Python | 346 lines | 340 code | 0 blank | 6 comment | 0 complexity | 167d4bb3ee48e0a15204e0e744d0be5c MD5 | raw file
- """Asyncio-based discrete-time simulation infrastructure
- A clock keeps track of *time*. But, what is time?
- If you are familiar with the :mod:`asyncio` library,
- you might know the :func:`asyncio.sleep` coroutine.
- It "sleeps" roughly for a given number of seconds,
- usually based on the computer's system time.
- Since the Python process does not control this time, ``sleep()`` may sleep
- longer than requested if the event loop is busy.
- Also, the system time always changes:
- so it is not possible to do two actions at exactly the same time.
- For animations and simulations, such time is unusable.
- Thus, time in Gillcup is a very different beast.
- Gillcup time is a quantity that *increases in discrete intervals*.
- On other words, it can never go backwards,
- and it does not change while animation/simulation code is executing.
- You can schedule an function for any time in the future.
- When the clock advances to that time, the clock is frozen at the event's
- scheduled time, and the function is called.
- The passage of Gillcup time is entirely in control of the programmer.
- It can be tied to the system clock to produce real-time animations,
- it can be slowed down or sped up,
- or an entire simulation can be run at once to get simulation results quickly.
- The Clock runs inside an asyncio event loop,
- using the future, callback, and coroutine mechanisms familiar to asyncio users.
- Gillcup uses its own :class:`~gillcup.futures.Future` objects that are tied
- to a clock that handles them.
- Any callbacks on a Gillcup future are handled by that future's clock;
- the Gillcup time does not advance between the future's completion
- and the callback execution.
- A coroutine can be scheduled on a Gillcup clock using
- :meth:`~gillcup.clocks.Clock.task`; see the corresponding docs for details.
- Reference
- ---------
- .. autofunction:: gillcup.clocks.coroutine
- .. autoclass:: gillcup.clocks.Clock
- .. autoclass:: gillcup.clocks.Subclock
- """
- import collections
- import heapq
- import asyncio
- import gillcup.futures
- from gillcup.util.signature import fix_public_signature
- from gillcup import expressions
- def coroutine(func):
- """Mark a function as a Gillcup coroutine.
- Direct equivalent of :func:`asyncio.coroutine` -- also does nothing
- (unless asyncio debugging is enabled).
- """
- return asyncio.coroutine(func)
- _Event = collections.namedtuple('_Event',
- 'time category index callback args')
- _Event.__doc__ = """
- Heap entry
- Namedtuple elements:
- .. attribute:: time
- The time for which the event is scheduled
- .. attribute:: category
- Category for sorting.
- Normal events have category of 0;
- the event that advance() creates to wait for has a category of 1
- to ensure other events at the same time have completed.
- .. attribute:: index
- Index for sorting.
- Unique to each _Event, asigned from a global counter.
- Used to keep FIFO ordering for actions scheduled for the same time.
- .. attribute:: callback
- The action to perform.
- .. attribute:: args
- Arguments to call :token:`callback` with.
- """
- _next_index = 0
- class Clock:
- """Keeps track of discrete time, and schedules events.
- Attributes:
- .. attribute:: time
- The current time on the clock. A read-only expression.
- Use :meth:`advance` to increase this value.
- .. attribute:: speed
- Arguments to :meth:`advance` are multiplied by this value.
- Usefull mainly for :class:`Subclock`.
- Methods:
- .. automethod:: schedule
- .. automethod:: wait_for
- .. automethod:: sleep
- .. automethod:: advance
- .. automethod:: advance_sync
- .. automethod:: task
- """
- def __init__(self):
- # Time on the clock
- self._time_value = 0
- # Heap queue of scheduled actions
- self.events = []
- # Recursion guard flag for advance()
- self.advancing = False
- # Set of dependent clocks
- self._subclocks = set()
- speed = 1
- @property
- def time(self):
- try:
- return self._time_exp
- except AttributeError:
- prop = self._time_exp = expressions.Time(self)
- return prop
- def _get_next_event(self):
- try:
- event = self.events[0]
- except IndexError:
- events = []
- else:
- events = [(event.time - self._time_value, event.category,
- event.index, self, event)]
- for subclock in self._subclocks:
- event = subclock._get_next_event()
- if event:
- remain, category, index, clock, event = event
- try:
- remain /= subclock.speed
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- # zero speed – events never happen
- pass
- else:
- events.append((remain, category, index, clock, event))
- try:
- return min(events)
- except ValueError:
- return None
- @asyncio.coroutine
- @fix_public_signature
- def advance(self, delay, *, _continuing=False):
- """Advance the clock's time
- Moves the clock's time forward, pausing at times when
- actions are scheduled, and running them.
