# · F# · 368 lines · 181 code · 46 blank · 141 comment · 52 complexity · 35b205609e6e554f1cf188bc59e97a2f MD5 · raw file
- // ####################################################################
- /// Various utility functions
- ///
- /// author: Aleksandar Milicevic (t-alekm@microsoft.com)
- // ####################################################################
- module Utils
- // -------------------------------------------
- // ----------- collection util funcs ---------
- // -------------------------------------------
- // =====================================
- /// ensures: ret = b ? Some(b) : None
- // =====================================
- let BoolToOption b =
- if b then
- Some(b)
- else
- None
- // =====================================
- /// ensures: ret = (opt == Some(_))
- // =====================================
- let OptionToBool opt =
- match opt with
- | Some(_) -> true
- | None -> false
- // =====================================
- /// ensures: ret = (opt == Some(_))
- // =====================================
- let IsSomeOption opt =
- match opt with
- | Some(_) -> true
- | None -> false
- // =====================================
- /// ensures: ret = (opt == None)
- // =====================================
- let IsNoneOption opt = IsSomeOption opt |> not
- // =====================================
- /// requres: x = Some(a) or failswith msg
- /// ensures: ret = a
- // =====================================
- let ExtractOptionMsg msg x =
- match x with
- | Some(a) -> a
- | None -> failwith msg
- // ====================
- /// requres: x = Some(a)
- /// ensures: ret = a
- // ====================
- let ExtractOption x =
- ExtractOptionMsg "can't extract anything from a None" x
- // ====================================
- /// ensures: res = Some(a) ==> ret = a
- /// ensures: res = None ==> ret = defVal
- // ====================================
- let ExtractOptionOr defVal opt =
- match opt with
- | Some(a) -> a
- | None -> defVal
- // ==========================================================
- /// requres: List.length lst <= 1, otherwise fails with errMsg
- /// ensures: if |lst| = 0 then
- /// ret = None
- /// else
- /// ret = Some(lst[0])
- // ==========================================================
- let ListToOptionMsg lst errMsg =
- if List.length lst > 1 then
- failwith errMsg
- if List.isEmpty lst then
- None
- else
- Some(lst.[0])
- let ListToOption lst = ListToOptionMsg lst "given list contains more than one element"
- let ListDeduplicate lst =
- let rec __Dedup lst (visitedSet: System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<_>) acc =
- match lst with
- | fs :: rest ->
- let newAcc =
- if visitedSet.Add(fs) then
- acc @ [fs]
- else
- acc
- __Dedup rest visitedSet newAcc
- | _ -> acc
- __Dedup lst (new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<_>()) []
- let rec ListCombine combinerFunc lst1 lst2 =
- match lst1 with
- | e1 :: rest ->
- let resLst1 = lst2 |> List.fold (fun acc e2 -> acc @ [combinerFunc e1 e2]) []
- List.concat [resLst1; ListCombine combinerFunc rest lst2]
- | [] -> []
- let rec ListCombineMult combinerFunc lst1 lst2 =
- match lst1 with
- | e1 :: rest ->
- let resLst1 = lst2 |> List.fold (fun acc e2 -> acc @ combinerFunc e1 e2) []
- List.concat [resLst1; ListCombineMult combinerFunc rest lst2]
- | [] -> []
- // =============================================================
- /// ensures: forall i :: 0 <= i < |lst| ==> ret[i] = Some(lst[i])
- // =============================================================
- let rec ConvertToOptionList lst =
- match lst with
- | fs :: rest -> Some(fs) :: ConvertToOptionList rest
- | [] -> []
- // =========================================================
- /// requres: Seq.length seq <= 1, otherwise fails with errMsg
- /// ensures: if |seq| = 0 then
- /// ret = None
- /// else
- /// ret = Some(seq[0])
- // =========================================================
- let SeqToOptionMsg seq errMsg =
- if Seq.length seq > 1 then
- failwith errMsg
- if Seq.isEmpty seq then
- None
- else
- Some(Seq.nth 0 seq)
- let SeqToOption seq = SeqToOptionMsg seq "given seq contains more than one element"
- // =========================================================
- /// requires: Set.count set <= 1, otherwise fails with errMsg
- /// ensures: if |set| = 0 then
- /// ret = None
- /// else
- /// ret = Some(set[0])
- // =========================================================
- let SetToOptionMsg set errMsg =
- if Set.count set > 1 then
- failwith errMsg
- if (Set.isEmpty set) then
- None
- else
- Some(set |> Set.toList |> List.head)
- let SetToOption set = SetToOptionMsg set "give set contains more than one value"
- // ============================================================
- /// requires: n >= 0
- /// ensures: |ret| = n && forall i :: 0 <= i < n ==> ret[i] = e
- // ============================================================
- let rec GenList n e =
- if n < 0 then
- failwith "n must be positive"
- if n = 0 then
- []
- else
- e :: (GenList (n-1) e)
- // =======================================
- /// ensures: forall i :: 0 <= i < |lst| ==>
- /// if lst[i] = oldElem then
- /// ret[i] = newElem
- /// else
- /// ret[i] = lst[i]
- // =======================================
- let ListReplace oldElem newElem lst =
- lst |> List.map (fun e -> if e = oldElem then newElem else e)
- // =================================================
- /// if (exists (k,v) :: (k,v) in lst && k = key) then
- /// ret = Some(v)
- /// else
- /// ret = None
- // =================================================
