Shell | 63 lines | 57 code | 5 blank | 1 comment | 2 complexity | 70587f9f94ab73085f044880f5c1d420 MD5 | raw file
- #!/bin/sh
- export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=/Applications"
- brew update
- brew upgrade
- brew install ack
- brew install aspell
- brew install autoconf
- brew install automake
- brew install axel
- brew install cairo
- brew install cmake
- brew install cmigemo
- brew install colordiff
- brew install coreutils
- brew install ctags
- brew install docker
- brew install --with-cocoa emacs
- brew install enscript
- brew install fzf
- brew install git
- brew install git-when-merged
- brew install gnu-sed
- brew install go
- brew tap b4b4r07/gomi && brew install gomi
- brew install graphicsmagick
- brew install graphviz
- brew install hub
- brew install imagemagick
- brew install jq
- brew install libxml2
- brew install llvm
- brew install migemogrep
- brew install mongodb
- brew install neo4j
- brew install node
- brew install nkf
- brew install pandoc
- brew install peco
- brew install pstree
- brew install ragel # Use to build `whitequark/parser`
- brew install rbenv-default-gems
- brew install rlwrap
- brew install source-highlight
- brew install the_silver_searcher
- brew install tig
- brew install tmux
- brew install wget
- brew install --without-etcdir zsh
- brew install zsh-completions
- brew tap homebrew/dupes
- brew install less # Terminal displays weird characters... Thanks to https://github.com/as-cii/terminal-emojify
- brew install screen
- brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
- brew cask install docker
- brew cask install iterm2 && brew cask cleanup
- brew cask install mojibar
- brew cask install ngrok
- brew install https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/master/pkg/brew/ripgrep.rb