- :param delay: If :token:`delay` is a real number, move that many time
- units into the future.
- Attempting to move to the past (negative delay) will raise
- an error.
- If :token:`delay` is None, the Clock will advance until no more
- actions are scheduled on it.
- Note that with recurring events, ``advance(None)`` may
- never finish.
- Otherwise :token:`delay` should be a Future; in this case Clock
- will advance until either that future is done, or no more actions
- are scheduled.
- """
- if not _continuing:
- if self.advancing:
- raise RuntimeError('Clock.advance called recursively')
- if delay is None:
- delay = asyncio.Future()
- try:
- float(delay)
- except TypeError:
- # We want to wait for a *Gillcup* future on *this* clock,
- # with category 1
- delay = gillcup.futures.Future(self, delay, _category=1)
- else:
- if delay < 0:
- raise ValueError('Moving backwards in time')
- delay = self.sleep(delay * self.speed, _category=1)
- self.advancing = True
- if delay.done():
- self.advancing = False
- return
- event = self._get_next_event()
- if event is None:
- self.advancing = False
- return
- event_dt, _cat, _index, clock, event = event
- if event_dt:
- self._advance(event_dt)
- _evt = heapq.heappop(clock.events)
- assert _evt is event and clock._time_value == event.time
- # jump to the event's time
- clock._time_value = event.time
- # Handle the event (synchronously!)
- event.callback(*event.args)
- # finish jumping
- yield from asyncio.Task(self.advance(delay, _continuing=True))
- def advance_sync(self, delay):
- """Call (and wait for) :meth:`advance` outside of an event loop
- Runs asyncio's main event loop until ``advance()`` is finished.
- Useful in testing or in some non-realtime applications.
- """
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- loop.run_until_complete(self.advance(delay))
- def _advance(self, dt):
- self._time_value += dt
- for subclock in self._subclocks:
- subclock._advance(dt * subclock.speed)
- @fix_public_signature
- def sleep(self, delay, *, _category=0):
- """Return a future that will complete after "delay" time units
- Scheduling for the past (delay<0) will raise an error.
- """
- future = asyncio.Future()
- self.schedule(delay, future.set_result, None, _category=_category)
- return gillcup.futures.Future(self, future)
- def wait_for(self, future):
- """Wrap a future so that its calbacks are scheduled on this Clock
- Return a future that is done when the original one is,
- but any callbacks registered on it will be scheduled on this Clock.
- If the given future is already scheduling on this Clock,
- it is returned unchanged.
- """
- if isinstance(future, gillcup.futures.Future) and future.clock is self:
- return future
- else:
- return gillcup.futures.Future(self, future)
- @fix_public_signature
- def schedule(self, delay, callback, *args, _category=0):
- """Schedule callback to be called after "delay" time units
- """
- global _next_index
- if delay < 0:
- raise ValueError('Scheduling an action in the past')
- _next_index += 1
- scheduled_time = self._time_value + delay
- event = _Event(scheduled_time, _category, _next_index, callback, args)
- heapq.heappush(self.events, event)
- def task(self, coro):
- """Run an asyncio-style coroutine on this clock
- Futures yielded by the coroutine will be handled by this Clock.
- In addition to futures, the coroutine may yield real numbers,
- which are translated to :meth:`sleep`.
- """
- @asyncio.coroutine
- def coro_wrapper():
- iterator = iter(coro)
- value = exception = None
- while True:
- try:
- if exception is None:
- value = iterator.send(value)
- else:
- value = iterator.throw(exception)
- except StopIteration as exc:
- return exc.value
- if value is None:
- value = 0
- try:
- try:
- value = float(value)
- except TypeError:
- yield from self.wait_for(value)
- else:
- yield from self.sleep(value)
- except Exception as exc:
- value = None
- exception = exc
- except BaseException as exc:
- iterator.throw(exc)
- raise
- return asyncio.Task(coro_wrapper())
- class Subclock(Clock):
- """A Clock that advances in sync with another Clock
- A Subclock advances whenever its :token:`parent` clock does.
- Its :token:`speed` attribute specifies the relative speed relative
- to the parent clock.
- For example, if ``speed==2``, the subclock will run twice as fast as its
- parent clock.
- The actions scheduled on a parent Clock and all subclocks are run in the
- correct sequence, with consistent times on the clocks.
- """
- def __init__(self, parent, speed=1):
- super(Subclock, self).__init__()
- self.speed = speed
- parent._subclocks.add(self)