Python | 351 lines | 301 code | 46 blank | 4 comment | 102 complexity | d9cce7e3ec4099c0f4a80df8498c738e MD5 | raw file
- __all__ = ['TERM_COEFF']
- from .base import heads_precedence, ArithmeticHead, Expr
- from ..core import init_module
- init_module.import_heads()
- init_module.import_numbers()
- init_module.import_lowlevel_operations()
- class TermCoeff(ArithmeticHead):
- """ Expr(TERM_COEFF, (term, coeff)) represents term*coeff
- where term is symbolic expression and coeff is a number or
- symbolic expression.
- """
- def is_data_ok(self, cls, data, allow_number_term=True):
- if type(data) is tuple and len(data)==2:
- term, coeff = data
- if isinstance(term, cls):
- if isinstance(coeff, numbertypes) or type(coeff) is not cls:
- if term.head is self or (not allow_number_term and term.head is NUMBER):
- return 'data[0].head cannot be %s' %(term.head)
- return
- elif isinstance(coeff, cls):
- if coeff.head is NUMBER:
- if not isinstance(coeff.data, numbertypes): #pragma: no cover
- return 'data[1].data must be %s instance for NUMBER head but got %s instance' % (numbertypes, type(coeff.data)) #pragma: no cover
- else:
- return 'data[1] must be %s instance but got %s instance' % ((cls, numbertypes), type(coeff)) #pragma: no cover
- else:
- return 'data[0] must be %s instance but got %s instance' % (cls, type(term)) #pragma: no cover
- else:
- return 'data must be 2-tuple' #pragma: no cover
- return
- def __repr__(self): return 'TERM_COEFF'
- def new(self, cls, data):
- return term_coeff_new(cls, data)
- def reevaluate(self, cls, (term, coeff)):
- return term * coeff
- def to_EXP_COEFF_DICT(self, cls, (term, coeff), expr, variables=None):
- return term.head.to_EXP_COEFF_DICT(cls, term.data, term, variables) * coeff
- def to_MUL(self, Algebra, (term, coeff), expr):
- term = term.head.to_MUL(Algebra, term.data, term)
- if term.head is MUL:
- data = [Algebra(NUMBER, coeff)] + term.data
- else:
- data = [Algebra(NUMBER, coeff), term]
- return Algebra(MUL, data)
- def to_ADD(self, Algebra, (term, coeff), expr):
- return coeff * term.head.to_ADD(Algebra, term.data, term)
- def data_to_str_and_precedence(self, cls, (term, coeff)):
- neg_p = heads_precedence.NEG
- mul_p = heads_precedence.MUL
- if term==1:
- t, t_p = NUMBER.data_to_str_and_precedence(cls, coeff)
- elif coeff==1:
- t, t_p = term.head.data_to_str_and_precedence(cls, term.data)
- elif coeff==-1:
- t, t_p = term.head.data_to_str_and_precedence(cls, term.data)
- t, t_p = ('-('+t+')' if t_p < mul_p else '-' + t), neg_p
- elif coeff==0:
- t, t_p = '0', heads_precedence.NUMBER
- else:
- t, t_p = term.head.data_to_str_and_precedence(cls, term.data)
- c, c_p = NUMBER.data_to_str_and_precedence(cls, coeff)
- if t=='1':
- return c, c_p
- cs = '('+c+')' if c_p < mul_p else c
- ts = '('+t+')' if t_p < mul_p else t
- t = cs + (ts[1:] if ts.startswith('1/') else '*' + ts)
- t_p = mul_p
- return t, t_p
- def term_coeff(self, cls, expr):
- return expr.data
- def neg(self, cls, expr):
- term, coeff = expr.data
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, -coeff))
- def add(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- head, data = rhs.pair
- if head is ADD:
- return ADD.new(cls, [lhs] + data)
- if head is TERM_COEFF_DICT:
- data = data.copy()
- dict_add_item(cls, data, term, coeff)
- return term_coeff_dict_new(cls, data)
- if head is NUMBER:
- if data==0:
- return lhs
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, cls(NUMBER,1):data})
- if head is SYMBOL:
- if term==rhs:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff + 1))
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, rhs:1})
- if head is TERM_COEFF:
- rterm, rcoeff = data
- if rterm==term:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff + rcoeff))
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, rterm:rcoeff})
- if head is BASE_EXP_DICT:
- rcoeff = base_exp_dict_get_coefficient(cls, data)
- if rcoeff is not None:
- d = data.copy()
- del d[rcoeff]
- rterm = base_exp_dict_new(cls, d)
