C | 232 lines | 145 code | 26 blank | 61 comment | 1 complexity | 0745c5566e16743ddcf8dd29bfd9a2b1 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, BSD-3-Clause, LGPL-2.0
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
- * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- * more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
- *
- */
- #include "acpi2_0.h"
- #include "acpi_madt.h"
- extern ACPI_2_0_RSDP Rsdp;
- extern ACPI_2_0_RSDT Rsdt;
- extern ACPI_2_0_XSDT Xsdt;
- extern ACPI_2_0_FADT Fadt;
- extern ACPI_2_0_FACS Facs;
- extern unsigned char *AmlCode;
- extern int DsdtLen;
- typedef struct _ACPI_TABLE_ALL{
- ACPI_2_0_RSDP *Rsdp;
- ACPI_2_0_RSDT *Rsdt;
- ACPI_2_0_XSDT *Xsdt;
- ACPI_2_0_FADT *Fadt;
- ACPI_2_0_FACS *Facs;
- unsigned char* Dsdt;
- uint32_t RsdpOffset;
- uint32_t RsdtOffset;
- uint32_t XsdtOffset;
- uint32_t FadtOffset;
- uint32_t MadtOffset;
- uint32_t FacsOffset;
- uint32_t DsdtOffset;
- static
- void
- MemCopy(void* src, void* dst, int len){
- uint8_t* src0=src;
- uint8_t* dst0=dst;
- while(len--){
- *(dst0++)=*(src0++);
- }
- }
- static
- void
- SetCheckSum(
- void* Table,
- uint32_t ChecksumOffset,
- uint32_t Length
- )
- /*
- * Routine Description:
- * Calculate Checksum and store the result in the checksum
- * filed of the table
- *
- * INPUT:
- * Table: Start pointer of table
- * ChecksumOffset: Offset of checksum field in the table
- * Length: Length of Table
- */
- {
- uint8_t Sum = 0;
- uint8_t *Ptr;
- Ptr=Table;
- Ptr[ChecksumOffset]=0;
- while (Length--) {
- Sum = (uint8_t)(Sum + (*Ptr++));
- }
- Ptr = Table;
- Ptr[ChecksumOffset] = (uint8_t) (0xff - Sum + 1);
- }
- //
- // FIELD_OFFSET - returns the byte offset to a field within a structure
- //
- #define FIELD_OFFSET(TYPE,Field) ((uint32_t)(&(((TYPE *) 0)->Field)))
- static
- void
- UpdateTable(
- )
- /*
- * Update the ACPI table:
- * fill in the actuall physical address of RSDT, XSDT, FADT, MADT, FACS
- * Caculate the checksum
- */
- {
- // RSDP Update
- table->Rsdp->RsdtAddress = (uint32_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS+
- table->RsdtOffset);
- table->Rsdp->XsdtAddress = (uint64_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS+
- table->XsdtOffset);
- SetCheckSum(table->Rsdp,
- FIELD_OFFSET(ACPI_1_0_RSDP, Checksum),
- sizeof(ACPI_1_0_RSDP)
- );
- SetCheckSum(table->Rsdp,
- ExtendedChecksum),
- sizeof(ACPI_2_0_RSDP)
- );
- //RSDT Update
- table->Rsdt->Entry[0] = (uint32_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->FadtOffset);
- table->Rsdt->Entry[1] = (uint32_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->MadtOffset);
- table->Rsdt->Header.Length = sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER) +
- 2*sizeof(uint32_t);
- SetCheckSum(table->Rsdt,
- table->Rsdt->Header.Length
- );
- //XSDT Update
- table->Xsdt->Entry[0] = (uint64_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->FadtOffset);
- table->Xsdt->Entry[1] = (uint64_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->MadtOffset);
- table->Xsdt->Header.Length = sizeof (ACPI_TABLE_HEADER) +
- 2*sizeof(uint64_t);
- SetCheckSum(table->Xsdt,
- table->Xsdt->Header.Length
- );
- // FADT Update
- table->Fadt->Dsdt = (uint32_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->DsdtOffset);
- table->Fadt->XDsdt = (uint64_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->DsdtOffset);
- table->Fadt->FirmwareCtrl = (uint32_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->FacsOffset);
- table->Fadt->XFirmwareCtrl = (uint64_t)(ACPI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS +
- table->FacsOffset);
- SetCheckSum(table->Fadt,
- sizeof(ACPI_2_0_FADT)
- );
- // MADT update
- SetCheckSum(table->Madt,
- );
- }
- void
- AcpiBuildTable(uint8_t* buf)
- /*
- * Copy all the ACPI table to buffer
- * Buffer Layout:
- * FACS
- * RSDP
- * RSDT
- * XSDT
- * FADT
- * MADT
- * DSDT
- *
- */
- {
- int offset=0;
- // FACS: should be 64-bit alignment
- // so it is put at the start of buffer
- // as the buffer is 64 bit alignment
- table.FacsOffset = offset;
- table.Facs = (ACPI_2_0_FACS*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Facs, table.Facs, sizeof(ACPI_2_0_FACS));
- offset += sizeof(ACPI_2_0_FACS);
- // RSDP
- table.RsdpOffset = offset;
- table.Rsdp = (ACPI_2_0_RSDP*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Rsdp, table.Rsdp, sizeof(ACPI_2_0_RSDP));
- offset+=sizeof(ACPI_2_0_RSDP);
- // RSDT
- table.RsdtOffset = offset;
- table.Rsdt = (ACPI_2_0_RSDT*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Rsdt, table.Rsdt, sizeof(ACPI_2_0_RSDT));
- offset+=sizeof(ACPI_2_0_RSDT);
- // XSDT
- table.XsdtOffset = offset;
- table.Xsdt = (ACPI_2_0_XSDT*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Xsdt, table.Xsdt, sizeof(ACPI_2_0_XSDT));
- offset+=sizeof(ACPI_2_0_XSDT);
- // FADT
- table.FadtOffset = offset;
- table.Fadt = (ACPI_2_0_FADT*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Fadt, table.Fadt, sizeof(ACPI_2_0_FADT));
- offset+=sizeof(ACPI_2_0_FADT);
- // MADT
- table.MadtOffset = offset;
- table.Madt = (ACPI_MULTIPLE_APIC_DESCRIPTION_TABLE*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&Madt, table.Madt, sizeof(ACPI_MULTIPLE_APIC_DESCRIPTION_TABLE));
- // DSDT
- table.DsdtOffset = offset;
- table.Dsdt = (unsigned char*)(&buf[offset]);
- MemCopy(&AmlCode, table.Dsdt, DsdtLen);
- offset+=DsdtLen;
- UpdateTable(&table);
- }