C++ | 1357 lines | 1019 code | 185 blank | 153 comment | 101 complexity | db1278e9766886b8b36b77e26deb9259 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright(C) 2006
- *
- * This program is proprietary to Samsung India Software Operations Pvt. Ltd.,
- * and is protected under International Copyright Act as an unpublished work.Its
- * use and disclosure is limited by the terms and conditions of a license agree-
- * -ment. It may not be copied or otherwise reproduced or disclosed to persons
- * outside the licensee's organization except in accordance with the terms and
- * conditions of such an agreement. All copies and reproductions shall be the
- * property of Samsung India Software Operations Pvt. Ltd. and must bear this
- * notice in its entirety.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- /*
- ***************************************************************************//*!
- *
- * \file pixel.cpp
- * \author Sandeep Kakarlapudi (s.kakarla@samsung.com)
- * \brief Pixel Conversion functions & encoding/decoding function definitions
- *
- *//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * NOTES:
- *
- *//*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * 03.04.2007 Sandeep Kakarlapudi Initial Version
- *
- * 20.06.2007 Sandeep kakarlapudi Bug-Fix for color expansion
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- #include "pixel.h"
- #include "platform.h"
- //#include <vector>
- #include "ustl.h"
- enum { R, G, B, A};
- #define TYPE2B enum{numBytes=2}; typedef unsigned short PixType
- #define TYPE4B enum{numBytes=4}; typedef unsigned int PixType
- //The following types are typically not used!
- #define TYPE1B enum{numBytes=1}; typedef unsigned char PixType
- #define TYPE3B enum{numBytes=3}; typedef unsigned int PixType
- //Debug functions
- void printBits(unsigned int a)
- {
- //LOGMSG("%x ",a);
- ustl::string s;
- do
- {
- s.insert(0,(a&1)?"1":"");
- a>>=1;
- }while(a);
- LOGMSG("%s ",s.c_str());
- }
- void printPix(int a,int b,int c,int d, unsigned int val)
- {
- unsigned int x=val&((1<<a)-1);
- val>>=a;
- unsigned int y = val&(( 1<<b)-1);
- val>>=b;
- unsigned int z = val&(( 1<<c)-1);
- val>>=c;
- unsigned int w = val&(( 1<<d)-1);
- val>>=d;
- LOGMSG("[ ");
- printBits(w);
- printBits(z);
- printBits(y);
- printBits(x);
- LOGMSG("]\n");
- }
- #define DEFPRINT static void print(PixType s) { printPix(Bx,By,Bz,Bw,s); }
- [2:0] Mode used in Frame Buffer Color
- 000b = 555, RGB, 16-bit (top bit written as register alpha[7])
- 001b = 565, RGB, 16-bit
- 010b = 4444, RGB, 16-bit
- 011b = 1555, ARGB, 16-bit
- 100b = 0888, RGB, 32-bit(top byte written as register alpha)
- 101b = 8888, ARGB, 32-bit
- 110 ~ 111b = reserved
- */
- #define FMT(f) enum { Fmt = (f) }
- #define ORDER(a,b,c,d) enum { X=(d), Y=(c), Z=(b), W=(a) }
- #define BITS(a,b,c,d) enum {Bx=(d), By=(c), Bz=(b), Bw=(a) }
- //ORDER, First component is writen at LSBs
- // X,Y,Z,W is the order in which bits are "popped off" the LSBS are the top of the "stack"
- // => X corresponds to the LSBs, W corresponds to MSBs
- struct PxARGB8 { FMT(E_ARGB8); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(8,8,8,8); TYPE4B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxARGB0888 { FMT(E_ARGB0888); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(0,8,8,8); TYPE4B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxRGB8 { FMT(E_RGB8); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(0,8,8,8); TYPE3B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxARGB4 { FMT(E_ARGB4); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(4,4,4,4); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxRGB565{ FMT(E_RGB565); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(0,5,6,5); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxRGB5 { FMT(E_RGB5); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(0,5,5,5); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxARGB1555 { FMT(E_ARGB1555); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(1,5,5,5); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxABGR8 {FMT(E_ABGR8); ORDER(A,B,G,R); BITS(8,8,8,8); TYPE4B; DEFPRINT };
- struct PxBGR8{FMT(E_BGR8); ORDER(A,B,G,R); BITS(0,8,8,8); TYPE3B; DEFPRINT};
- struct PxRGBA4{FMT(E_RGBA4); ORDER(R,G,B,A); BITS(4,4,4,4); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT};
- struct PxRGBA5551{FMT(E_RGBA5551); ORDER(R,G,B,A); BITS(5,5,5,1); TYPE2B; DEFPRINT};
- struct PxALPHA8 { FMT(E_ALPHA8); ORDER(A,R,G,B); BITS(8,0,0,0); TYPE1B; DEFPRINT };
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- * Component level encoder / decoder
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- //Scaffolding to help with function specialization
