "[" + Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(this)) + "]";
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ init
- /**
- * Initialize a component<br/>
- *
- * When init() is called, the component overrides any default properties, and sets any new, it is ready draw to screen,
- * and sets the dirty flag to true.
- *
- * Writing in haxe, it is true to assume that the component and all his children have finished initializing and are on screen by the next line of code,
- * in xml that is not the case, please use the onLoaded action for that.
- *
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * var c = new Component();
- * c.init({});
- * </pre>
- *
- * The function does'nt return anything, but it's still possible in haxe to do:
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * var c = new Component().init({});
- * </pre>
- *
- * Note that hscript does'nt support dynamic objects, so just set any needed property manually:
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * var c = new Component();
- * c.box = new Size(100,40).toRect();
- * c.color = 0xff00ff;
- * c.init();
- * </pre>
- *
- * @param opts Initial options object
- */
- public function init(opts:Dynamic=null) {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- if(opts == null || !Reflect.isObject(opts)) opts = {};
- alpha = Opts.optFloat (opts, "alpha", alpha);
- box.height = Opts.optFloat (opts, "height", box.height);
- box.width = Opts.optFloat (opts, "width", box.width);
- buttonMode = Opts.optBool (opts, "buttonMode", false);
- color = Opts.optInt (opts, "color", color);
- description = Opts.optString(opts, "description", description);
- disabled = Opts.optBool (opts, "disabled", false);
- fitH = Opts.optBool (opts, "fitH", false);
- fitV = Opts.optBool (opts, "fitV", false);
- mouseChildren = Opts.optBool (opts, "mouseChildren", mouseChildren);
- mouseEnabled = Opts.optBool (opts, "mouseEnabled" , mouseEnabled);
- name = Opts.optString(opts, "name", name);
- rotation = Opts.optFloat (opts, "rotation", rotation);
- visible = Opts.optBool (opts, "visible", true);
- scaleX = Opts.optFloat (opts, "scaleX", scaleX);
- scaleY = Opts.optFloat (opts, "scaleY", scaleY);
- x = Opts.optFloat (opts, "x", x);
- y = Opts.optFloat (opts, "y", y);
- left = Opts.optFloat (opts, "left", left);
- right = Opts.optFloat (opts, "right", right);
- top = Opts.optFloat (opts, "top", top);
- bottom = Opts.optFloat (opts, "bottom", bottom);
- //
- var accessProps = new AccessibilityProperties();
- accessProps.name = name;
- accessProps.description = description;
- accessibilityProperties = accessProps;
- // keep the opts in a member
- initOpts = Opts.clone(opts);
- // request a redraw
- dirty = true;
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ destroy
- /**
- * Destroy this component and all children
- */
- public function destroy() : Void {
- removeChildren();
- stopInterval();
- if(this.parent != null)
- this.parent.removeChild(this);
- //~ flash.system.System.gc();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ clone
- /**
- * @todo check this works for everything, should probably write a test...
- */
- public function clone() : Dynamic {
- var type = Type.getClass(this);
- var inst = Type.createInstance(type, [parent, name+"_clone", x, y]);
- Reflect.callMethod( inst, inst.init, [Opts.clone(initOpts)] );
- // trace(inst);
- return inst;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ Actions & Script
- //{{{ getAction
- /**
- * Returns the code associated with the specified action. If this instance
- * does not have a script, the default from the upstyle is returned.
- *
- * @param action Action name
- * @return String code
- **/
- public function getAction(action:String) : String {
- try {
- return ScriptManager.getInstanceActionObject(this, action).code;
- }
- catch(e:Dynamic) {
- trace(e);
- return null;
- }
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getOwnAction
- /**
- * Returns the code associated with this instance for the specified action.
- *
- * @param action Action name
- * @return String code
- **/
- public function getOwnAction(action:String) : String {
- return try ScriptManager.getInstanceOwnActionObject(this, action).code
- catch(e:Dynamic) null;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getParentWindow
- /**
- * Returns the window this component is contained in, if any
- *
- * @return Parent [Window] or null
- **/
- public function getParentWindow() : Window {
- var p = this.parent;
- while(p != null && !Std.is(p,Window)) {
- p = p.parent;
- }
- return cast p;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getParentContainer
- public function getParentContainer() : Dynamic {
- for(i in ancestors())
- if(Std.is(i, haxegui.containers.IContainer)) return i;
- return null;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ hasAction
- /**
- * Returns true if this component has an action
- * registered for the action type [action]. If this instance
- * does not have an override, the default from the style is
- * checked.
