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  50. <h1 class="entry-title">My Ohai Plugin</h1>
  51. <p class="meta">
  52. <time datetime="2011-06-24T00:00:00-05:00" pubdate data-updated="true">Jun 24<span>th</span>, 2011</time>
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  55. <div class="entry-content"><p><a href="" title="The plugin at github" target="_blank">The plugin at github</a></p>
  56. <p>When we started the Chef infrastructure automation project last year, a dev team started up at nearly the same time.&nbsp; I didn&#8217;t know enough about Chef to have (much of) an opinion on how others were addressing cookbook issues they faced. So for the first few months, I worked on my problems to solve while the devs worked on theirs.&nbsp; I did eventually started paying attention to what was going on with the dev team and discovered that they had started to create role names that looked like app_name_env(e.g. riak_prod), causing a role for each app to be created in each environment, but with nearly identical run lists.&nbsp; They were labeling their attributes with environment and used the roles to sort them out.</p>
  57. <p>So we came up with a quick solution.&nbsp; We created an attribute called node[:env] and put it in a role called env_dev, env_qa, etc.&nbsp; And the same goes for other things we needed to set like node[:swimlane] and node[:zone]. Every time a node was created, relevant env attribute roles were added along with the platform_base and any application roles.&nbsp; We all refactored our code and started using the env variable to sort out environment-specific attributes. This worked well in the short term, for about 6 months.</p>
  58. <p>About 2 months ago, we started planning for provisioning a second data center.&nbsp; With another data center containing two environments (prod and stage) came a location issue.&nbsp; Now we have two sets of ntp servers, different DNS servers and a whole host of location-specific coding issues. I went to go add some location-specific roles and started thinking about the refactoring we&rsquo;d need to do to account for two locations.</p>
  59. <p>As I started to make the first role, I realized that this was quickly becoming an unwieldy solution.&nbsp; We were configuring the nodes managed by our automation system <strong>by hand</strong>.&nbsp; This boggled me. And the number of managed nodes continues to grow.</p>
  60. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  61. <p>One of the problems we struggle with is that we have no system of record.&nbsp; We get most of our new server info on spreadsheets from various project teams or ops/mgmt teams.&nbsp; We can&rsquo;t call any central system API to get info. &nbsp;All the servers have static IPs and minimum of two networks. The ops team doesn&rsquo;t believe in DNS. So we have to keep all of this information somewhere or figure out clever ways to deduce the information we want (or set roles by hand, ugh!).</p>
  62. <p>A secondary problem I had with the roles is that their attributes weren&rsquo;t set early enough for me to use logic in the attributes file.&nbsp; Node[:env] didn&rsquo;t get set until after attributes files were compile which was causing me other problems.</p>
  63. <p>So as I thought about the location role, I rebelled.&nbsp; I was <strong>done</strong> setting roles by hand.&nbsp; UGH!</p>
  64. <p>All of our host names are the same length and contain a rich amount of data encoded in their names.&nbsp; I thought that there must be a way to extract and label that information for use as node attibutes.&nbsp; I&rsquo;m no Ruby genius and I still struggle with anything beyond fancy scripting, but it&rsquo;s extra fun for me to run at a problem head on and obsess over it. And that&rsquo;s what I did.&nbsp;</p>
  65. <p>When I came out of the weekend, I had an oHai plugin that parsed a host name, set 3 top level attributes and 5 nested attributes thatI thought might be useful for logic in cookbooks.&nbsp; It looks like this:</p>
  66. <p>[root@pxqpkyapp05 tmp]# ohai -f /tmp/plugins/parse_host_plugin.rb&nbsp; -l debug<br /> [Fri, 24 Jun 2011 19:09:09 -0500] DEBUG: ohai plugin: parse_host: parsing new host pxqpkyapp05<br /> {</p>
