Python | 199 lines | 145 code | 37 blank | 17 comment | 20 complexity | 6361dfe3b2c92c90d6f53adb940e53d9 MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- import datetime
- from lib import helpers
- from lib import analyze
- from lib import output
- from lib import cli
- BINARIES = "bin"
- MPLAYER = os.path.join(BINARIES, "mencoder", "mplayer.exe")
- PIL_INSTALLER = os.path.join(BINARIES, "installers", "PIL-1.1.7.win32-py2.6.exe")
- NUMPY_INSTALLER = os.path.join(BINARIES, "installers","numpy-1.3.0-win32-superpack-python2.6.exe")
- GNUPLOT = os.path.join(BINARIES, "gnuplot", "bin", "wgnuplot.exe")
- USER_OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(os.getenv('USERPROFILE'), 'Desktop')
- OUTPUT_DIR = "output"
- def check_deps():
- print "Checking Dependencies..."
- #check that mplayer.exe is around
- sys.stdout.write("Checking for mplayer...")
- if os.path.exists(MPLAYER):
- sys.stdout.write("FOUND\n")
- else:
- sys.stdout.write("MISSING\n")
- exit("ERROR: mplayer.exe was not found")
- sys.stdout.write("Checking for PIL...")
- try:
- import Image
- sys.stdout.write("FOUND\n")
- except:
- sys.stdout.write("MISSING\n")
- print 'Launching PIL installer in 3 seconds...'
- time.sleep(3)
- os.system(PIL_INSTALLER)
- exit("Exiting...relaunch when ready")
- sys.stdout.write("Checking for numpy...")
- try:
- import numpy
- sys.stdout.write("FOUND\n")
- except:
- sys.stdout.write("MISSING\n")
- print "Launching NumPy installer in 3 seconds..."
- time.sleep(3)
- os.system(NUMPY_INSTALLER)
- exit('Exiting...relaunch when ready')
- return True
- def init_dirs():
- if not os.path.exists(OUTPUT_DIR):
- os.mkdir(OUTPUT_DIR)
- if not os.path.exists(USER_OUTPUT_DIR):
- os.mkdir(USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #Check dependencies
- check_deps()
- #parse the command line arguments
- options = cli.parse()
- #set number of bins
- if options.num_bins:
- NUM_BINS = options.num_bins
- else:
- NUM_BINS = 15
- #finish constructing USER_OUTPUT_DIR var
- folder_name = "%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s" % (
- str(datetime.date.today()),
- options.frame_interval,
- options.driver_power,
- options.table_angle,
- options.puck_mass,
- )
- USER_OUTPUT_DIR = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, folder_name)
- init_dirs()
- output.output_dir_info(options, USER_OUTPUT_DIR, NUM_BINS)
- if not os.path.exists(options.video):
- exit("ERROR: Cannot find video file")
- #dump video to images
- CMD = "%s %s -nosound -speed 10.0 -vf framestep=%s -vo jpeg:outdir=%s:quality=80" % (MPLAYER, options.video, options.frame_interval, OUTPUT_DIR)
- if len(os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIR)) == 0:
- print "Dumping video to images... ( BE PATIENT )"
- time.sleep(2)
- output.dump_video(CMD)
- print "Dump complete"
- else:
- print "Output Directory not empty"
- delete = raw_input("Empty? [n/Y] ")
- if delete == "Y":
- helpers.cleanup(OUTPUT_DIR)
- output.dump_video(CMD)
- files = os.listdir(OUTPUT_DIR)
- print "Num Files:", len(files)
- bins = {}
- timesteps = []
- framesize = None
- failed_reads = 0
- total_pucks = 0
- for i in range(len(files)):
- filename = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, files[i])
- puck_points, corner_points, frame_size = analyze.analyze_frame(filename, options)
- if not framesize:
- framesize = frame_size
- if len(corner_points) < 4:
- failed_reads += 1
- print "Unable to process frame %s/%s" % (i, len(files))
- continue
- upper_right, lower_right, lower_left, upper_left = analyze.find_corners(corner_points)
- if (upper_right is None or
- lower_right is None or
- lower_left is None or
- upper_left is None):
- failed_reads += 1
- print "Unable to process frame %s/%s" % (i, len(files))
- continue
- total_pucks += len(puck_points)
- #line between upper points
- upper_bins = helpers.get_upper_bins(upper_left, upper_right, NUM_BINS)
- #line between lower points
- lower_bins = helpers.get_lower_bins(lower_left, lower_right, NUM_BINS)
- #bin our data
- bins = analyze.bin_data(bins, puck_points, upper_bins, lower_bins)
- #save timestep
- timesteps.append(puck_points)
- if options.explicit:
- #write out bin points
- filename_bins = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, files[i]+'.bp.txt')
- output.output_bin_points(upper_bins, lower_bins, filename_bins)
- #writeout bin lines
- filename_lines = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, files[i]+'.bl.txt')
- output.output_bin_lines(upper_bins, lower_bins, filename_lines)
- #writeout puck points
- filename_points = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, files[i]+".pt.txt")
- output.output_2d_array(puck_points, filename_points)
- #writeout corner points
- filename_corners = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, files[i]+".cp.txt")
- output.output_2d_array(corner_points, filename_corners)
- #Create gnuplot file for plotting everything
- filename_gnuplot = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, files[i]+'.gnuplot')
- output.output_gnuplot(
- filename_gnuplot,
- filename_bins,
- filename_lines,
- filename_points,
- filename_corners
- )
- filename = os.path.join(USER_OUTPUT_DIR, "bincounts.txt")
- output.output_bin_data(bins, filename)
- #output heatmap
- heatmap = analyze.generate_heatmap(timesteps, framesize)
- output.output_heatmap(GNUPLOT, heatmap, USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
- #Output distribution plot
- distribution = analyze.generate_distribution(bins)
- dist_filename = output.output_distribution(GNUPLOT, distribution, USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
- print "Processed %s / %s" % (len(files) - failed_reads, len(files))
- try:
- print "Avg pucks detected/image: %s" % (total_pucks / (len(files)-failed_reads))
- except(ZeroDivisionError):
- pass
- print "Avg Puck Mass: %s" % (options.puck_mass)
- print "Table Angle: %s" % (options.table_angle)
- print "Driver Motor Power: %s" % (options.driver_power)
- print "Frame Interval: %s" % (options.frame_interval)
- print "Number of Bins: %s" % (NUM_BINS)
- print "Output Directory: %s" % (USER_OUTPUT_DIR)
- print "Raw Output is: %s" % (os.path.join(os.getcwd(), OUTPUT_DIR))