- *
- * @param action Action name
- * @return Bool true if an action exists
- **/
- public function hasAction(action:String) : Bool {
- var c = try ScriptManager.getInstanceActionObject(this, action) catch(e:Dynamic) null;
- return (c != null);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ hasOwnAction
- /**
- * Returns true if this component has an action registered
- * for the action type [action]. Only returns true if the
- * script is only for this instance.
- *
- * @param action Action name
- * @return Bool true if an action exists
- **/
- public function hasOwnAction(action:String) : Bool {
- return (ScriptManager.getInstanceOwnActionObject(this,action) != null);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ setAction
- /**
- * Sets the action code for the specified action name for this component.
- *
- * @param action Action name
- * @param code Action code
- **/
- public function setAction(action:String, code:String) : Void {
- ScriptManager.setInstanceScript(this, action, code);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ startInterval
- /**
- * Starts an interval timer, which calls the "interval" action.
- *
- * @param updatesPerSecond Number of times per second the interval action will be called
- **/
- public function startInterval(updatesPerSecond : Float) : Void {
- startIntervalDelayed(updatesPerSecond, 0.0);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ startIntervalDelayed
- /**
- * Starts an interval timer, which calls the "interval" action, after waiting [wait] seconds
- *
- * @param updatesPerSecond Number of times per second the interval action will be called
- * @param wait Number of seconds to wait before the first update.
- **/
- public function startIntervalDelayed(updatesPerSecond : Float, wait : Float) : Void {
- stopInterval();
- if(updatesPerSecond < 1) return;
- if(Math.isNaN(wait)) wait = 0.0;
- lastInterval = haxe.Timer.stamp() + wait;
- intervalUpdatesPerSec = updatesPerSecond;
- //~ this.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
- this.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false, 200, true);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ stopInterval
- /**
- * Stop the current interval timer
- **/
- public function stopInterval() : Void {
- this.removeEventListener(flash.events.Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ isValid
- /** Returns whether object validates **/
- public function isValid() : Bool {
- if(!hasAction("validate"))
- return true;
- var rv = ScriptManager.exec(this, "validate", {});
- if(rv == null) return true;
- return cast rv;
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Transformations
- //{{{ rotate
- public inline function rotate(a:Float) : Void {
- this.rotation += a;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ rotateTo
- public inline function rotateTo(a:Float) : Void {
- this.rotation = a;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ place
- /**
- * Absolute placement, no event sent
- * @param x offset relative to parent
- * @param y offset relative to parent
- **/
- public inline function place(x : Float, y : Float) : Void {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- this.x = box.x = x;
- this.y = box.y = y;
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ moveTo
- /**
- * Move to specific location.
- * @param x offset relative to parent
- * @param y offset relative to parent
- **/
- public inline function moveTo(x : Float, y : Float) : Void {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- var event = new MoveEvent(MoveEvent.MOVE, this.x, this.y);
- this.x = x;
- this.y = y;
- box.x = x;
- box.y = y;
- // if(Haxegui.gridSnapping) {
- // box.x = this.x -= this.x % Haxegui.gridSpacing;
- // box.y = this.y -= this.y % Haxegui.gridSpacing;
- // }
- if(!isTweening)
- dispatchEvent(event);
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ move
- /**
- * Move relative to current location.