- template <typename S, unsigned char component, unsigned char bits>
- struct _pixPopHelper //Handles bits in [4,8]
- {
- static inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- //This implemetation gives accurate results for "bits" in range [4,8]
- const unsigned char srcVal = (s&((1<<bits)-1));
- d.c[component] = ( srcVal<<(8-bits) ) | (srcVal>>(2*bits-8));
- //Old implementation:
- // MASK SHIFT UP set LSBs to 1
- //d.c[component] = ( (s&((1<<bits)-1))<< (8-bits) ) | ( ((1<<(8-bits))-1) );
- s >>= bits;
- //LOGMSG("d.[%d] = %x \n",component,d.val );
- //LOGMSG("s = %x \n",s );
- }
- };
- template <typename S, unsigned char component>
- struct _pixPopHelper<S,component,0> //Handles bits = 0
- {
- static inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- d.c[component] = 0xFF;
- //s>>= bits;
- }
- };
- template <typename S, unsigned char component>
- struct _pixPopHelper<S,component,1> //Handles bits = 1
- {
- static inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- d.c[component] = (s&1)? 0xFF : 0;
- s>>= 1;//bits;
- }
- };
- template <typename S, unsigned char component>
- struct _pixPopHelper<S,component,2> //Handles bits = 2
- {
- static inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- unsigned char tmp = s&0x3;
- tmp |= (tmp<<2);
- d.c[component] = (tmp<<4)|tmp;
- s>>= 2;
- }
- };
- template <typename S, unsigned char component>
- struct _pixPopHelper<S,component,3> //Handles bits = 3
- {
- static inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- unsigned char tmp = s&0x7;
- d.c[component] = (tmp<<5)|(tmp<<2)|(tmp>>1);
- s>>= 3;
- }
- };
- template <unsigned char component, typename D, unsigned char bits>
- struct _pixPushHelper
- {
- static inline void pushBits(typename D::PixType& d, const PxRGBAData& s)
- {
- d<<=bits;
- d|= s.c[component]>>(8-bits);
- }
- };
- template <unsigned char component>
- struct _pixPushHelper<component,PxARGB0888,0>
- {
- static inline void pushBits(PxARGB0888::PixType& d, const PxRGBAData& s)
- {
- //d<<=8; Not required since A is the first component!
- d |= 0xFF;
- }
- };
- template <>
- //When copying to PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80, we make alpha as 0xff to aid hardware and to conform to GL.
- struct _pixPushHelper<A,PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80,0>
- {
- static inline void pushBits(PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80::PixType& d, const PxRGBAData& s)
- {
- //d<<=8; Not required since A is the first component!
- d |= 0xFF;
- }
- };
- template <>
- //When copying to PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80, we make alpha as 0xff to aid hardware and to conform to GL.
- struct _pixPushHelper<R,PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08,0>
- {
- static inline void pushBits(PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08::PixType& d, const PxRGBAData& s)
- {
- d<<=8; //Not required since A is the first component!
- d |= 0xFF; //to test
- }
- };
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- * Main encode/decode functions
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- template <typename D, unsigned char component, unsigned char bits>
- inline void pushBits(typename D::PixType& d, const PxRGBAData& s)
- {
- // d<<=bits;
- // d|= s.c[component]>>(8-bits);
- _pixPushHelper<component,D,bits>::pushBits(d,s);
- }
- template <typename S, unsigned char component, unsigned char bits>
- inline void popBits(typename S::PixType& s, PxRGBAData& d)
- {
- _pixPopHelper<S,component,bits>::popBits(s,d);
- }
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- * Pixel converter templates
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- template <typename D>
- inline typename D::PixType
- convertFromRGBAData(PxRGBAData s)
- {
- typename D::PixType d=0;
- pushBits<D, D::W, D::Bw>(d, s);
- pushBits<D, D::Z, D::Bz>(d, s);
- pushBits<D, D::Y, D::By>(d, s);
- pushBits<D, D::X, D::Bx>(d, s);
- return d;
- }
- template <typename S>
- inline PxRGBAData
- convertToRGBAData(typename S::PixType s)
- {
- PxRGBAData d;
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(s, d);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(s, d);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(s, d);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(s, d);
- return d;
- }
- template<typename S>
- inline void genMipMapCore( void* pIn, void* pOut,GLsizei widthOut, GLsizei heightOut,GLsizei widthIn, GLsizei heightIn)
- {
- typename S::PixType* srcTmp = (typename S::PixType*)pIn;
- typename S::PixType* dstTmp = (typename S::PixType*)pOut;
- typename S::PixType srcT ;
- PxRGBAData d1,d2,d3,d4 ;
