C Header | 314 lines | 259 code | 37 blank | 18 comment | 36 complexity | b131ec91124aa4baee24c4f0c34b7e79 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0
- #include "MT32Emu/mt32emu.h"
- #include "mixer.h"
- #include "control.h"
- #include "SDL_thread.h"
- //--Added 2011-09-22 by Alun Bestor to allow Boxer to hook into MT-32 emulation.
- #import "BXCoalfaceAudio.h"
- //--End of modifications
- #include <iostream>
- #include <string>
- using namespace std;
- //#define MT32MULTICORE 1
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- static inline void cpuID(unsigned i, unsigned regs[4]) {
- __asm__ __volatile__
- ("cpuid" : "=a" (regs[0]), "=b" (regs[1]), "=c" (regs[2]), "=d" (regs[3]): "a" (i), "c" (0));
- // ECX is set to zero for CPUID function 4
- }
- static inline int cpu_check(void) {
- unsigned regs[4];
- char vendor[12];
- cpuID(0, regs);
- ((unsigned *)vendor)[0] = regs[1]; // EBX
- ((unsigned *)vendor)[1] = regs[3]; // EDX
- ((unsigned *)vendor)[2] = regs[2]; // ECX
- string cpuVendor = string(vendor, 12);
- // Get CPU features
- cpuID(1, regs);
- unsigned cpuFeatures = regs[3]; // EDX
- if (cpuVendor == "GenuineIntel" && cpuFeatures & (1 << 28)) { // HTT bit
- // Logical core count per CPU
- cpuID(1, regs); unsigned logical = (regs[1] >> 16) & 0xff; // EBX[23:16]
- unsigned cores = logical;
- if (cpuVendor == "GenuineIntel") {
- // Get DCP cache info
- cpuID(4, regs);
- cores = ((regs[0] >> 26) & 0x3f) + 1; // EAX[31:26] + 1
- } else if (cpuVendor == "AuthenticAMD") {
- // Get NC: Number of CPU cores - 1
- cpuID(0x80000008, regs);
- cores = ((unsigned)(regs[2] & 0xff)) + 1; // ECX[7:0] + 1
- } else return 1;
- return cores;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- MT32Emu::Synth *_usesynth;
- MixerChannel *mt32chan = NULL;
- bool mt32ReverseStereo = false;
- struct mt32 {
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- SDL_mutex * mutex;
- SDL_semaphore * sem;
- SDL_Thread * thread;
- bool multicore;
- #endif
- volatile bool running, busy;
- Bit8u len, play;
- };
- void ReverseStereo(Bitu len, Bit16s *buf) {
- for(Bitu i = 0; i < len; i++) {
- Bit16s left = *buf;
- Bit16s right = buf[1];
- *buf++ = right;
- *buf++ = left;
- }
- }
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- static int MT32_Thread(void*) {
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- while(mt32.running) {
- Bitu len;
- if(!(mt32.play) && !(mt32.len)) {
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- SDL_SemWait(mt32.sem);
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- }
- mt32.busy = true;
- while(mt32.play) {
- len = mt32.play;
- Bit32u *tmp = ((Bit32u*)mt32.msg);
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- while(len--) {
- _usesynth->playMsg(*tmp++);
- }
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- len = tmp-(Bit32u*)mt32.msg;
- mt32.play -= len;
- if(mt32.play) SDL_memmove(mt32.msg, tmp, mt32.play<<2);
- }
- while(mt32.len) {
- len = (mt32.len>>2) < MIXER_BUFSIZE ? mt32.len : MIXER_BUFSIZE<<2;
- mt32.len -= len;
- #ifdef MT32DEBUG
- if(mt32.len) LOG_MSG("MT32:WARNING: len left (%d)", mt32.len);
- #endif
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- _usesynth->render((Bit16s *)mt32.Temp, len);
- if (mt32ReverseStereo) {
- ReverseStereo(len, (Bit16s *)MixTemp);
- }
- mt32chan->AddSamples_s16(len,(Bit16s *)mt32.Temp);
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- break;
- }
- mt32.busy = false;
- }
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- static void MT32_CallBack(Bitu len) {
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- if(mt32.multicore) {
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- mt32.len += len;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- SDL_SemPost(mt32.sem);
- } else {
- #endif
- _usesynth->render((Bit16s *)MixTemp, len);
- if (mt32ReverseStereo) {
- ReverseStereo(len, (Bit16s *)MixTemp);
- }
- mt32chan->AddSamples_s16(len,(Bit16s *)MixTemp);
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- }
- #endif
- }
- static int report(void *userData, MT32Emu::ReportType type, const void *reportData) {
- switch(type) {
- case MT32Emu::ReportType_errorControlROM:
- LOG_MSG("MT32:Couldn't find control files");
- break;
- case MT32Emu::ReportType_errorPCMROM:
- LOG_MSG("MT32:Couldn't open MT32_PCM.ROM file");
- break;
- default:
- //LOG(LOG_ALL,LOG_NORMAL)("MT32: Report %d",type);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- class MidiHandler_mt32: public MidiHandler {
- private:
- MT32Emu::Synth *_synth;
- int _outputRate;
- bool isOpen;
- public:
- MidiHandler_mt32() : isOpen(false),MidiHandler() {};
- const char * GetName(void) { return "mt32";};
- bool Open(const char * conf) {
- MT32Emu::SynthProperties tmpProp;
- memset(&tmpProp, 0, sizeof(tmpProp));
- tmpProp.sampleRate = 32000;
- tmpProp.useDefaultReverb = false;
- tmpProp.useReverb = true;
- tmpProp.reverbType = 0;
- tmpProp.reverbTime = 5;
- tmpProp.reverbLevel = 3;
- tmpProp.userData = this;
- //tmpProp.printDebug = &vdebug;
- //--Modified 2011-09-22 by Alun Bestor to use Boxer's own callbacks instead.