  67. <p><strong>&nbsp; &#8220;environment&#8221;: &#8220;qa&#8221;</strong><br /> <strong>&nbsp; &#8220;location&#8221;: &#8220;pismo&#8221;,</strong><br /> &nbsp; &#8220;hostdata&#8221;: {<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;server_type&#8221;: &#8220;application&#8221;,<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;loc&#8221;: &#8220;p&#8221;,<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;env&#8221;: &#8220;q&#8221;,<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;application&#8221;: &#8220;Pooky&#8221;,<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &#8220;platform&#8221;: &#8220;solaris&#8221;<br /> &nbsp; },<br /> }<br /> </p>
  68. <p>I didn&rsquo;t think this would be useful to anyone but us.&nbsp; Surely everyone else was using Chef in the cloud, right?&nbsp; Heck no.&nbsp; It turns out, as I was chatting with folks at Velocity last week, that several people are data center-bound with encoded host names.&nbsp; Discussing it, I thought it might be useful to share, even if it would require some tweaking to make it work with any else&rsquo;s environment.</p>
  69. <p>Basically, I set a hash with environment data and then set variables using a regex on the host name.&nbsp; I set the environment and location vars separately and then put indexes in the hash for any values I want to add into the hostdata hash.&nbsp; I took most of our custom logic out, like the node[:zone] logic that no one needs, although I left in a custom piece I had to add for an oddly named environment at a third data center location.&nbsp; All app names and locations have been changed to protect the innocent (that&rsquo;s me).</p>
  70. <p>I hope someone else can use it.&nbsp; It was my first step beyond recipes and I&rsquo;m rather proud of it. I&#8217;ve already had a request from a team mate to move the logic to a library so that we can use it in our host management activities and that&#8217;s what I&#8217;m working on now.&nbsp; I&#8217;ve created a class and a function that uses the class, but need to translate it to Chef-specific DSL.</p>
  71. <p>Here are some examples of how we&#8217;re using them:</p>
  72. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  73. <p>in the recipe: dnsinfo = search(:dns, &#8220;id:#{node.location}&#8221;)</p>
  74. <p>in the template:</p>
  75. <p>domain &lt;%= @dnsinfo[&#8220;domain&#8221;] %&gt;<br />search &lt;%= @dnsinfo[&#8220;search&#8221;] %&gt;<br />&lt;% @dnsinfo[&#8220;nameservers&#8221;].each do |ns| %&gt;<br />nameserver &lt;%= ns %&gt;<br />&lt;% end %&gt;</p>
  76. <p># Unload unwanted packages<br />unless node.env == &#8220;dev&#8221; || node.attribute?(&#8220;keep_gcc&#8221;)<br />&nbsp;package &#8220;gcc&#8221; do<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; action :remove<br />&nbsp;end<br />end<p /></p>
  77. <p>chefsearch = search(&#8220;chef_servers&#8221;,&#8221;env:#{node.env} AND id:#{node.hostdata.loc}*&#8221;).first<br />node.set.chef.my_chef_server = chefsearch[&#8220;id&#8221;]</p>
  78. <p>node.set.chef.server_url = &#8220;http://#{node.chef.my_chef_server}&#8221;<br />node.set.chef.mrepo_url = &#8220;http://#{node.chef.my_chef_server}/mrepo&#8221;<br />node.set.chef.proxy_url = &#8220;http://#{node.chef.my_chef_server}:8000&#8221;</p>
  79. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  80. <p>This will also come in handy once we&#8217;ve migrated to .10 where we can set so many more things within Chef based on environment.&nbsp; The plugin is phrased in functions as my original plugin file was rather messy with comments and things.&nbsp; I felt like breaking it down this way made it easier to follow wth was going on.</p>
  81. <p>Please let me know if you find this useful or if you have questions.&nbsp; This is my first community contribution and so I&#8217;m kind of like the kid with the cool shiny thing they want to show everyone.&nbsp; Look at my shiny!</p>
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  85. <span class="byline author vcard">Posted by <span class="fn">Sascha Bates</span></span>
  86. <time datetime="2011-06-24T00:00:00-05:00" pubdate data-updated="true">Jun 24<span>th</span>, 2011</time>
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