- if(heightIn == 1)
- widthIn =0;
- int flag = 0;
- if(widthIn == 1)
- flag = 2;
- //handle win ==1 AND hin ==1 case
- for (int y = 0; y < heightOut ; ++y)
- for(int x =0; x< widthOut; ++x)
- {
- srcT = srcTmp[2*x + 2*y * widthIn];
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(srcT, d1);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(srcT, d1);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(srcT, d1);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(srcT, d1);
- srcT = srcTmp[ 2*x+1 + 2*y * widthIn];
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(srcT, d2);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(srcT, d2);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(srcT, d2);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(srcT, d2);
- srcT = srcTmp[ 2*x + (2*y + 1) * widthIn];
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(srcT, d3);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(srcT, d3);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(srcT, d3);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(srcT, d3);
- srcT = srcTmp[ (2*x+1) + (2*y +1) * widthIn - flag];
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(srcT, d4);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(srcT, d4);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(srcT, d4);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(srcT, d4);
- d1.c[0] = (d1.c[0] + d2.c[0] + d3.c[0] + d4.c[0])>>2;
- d1.c[1] = (d1.c[1] + d2.c[1] + d3.c[1] + d4.c[1])>>2;
- d1.c[2] = (d1.c[2] + d2.c[2] + d3.c[2] + d4.c[2])>>2;
- d1.c[3] = (d1.c[3] + d2.c[3] + d3.c[3] + d4.c[3])>>2;
- pushBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(dstTmp[x + y* widthOut], d1);
- pushBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(dstTmp[x + y* widthOut], d1);
- pushBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(dstTmp[x + y* widthOut], d1);
- pushBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(dstTmp[x + y* widthOut], d1);
- }
- }
- void genMipMaps(PxFmt fmt, void* pIn, void* pOut, GLsizei widthOut, GLsizei heightOut, GLsizei widthIn, GLsizei heightIn)
- {
- switch(fmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8: return genMipMapCore<PxARGB8>( pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_ARGB0888: return genMipMapCore<PxARGB0888>( pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_RGB8: return genMipMapCore<PxRGB8>(pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_ARGB4: return genMipMapCore<PxARGB4>(pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_RGB565: return genMipMapCore<PxRGB565>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_RGB5: return genMipMapCore<PxRGB5>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_ARGB1555: return genMipMapCore<PxARGB1555>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_LUMINANCE8: return genMipMapCore<PxLUMINANCE8>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA88: return genMipMapCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA88>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA80: return genMipMapCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA08: return genMipMapCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- //added for new format
- case E_ABGR8: return genMipMapCore<PxABGR8>( pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_BGR8: return genMipMapCore<PxBGR8>(pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_RGBA4: return genMipMapCore<PxRGBA4>(pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_RGBA5551: return genMipMapCore<PxRGBA5551>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_ALPHA_LUMINANCE88: return genMipMapCore<PxALPHA_LIMUNANCE88>(pIn, pOut,widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- case E_ALPHA8: return genMipMapCore<PxALPHA8>( pIn, pOut, widthOut, heightOut, widthIn, heightIn);
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown/unsupported destination pixel format: %d\n",fmt);
- }
- }
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- * Main Converters
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- unsigned int convertFromRGBA(PxFmt dFmt, float rval, float gval, float bval, float aval)
- {
- PxRGBAData s;
- //gAssert((0.0<=rval)&&(rval<=1.0));
- s.c[R] = (unsigned char)(rval*255.0f);
- s.c[G] = (unsigned char)(gval*255.0f);
- s.c[B] = (unsigned char)(bval*255.0f);
- s.c[A] = (unsigned char)(aval*255.0f);
- return convertFromRGBA(dFmt, s);
- }
- unsigned int convertFromRGBA(PxFmt dFmt, unsigned char rval, unsigned char gval, unsigned char bval, unsigned char aval)
- {
- PxRGBAData s;
- s.c[R] = rval;
- s.c[G] = gval;
- s.c[B] = bval;
- s.c[A] = aval;