- * @param x Horizontal offset relative to current position
- * @param y Vertical offset relative to current position
- **/
- public inline function move(x : Float, y : Float) : Void {
- moveTo(this.x + x, this.y + y);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ moveToPoint
- /** Move to absolute position [Point], relative to parent **/
- public inline function moveToPoint(p:Point) : Void {
- moveTo(p.x, p.y);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ movePoint
- /** Move by [Point], relative to current position **/
- public inline function movePoint(p:Point) : Void {
- moveToPoint(p.add(new Point(x,y)));
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ snap
- /** Snap position to grid
- * @see [Haxegui.gridSpacing]
- */
- public inline function snap() {
- move(- x % Haxegui.gridSpacing, - y % Haxegui.gridSpacing);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ center
- /** Move to parent's center **/
- public inline function center() {
- if(parent==flash.Lib.current)
- moveTo(Std.int(stage.stageWidth-box.width)>>1, Std.int(stage.stageHeight-box.height)>>1);
- else
- moveTo(Std.int((cast parent).box.width-box.width)>>1, Std.int((cast parent).box.height-box.height)>>1);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ resize
- /**
- * Resize box to [Size]
- * @return Rectangle new size
- **/
- public function resize(b:Size) : Rectangle {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- var event = new ResizeEvent(ResizeEvent.RESIZE);
- event.oldWidth = box.width;
- event.oldHeight = box.height;
- box = b.setAtLeastZero().toRect();
- if(Haxegui.gridSnapping) {
- box.width = box.width - box.width % Haxegui.gridSpacing;
- box.height = box.height - box.height % Haxegui.gridSpacing;
- }
- dispatchEvent(event);
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- return box;
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Layering
- //{{{ raise
- /**
- * Raise one layer
- * @return Int new depth
- **/
- public function raise() : Int {
- var d = Std.int(Math.max(0, Math.min(parent.numChildren-1, parent.getChildIndex(this)+1)));
- parent.setChildIndex(this, d);
- return d;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ lower
- /**
- * Lower one layer
- * @return Int new depth
- **/
- public function lower() : Int {
- var d = Std.int(Math.max(0, Math.min(parent.numChildren-1, parent.getChildIndex(this)-1)));
- parent.setChildIndex(this, d);
- return d;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ toFront
- /**
- * Raise to top layer
- * @return Int new depth
- **/
- public function toFront() : Int {
- parent.setChildIndex(this, parent.numChildren-1);
- //return parent.numChildren-1;
- return parent.getChildIndex(this);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ toBack
- /**
- * Lower to bottom
- * @return Void
- **/
- public function toBack() : Void {
- parent.setChildIndex(this, 0);
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Iterators & DOM
- //{{{ iterator
- /**
- * Returns iterator of all children.
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * if(this.haxeNext())
- * for(child in this)
- * ...
- * </pre>
- * @return Iterator<DisplayObject> Iterator for children
- */
- public function iterator() : Iterator<DisplayObject> {
- var l = new List<DisplayObject>();
- for(i in 0...numChildren)
- l.add(getChildAt(i));
- return l.iterator();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ ancestors
- /**
- * Returns iterator of all ancestors.
- * Example:
- * for(parent in component.ancestors())
- *
- * @return Iterator<DisplayObject> Iterator for parents
- */
- public function ancestors() : Iterator<DisplayObject> {
- var l = new List<DisplayObject>();
- var p = parent;
- while(p!=null) {
- l.add(p);
- p = p.parent;
- }
- return l.iterator();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ firstChild
- /** @return First child as [DisplayObject] **/
- public function firstChild() : DisplayObject {
- return numChildren==0 ? null : getChildAt(0);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ isEmpty
- /** @return True when component has no children **/
- public function isEmpty() : Bool {
- return firstChild() == null;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ prevSibling
- /** @return The previous sibling in the display list **/
- public function prevSibling() : DisplayObject {
- var p = Component.asComponent(parent);
- for(i in p)
- if(i==this)
- if(p.getChildIndex(this)>0) return p.getChildAt(p.getChildIndex(this)-1);
- return null;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ nextSibling
- /** @return The next sibling in the display list **/
- public function nextSibling() : DisplayObject {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- // var p = Component.asComponent(parent);
- var i = parent.getChildIndex(this);
- if(parent.numChildren==i) return null;
- // for(i in p)
- // if(i==this)
- // if(p.getChildIndex(this)<p.numChildren) return p.getChildAt(p.getChildIndex(this)+1);
- // return null;
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- return parent.getChildAt(i+1);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getChildById
- /** @return Returns a child by given id number **/
- public function getChildById(id:Int) : DisplayObject {
- for(i in this)
- if(Std.is(i, Component))
- if((cast i).id==id) return i;
- return null;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getElementsByClass
- /**
- * Returns an iterator for all children of type.
- * @param c Class to match
- * @return All children of type [c]
- */
- public function getElementsByClass(c:Class<Dynamic>) : Iterator<Dynamic> {
- var l = new List<Dynamic>();
- for(i in this)
- if(Std.is(i, c))
- l.add(i);
- return l.iterator();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getElementsByClassList
- /**
- * Returns an array of all children of type.
