https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRAC · YAML · 104 lines · 87 code · 2 blank · 15 comment · 0 complexity · 1eadf4de6a27d03abb9c39e33a2ab374 MD5 · raw file
- name: dirac-development
- channels:
- - diracgrid
- - conda-forge
- - nodefaults
- dependencies:
- # Temporary workarounds
- - astroid 2.5.6 # https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/issues/1006 and https://github.com/PyCQA/astroid/issues/1007
- # runtime
- - python =3.9
- - pip
- - apache-libcloud
- - boto3
- - cachetools
- - certifi
- - cmreshandler >1.0.0b4
- - db12
- - elasticsearch <7.14
- - elasticsearch-dsl
- - opensearch-py
- - opensearch-dsl
- - fts3
- - future
- - gitpython >=2.1.0
- - m2crypto >=0.36,!=0.38.0
- - matplotlib
- - numpy
- - pexpect >=4.0.1
- - pillow
- - prompt-toolkit >=3,<4
- - psutil >=4.2.0
- - pyasn1 >0.4.1
- - pyasn1-modules
- - python-json-logger >=0.1.8
- - pytz >=2015.7
- - recommonmark
- - requests >=2.9.1
- - six >=1.10
- - sqlalchemy
- - stomp.py =4.1.23
- - suds-jurko >=0.6
- - xmltodict
- - pycurl
- - voms
- - python-gfal2
- - mysqlclient
- - diraccfg
- - subprocess32
- - ldap3
- - importlib_resources
- # testing and development
- - pre-commit
- - coverage
- - docker-compose
- - hypothesis
- - ipython
- - make
- - mock
- - parameterized
- - pylint >=1.6.5
- - pyparsing >=2.0.6
- - pytest >=3.6
- - pytest-cov >=2.2.0
- - pytest-mock
- - setuptools-scm
- - shellcheck
- - typer
- - typer-cli
- - flaky
- # docs
- - pygments >=1.5
- - sphinx
- - graphviz
- # RTD Sphinx theme
- - sphinx_rtd_theme
- # Bootstrap and new elements fo Sphinx
- - sphinx-panels
- # unused
- - funcsigs
- - jinja2
- # PyPI deployment
- - readme_renderer
- - twine
- - uritemplate
- # - readline >=6.2.4 in the standard library
- - simplejson >=3.8.1
- #- tornado >=5.0.0,<6.0.0
- - typing >=3.6.6
- - pyyaml
- - rucio-clients
- - pip:
- # Prerelease of the required package for integration of OAuth2
- - Authlib>=1.0.0.a2
- - dominate
- - pyjwt
- # This is a fork of tornado with a patch to allow for configurable iostream
- # It should eventually be part of DIRACGrid
- - git+https://github.com/DIRACGrid/tornado.git@iostreamConfigurable
- # This is an extension of Tornado to use M2Crypto
- # It should eventually be part of DIRACGrid
- - git+https://github.com/DIRACGrid/tornado_m2crypto
- - -e .