Python | 497 lines | 384 code | 68 blank | 45 comment | 50 complexity | fde3f617aba499e84f9e37d45563163a MD5 | raw file
- """ Implements components for C programs.
- """
- # Created: April, 2008
- # Author: Pearu Peterson
- __all__ = ['Include',
- 'Keyword',
- 'TypeDefStruct', 'TypeDefFunction', 'TypeDefTypeSpec',
- 'TypeDefEnum',
- 'TypeSpec', 'Declarator', 'Declaration',
- 'Variable', 'Argument', 'Function',
- 'SourceFile']
- import sys
- from .api import Component, basic
- # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_standard_library
- clibs_headers = '''assert.h complex.h ctype.h errno.h fenv.h float.h
- inttypes.h iso646.h limits.h locale.h math.h setjmp.h signal.h stdarg.h
- stdbool.h stddef.h stdint.h stdio.h stdlib.h string.h tgmath.h time.h
- wchar.h wctype.h'''.split()
- short_type_spec_map = dict(
- Struct='S', Function='F', TypeSpec='T', Pointer='p', Enum='E',
- void='v',
- int='i',unsignedint='ui',signedint='i',
- char='c',unsignedchar='uC', signedchar='C',
- short='s', shortint='s', unsignedshort='us', signedshort='s',
- long='l', longint='l',
- signedlong='l', signedlongint='l', longsignedint='l',
- unsignedlong='ul', unsignedlongint='ul', longunsignedint='ul',
- longlong='L', longlongint='L',
- signedlonglong='L', signedlonglongint='L',
- unsignedlonglong='uL',
- unsignedlonglongint='uL',
- float='f',
- double='d', longdouble='D',
- size_t = 't',
- PyObject='PyO',
- PyObjectType='PyT',
- PyArrayObject='PyA',
- )
- class Include(Component):
- """ Represents include CPP directive.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = '#include %(include)s',
- user_include = '"%(filename)s"',
- std_include = '<%(filename)s>',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- include = dict()
- )
- request_own_data = True
- def __init__(self, filename, is_std_header = None):
- Component.__init__(self)
- self.filename = filename
- if is_std_header is None:
- is_std_header = filename in clibs_headers
- self.is_std_header = is_std_header
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='include':
- if self.is_std_header:
- return self.get_view('std_include', parents)
- else:
- return self.get_view('user_include', parents)
- if subs_name=='Includes':
- return self.filename, self.get_view('string', parents)
- return super(type(self), self).request_data(subs_name, parents)
- class TypeSpec(Component):
- """ C type specification.
- Basic <type_spec>-s:
- int, char, short, long, void, float, double,
- long long, long double,
- PyObject, PyObjectType, PyArrayObject
- <name of typedef struct>
- Pointers:
- <type_spec>*, <type_spec>**, etc
- Arrays:
- <type_spec>[<dim1>], <type_spec>[<dim1>][<dim2>], etc
- Not implemented:
- pointers to arrays, arrays of pointers
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = '%(name)s',
- )
- def __init__(self, name):
- Component.__init__(self)
- self.name = name
- @property
- def short_type_spec(self):
- return self.request_data('short_type_spec', None)
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='type_spec':
- return self.name
- if subs_name=='short_type_spec':
- t = self.name
- t = t0 = t.replace(' ','')
- while t.endswith('*'):
- t = t[:-1]
- n = len(t0) - len(t)
- p = n*short_type_spec_map['Pointer']
- l = []
- while t.endswith(']'):
- i = t.rfind('[')
- l.insert(0, t[i+1:-1])
- t = t[:i]
- s = 'j'.join(l)
- r = short_type_spec_map.get(t)
- if r is None and parents is not None:
- c = parents.find_component_with_view('type_spec', t)
- if c is not None:
- r = c.get_view('short_type_spec', parents)
- if r is None:
- sys.stderr.write('warning: %r is not in short_type_spec map\n' % (t))
- r = t
- return p + r + s
- def type_spec_first_str(joiner):
- new = type(joiner)(default='void')
- if joiner.keys:
- new.add(joiner.values[0], joiner.keys[0])
- return str(new)
- def type_spec_rest_str(joiner):
- new = type(joiner)(default='void', separator=', ')
- for k, v in zip(joiner.keys[1:], joiner.values[1:]):
- new.add(v, k)
- return str(new)
- class TypeDefBase(Component):
- def __init__(self, name, *leafs):
- Component.__init__(self, *leafs)
- self._name = name
- @property
- def name(self):
- return self.get_name(None)
- def get_name(self, parents):
- if self._name is None:
- return '%s_type' % (self.get_view('short_type_spec', parents))
- return self._name
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='TypeDefs':
- return self.get_name(parents), self.get_view('string', parents)
- if subs_name=='type_spec':
- return self.get_name(parents)
- if subs_name=='short_type_spec':
- self.get_view('short_type_spec', parents)
- return Component.request_data(self, subs_name, parents)
- class TypeDefTypeSpec(TypeDefBase):
- """ Typedef of a type spec.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = 'typedef %(type_spec)s %(name)s',
- type_spec = '%(name)s',