- * @param c Class to match
- * @return All children of type [c]
- */
- public function getElementsByClassArray(c:Class<Dynamic>) : Array<Dynamic> {
- var a = new Array<Dynamic>();
- for(i in this)
- if(Std.is(i, c))
- a.push(i);
- return a;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ removeChildren
- /**
- * Remove all children
- */
- public function removeChildren() : Void {
- for(child in this)
- if(Std.is(child, Component))
- (cast child).destroy();
- else
- removeChild(child);
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ getVisibleChildren
- public function getHiddenChildren() {
- return Lambda.filter(this, function(o) { return !o.visible; });
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getVisibleChildren
- public function getVisibleChildren() {
- return Lambda.filter(this, function(o) { return o.visible; });
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ replaceChild
- /**
- * @param newChild Child to add
- * @param oldChild Child to replace
- * @return Reference to new child
- **/
- public function replaceChild(newChild:Component, oldChild:Component) : Component {
- var i = getChildIndex(oldChild);
- oldChild.destroy();
- setChildIndex(newChild, i);
- return newChild;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ swapParent
- public function swapParent(np:DisplayObjectContainer) : Void {
- if(np==null) throw "new parent is null";
- np.addChild(this);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ hasFocus
- /**
- * @todo fix this
- **/
- public function hasFocus() : Bool {
- return FocusManager.getInstance().getFocus() == this ? true : false;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ swapChildrenVisible
- public function swapChildrenVisible(c:DisplayObject, d:DisplayObject) {
- c.visible = !c.visible;
- d.visible = !d.visible;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ swapChildrenVisibleAt
- public function swapChildrenVisibleAt(i:Int, j:Int) {
- swapChildrenVisible(getChildAt(i), getChildAt(j));
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ Tweening
- //{{{ updateColorTween
- /**
- * Stops the current(if there is one), and creates a new color tween
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * this.updateColorTween( new feffects.Tween(0, 100, 1000, feffects.easing.Expo.easeOut ) );
- * </pre>
- * @param t The [Tween] to use
- * @todo rgb color transformation
- **/
- public function updateColorTween(?t : Tween = null) : Void {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- var me = this;
- var colorTrans = new ColorTransform();
- if(colorTween != null)
- colorTween.stop();
- colorTween = t;
- if(t==null) return;
- colorTween.setTweenHandlers(
- function(v) {
- colorTrans.redOffset =
- colorTrans.greenOffset =
- colorTrans.blueOffset = v;
- me.transform.colorTransform = colorTrans;
- // me.isTweening = true;
- },
- function(v){
- // me.isTweening = false;
- me.colorTween = null;
- colorTrans = null;
- }
- );
- colorTween.start();
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ updateSaturationTween
- /**
- * Stops the current(if there is one), and creates a new color tween
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * this.updateColorTween( new feffects.Tween(0, 100, 1000, feffects.easing.Expo.easeOut ) );
- * </pre>
- * @param t The [Tween] to use
- * @todo rgb color transformation
- **/
- public function updateSaturationTween(?t : Tween = null) : Void {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- var me = this;
- if(saturationTween != null)
- saturationTween.stop();
- saturationTween = t;
- if(t==null) return;
- saturationTween.setTweenHandlers(
- function(v) {
- // me.isTweening = true;
- var b : Float = v / 3;
- var c : Float = 1 - (b * 2);
- var mtx : Array<Float> = [
- c, b, b, 0, 0,
- b, c, b, 0, 0,
- b, b, c, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
- me.filters = [new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(mtx)];
- },
- function(v){
- // me.isTweening = false;
- me.saturationTween = null;
- }
- );
- saturationTween.start();
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ updatePositionTween
- /**
- * Stops the old position tween and assign a new one.