- return convertFromRGBA(dFmt, s);
- }
- unsigned int convertFromRGBA(PxFmt dFmt, PxRGBAData s)
- {
- switch(dFmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8: return convertFromRGBAData<PxARGB8>(s);
- case E_ARGB0888: return convertFromRGBAData<PxARGB0888>(s);
- case E_RGB8: return convertFromRGBAData<PxRGB8>(s);
- case E_ARGB4: return convertFromRGBAData<PxARGB4>(s);
- case E_RGB565: return convertFromRGBAData<PxRGB565>(s);
- case E_RGB5: return convertFromRGBAData<PxRGB5>(s);
- case E_ARGB1555: return convertFromRGBAData<PxARGB1555>(s);
- //added for new format
- case E_ABGR8: return convertFromRGBAData<PxABGR8>(s);
- case E_BGR8: return convertFromRGBAData<PxBGR8>(s);
- case E_RGBA4: return convertFromRGBAData<PxRGBA4>(s);
- case E_RGBA5551: return convertFromRGBAData<PxRGBA5551>(s);
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown/unsupported destination pixel format: %d\n",dFmt);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- template<typename D, typename S>
- inline void
- convertPixelsCore(void* dstPixels, GLsizei dstWidth, GLsizei dstHeight, GLsizei dstDepth,
- GLuint dstX, GLuint dstY, GLuint dstZ,
- const void* srcPixels, GLsizei srcWidth, GLsizei srcHeight, GLsizei srcDepth,
- GLuint srcX, GLuint srcY, GLuint srcZ,
- GLsizei cpyWidth, GLsizei cpyHeight, GLsizei cpyDepth , GLint dstPad, GLint srcPad, GLint dir)
- {
- GLubyte *src = NULL, *dst = NULL;
- typename S::PixType srcTmp ;
- typename D::PixType dstTmp = 0;
- //GLuint pixelSize = 0;
- int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
- // Special consideration for 2D where 0 depth is passed
- if(cpyDepth == 0) {
- cpyDepth = 1;
- }
- GLuint dstPixSize ,srcPixSize;
- srcPixSize = S::numBytes;
- dstPixSize = D::numBytes;
- //src = ((GLubyte*)srcPixels) + srcZ * srcWidth * srcHeight * srcPixSize + srcY * srcWidth * srcPixSize + srcX * srcPixSize;
- src = ((GLubyte*)srcPixels) + srcZ * srcWidth * srcHeight * srcPixSize + ( ( (1-dir)>>1)*(srcHeight-1) + (dir*srcY) ) * srcWidth * srcPixSize + srcX * srcPixSize;
- dst = ((GLubyte*)dstPixels) + dstZ * dstWidth * dstHeight * dstPixSize + dstY * dstWidth * dstPixSize + dstX * dstPixSize;
- PxRGBAData dTmp;
- for(k = 0; k < cpyDepth; k++) {
- for(j = 0; j < cpyHeight; j++) {
- for(i = 0; i < cpyWidth; i++){
- //typename S::PixType& srcTmp = *( (typename S::PixType*)src );
- //typename D::PixType& dstTmp = *( (typename D::PixType*)dst );
- //srcTmp = 0;
- dstTmp = 0;
- Plat::memcpy( &srcTmp,src,srcPixSize);
- //dstTmp = (typename D::PixType*)dst;
- popBits<S, S::X, S::Bx>(srcTmp, dTmp);
- popBits<S, S::Y, S::By>(srcTmp, dTmp);
- popBits<S, S::Z, S::Bz>(srcTmp, dTmp);
- popBits<S, S::W, S::Bw>(srcTmp, dTmp);
- pushBits<D, D::W, D::Bw>(dstTmp, dTmp);
- pushBits<D, D::Z, D::Bz>(dstTmp, dTmp);
- pushBits<D, D::Y, D::By>(dstTmp, dTmp);
- pushBits<D, D::X, D::Bx>(dstTmp, dTmp);
- Plat::memcpy( dst,&dstTmp,dstPixSize);
- dst += dstPixSize;
- src += srcPixSize;
- }
- src =src + dir * ( ( srcWidth - (dir*cpyWidth) ) * srcPixSize + srcPad );
- dst += (dstWidth - cpyWidth) * dstPixSize + dstPad;
- }
- src += ((srcHeight - cpyHeight) * (srcWidth + srcPad) ) * srcPixSize;
- dst += ((dstHeight - cpyHeight) * (dstWidth + dstPad) ) * dstPixSize;
- }
- }
- template<typename S>
- inline void
- convertPixelsFrom( PxFmt dstFmt, void* dstPixels, GLsizei dstWidth, GLsizei dstHeight, GLsizei dstDepth,
- GLuint dstX, GLuint dstY, GLuint dstZ,
- const void* srcPixels, GLsizei srcWidth, GLsizei srcHeight, GLsizei srcDepth,
- GLuint srcX, GLuint srcY, GLuint srcZ,
- GLsizei cpyWidth, GLsizei cpyHeight, GLsizei cpyDepth , GLint dstPad, GLint srcPad, GLint dir)
- {
- switch(dstFmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxARGB8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB0888:
- convertPixelsCore<PxARGB0888,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxRGB8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB4:
- convertPixelsCore<PxARGB4,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB565:
- convertPixelsCore<PxRGB565,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB5:
- convertPixelsCore<PxRGB5,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB1555:
- convertPixelsCore<PxARGB1555,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_LUMINANCE8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxLUMINANCE8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA88,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsCore<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- // added shariq
- case E_ABGR8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxABGR8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_BGR8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxBGR8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_RGBA4:
