Python | 123 lines | 111 code | 5 blank | 7 comment | 0 complexity | 76dd16ee9975b9757c2b03c5e2adc496 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- import os
- import sys
- import types
- from grit.format import interface
- from grit.format.policy_templates import policy_template_generator
- from grit.format.policy_templates import writer_configuration
- from grit.node import structure
- from grit.node import message
- from grit.node import misc
- class TemplateFormatter(interface.ItemFormatter):
- '''Creates a template file corresponding to an <output> node of the grit
- tree.
- More precisely, processes the whole grit tree for a given <output> node whose
- type is 'adm'. TODO(gfeher) add new types here
- The result of processing is a policy template file with the
- given type and language of the <output> node. A new instance of this class
- is created by grit.misc.GritNode for each <output> node. This class does
- the interfacing with grit, but the actual template-generating work is done in
- policy_template_generator.PolicyTemplateGenerator.
- '''
- def __init__(self, writer_name):
- '''Initializes this formatter to output messages with a given writer.
- Args:
- writer_name: A string identifying the TemplateWriter subclass used
- for generating the output. If writer name is 'adm', then the class
- from module 'writers.adm_writer' will be used.
- '''
- super(type(self), self).__init__()
- writer_module_name = \
- 'grit.format.policy_templates.writers.' + writer_name + '_writer'
- __import__(writer_module_name)
- # The module that contains the writer class:
- self._writer_module = sys.modules[writer_module_name]
- def Format(self, item, lang='en', begin_item=True, output_dir='.'):
- '''Generates a template corresponding to an <output> node in the grd file.
- Args:
- item: the <grit> root node of the grit tree.
- lang: the language of outputted text, e.g.: 'en'
- begin_item: True or False, depending on if this function was called at
- the beginning or at the end of the item.
- output_dir: The output directory, currently unused here.
- Returns:
- The text of the template file.
- '''
- if not begin_item:
- return ''
- self._lang = lang
- self._config = writer_configuration.GetConfigurationForBuild(item.defines)
- self._policy_data = None
- self._messages = {}
- self._ParseGritNodes(item)
- return self._GetOutput()
- def _GetOutput(self):
- '''Generates a template file using the instance variables initialized
- in Format() using the writer specified in __init__().
- Returns:
- The text of the policy template based on the parameters passed
- to __init__() and Format().
- '''
- policy_generator = policy_template_generator.PolicyTemplateGenerator(
- self._messages,
- self._policy_data['policy_definitions'])
- writer = self._writer_module.GetWriter(self._config, self._messages)
- str = policy_generator.GetTemplateText(writer)
- return str
- def _ImportMessage(self, message):
- '''Takes a grit message node and adds its translated content to
- self._messages.
- Args:
- message: A <message> node in the grit tree.
- '''
- msg_name = message.GetTextualIds()[0]
- # Get translation of message.
- msg_txt = message.Translate(self._lang)
- # Replace the placeholder of app name.
- msg_txt = msg_txt.replace('$1', self._config['app_name'])
- msg_txt = msg_txt.replace('$3', self._config['frame_name'])
- # Replace other placeholders.
- for placeholder in self._policy_data['placeholders']:
- msg_txt = msg_txt.replace(placeholder['key'], placeholder['value'])
- # Strip spaces and escape newlines.
- lines = msg_txt.split('\n')
- lines = [line.strip() for line in lines]
- msg_txt = "\n".join(lines)
- self._messages[msg_name] = msg_txt
- def _ParseGritNodes(self, item):
- '''Collects the necessary information from the grit tree:
- the message strings and the policy definitions.
- Args:
- item: The grit node parsed currently.
- '''
- nodes = []
- if (isinstance(item, misc.IfNode) and not item.IsConditionSatisfied()):
- return
- if (isinstance(item, structure.StructureNode) and
- item.attrs['type'] == 'policy_template_metafile'):
- assert self._policy_data == None
- self._policy_data = item.gatherer.GetData()
- elif (isinstance(item, message.MessageNode)):
- self._ImportMessage(item)
- for child in item.children:
- self._ParseGritNodes(child)