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * this.updatePositionTween( new feffects.Tween(0, 1, 1000, feffects.easing.Expo.easeOut ), new Point(x,y));
- * </pre>
- * @param t Tween to use
- * @param p Relative destination
- * @param f Optional function called on update
- * @return Void
- */
- public function updatePositionTween(?t:Tween=null, ?p:Point, ?f:Float->Void) : Void {
- var me = this;
- var oldPos = new Point(this.x,this.y);
- if(positionTween != null)
- positionTween.stop();
- positionTween = t;
- if(t==null) return;
- positionTween.setTweenHandlers(
- function(v) {
- var pos = Point.interpolate(p, new Point(), v);
- pos = pos.add(oldPos);
- me.isTweening = true;
- // me.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
- me.x = pos.x;
- me.y = pos.y;
- if(f!=null) f(v);
- },
- function(v) {
- me.positionTween = null;
- me.isTweening = false;
- }
- );
- positionTween.start();
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Events
- //{{{ onAdded
- /** Triggered by addChild() or addChildAt() **/
- public function onAdded(e:Event) {}
- //}}}
- //{{{ onClick
- /** Placeholder for [onMouseClick]
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * trace("Do not use onClick, use onMouseClick");
- * onMouseClick(e);
- * </pre>
- **/
- private function onClick(e:MouseEvent) {
- trace("Do not use onClick, use onMouseClick");
- onMouseClick(e);
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onFocusIn
- /**
- * When a component is gaining focus, this event occurs twice.
- *
- * The first time, [focusFrom] is set to the object losing focus.
- *
- * The second time, [focusFrom == this] which shows that all parents
- * have been notified of the focus change.
- * @param e the [FocusEvent]
- **/
- public function onFocusIn(e:FocusEvent) {
- if(disabled) return;
- // -- Fired twice: first time --
- // related == object losing focus
- // target == object gaining focus
- // currentTarget == this
- // -- second time --
- // related == null
- // target == currentTarget == this
- //trace("++++ " + Std.string(this) + " onFocusIn");
- //trace("onFocusIn relatedObject: " + Std.string(e.relatedObject));
- //trace("onFocusIn currentTarget: " + Std.string(e.currentTarget));
- //trace("onFocusIn target: " + Std.string(e.target));
- ScriptManager.exec(this, "focusIn", {focusFrom : e.target});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onFocusOut
- /**
- * When a component is losing focus, this event occurs
- *
- * [focusTo] is set to the object gaining focus.
- *
- * @param e the [FocusEvent]
- **/
- private function onFocusOut(e:FocusEvent) : Void {
- if(disabled) return;
- //trace("++++ " + Std.string(this) + " onFocusOut");
- //trace("onFocusOut relatedObject: " + Std.string(e.relatedObject));
- //trace("onFocusOut currentTarget: " + Std.string(e.currentTarget));
- //trace("onFocusOut target: " + Std.string(e.target));
- // -- Fired twice : a real mess... we just need one
- if(e.relatedObject != null)
- ScriptManager.exec(this, "focusOut", {focusTo : e.relatedObject});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onGainingFocus
- /**
- * If the component will not take focus, return false from this handler
- * which will cancel the focus transfer.
- *
- * @param from the [InteractiveObject] who lost focus
- * @return Bool wheter the component will take focus
- **/
- public function onGainingFocus(from : flash.display.InteractiveObject) : Bool {
- var rv : Dynamic = ScriptManager.exec(this,"gainingFocus", {focusFrom : from});
- //trace(here.methodName + " " + rv);
- if(rv == null || rv == true)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onLosingFocus
- /**
- * Dispatched to this object when it is about to lose focus
- *
- * @param losingTo the [InteractiveObject] who is currently getting focused
- * @return Bool true to allow change, false to prevent focus change
- **/
- public function onLosingFocus(losingTo : flash.display.InteractiveObject) : Bool {
- var rv : Dynamic = ScriptManager.exec(this,"losingFocus", {focusTo : losingTo});
- if(rv == null)
- return true;
- return cast rv;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onRollOver
- /** onRollOver Event **/
- public function onRollOver(e:MouseEvent) {
- if(CursorManager.getInstance().lock) return;
- if(description!=null) TooltipManager.getInstance().create(this);
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseOver", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onRollOut
- /** onRollOut Event **/
- public function onRollOut(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- if(CursorManager.getInstance().lock) return;
- if(description!=null) TooltipManager.getInstance().destroy();
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseOut", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onMouseDoubleClick
- /** Mouse double-click **/
- public function onMouseDoubleClick(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- #if debug