- short_type_spec = short_type_spec_map['TypeSpec'] + '%(short_type_spec)s_',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- type_spec = dict(default='int'),
- short_type_spec = dict(default='i', separator=''),
- )
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = TypeSpec(other)
- TypeDefBase.add(self, other)
- class TypeDefStruct(TypeDefBase):
- """ Typedef of a struct.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = 'typedef struct {\n%(variable_declarations)s} %(name)s',
- type_spec = '%(name)s',
- short_type_spec = short_type_spec_map['Struct'] + '%(variable_short_type_specs)s_',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- variable_declarations = dict(separator=';\n',
- use_indent=True, indent_offset=2,
- prefix='', skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- suffix=';\n', skip_suffix_when_empty=True),
- variable_short_type_specs = dict(separator='')
- )
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = Declaration(other)
- TypeDefBase.add(self, other)
- class TypeDefEnum(TypeDefBase):
- templates = dict(
- string = 'typedef enum {\n%(declarators)s} %(name)s',
- type_spec = '%(name)s',
- short_type_spec = short_type_spec_map['Enum'] + '%(name)s_',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- declarators = dict(separator=',\n',
- use_indent=True, indent_offset=2,
- prefix='', skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- suffix='\n', skip_suffix_when_empty=True),
- short_type_spec = dict(default='i', separator=''),
- )
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = Declarator(other)
- TypeDefBase.add(self, other)
- class TypeDefFunction(TypeDefBase):
- """ Typedef of a function.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = 'typedef %(type_spec_first..type_spec)s (*%(name)s)(%(type_spec_rest..type_spec)s)',
- type_spec = '%(name)s',
- short_type_spec = short_type_spec_map['Function'] + '%(short_type_spec)s_',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- type_spec_first = dict(user_defined_str=type_spec_first_str),
- type_spec_rest = dict(user_defined_str=type_spec_rest_str),
- short_type_spec = dict(separator=''),
- )
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = TypeSpec(other)
- TypeDefBase.add(self, other)
- class Declarator(Component):
- """ Represents a declarator with optional initialization.
- Declarator(<name>, <initial values>,..., is_string=, is_scalar=)
- Initial values can be either be string or Line instances.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = '%(name)s%(init)s',
- stringinit = '%(stringvalue..strings)s',
- scalarinit = '%(scalarvalue..strings)s',
- sequenceinit = '%(sequencevalue..strings)s',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- scalarvalue = dict(prefix=' = ',
- skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
- ignore_empty_content = True, default=''),
- stringvalue = dict(prefix='[] = "', suffix='"',
- skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
- ignore_empty_content = True, default='',
- separator='\\n"\n"', replace_map = {'\n':'\\n'},
- use_firstline_indent = True,
- ),
- sequencevalue = dict(prefix=' = {', suffix='}',
- skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
- ignore_empty_content = True, default='',
- separator=', ',
- ),
- init = dict() #
- )
- request_own_data = True
- def __init__(self, name, *leafs, **options):
- Component.__init__(self, *leafs)
- self._check_options(options, 'is_scalar', 'is_string')
- is_string = options.get('is_string')
- is_scalar = options.get('is_scalar')
- self.name = name
- if is_string:
- self.is_string = True
- self.is_scalar = False
- self.is_sequence = False
- else:
- if is_scalar is None:
- is_scalar = True
- self.is_string = False
- self.is_scalar = is_scalar
- self.is_sequence = not is_scalar
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = basic.Line(other)
- super(type(self), self).add(other)
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='declarators':
- return self.get_view('string', parents)
- if subs_name=='declarator_name':
- return self.name
- if subs_name=='init':
- if self.is_sequence:
- return self.get_view('sequenceinit')
- if self.is_string:
- return self.get_view('stringinit')
- return self.get_view('scalarinit')
- class Keyword(Component):
- """ Represents keyword.
- Basic keywords:
- static, extern, const, etc
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = '%(name)s'
- )
- def __init__(self, name, *leafs):
- Component.__init__(self, *leafs)
- self.name = name
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name == 'keyword':
- return self.name, self.name
- def check_declarator_name(joiner):
- if len(joiner.values)!=1:
- raise ValueError('declarator_name must have exactly one value, got %s' % (len(joiner.values)))
- class Declaration(Component):
- """ Represents declarations.