- let ListMapTryFind key lst =
- let filtered = lst |> List.filter (fun (k,v) -> k = key)
- match filtered with
- | fs :: rest -> Some(snd fs)
- | [] -> None
- // ==================================================
- /// Replaces the first occurence of the given key in
- /// the given list with the given value, or appends
- /// (key,value) if key does not exist in the list
- // ==================================================
- let rec ListMapAdd key value lst =
- match lst with
- | (k,v) :: rest -> if k = key then (k, value) :: rest else (k,v) :: (ListMapAdd key value rest)
- | [] -> [(key,value)]
- // ==========================
- /// ensures: ret = elem in lst
- // ==========================
- let ListContains elem lst =
- lst |> List.exists (fun e -> e = elem)
- // ====================================================
- /// Removes all elements in lst that are equal to "elem"
- // ====================================================
- let ListRemove elem lst =
- lst |> List.choose (fun e -> if e = elem then None else Some(e))
- let rec ListRemoveIdx idx lst =
- if idx = 0 then
- List.tail lst
- else
- List.head lst :: ListRemoveIdx (idx - 1) (List.tail lst)
- // ===============================================================
- /// ensures: |ret| = max(|lst| - cnt, 0)
- /// ensures: forall i :: cnt <= i < |lst| ==> ret[i] = lst[i-cnt]
- // ===============================================================
- let rec ListSkip cnt lst =
- if cnt = 0 then
- lst
- else
- match lst with
- | fs :: rest -> ListSkip (cnt-1) rest
- | [] -> []
- // ===============================================================
- /// ensures: forall i :: 0 <= i < max(|srcList|, |dstList|) ==>
- /// if i = idx then
- /// ret[i] = v
- /// elif i < |srcList| then
- /// ret[i] = srcList[i]
- /// else
- /// ret[i] = dstList[i]
- // ===============================================================
- let rec ListBuild srcList idx v dstList =
- match srcList, dstList with
- | fs1 :: rest1, fs2 :: rest2 -> if idx = 0 then
- v :: List.concat [rest1 ; ListSkip (List.length rest1) rest2]
- else
- fs1 :: ListBuild rest1 (idx-1) v rest2
- | [], fs2 :: rest2 -> if idx = 0 then
- v :: rest2
- else
- fs2 :: ListBuild [] (idx-1) v rest2
- | _, [] -> failwith "index out of range"
- // =======================================
- /// ensures: forall i :: 0 <= i < |lst| ==>
- /// if i = idx then
- /// ret[i] = v
- /// else
- /// ret[i] = lst[i]
- // =======================================
- let rec ListSet idx v lst =
- match lst with
- | fs :: rest -> if idx = 0 then
- v :: rest
- else
- fs :: ListSet (idx-1) v rest
- | [] -> failwith "index out of range"
- exception KeyAlreadyExists
- // =======================================
- /// requires (key |--> value) !in map
- ///
- /// ensures ret = map ++ (key |--> value)
- // =======================================
- let MapAddNew key value map =
- match Map.tryFind key map with
- | Some(existingValue) ->
- if existingValue = value then
- map
- else
- raise KeyAlreadyExists
- | None ->
- map |> Map.add key value
- // =======================================
- /// ensures: forall k,v ::
- /// if k,v in map2 then
- // k,v in ret
- /// elif k,v in map1 then
- /// k,v in ret
- /// else
- /// k,v !in ret
- // =======================================
- let rec MapAddAll map1 map2 =
- map2 |> Map.fold (fun acc k v -> acc |> Map.add k v) map1
- // =======================================
- /// ensures: |ret| = 1
- /// ensures: (key -> value) in ret
- // =======================================
- let MapSingleton key value =
- Map.empty |> Map.add key value
- let MapKeys map =
- map |> Map.toList |> List.map (fun (k,v) -> k)
- let MapReplaceKey oldKey newKey newVal map =
- map |> Map.toList |> List.fold (fun acc (k,v) -> if k = oldKey then acc |> Map.add newKey newVal else acc |> Map.add k v) Map.empty
- // -------------------------------------------
- // ------------ algorithms -------------------
- // -------------------------------------------
- // =======================================================================
- /// Topologically sorts a given list
- ///
- /// ensures: |ret| = |lst|
- /// ensures: forall e in lst :: e in ret
- /// ensures: forall i,j :: 0 <= i < j < ==> not (followsFunc ret[j] ret[i])
- // =======================================================================
- let rec TopSort followsFunc lst =
- match lst with
- | [] -> []
- | fs :: [] -> [fs]
- | fs :: rest ->
- let min = rest |> List.fold (fun acc elem -> if followsFunc acc elem then elem else acc) fs
- min :: TopSort followsFunc (ListRemove min lst)
- // -------------------------------------------
- // ------ string active patterns -------------
- // -------------------------------------------
- let (|Prefix|_|) (p:string) (s:string) =
- if s.StartsWith(p) then
- Some(s.Substring(p.Length))
- else
- None
- // -------------------------------------------
- // --------------- workflow ------------------
- // -------------------------------------------
- let IfDo1 cond func1 a =
- if cond then
- func1 a
- else
- a
- let IfDo2 cond func2 (a1,a2) =
- if cond then
- func2 a1 a2
- else
- a1,a2
- let Ite cond f1 f2 =
- if cond then
- f1
- else
- f2
- type CascadingBuilder<'a>(failVal: 'a) =
- member this.Bind(v, f) =
- match v with
- | Some(x) -> f x
- | None -> failVal
- member this.Return(v) = v
- // -------------------------------------------
- // --------------- random --------------------
- // -------------------------------------------
- let Iden x = x