- // if(e.target == this)
- // trace("onMouseDoubleClick " + this.name + " (trgt: " + e.target + ") hasOwnAction:" + hasOwnAction("mouseDoubleClick"));
- #end
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseDoubleClick", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onMouseClick
- /** Mouse click **/
- public function onMouseClick(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- #if debug
- // trace(e);
- #end
- if(description!=null) TooltipManager.getInstance().destroy();
- ScriptManager.exec(this, "mouseClick", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onMouseDown
- /**
- * Mouse Down
- * @todo remove transformer
- **/
- public function onMouseDown(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- #if debug
- // trace(e);
- #end
- if(e.ctrlKey) {
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- // dont transform transformers
- if(Std.is(this, haxegui.toys.Transformer) || Std.is(this.parent, haxegui.toys.Transformer)) return;
- var t = new haxegui.toys.Transformer(this);
- t.init();
- var p = (cast this).localToGlobal( new flash.geom.Point(this.x, this.y) );
- t.x = p.x - this.x - Transformer.handleSize;
- t.y = p.y - this.y - Transformer.handleSize;
- // no point in doing the normal action, user wants to transform
- return;
- }
- if(description!=null) TooltipManager.getInstance().destroy();
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseDown", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onMouseUp
- /** Mouse Up **/
- public function onMouseUp(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseUp", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onMouseWheel
- /** Mouse Wheel **/
- public function onMouseWheel(e:MouseEvent) : Void {
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"mouseWheel", {event : e});
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onKeyDown
- /** Overiden in sub-classes **/
- public function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent) : Void {}
- //}}}
- //{{{ onKeyUp
- /** Overiden in sub-classes **/
- public function onKeyUp(e:KeyboardEvent) : Void {}
- //}}}
- //{{{ onResize
- /** Overiden in sub-classes **/
- public function onResize(e:ResizeEvent) : Void {
- box.width = Math.max(minSize.width, Math.min(maxSize.width, box.width));
- box.height = Math.max(minSize.height, Math.min(maxSize.height, box.height));
- dirty = true;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ onEnterFrame
- private function onEnterFrame(e:Event) : Void {
- var now = haxe.Timer.stamp();
- var stepsF : Float = (now - lastInterval) * intervalUpdatesPerSec;
- var steps : Int = Math.floor( stepsF );
- lastInterval += steps / intervalUpdatesPerSec;
- for(x in 0...steps) {
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"interval",{event:e});
- }
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ __focusHandler
- private function __focusHandler(e:FocusEvent) {
- // relatedObject is one gaining focus
- // target is object losing focus
- // currentTarget == this
- //trace("------" + Std.string(this) + " __focusHandler");
- //trace("__focusHandler " + (if(e.currentTarget != this) " ******* " + Std.string(e.currentTarget) else "") + " : from " + Std.string(e.target) + " to " + Std.string(e.relatedObject));
- //var o = e.target;
- var comp : Component = asComponent(e.currentTarget);
- // first event is fired to the target about to lose focus
- if(e.currentTarget == e.target && comp != null) {
- // see if current object will relinquish focus to gainer.
- if(!comp.onLosingFocus(cast asComponentIfIs(e.relatedObject))) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- comp.stage.focus = comp;
- #if debug
- trace("Losing focus to " + asComponentIfIs(e.relatedObject).name + " prevented by " + asComponentIfIs(e.target).name);
- #end
- return;
- }
- }
- comp = asComponent(e.relatedObject);
- // check if the object gaining focus rejects
- if(comp != null) {
- if(!comp.onGainingFocus(cast asComponentIfIs(e.relatedObject))) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- comp.stage.focus = comp;
- #if debug
- trace("Gain of focus denied by " + asComponentIfIs(e.relatedObject));
- #end
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ redraw
- /**
- * Excecute redrawing script
- * <pre class="code haxe">
- * // example of sending variables to hscript redraw action
- * var com = new Component();
- * var opts = { color: Color.RED, size: new Size(100,40) };
- * com.setAction("redraw", "
- * this.graphics.beginFill(color);
- * this.graphics.drawRect(0,0,size.width,size.height);
- * this.graphics.endFill();
- * ");
- * com.redraw(opts);
- * </pre>
- * @param opts to pass the redrawing script
- **/
- public function redraw(opts:Dynamic=null) {
- haxegui.Profiler.begin(here.className.split(".").pop()+"."+here.methodName);
- ScriptManager.exec(this,"redraw", opts);
