#! | 441 lines | 366 code | 75 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 61bed70cd3376c293204c3e391f38cf8 MD5 | raw file
- #!/bin/bash
- # Find lowest vids for PHC so that mprime doesn't find errors.
- # Shouldn't crash the computer, but might.
- #####################################
- # Parameters.
- # short_test_length should be between 15 and 60 s.
- # Use a longer length to avoid crashing during the test.
- short_test_length=20
- # long_test_length should be between 60 and 7200 s or more.
- # Bigger values are safer, but increase the test's length.
- long_test_length=320
- # safety_vid_delta should be between 1 and 4. Bigger values are safer.
- # Suggestions:
- # - use 4 if long_test_length < 60
- # - use 3 if long_test_length >= 60 and < 240
- # - use 2 if long_test_length >= 240
- # - use 1 only if long_test_length >= 3600
- safety_vid_delta=2
- debug=0
- amd_max_vid=124
- # Tolerance for inaccurate frequencies during the test (in percent)
- # Added because of https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1301126#p1301126
- # NOTE: actually it seems that the problem is different: some CPUs have a bogus 1st
- # frequency that is 1Â MHz higher than the real top frequency (the 2nd one).
- wrong_freq_tolerance=0
- #####################################
- # Check that settings are sane
- if (( short_test_length < 15 )); then
- echo "Forcing short_test_length to 15 seconds."
- short_test_length=15
- fi
- if (( long_test_length < 30 )); then
- echo "Forcing long_test_length to 30 seconds."
- long_test_length=30
- fi
- if (( safety_vid_delta < 1 )); then
- echo "Forcing safety vid delta to 1."
- safety_vid_delta=1
- fi
- # Need root privileges to change the vids
- if [[ `whoami` != root ]]; then
- echo "Run me as root."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check that mprime is available
- which mprime &>/dev/null
- if (( $? != 0 )); then
- echo "mprime is not in the path."
- if [[ ! -e ./mprime ]]; then
- echo "No mprime in the current directory either... Aborting."
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "Using mprime from the current directory."
- mp="./mprime -t"
- else
- mp="mprime -t"
- fi
- # Check that PHC is active
- cpuf=/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
- if [[ ! -e $cpuf/phc_default_vids ]]; then
- echo "The PHC module doesn't seem to be loaded."
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check if AMD processor, then need to reverse the search direction
- if lsmod | grep phc_k8 >/dev/null ; then
- vid_delta=1
- vid_limit=$amd_max_vid
- else
- vid_delta=-1
- vid_limit=0
- fi
- # Warn user about end of the world
- echo ""
- echo "Warning: this might crash your computer or applications."
- echo "Please save all your work and don't do anything while the test is running."
- echo "You can stop the test at any time with CTRL-C."
- echo "Press RETURN to go on or CTRL-C to cancel."
- read
- function set_sys_val
- {
- #echo Writing $2 to $1
- for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/$1; do
- echo "$2" > $i
- done
- }
- function debug_info
- {
- for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/{scaling_governor,cpuinfo_cur_freq,scaling_cur_freq,phc_vids}; do
- echo -n $i | sed 's/\/sys\/devices\/system\/cpu\///'
- echo " = $(cat $i)"
- done
- }
- # Store stuff to be able to cleanup later
- backup_governor=$(cat $cpuf/scaling_governor)
- backup_phc_vids=$(cat $cpuf/phc_vids)
- #if [[ $backup_governor != userspace ]]; then
- echo "Switching to the userspace governor. $backup_governor will be restored later."
- modprobe cpufreq_userspace
- set_sys_val scaling_governor userspace
- #fi
- # File to save the state in order to continue after a crash
- crash_state="/var/tmp/$(basename $0).state"
- # Log file for mprime
- mp_log=/tmp/$(basename $0).mp
- # process ID of mprime
- mp_pid=-1
- function launch_mprime
- {
- $mp &>$mp_log &
- mp_pid=$!
- }
- function kill_mprime
- {
- (( mp_pid <= 1 )) && return
- kill -9 $mp_pid
- wait $mp_pid &>/dev/null # needed to suppress the "killed" message by bash
- mp_pid=-1
- }
- function cleanup
- {
- echo ""
- echo "Restoring state..."