- convertPixelsCore<PxRGBA4,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_RGBA5551:
- convertPixelsCore<PxRGBA5551,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsCore<PxALPHA_LIMUNANCE88,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- case E_ALPHA8:
- convertPixelsCore<PxALPHA8,S>(dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad, dir);
- break;
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown/unsupported destination pixel format: %d\n",dstFmt);
- }
- }
- extern GLuint GetPixSize(GLenum TextureFormat);
- static void convertPixels_BGR2ARGB(void* dst, const void* src, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
- {
- GLsizei i;
- unsigned char* pS = (unsigned char*) src;
- unsigned int* pD = (unsigned int*) dst;
- for( i=0 ; i<height*width ; i++ )
- {
- *pD = 0xff000000 | (*(pS))<<16 | (*(pS+1))<<8 | (*(pS+2)) ;
- pD++;
- pS+=3;
- }
- }
- static void convertPixels_ABGR2ARGB(void* dst, const void* src, GLsizei width, GLsizei height)
- {
- GLsizei i;
- unsigned char* pS = (unsigned char*) src;
- unsigned int* pD = (unsigned int*) dst;
- for( i=0 ; i<height*width ; i++ )
- {
- *pD = (*(pS+3))<<24 | (*(pS))<<16 | (*(pS+1))<<8 | (*(pS+2)) ;
- pD++;
- pS+=4;
- }
- }
- static void convertPixelsSubTexture_BGR2ARGB(void* dstPixels, const void* srcPixels, GLuint uiXOffset, GLuint uiYOffset, GLsizei SrcWidth, GLsizei SrcHeight, GLsizei DstWidth, GLsizei DstHeight)
- {
- GLuint i, j;
- GLint * pDst = (GLint *)dstPixels;
- GLubyte * pSrc = (GLubyte *)srcPixels;
- pDst += DstWidth*uiYOffset + uiXOffset;
- for(i = 0; i < SrcHeight; i++)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < SrcWidth; j++)
- {
- *pDst = 0xff000000 | (*(pSrc))<<16 | (*(pSrc+1))<<8 | (*(pSrc+2)) ;
- pDst++;
- pSrc += 3;
- }
- pDst += DstWidth - SrcWidth;
- }
- }
- static void convertPixelsSubTexture_ABGR2ARGB(void* dstPixels, const void* srcPixels, GLuint uiXOffset, GLuint uiYOffset, GLsizei SrcWidth, GLsizei SrcHeight, GLsizei DstWidth, GLsizei DstHeight)
- {
- GLuint i, j;
- GLint * pDst = (GLint *)dstPixels;
- GLubyte * pSrc = (GLubyte *)srcPixels;
- pDst += DstWidth*uiYOffset + uiXOffset;
- for(i = 0; i < SrcHeight; i++)
- {
- for(j = 0; j < SrcWidth; j++)
- {
- *pDst = (*(pSrc+3))<<24 | (*(pSrc))<<16 | (*(pSrc+1))<<8 | (*(pSrc+2)) ;
- pDst++;
- pSrc += 4;
- }
- pDst += DstWidth - SrcWidth;
- }
- }
- void convertPixelsTexure( PxFmt dstFmt, void* dstPixels, GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
- PxFmt srcFmt,const void* srcPixels)
- {
- if( dstFmt==srcFmt )
- {
- Plat::memcpy(dstPixels,srcPixels,width*height * GetPixSize(dstFmt) ); // imbumoh 20090105
- }
- else if( dstFmt==E_ARGB8 && (srcFmt==E_BGR8 || srcFmt==E_ABGR8 ) )
- {
- if( srcFmt==E_BGR8 )
- convertPixels_BGR2ARGB(dstPixels,srcPixels,width,height);
- else
- //_gl_asm_convertPixels_ABGR2ARGB(dstPixels,srcPixels,width*height);
- convertPixels_ABGR2ARGB(dstPixels,srcPixels,width,height);
- }
- else
- {
- convertPixels(dstFmt, dstPixels, width, height, 0,0,0,0,
- srcFmt, srcPixels, width, height, 0,0,0,0, width, height, 0,0,0,0);
- }
- }
- void convertPixels( PxFmt dstFmt, void* dstPixels, GLsizei dstWidth, GLsizei dstHeight, GLsizei dstDepth,
- GLuint dstX, GLuint dstY, GLuint dstZ,
- PxFmt srcFmt,const void* srcPixels, GLsizei srcWidth, GLsizei srcHeight, GLsizei srcDepth,
- GLuint srcX, GLuint srcY, GLuint srcZ,
- GLsizei cpyWidth, GLsizei cpyHeight, GLsizei cpyDepth , GLint dstPad, GLint srcPad,GLint dir)
- {
- switch(srcFmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxARGB8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB0888:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxARGB0888>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxRGB8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB4:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxARGB4>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB565:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxRGB565>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_RGB5:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxRGB5>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_ARGB1555:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxARGB1555>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_LUMINANCE8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxLUMINANCE8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsFrom<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA88>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsFrom<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsFrom<PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- // added shariq