- if rterm==term:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff + rcoeff))
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, rterm:rcoeff})
- else:
- if term==rhs:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff + 1))
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, rhs:1})
- if head is POW or head is APPLY or head is DIFF or head is FDIFF or head is SUBSCRIPT:
- if term==rhs:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff + 1))
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT,{term:coeff, rhs:1})
- if head is MUL:
- return cls(ADD, [lhs, rhs])
- raise NotImplementedError(`self, rhs.head`)
- inplace_add = add
- def add_number(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- if rhs==0:
- return lhs
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT, {term: coeff, cls(NUMBER, 1): rhs})
- def sub_number(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- if rhs==0:
- return lhs
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- return cls(TERM_COEFF_DICT, {term: coeff, cls(NUMBER, 1): -rhs})
- def sub(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- return lhs + (-rhs)
- def non_commutative_mul(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- head, data = rhs.pair
- if head is NUMBER:
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, coeff * data))
- return (term * rhs) * coeff
- commutative_mul = non_commutative_mul
- def commutative_mul_number(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- if rhs==1:
- return lhs
- if rhs==0:
- return cls(NUMBER, 0)
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- new_coeff = coeff * rhs
- if new_coeff==1:
- return term
- return cls(TERM_COEFF, (term, new_coeff))
- non_commutative_mul_number = commutative_mul_number
- inplace_commutative_mul = commutative_mul
- def commutative_div_number(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- r = number_div(cls, coeff, rhs)
- if rhs==0:
- return r * term
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (term, r))
- def commutative_rdiv_number(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- r = number_div(cls, rhs, coeff)
- if rhs==0:
- return r * (1/term)
- return term_coeff_new(cls, (1/term, r))
- def commutative_div(self, cls, lhs, rhs):
- rhead, rdata = rhs.pair
- if rhead is NUMBER:
- return self.commutative_div_number(cls, lhs, rdata)
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF:
- rterm, rcoeff = rdata
- if term==rterm:
- return cls(NUMBER, number_div(cls, coeff, rcoeff))
- return term.head.commutative_div(cls, term, rterm) * number_div(cls, coeff, rcoeff)
- if rhead is SYMBOL or rhead is APPLY:
- if term == rhs:
- return cls(NUMBER, coeff)
- b, e = term.base_exp()
- return cls(TERM_COEFF, (cls(BASE_EXP_DICT, {b:e, rhs:-1}), coeff))
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF_DICT:
- b, e = term.base_exp()
- return cls(TERM_COEFF, (cls(BASE_EXP_DICT, {b:e, rhs:-1}), coeff))
- if term==rhs:
- return cls(NUMBER, coeff)
- return (term / rhs) * coeff
- return term.head.commutative_div(cls, term, rhs) * coeff
- def pow(self, cls, base, exp):
- term, coeff = base.data
- if isinstance(exp, Expr):
- head, data = exp.pair
- if head is NUMBER:
- exp = data
- if isinstance(exp, inttypes):
- if exp<0:
- return term ** exp / coeff ** (-exp)
- return term ** exp * coeff ** exp
- return pow_new(cls, (base, exp))
- def pow_number(self, cls, base, exp):
- term, coeff = base.data
- if isinstance(exp, inttypes):
- if exp<0:
- return term ** exp / coeff ** (-exp)
- return term ** exp * coeff ** exp
- return cls(POW, (base, exp))
- def walk(self, func, cls, data, target):
- term, coeff = data
- h, d = term.pair
- term = h.walk(func, cls, d, term)
- if isinstance(coeff, Expr):
- h, d = coeff.pair
- coeff = h.walk(func, type(coeff), d, coeff)
- s = term * coeff
- h, d = s.pair
- return func(cls, h, d, s)
- def scan(self, proc, cls, data, target):
- term, coeff = data
- term.head.scan(proc, cls, term.data, target)
- if isinstance(coeff, Expr):
- coeff.head.scan(proc, type(coeff), coeff.data, target)