- kill_mprime
- # Restore vids
- set_sys_val phc_vids "$backup_phc_vids"
- # Restore governor
- set_sys_val scaling_governor "$backup_governor"
- # Delete log
- [[ -e $mp_log ]] && rm $mp_log
- # Delete state file
- [[ -e "$crash_state" ]] && rm "$crash_state"
- }
- # Restore original state whenever the script exits
- trap cleanup EXIT
- # List all vids and frequencies
- freqs=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies)
- default_vids=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/phc_default_vids)
- nb_freqs=0
- for f in $freqs; do
- #echo $nb_freqs - $f
- freq[nb_freqs]=$f
- ((nb_freqs++))
- done
- nb_vids=0
- for v in $default_vids; do
- #echo $nb_vids - $v
- vid[nb_vids]=$v
- ((nb_vids++))
- done
- if [[ $nb_freqs != $nb_vids ]]; then
- echo "Error: number of vids and number of frequencies differ!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Check that writing to scaling_max_freq works (I had this problem)
- #set_sys_val scaling_max_freq ${freq[1]}
- #if [[ $backup_scaling_max_freq == $(cat $cpuf/scaling_max_freq) ]]; then
- # echo "Error: cannot write to scaling_max_freq!"
- # echo "Try updating your kernel, rebooting and/or reinstalling PHC."
- # exit 1
- #fi
- # Estimate length of test
- estimate_min=$((short_test_length * (${vid[0]} - 2) + long_test_length))
- estimate_max=$((short_test_length * (${vid[0]} - 2) + nb_freqs * long_test_length * 3 / 2))
- function print_time
- {
- # input: $1 = number of seconds
- # output: xx h yy min
- local seconds=$1
- local days=$((seconds/3600/24))
- local seconds=$((seconds-days*3600*24))
- local hours=$((seconds/3600))
- seconds=$((seconds-hours*3600))
- local minutes=$((seconds/60))
- local r
- ((days>0)) && r="$days d "
- ((hours>0 || days>0)) && r="$r$hours h "
- ((days==0)) && r="$r$minutes min"
- echo -n $r
- }
- echo -n "Estimated time to completion: between "
- print_time estimate_min
- echo -n " and "
- print_time estimate_max
- echo ""
- # For each available frequency, try to lower the vid as much as possible
- # 1st pass: Lower the vid, test mprime for a small amount of time at each step.
- # If an error is detected, increment cur_vid and continue with pass 2.
- # If vid 0 is reached, continue with pass 2.
- # 2nd pass: Test cur_vid for a long time.
- # If there is an error, increment cur_vid and loop.
- # Stop when there is no error or cur_vid >= max_vid-delta.
- # Final step: best_vid=cur_vid+delta
- # set_vid index vid
- function set_vid
- {
- # Generate phc_vids string
- local v=""
- local i
- for (( i=0; i<nb_freqs; i++ )); do
- if (( $i == $1 )); then
- v="$v$2"
- else
- v="$v${vid[i]}"
- fi
- (( i < nb_freqs-1 )) && v="$v "
- done
- set_sys_val phc_vids "$v"
- }
- # Save progress in order to be able to continue after a crash
- function save_state
- {
- # Restore default vids before writing to disk to avoid a possible crash
- set_sys_val phc_vids "$default_vids"
- # state file contains:
- # - current frequency between 0 and nb_freqs - 1
- # - current VID
- # - current list of best VIDS found
- echo $f >"$crash_state"
- echo $cur_vid >>"$crash_state"
- echo "$final_vids" >>"$crash_state"
- sync
- sleep 1
- }
- function read_state
- {
- f=$(head -1 "$crash_state")
- cur_vid=$(sed -n 2p "$crash_state")
- final_vids="$(tail -1 "$crash_state")"
- #echo f=$f
- #echo cur_vid=$cur_vid
- #echo final_vids="-"$final_vids"-"
- }
- # Check if state file exists, which probably means the computer crashed
- if [[ -e "$crash_state" ]]; then
- read_state
- echo
- echo "State file $crash_state detected."
- echo "Frequency: $f"
- echo "Current VID: $cur_vid"
- echo "Current best vids: $final_vids"
- echo "Press return to continue from this point after a crash, or CTRL-C to delete the state file."
- read
- # There was a crash at $cur_vid, so increase it and go directly to pass 2
- cur_vid=$((cur_vid-2*vid_delta))
- pass2=1
- else
- cur_vid=${vid[0]}
- f=0
- pass2=0
- fi
- for (( ; f<nb_freqs; f++ )); do
- echo ""
- echo "Testing frequency $f (${freq[f]})..."
- echo "Default vid: ${vid[f]}"
- # Based on comments found on this page:
- # http://openmindedbrain.info/09/05/2010/undervolting-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lts/
- # it appears that some processors have a bogus 1st frequency that will always go
- # down to VID 0 and is in fact unused.