- haxegui.Profiler.end();
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Getters/Setters
- //{{{ __getDirty
- private function __getDirty() : Bool {
- return this.dirty;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ __setDirty
- private function __setDirty(v:Bool) : Bool {
- if(this.dirty == v) return v;
- this.dirty = v;
- if(v)
- Haxegui.setDirty(this);
- return v;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ __getDisabled
- private function __getDisabled() : Bool {
- return this.disabled;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ __setDisabled
- private function __setDisabled(v:Bool) : Bool {
- if(this.disabled == v) return v;
- this.disabled = v;
- this.dirty = true;
- for(c in this) {
- if(Std.is(c,Component))
- (cast c).disabled = v;
- }
- return v;
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Private
- //{{{ addDisplayObjectEvents
- /** add the focus events to any child that is not a Component **/
- private function addDisplayObjectEvents(o : DisplayObject) {
- if(!Std.is(o, Component)) {
- removeDisplayObjectEvents(o);
- o.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler, false, 0, true);
- o.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler, false, 0, true);
- //o.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn, false, 0, true);
- //o.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut, false, 0, true);
- }
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ removeDisplayObjectEvents
- private function removeDisplayObjectEvents(o : DisplayObject) {
- if(!Std.is(o, Component)) {
- o.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler);
- o.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, __focusHandler);
- o.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onFocusIn);
- o.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onFocusOut);
- }
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //{{{ Static
- //{{{ asComponent
- /**
- * Return the Component the DisplayObject belongs to. If the [obj] DisplayObject
- * is a Component, then it will be returned. Useful for finding what Component
- * a Sprite belongs to.
- *
- * @todo maybe unstatic the function, mostly used with 'using'
- * @param obj DisplayObject or Component
- * @return Component, or null if is not a Component and does not belong to a Component.
- **/
- public static function asComponent( obj : DisplayObject ) : Component {
- if(Std.is(obj, Component))
- return cast obj;
- if(obj == null) return null;
- var p = obj.parent;
- while(p != null && !Std.is(p,Component)) {
- p = p.parent;
- }
- if(p == null)
- return null;
- return cast p;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ asComponentIfIs
- /**
- * Return the Component the DisplayObject belongs to. If the [obj] DisplayObject
- * is a Component, then it will be returned. Useful for finding what Component
- * a Sprite belongs to.
- *
- * @param obj DisplayObject or Component
- * @return Component, or [obj] if is not a Component and does not belong to a Component.
- **/
- public static function asComponentIfIs( obj : DisplayObject ) : DisplayObject {
- if(Std.is(obj, Component))
- return obj;
- if(obj == null) return null;
- var p = obj.parent;
- while(p != null && !Std.is(p,Component)) {
- p = p.parent;
- }
- if(p == null)
- return obj;
- return p;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ getParentComponent
- /**
- * Find the containing Component for any DisplayObject, if any.
- *
- * @param obj Any display object
- * @return Parent Component, or null
- **/
- public static function getParentComponent(obj : DisplayObject) : Component {
- var p = obj.parent;
- while(p != null && !Std.is(p, Component))
- p = p.parent;
- if(p == null) return null;
- return cast p;
- }
- //}}}
- //{{{ rasterize
- /**
- * @return Bitmap a [Bitmap] copy of the component
- */
- public static function rasterize(content:DisplayObjectContainer,rect:Rectangle=null,precision:Float=1.0) : flash.display.Bitmap {
- if (rect==null)
- //~ rect = content.getBounds(content);
- if(Std.is(content, Component))
- rect = (cast content).box;
- if(rect.isEmpty()) return null;
- var tmp:Rectangle = rect.clone();
- tmp.inflate((precision - 1) * rect.width, (precision - 1) * rect.height);
- var data = new BitmapData(cast rect.width * precision,cast rect.height * precision, true, 0x00000000);
- data.draw(content, new flash.geom.Matrix(precision, 0, 0, precision, -rect.x * precision, -rect.y * precision),
- null, null, null,true);
- var bitmap = new flash.display.Bitmap(data);
- bitmap.name ="contentBitmap";
- //~ bitmap.x = tmp.x;
- //~ bitmap.y = tmp.y;
- bitmap.scaleX = bitmap.scaleY = 1 / precision;
- //~ for (i in 0...content.numChildren)
- //~ {
- //~ content.getChildAt(i).visible = false;
- //~ }
- //~ content.addChild(bitmap);
- return bitmap;
- }
- //}}}
- //}}}
- //}}}
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- }