PHP | 503 lines | 421 code | 74 blank | 8 comment | 113 complexity | a8bac3cbc41a48d26459d41d0cdc9af3 MD5 | raw file
- <?
- define("METHOD_ADD", 1);
- define("METHOD_EDIT", 2);
- class SQL {
- private $__QUERIES;
- private $__link;
- private $__SQL_CONNECTION = false;
- private $__addFieldReg = Array();
- private $__sqlRegTitle = Array();
- private $__requiredField = Array();
- private $__retURLVal = Array();
- private $__getIgnoredField = Array();
- private $__sqlCustomField = Array();
- public function dbconnect() {
- global $DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $DB_NAME;
- $link = mysql_connect($DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS) or die("No se pudo conectar a la base de datos");
- mysql_select_db($DB_NAME) or die("No se pudo seleccionar la base de datos");
- if ($link) {
- $this->__link = $link;
- $this->__SQL_CONNECTION = true;
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public function dbquery($query) {
- $result = @mysql_query($query, $this->__link);
- $this->__QUERIES++;
- return $result;
- }
- public function dbdisconnect($link) {
- mysql_close($link);
- }
- public function fetchrow($text) {
- return mysql_fetch_row($text);
- }
- public function fetcharray($text) {
- return @mysql_fetch_array($text);
- }
- public function reset($res) {
- mysql_data_seek($res, 0);
- }
- public function fastquery($query) {
- if ($this->__SQL_CONNECTION == false) $this->dbconnect();
- $result = $this->dbquery($query);
- return $result;
- }
- public function sql_num_rows($query) {
- return mysql_num_rows($query);
- }
- public function getErrno() {
- return mysql_errno($this->__link);
- }
- public function addFieldReg($table, $field, $newname, $required = false) {
- if ($required == true)
- $this->__requiredField[$table][$field] = true;
- $this->__addFieldReg[$table][$field] = $newname;
- }
- private function getFieldReg($table, $field) {
- if ($this->__addFieldReg[$table][$field]) {
- return $this->__addFieldReg[$table][$field];
- } else {
- return $field;
- }
- }
- public function addSQLRegTitle($table, $title) {
- $this->__sqlRegTitle[$table] = $title;
- }
- public function getReferences($table, $column) {
- global $DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $DB_NAME;
- $query = "SELECT u.column_name, u.referenced_table_schema, u.referenced_table_name, u.referenced_column_name
- FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS c
- INNER JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS u
- USING ( constraint_schema, constraint_name )
- WHERE c.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
- AND c.table_schema = '$DB_NAME'
- AND c.table_name = '$table'
- AND u.column_name = '$column'
- LIMIT 0 , 30
- ";
- $sql = $this->fastquery($query);
- $res = $this->fetcharray($sql);
- return($res);
- }
- public function addSQLReg($table) {
- $this->_putForm($table, $id, METHOD_ADD, $GET['oldurl']);
- }
- public function doAddSQL($data) {
- as_array($data);
- reset($data);
- //print_r2($data);die();
- while (list($key, $val) = each($data)) {
- if ($key == '__SQLReturnVal') continue;
- if ($key == '__sqlRegTable') {
- $__sqltmp1 = "$val";
- } else if ($key == 'pass' || $key == 'password') {
- $__sqltmp2 .= "$key, ";
- $__sqltmp3 .= "SHA1('$val'), ";
- } else if ($key{0} == '_' && $key{1} == '_') {
- continue;
- } else {
- $__sqltmp2 .= "$key, ";
- $__sqltmp3 .= "'$val', ";
- }
- }
- $__sqltmp1 = trim($__sqltmp1, " ,");
- $__sqltmp2 = trim($__sqltmp2, " ,");
- $__sqltmp3 = trim($__sqltmp3, " ,");
- $__sqltmp = "INSERT INTO $__sqltmp1 ($__sqltmp2) VALUES ($__sqltmp3)";
- //echo $__sqltmp;die();
- $ret = $this->fastquery($__sqltmp);
- if (!$ret) {
- __sql_error($this->getErrno());
- }
- }
- public function retURL($table, $url) {
- $this->__retURLVal[$table] = $url;
- }
- public function getSQLIgnoreField($table, $field) {
- $this->__getIgnoredField[$table][$field] = true;
- }
- public function getFieldName($table, $field) {
- $query = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS IN $table WHERE Field = '$field'";
- $sql = $this->fastquery($query);
- $res = $this->fetcharray($sql);
- if($res['Comment'])
- return($res['Comment']);
- else
- return($field);
- }
- private function isNULL($table, $field) {
- $query = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS IN $table WHERE Field = '$field'";
- $sql = $this->fastquery($query);
- $res = $this->fetcharray($sql);
- if ($res['Null'] == 'YES')
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- }
- public function getSQLRegs($table, $match) {
- global $SELECT, $DESC, $_REF;
- if ($SELECT[$table] != '') {
- $query = "SELECT $SELECT[$table] FROM $table";
- } else {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM $table";
- }
- $fields = Array();
- $i = 0;
- $ret = $this->fastquery("EXPLAIN $table");
- while($tmp = $this->fetcharray($ret)) {
- if ($this->__getIgnoredField[$table][$tmp['Field']]) {
- continue;
- }
- $fields[$i++] = $tmp['Field'];
- }
- if ($match != '') {
- $subq = 'WHERE (';
- reset($fields);
- while (list($key, $val) = each($fields)) {
- $subq .= " upper($val) LIKE upper('%$match%') OR";
- }
- $subq = preg_replace('/ OR$/', '', $subq);
- $query = "$query $subq)";
- }
- reset($fields);
- $ret = $this->fastquery($query);
- if (!$ret) {
- __error("Error ejecutando sentencia SQL");
- }
- ?>
- <div align="center">
- <?