- case E_ABGR8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxABGR8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_BGR8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxBGR8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_RGBA4:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxRGBA4>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_RGBA5551:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxRGBA5551>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- convertPixelsFrom<PxALPHA_LIMUNANCE88>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- case E_ALPHA8:
- convertPixelsFrom<PxALPHA8>(dstFmt,dstPixels,dstWidth,dstHeight,dstDepth,
- dstX, dstY, dstZ,
- srcPixels,srcWidth,srcHeight,srcDepth,
- srcX, srcY, srcZ,
- cpyWidth,cpyHeight,cpyDepth , dstPad, srcPad,dir);
- break;
- //default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown/unsupported source pixel format: %d\n",srcFmt);
- }
- }
- void convertPixelsSubTexture( PxFmt dstFmt, void* dstPixels, GLsizei DstWidth, GLsizei DstHeight,GLuint uiXOffset, GLuint uiYOffset, PxFmt srcFmt,const void* srcPixels, GLsizei SrcWidth, GLsizei SrcHeight)
- {
- GLuint i;
- GLuint uiDstPixSize = pixelSize(dstFmt);
- GLuint uiSrcPixSize = pixelSize(srcFmt);
- GLuint uiDstStride = DstWidth*uiDstPixSize;
- GLuint uiSrcStride = SrcWidth*uiSrcPixSize;
- GLubyte * pDst = (GLubyte *)dstPixels;
- GLubyte * pSrc = (GLubyte *)srcPixels;
- pDst += DstWidth*uiYOffset*uiDstPixSize + uiXOffset*uiDstPixSize;
- // //LOGE("convertPixelsSubTexture");
- //LOGE("=====DstFmt = %d, SrcFmt = %d ====", dstFmt, srcFmt);
- //LOGE("=====DstHeight = %d, SrcHeight = %d ====", DstHeight, SrcHeight);
- //LOGE("=====DstWidth = %d, SrcWidth = %d ====", DstWidth, SrcWidth);
- //LOGE("=====pDst = 0x%x, pSrc = 0x%x===", pDst, pSrc);
- //LOGE("=====uiDstStride = 0x%x, uiSrcStride = 0x%x===", uiDstStride, uiSrcStride);
- if( dstFmt==srcFmt )
- {
- for(i = 0; i < SrcHeight; i++)
- {
- Plat::memcpy(pDst, pSrc, uiSrcStride); // Park Jae Sung 20090202
- pDst += uiDstStride;
- pSrc += uiSrcStride;
- }
- }
- else if( dstFmt==E_ARGB8 && (srcFmt==E_BGR8 || srcFmt==E_ABGR8 ) )
- {
- if( srcFmt==E_BGR8 )
- convertPixelsSubTexture_BGR2ARGB(dstPixels,srcPixels,uiXOffset,uiYOffset,SrcWidth,SrcHeight, DstWidth, DstHeight);
- else
- convertPixelsSubTexture_ABGR2ARGB(dstPixels,srcPixels,uiXOffset,uiYOffset,SrcWidth,SrcHeight, DstWidth, DstHeight);
- }
- else
- {
- convertPixels(dstFmt, dstPixels, DstWidth, DstHeight, 0,uiXOffset,uiYOffset,0, srcFmt, srcPixels, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, 0,0,0,0, SrcWidth, SrcHeight, 0,0,0,0);
- }
- }
- unsigned int convertFromDepthStencil(PxFmt dFmt, float depth, int stencil)
- {
- switch(dFmt)
- {
- case E_Stencil8:
- return (stencil&((1<<8)-1))<<24;
- case E_Depth24:
- return (unsigned int)(depth*(0xFFFFFF));
- case E_Stencil8Depth24:
- return ((stencil&((1<<8)-1))<<24)|(unsigned int)(depth*(0xFFFFFF));
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown destination pixel format: %d\n",dFmt);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- unsigned int getDepthStencilMask(PxFmt dFmt, bool depthMask, unsigned char stencilMask)
- {
- //New mask computation causes unused components to be written to (faster for cpu clear)
- unsigned int mask = depthMask ? 0x00FFFFFF : 0;
- //mask |= stencilMask? 0xFF000000 : 0;
- mask |= ((unsigned int)(stencilMask) << 24);
- switch(dFmt)
- {
- case E_Stencil8:
- return (stencilMask<<24)|0xFFFFFF;
- case E_Depth24:
- return depthMask? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0x0;
- case E_Stencil8Depth24:
- return mask & 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown destination pixel format: %d\n",dFmt);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- unsigned int getColorMask(PxFmt dFmt, bool redMask, bool greenMask, bool blueMask, bool alphaMask)
- {
- return convertFromRGBA(dFmt, (unsigned char)(redMask ? 0xFF : 0), (unsigned char)(greenMask ? 0xFF : 0), (unsigned char)(blueMask ? 0xFF : 0), (unsigned char)(alphaMask ? 0xFF : 0));
- }
- unsigned int pixelSize(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- switch(fmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8: return PxARGB8::numBytes;
- case E_ARGB0888: return PxARGB8::numBytes;
- case E_RGB8: return PxRGB8::numBytes;
- case E_ARGB4: return PxARGB4::numBytes;
- case E_RGB565: return PxRGB565::numBytes;
- case E_RGB5: return PxRGB5::numBytes;
- case E_ARGB1555: return PxARGB1555::numBytes;
- case E_LUMINANCE8 : return PxLUMINANCE8::numBytes;
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA88 : return PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA88::numBytes;