- """
- templates = dict(
- string = '%(type_spec)s %(declarators)s',
- argument= '%(declarator_name)s',
- variable= '%(declarator_name)s',
- argument_declaration = '%(type_spec)s %(declarator_name)s',
- variable_declaration = '%(type_spec)s %(declarator_name)s',
- prototype_argument_declaration = '%(type_spec)s',
- variable_short_type_spec = '%(short_type_spec)s',
- argument_short_type_spec = '%(short_type_spec)s',
- static_definition = '%(keyword)s%(type_spec)s %(declarator_name)s;',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- type_spec = dict(default='int'),
- short_type_spec = dict(default='i'),
- declarators = dict(separator=', ', default='<KILLLINE>'),
- declarator_name = dict(check_func = check_declarator_name),
- keyword = dict(default='', separator=' ',
- suffix=' ', skip_suffix_when_empty=True
- )
- )
- def add(self, other):
- if isinstance(other, str):
- other = Declarator(other)
- Component.add(self, other)
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='variable_declarations':
- return self.get_view('string', parents)
- if subs_name=='arguments':
- return self.get_view('argument', parents)
- if subs_name=='argument_declarations':
- return self.get_view('argument_declaration', parents)
- if subs_name=='variable_declarations':
- return self.get_view('variable_declaration', parents)
- if subs_name=='prototype_argument_declarations':
- return self.get_view('prototype_argument_declaration', parents)
- if subs_name=='variable_short_type_specs':
- return self.get_view('variable_short_type_spec', parents)
- if subs_name=='argument_short_type_specs':
- return self.get_view('argument_short_type_spec', parents)
- if subs_name=='Definitions':
- return self.get_view('variable', parents), self.get_view('static_definition', parents)
- class Variable(Declaration):
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if 'argument' in subs_name:
- return
- return super(type(self), self).request_data(subs_name, parents)
- class Argument(Declaration):
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if 'variable' in subs_name:
- return
- return super(type(self), self).request_data(subs_name, parents)
- def check_type_spec(joiner):
- if len(joiner.values)>1:
- raise ValueError('type_spec must have at most one value, got %s' % (len(joiner.values)))
- class Function(basic.Block):
- templates = dict(
- string = '''\
- %(type_spec)s
- %(name)s(%(argument_declarations)s) {
- %(variable_declarations)s
- %(exec_statements..strings)s
- }''',
- prototype = '%(type_spec)s %(name)s(%(prototype_argument_declarations)s)',
- typedef = 'typedef %(type_spec)s (*%(name)s)(%(prototype_argument_declarations)s)',
- )
- template_options = dict(
- type_spec = dict(default='void', check_func=check_type_spec),
- argument_declarations = dict(separator=', ', default='void'),
- prototype_argument_declarations = dict(separator=', ', default='void'),
- variable_declarations = dict(separator=';\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- use_indent=True, indent_offset=2,
- suffix=';', skip_suffix_when_empty=True),
- exec_statements = dict(use_indent=True, c_block_indent=True, indent_offset=2, default='<KILLLINE>'),
- )
- request_own_data = True
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='Definitions':
- return self.name, self.get_view('string', parents)
- if subs_name=='ProtoTypes':
- return self.name, self.get_view('prototype', parents)
- return super(type(self), self).request_data(subs_name, parents)
- class SourceFile(basic.SourceFile):
- templates = dict(
- string = '''\
- %(FileHeader)s
- %(Includes)s
- %(TypeDefs)s
- %(ProtoTypes)s
- %(Definitions)s
- %(MainProgram)s
- %(FileFooter)s
- ''',
- c_header = '''\
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern \"C\" {
- #endif''',
- c_footer = '''
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif'''
- )
- template_options = dict(
- FileHeader = dict(separator='\n', default='<KILLLINE>'),
- Includes = dict(separator='\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- prefix='\n/* Includes */\n', skip_prefix_when_empty=True),
- TypeDefs = dict(separator=';\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- prefix='\n/* TypeDefs */\n', skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- suffix=';', skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
- ),
- ProtoTypes = dict(separator=';\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- prefix='\n/* ProtoTypes */\n', skip_prefix_when_empty=True,
- suffix=';', skip_suffix_when_empty=True,
- ),
- Definitions = dict(separator='\n\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- prefix='\n/* Definitions */\n', skip_prefix_when_empty=True),
- MainProgram = dict(separator='\n', default='<KILLLINE>',
- prefix='/* MainProgram */\n', skip_prefix_when_empty=True),
- FileFooter = dict(separator='\n', default='<KILLLINE>'),
- )
- request_own_data = True
- def request_data(self, subs_name, parents):
- if subs_name=='FileHeader':
- return self.get_view('c_header', parents)
- if subs_name=='FileFooter':
- return self.get_view('c_footer', parents)
- return super(type(self), self).request_data(subs_name, parents)