- $ii = 0;
- while ($res = $this->fetcharray($ret)) {
- if ($ii == 0) {
- ?>
- <table border="0" class="listTable" style="width: 90%;">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <?
- while (list($key1, $val1) = each($res)) {
- if (is_numeric($key1)) continue;
- ?>
- <td>
- <nobr><?=$this->getFieldName($table, $key1)?></nobr>
- </td>
- <?
- }
- ?>
- <td>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <?
- reset($res);
- }
- $ii++;
- $trid = uniqid();
- ?>
- <tr id="_sql_reg_<?=$trid?>">
- <?
- while (list($key, $val) = each($res)) {
- if ($this->__getIgnoredField[$table][$key]) continue;
- if (is_numeric($key)) continue;
- ?>
- <td><?
- $references = $this->getReferences($table, $key);
- //print_r2($references);
- $reference_table = $references[2];
- $reference_column = $references[3];
- if ($reference_column != '') {
- $fk_query = "SELECT * FROM $reference_table WHERE $reference_column = $val";
- //echo $fk_query;
- $fk_sql = $this->fastquery($fk_query);
- $refcount = intval($_REF[$reference_table]);
- if ($refcount == 0) $refcount = 1;
- while ($fk_res = $this->fetcharray($fk_sql)) {
- for ($i=1; $i <= $refcount ; $i++)
- echo "$fk_res[$i] ";
- }
- } else {
- echo "$val";
- }
- ?></td>
- <?
- }
- ?>
- <td><nobr>
- <a href="generic.php?op=edit&table=<?=$table?>&id=<?=$res['id']?>&oldurl=<?=urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])?>"><img src="template/img/icons/document-properties.png" border="0" alt="Editar" title="Editar"/></a>
- <a href="#" onclick="return(js_delete_reg(<?=$res['id']?>, '<?=$table?>', '_sql_reg_<?=$trid?>'))"><img src="template/img/icons/edit-delete.png" border="0" alt="Eliminar" title="Eliminar" /></a>
- </nobr>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?
- }
- ?>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- </div>
- <?
- }
- public function _putForm($table, $id, $method, $oldurl) {
- global $_REF;
- $sql = $this->fastquery("EXPLAIN $table");
- $sqldata = $this->fastquery("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '$id'");
- $resdata = $this->fetcharray($sqldata);
- if ($method == METHOD_EDIT) {
- $_form_action = 'generic.php?op=doEditSQL';
- $_nochange = '__[[NOCHANGE]]__';
- } else {
- $_form_action = 'generic.php?op=doAddSQL';
- }
- ?>
- <form name="frm_<?=$table?>" id="frm_<?=$table?>" method="post" action="<?=$_form_action?>" enctype="multipart/form-data" onsubmit="return __submitForm_<?=$table?>(this);">
- <input type="hidden" name="__sqlRegTable" value="<?=$table?>">
- <input type="hidden" name="__SQLReturnVal" value="<?=htmlentities($this->__retURLVal[$table])?>">
- <input type="hidden" name="__oldurl" value="<?=$oldurl?>">
- <div align="left">
- <table border="0" class="tableReg" style="width: 350pt;">
- <?
- if ($this->__sqlRegTitle[$table]) {
- ?>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3" align="center">
- <h1 class="tableRegTitle"><?=$this->__sqlRegTitle[$table]?></h1>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?
- }
- $ii = 0;
- while ($res = $this->fetcharray($sql)) {
- if ($res['Field'] == 'id' && $res['Extra'] == 'auto_increment') {
- ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?=$id?>">
- <?
- continue;
- }
- $res['Type2'] = preg_replace('/\(.*\)/','',$res['Type']);
- ?><tr id="_tr_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>">
- <td id="_td_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>" align="right">
- <?=$this->getFieldName($table, $res['Field'])?>
- </td>
- <td align="left" id="_td_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>">
- <?