- if (( f == 0 && ${freq[0]} == ${freq[1]} + 1000 )); then
- echo "Looks like the first frequency is bogus; ignoring it."
- final_vids="${vid[0]} "
- continue
- fi
- # Pass 1: lowering vid quickly until there is an error
- if (( cur_vid*vid_delta < ${vid[f]}*vid_delta && pass2 == 0 )); then
- #echo "forcing cur vid to max"
- cur_vid=${vid[f]}
- fi
- cur_vid=$((cur_vid+vid_delta))
- for (( ; cur_vid*vid_delta < vid_limit*vid_delta && pass2 == 0; cur_vid+=vid_delta )); do
- count=$short_test_length
- echo "Trying vid $cur_vid for $count seconds"
- save_state
- set_vid $f $cur_vid
- # It looks like changing the VID also resets the frequency, so set frequency here
- set_sys_val scaling_setspeed ${freq[f]}
- launch_mprime
- if ((debug)); then
- sleep 1
- debug_info
- fi
- for (( ; count>0; count-- )); do
- sleep 1
- echo -n "."
- grep FATAL $mp_log &>/dev/null
- if (( $? == 0 )); then
- kill_mprime
- echo ""
- echo "Hardware failure detected."
- ((cur_vid-=vid_delta))
- break 2
- fi
- cur_freq=$(cat $cpuf/scaling_cur_freq)
- if (( (cur_freq < ${freq[f]} * (100 - wrong_freq_tolerance) / 100)
- || (cur_freq > ${freq[f]} * (100 + wrong_freq_tolerance) / 100) )); then
- echo ""
- echo "ERROR: Wrong frequency! (${cur_freq} instead of ${freq[f]})"
- debug_info
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- echo ""
- kill_mprime
- done
- # Pass 2: stress testing for a longer time and going up in case of an error.
- for (( ; cur_vid*vid_delta <= vid_limit && cur_vid*vid_delta > (${vid[f]}+safety_vid_delta*vid_delta)*vid_delta; cur_vid-=vid_delta )); do
- count=$long_test_length
- echo "Trying vid $cur_vid for $count seconds"
- save_state
- set_vid $f $cur_vid
- set_sys_val scaling_setspeed ${freq[f]}
- launch_mprime
- if ((debug)); then
- debug_info
- fi
- for (( ; count>0; count-- )); do
- sleep 1
- echo -n "."
- grep FATAL $mp_log &>/dev/null
- if (( $? == 0 )); then
- echo ""
- echo "Hardware failure detected."
- break
- fi
- done
- kill_mprime
- if (( count == 0 )); then
- break
- fi
- done
- echo ""
- echo "Found working vid. Adding $safety_vid_delta for safety."
- (( cur_vid*vid_delta > vid_limit*vid_delta )) && cur_vid=$vid_limit
- if (( (cur_vid - safety_vid_delta*vid_delta)*vid_delta < ${vid[f]}*vid_delta )); then
- final_vids=${final_vids}${vid[f]}
- else
- final_vids=${final_vids}$((cur_vid-safety_vid_delta*vid_delta))
- fi
- (( f < nb_freqs-1 )) && final_vids="$final_vids "
- echo "Current results: $final_vids"
- pass2=0
- done
- echo ""
- echo "All done."
- echo "Default vids: $default_vids"
- echo "Final vids: $final_vids"
- echo ""
- if [[ -e /etc/default/phc-intel ]]; then
- # Newest version of the AUR phc-intel package
- echo "Edit /etc/default/phc-intel to add your final vids."
- elif [[ -e /etc/phc-intel.conf ]]; then
- # Old version of the AUR phc-intel package
- echo "Edit /etc/phc-intel.conf to add your final vids."
- elif [[ -e /etc/conf.d/phc-intel ]]; then
- # Old version of the AUR phc-intel package, or current dkms-phc-intel package.
- echo "Edit /etc/conf.d/phc-intel to add your final vids."
- elif [[ -e /etc/default/phc-k8 ]]; then
- # Newest version of the AUR phc-k8 package
- echo "Edit /etc/default/phc-k8 to add your final vids."
- else
- echo "If your system has a working rc.local (probably not the case with systemd), you can add the following 3 lines to /etc/rc.local, before the final \"exit 0\":"
- echo ""
- echo "for i in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/phc_vids; do"
- echo " echo \"$final_vids\" > \$i"
- echo "done"
- fi