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA80 : return PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA80::numBytes;
- case E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA08 : return PxLUMINANCE_ALPHA08::numBytes;
- case E_Stencil8: return 4;
- case E_Depth24: return 4;
- case E_Stencil8Depth24: return 4;
- //added for new formats
- case E_ABGR8: return PxABGR8::numBytes;
- case E_BGR8: return PxBGR8::numBytes;
- case E_RGBA4: return PxRGBA4::numBytes;
- case E_RGBA5551: return PxRGBA5551::numBytes;
- case E_ALPHA_LUMINANCE88 : return PxALPHA_LIMUNANCE88::numBytes;
- case E_ALPHA8:return PxALPHA8::numBytes;
- // default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown destination pixel format: %d\n",fmt);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool isValidPixelFmt(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- return (fmt < E_NUM_PIXEL_FMTS);
- }
- bool isValidFBColorPixelFmt(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- switch(fmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8:
- case E_RGB8:
- case E_ARGB4:
- case E_RGB565:
- case E_RGB5:
- case E_ARGB1555:
- case E_LUMINANCE8 :
- //Intentional fall through
- return true;
- //these are compressed formats and input formats
- case E_RGBA4:
- case E_RGBA5551:
- case E_BGR8:
- case E_ABGR8:
- case E_ALPHA8:
- case E_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES:
- case E_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES:
- case E_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES:
- case E_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES:
- case E_RGB_S3TC_OES:
- case E_RGBA_S3TC_OES:
- return false;
- default:
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //TBD
- #if 0
- bool isValidTexPixelFmt(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- }
- #endif
- //for framebuffer data
- PxFmt translateGLSizedInternal(GLenum format)
- {
- switch(format)
- {
- case GL_RGBA8: return E_ARGB8;
- case GL_RGB8: return E_RGB8;
- case GL_RGBA4: return E_ARGB4; //added by chanchal::GL_RGBA4 should be color renderable
- case GL_RGB565: return E_RGB565;
- //case GL_RGB5: return E_RGB5;
- case GL_RGB5_A1: return E_ARGB1555;
- return E_Depth24;
- case GL_STENCIL_INDEX: return E_Stencil8;
- }
- }
- // the basic format and type combinations
- PxFmt translateGLInternal(GLenum format, GLenum type)
- {
- GLenum temp = GL_RGBA;
- switch(type)
- {
- case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: temp = format; break;
- case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4: return E_ARGB4;
- case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5: return E_RGB565;
- //case GL_RGB5: return E_RGB5;
- case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1: return E_ARGB1555;
- default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown destination pixel type: %d\n",type);
- }
- switch(temp)
- {
- case GL_RGB: return E_ARGB0888;
- case GL_RGBA: return E_ARGB8;
- //case GL_LUMINANCE: return E_LUMINANCE8;
- case GL_LUMINANCE: return E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA80; //since hardware seems to return luminance for alpha if E_LUMINANCE8 is used
- case GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA: return E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA88; //to check
- case GL_ALPHA: return E_LUMINANCE_ALPHA08; // previously E_ALPHA8
- default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown destination pixel type: %d\n",type);
- }
- }
- //case is the value returned by translateGLSizedInternal function
- //i.e. framebuffer format
- FGL_PixelFormat translateToFglPixelFormat(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- switch(fmt)
- {
- case E_RGB5: return FGL_PIXEL_RGB555;
- case E_RGB565: return FGL_PIXEL_RGB565;
- case E_ARGB4: return FGL_PIXEL_ARGB4444;
- case E_ARGB1555: return FGL_PIXEL_ARGB1555;
- case E_ARGB0888: return FGL_PIXEL_ARGB0888;
- case E_ARGB8: return FGL_PIXEL_ARGB8888;
- //case E_LUMINANCE8:
- //case E_Stencil8:
- //case E_Depth24:
- //case E_Stencil8Depth24:
- //compressed format and formats input formats
- case E_RGBA4:
- case E_RGBA5551:
- case E_BGR8:
- case E_ABGR8:
- case E_ALPHA8:
- case E_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES:
- case E_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES:
- case E_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES:
- case E_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES:
- case E_RGB_S3TC_OES :
- case E_RGBA_S3TC_OES:
- return FGL_PixelFormat(255);
- default:
- return FGL_PixelFormat(255);
- }
- return FGL_PixelFormat(255); //Invalid!