- $references = $this->getReferences($table, $res['Field']);
- //print_r2($references);
- $reference_table = $references[2];
- $reference_column = $references[3];
- if ($reference_column != '') {
- $fk_query = "SELECT * FROM $reference_table";
- //echo $fk_query;
- $fk_sql = $this->fastquery($fk_query);
- $refcount = intval($_REF[$reference_table]);
- if ($refcount == 0) $refcount = 1;
- echo "<select name=\"$res[Field]\">";
- while ($fk_res = $this->fetcharray($fk_sql)) {
- if ($resdata[$res['Field']] == $fk_res[0]) $fk_selected = ' selected';
- echo "<option value=\"$fk_res[0]\"$fk_selected>";
- for ($i=1; $i <= $refcount ; $i++)
- echo "$fk_res[$i] ";
- echo "</option>";
- $fk_selected = '';
- }
- echo "</select>";
- } else {
- if (!$this->isNULL($table, $res['Field']))
- $required = 'required';
- else
- $required = '';
- if ($res['Type2'] == 'varchar') {
- if ($res['Field'] == 'pass' || $res['Field'] == 'password') {
- ?><input <?=$required?> style="width: 100%;" type="password" name="<?=$res['Field']?>" value="<?=$_nochange?>" /><?
- } else {
- ?><input <?=$required?> style="width: 100%;" type="text" name="<?=$res['Field']?>" value="<?=$resdata[$res['Field']]?>" /><?
- }
- } else if ($res['Type2'] == 'text') {
- ?><textarea <?=$required?> style="width: 100%;" name="<?=$res['Field']?>" rows="4"><?=$resdata[$res['Field']]?></textarea><?
- } else if ($res['Type2'] == 'float') {
- ?>
- <div align="right">
- <input <?=$required?> style="width: 60pt; text-align: right;" type="text" name="<?=$res['Field']?>" value="<?=$resdata[$res['Field']]?>" />
- </div>
- <?
- } else if ($res['Type2'] == 'enum') {
- // hacky: convertir enum en aray...
- $code = preg_replace('/^enum/', 'Array', $res['Type']);
- eval("\$data = $code;");
- echo "<select name=\"$res[Field]\">";
- while (list($key, $val) = each($data)) {
- if ($resdata[$res['Field']] == $val) $selected = ' selected';
- echo "<option value=\"$val\"$selected>";
- echo $key;
- echo "</option>";
- $selected = '';
- }
- echo "</select>";
- } else {
- echo "unhandled ". $res['Type2'];
- }
- }
- ?>
- </td>
- <td id="_td_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>">
- <?
- if (!$this->isNULL($table, $res['Field'])) {
- echo " *";
- } else {
- echo " ";
- }
- ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?
- }
- $this->reset($sql);
- ?>
- <tr id="_tr_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>">
- <td id="_td_<?=$table?>_<?=$ii++?>" colspan="2" align="right">
- <div style="display: none;" id="_<?=$table?>_additional_1">ad</div>
- <input type="submit" value="Guardar">
- </td>
- <td> </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- </form>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- function __submitForm_<?=$table?>(frm) {
- <?
- while ($res = $this->fetcharray($sql)) {
- if ($this->isNULL($table, $res['Field'])) continue;
- ?>
- if (frm.<?=$res['Field']?>.value == '' && frm.<?=$res['Field']?>.type != 'hidden') {
- alert('Ingrese el valor del campo <?=$res['Field']?>');
- frm.<?=$res['Field']?>.focus();
- return(false);
- }
- <?
- }
- ?>
- return(true);
- }
- -->
- </script>
- <?
- }
- public function editSQLReg($table, $id) {
- $this->_putForm($table, $id, METHOD_EDIT, $GET['oldurl']);
- }
- public function findPriKey($table) {
- // encontrar llave primaria
- $_query = "SHOW FULL COLUMNS IN $table WHERE `Key` = 'PRI'";
- $q = $this->fastquery($_query);
- $reskey = $this->fetcharray($q);
- if ($reskey['Field'] == '') {
- return(false);
- }
- return($reskey['Field']);
- }
- public function doEditSQL($data) {
- as_array($data);
- $table = $data['__sqlRegTable'];
- $back = $data['__SQLReturnVal'];
- $prikey = $this->findPriKey($table);
- if (!$prikey) {
- __error("Tabla $table no tiene llave primaria");
- }
- $prikeydata = $data[$prikey];
- $query = "UPDATE $table SET ";
- reset($data);
- while (list($key, $val) = each($data)) {
- if ($key{0} . $key{1} == '__') continue;
- if ($key == 'pass' && $val == '__[[NOCHANGE]]__') continue;
- if ($key == 'password' && $val == '__[[NOCHANGE]]__') continue;
- $query .= "$key = NULLIF('$val', ''), ";
- }
- $query = trim($query, ' ,');
- $query .= " WHERE $prikey = '$prikeydata' LIMIT 1";
- $sql = new SQL();
- $ret = $sql->fastquery($query);
- if (!$ret) {
- __error("Error ejecutando sentencia SQL");
- }
- }
- }
- ?>