- //tmpProp.report = &report;
- tmpProp.report = &boxer_reportMT32Message;
- tmpProp.openFile = &boxer_openMT32ROM;
- tmpProp.closeFile = &boxer_closeMT32ROM;
- tmpProp.printDebug = &boxer_logMT32DebugMessage;
- //--End of modifications
- _synth = new MT32Emu::Synth();
- if (_synth->open(tmpProp)==0) {
- LOG(LOG_ALL,LOG_ERROR)("MT32:Error initialising emulation");
- return false;
- }
- _usesynth=_synth;
- Section_prop* section=static_cast<Section_prop *>(control->GetSection("midi"));
- if(strcmp(section->Get_string("mt32reverb.mode"),"auto")) {
- Bit8u reverbsysex[] = {0x10, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x05, 0x03};
- reverbsysex[3] = (Bit8u)atoi(section->Get_string("mt32reverb.mode"));
- reverbsysex[4] = (Bit8u)section->Get_int("mt32reverb.time");
- reverbsysex[5] = (Bit8u)section->Get_int("mt32reverb.level");
- _synth->writeSysex(16, reverbsysex, 6);
- _synth->setReverbOverridden(true);
- } else {
- LOG_MSG("MT32:Using default reverb");
- }
- if(strcmp(section->Get_string("mt32DAC"),"auto")) {
- _synth->setDACInputMode((MT32Emu::DACInputMode)atoi(section->Get_string("mt32DAC")));
- }
- if(!strcmp(section->Get_string("mt32ReverseStereo"),"on")) {
- mt32ReverseStereo = true;
- } else {
- mt32ReverseStereo = false;
- }
- if (mt32chan == NULL)
- mt32chan=MIXER_AddChannel(MT32_CallBack,tmpProp.sampleRate,"MT32");
- mt32chan->Enable(true);
- /* Create MT32 thread */
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- mt32.multicore=(cpu_check()>1?true:false);
- if(mt32.multicore) {
- mt32.mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
- mt32.sem = SDL_CreateSemaphore(0);
- mt32.running = true;
- mt32.busy = false;
- mt32.play = 0;
- mt32.thread = SDL_CreateThread(MT32_Thread, NULL);
- }
- #endif
- return true;
- };
- void Close(void) {
- if (!isOpen) return;
- mt32chan->Enable(false);
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- if(mt32.multicore) {
- mt32.running = false;
- SDL_SemPost(mt32.sem);
- SDL_WaitThread(mt32.thread, NULL);
- SDL_DestroyMutex(mt32.mutex);
- }
- #endif
- _synth->close();
- delete _synth;
- _synth = NULL;
- _usesynth=_synth;
- isOpen=false;
- };
- void PlayMsg(Bit8u * msg) {
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- if(mt32.multicore) {
- // Try to queue play commands
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- // Playcommand buffer full?
- while(!(mt32.play < SYSEX_SIZE>>2)) {
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- LOG_MSG("MT32:Playback buffer full...");
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- }
- SDL_memcpy(mt32.msg+(mt32.play<<2), msg, sizeof(Bit32u));
- mt32.play ++;
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- SDL_SemPost(mt32.sem);
- } else {
- #endif
- //--Modified 2011-09-22 by Alun Bestor to fix endianness bug from byte-array casting.
- _synth->playMsg(boxer_MIDIMessageToLong(msg));
- //--End of modifications
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- }
- #endif
- };
- void PlaySysex(Bit8u * sysex,Bitu len) {
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- if(mt32.multicore) {
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- while(mt32.busy) {
- SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- #ifdef MT32DEBUG
- LOG_MSG("MT32:Waiting to deliver sysex");
- #endif
- SDL_LockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- }
- }
- #endif
- if(sysex[0] == 0xf0) {
- _synth->playSysex(sysex, len);
- } else {
- _synth->playSysexWithoutFraming(sysex, len);
- }
- #ifdef MT32MULTICORE
- if(mt32.multicore) SDL_UnlockMutex(mt32.mutex);
- #endif
- };
- };
- MidiHandler_mt32 Midi_mt32;