Python | 127 lines | 56 code | 12 blank | 59 comment | 3 complexity | 6897050ec9f158737660404e3f1c3bd9 MD5 | raw file
- #from decimal import Decimal
- import numpy
- import numpy.linalg
- number = float
- zero = number("0")
- one = number("1")
- e0 = numpy.matrix([one, zero, zero, zero]).T
- e1 = numpy.matrix([zero, one, zero, zero]).T
- e2 = numpy.matrix([zero, zero, one, zero]).T
- e3 = numpy.matrix([zero, zero, zero, one]).T
- BASE = [e0, e1, e2, e3]
- def point(*data):
- return numpy.matrix(sum(map(lambda x: x[0] * x[1],\
- zip(data, BASE)))).T
- original_orientation = numpy.matrix([zero, zero, zero])
- origin = point(zero)
- def distance(p1, p2):
- """Return the Euclidean distance between two joints p1 and p2.
- """
- return numpy.linalg.norm(p1 - p2)
- class Joint(object):
- """The location, orientation and constraints of a robot's joint.
- """
- def __init__(self, location, orientation=None, constraints=None):
- if orientation is None:
- orientation = original_orientation
- if constraints is None:
- constraints = Constraints(False, False)
- elif type(constraints) is not Constraints:
- constraints = Constraints(*constraints)
- self.location = location
- self.orientation = orientation
- self.constraints = constraints
- class Constraints(list):
- """Rotational and orientational constraints on joints.
- """
- def __init__(self, orientation=False, rotation=False):
- super(type(self), self).__init__((orientation, rotation))
- self[0], self[1] = self._check(orientation, rotation)
- def _check(self, orientation, rotation):
- new_constraints = []
- for constr in (orientation, rotation):
- # If the constraint is not iterable...
- if not getattr(constr, "__iter__", False):
- constraints_changed = True
- constr = [interval.empty, interval.empty, interval.empty]
- # ... or not all of type interval
- elif any(map(lambda x: type(x) is not interval, constr)):
- constraints_changed = True
- new_constr = []
- for interval_ in constr:
- if not getattr(interval_, "__iter__", False):
- interval_ = (0, 0)
- new_constr.append(interval(*interval_))
- constr = new_constr
- new_constraints.append(constr)
- return new_constraints
- @property
- def orientation(self):
- return self[0]
- @orientation.setter
- def orientation(self, value):
- self[0] = value
- @property
- def rotation(self):
- return self[1]
- @rotation.setter
- def rotation(self, value):
- self[1] = value
- class interval(object):
- """A more abstract notion and not iterable version of range.
- You can test whether an object is in the interval, and change the interval
- through its properties.
- """
- def __init__(self, start, end, include_start=True, include_end=True):
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- self.include_start = include_start
- self.include_end = include_end
- def __contains__(self, value):
- return self.start <= value <= self.end
- @property
- def interval(self):
- return (self.start, self.end)
- @interval.setter
- def interval(self, value):
- self.start, self.end = value
- def includes(self, value):
- start_cmp = cmp(value, self.start)
- end_cmp = cmp(self.end, value)
- if start_cmp < 0 or end_cmp > 0:
- return False
- if not self.include_start and start_cmp == 0:
- return False
- if not self.include_end and end_cmp == 0:
- return False
- return True
- @property
- def empty(self):
- return interval(zero, zero)