- }
- GLenum translateToGLenum(PxFmt fmt)
- {
- switch(fmt)
- {
- case E_ARGB8: return GL_RGBA8;
- case E_ARGB0888: return GL_RGB;
- case E_RGB8: return GL_RGB8;
- case E_RGB565: return GL_RGB565;
- case E_ARGB1555 : return GL_RGB5_A1;
- case E_Depth24 : return GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
- case E_Stencil8: return GL_STENCIL_INDEX ;
- case E_ARGB4: return GL_RGBA4;
- //case GL_RGB5: return E_RGB5;
- //case GL_RGB4: return E_ARGB4;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- //added for determining the format and the type from the GL type of framebuffer
- GLenum determineTypeFormat(int format, int Isformat)
- {
- if(Isformat == GL_TRUE){
- switch(format)
- {
- case GL_RGBA8:
- case GL_RGB5_A1:
- return GL_RGBA;
- case GL_RGB8:
- case GL_RGB565:
- return GL_RGB;
- //case GL_ARGB4:
- //return GL_RGBA;
- default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown FRAMEBUFFER format: %d\n",format);
- }
- }else if(Isformat == GL_FALSE){
- switch(format)
- {
- //GL_RGBA is automatically supported by the glReadPixel;
- // so we have to support some other format, supporting GL_ARGB4
- case GL_RGBA8:
- case GL_RGB8:
- case GL_RGB5_A1:
- return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;;
- case GL_RGB565:
- return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
- case GL_RGBA4: //added by chanchal
- return GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
- default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown FRAMEBUFFER format: %d\n",format);
- }
- }
- }
- int determinePixelBitSize(PxFmt format, colorType colortype)
- {
- switch(format)
- {
- //case GL_RGB4: return 4;
- case E_ARGB8:
- if((colortype == BLUE) || (colortype == GREEN) || (colortype == RED) || (colortype == ALPHA))return 8;
- else break;
- case E_ARGB0888:
- if((colortype == BLUE) || (colortype == GREEN) || (colortype == RED) )return 8;
- else if(colortype == ALPHA) return 0;
- else break;
- //case GL_RGB5:
- //if(colortype == ALPHA )return 0;
- //else return 5;
- case E_RGB565:
- if(colortype == ALPHA) return 0;
- else if(colortype == GREEN) return 6;
- else if((colortype == BLUE) || (colortype == RED))return 5;
- else break; case E_ARGB1555:
- if(colortype == ALPHA )return 1;
- else if ((colortype == BLUE) || (colortype == GREEN) || (colortype == RED)) return 5;
- else break;
- case E_RGB8:
- if(colortype == ALPHA )return 0;
- else if ((colortype == BLUE) || (colortype == GREEN) || (colortype == RED)) return 8;
- else break;
- case E_Stencil8:
- if(colortype == STENCIL) return 8;
- else if(colortype == DEPTH) return 0;
- else break;
- case E_Depth24:
- if(colortype == DEPTH) return 24;
- if(colortype == STENCIL)return 0;
- else break;
- case E_Stencil8Depth24:
- if(colortype == STENCIL) return 8;
- else if(colortype == DEPTH) return 24;
- else break;
- default:
- LOGMSG("ERROR: unknown FRAMEBUFFER format: %d\n",format);
- return 255;
- }
- LOGMSG("\n the format passed and the colortype does not matches ");
- return 0; //to check for this value
- }
- /*
- *******************************************************************************
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- #if 0
- //Moved here since the rest of the code does not use this.
- static const char* fmtString []={
- "E_ARGB8",
- "E_RGB8",
- "E_ARGB4",
- "E_RGB565",
- "E_RGB5",
- "E_ARGB1555",
- "E_Stencil8",
- "E_Depth24",
- "E_Stencil8Depth24",
- //added shariq
- "E_ABGR8" ,
- "E_BGR8" ,
- "E_RGBA4",
- "E_RGBA5551 ",
- };
- template <typename D>
- void testConversion(PxRGBAData s)
- {
- typename D::PixType d = convertFromRGBAData<D>(s);
- LOGMSG("%s \t",fmtString[D::Fmt]);
- D::print(d);
- }
- bool testPixConvert()
- {
- PxRGBAData s;
- s.val = 0xF0EFDFCF;
- testConversion<PxARGB8>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- testConversion<PxRGB8>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- testConversion<PxARGB4>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- testConversion<PxRGB565>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- testConversion<PxRGB5>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- testConversion<PxARGB1555>(s);
- LOGMSG("\n\n");
- return 0;
- }
- #endif