- proc(cls, self, data, target)
- def expand(self, cls, expr):
- term, coeff = expr.data
- return term.head.expand(cls, term) * coeff
- def diff(self, cls, data, expr, symbol, order, cache={}):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.diff(cls, term.data, term, symbol, order, cache=cache) * coeff
- def diff_apply(self, cls, data, diff, expr):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.diff_apply(cls, term.data, term, expr) * coeff
- def apply(self, cls, data, func, args):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.apply(cls, term.data, term, args) * coeff
- def integrate_indefinite(self, cls, data, expr, x):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.integrate_indefinite(cls, term.data, term, x) * coeff
- def integrate_definite(self, cls, data, expr, x, a, b):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.integrate_definite(cls, term.data, term, x, a, b) * coeff
- def to_TERM_COEFF_DICT(self, Algebra, data, expr):
- term, coeff = data
- return term.head.to_TERM_COEFF_DICT(Algebra, term.data, term) * coeff
- def algebra_pos(self, Algebra, expr):
- return expr
- def algebra_neg(self, Algebra, expr):
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('evaluate_addition'):
- term, coeff = expr.data
- return term_coeff_new(Algebra, (term, -coeff))
- return Algebra(NEG, expr)
- def algebra_add_number(self, Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace):
- return self.algebra_add(Algebra, lhs, Algebra(NUMBER, rhs), inplace)
- def algebra_add(self, Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace):
- rhead, rdata = rhs.pair
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('is_additive_group_commutative'):
- lterm, lcoeff = lhs.data
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('evaluate_addition'):
- if rhead is ADD or rhead is MUL or rhead is NEG:
- rhs = rhead.to_TERM_COEFF_DICT(Algebra, rdata, rhs)
- rhead, rdata = rhs.pair
- if rhead is NUMBER:
- if rdata==0:
- return lhs
- return Algebra(TERM_COEFF_DICT, {lterm:lcoeff, Algebra(NUMBER, 1): rdata})
- if rhead is SYMBOL:
- if lterm==rhs:
- return term_coeff_new(Algebra, (lterm, lcoeff + 1))
- return Algebra(TERM_COEFF_DICT, {lterm:lcoeff, rhs: 1})
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF:
- rterm, rcoeff = rdata
- if lterm == rterm:
- return term_coeff_new(Algebra, (lterm, lcoeff+rcoeff))
- return Algebra(TERM_COEFF_DICT, {lterm:lcoeff, rterm:rcoeff})
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF_DICT:
- d = rdata.copy()
- term_coeff_dict_add_item(Algebra, d, lterm, lcoeff)
- return term_coeff_dict_new(Algebra, d)
- else:
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF_DICT or rhead is EXP_COEFF_DICT:
- rhead, rdata = rhs.to(ADD).pair
- if rhead is ADD:
- data = [lhs] + rdata
- else:
- data = [lhs, rhs]
- return add_new(Algebra, data)
- return super(type(self), self).algebra_add(Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace)
- else:
- if rhead is TERM_COEFF_DICT or rhead is EXP_COEFF_DICT:
- rhead, rdata = rhs.to(ADD).pair
- if rhead is ADD:
- data = [lhs] + rdata
- else:
- data = [lhs, rhs]
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('evaluate_addition'):
- ADD.combine_add_list(Algebra, data)
- return add_new(Algebra, data)
- def algebra_mul_number(self, Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace):
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('evaluate_addition'):
- if not rhs:
- return Algebra(NUMBER, 0)
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- return term_coeff_new(Algebra, (term, coeff * rhs))
- return mul_new(Algebra, [lhs, Algebra(NUMBER, rhs)])
- def algebra_mul(self, Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace):
- if Algebra.algebra_options.get('evaluate_addition'):
- term, coeff = lhs.data
- rhead, rdata = rhs.pair
- if rhead is NUMBER:
- return term_coeff_new(Algebra, (term, coeff*rdata))
- return super(type(self), self).algebra_mul(Algebra, lhs, rhs, inplace)
- return mul_new(Algebra, [lhs, rhs])
- TERM_COEFF = TermCoeff()