Python | 376 lines | 372 code | 3 blank | 1 comment | 1 complexity | 07013d24dde588b9ead3f9b1cffd784d MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import sys
- import commands
- import getopt
- import re
- import string
- import math
- import os
- import dbus
- def main():
- os.nice(15)
- settings = {}
- settings["title"] = "0"
- settings["angle"] = 1
- settings["path"] = "/dev/dvd"
- settings["disc_title"] = ""
- settings["chapter"] = 1
- settings["output_directory"] = "~/dvd/<disc_title>/<title>"
- settings["nosubs"] = False
- settings = read_args(settings)
- got_title_info = False
- if( not os.path.exists(settings["path"]) ) :
- usage_and_exit("no dvd found at path: " + settings["path"])
- title_info = {}
- if settings["disc_title"] != "" :
- title_info["disc_title"] = settings["disc_title"]
- else :
- title_info = get_title_info(settings["path"])
- got_title_info = True
- print "Disc Title: " + title_info["disc_title"]
- output_dir = settings["output_directory"].replace("<disc_title>", title_info["disc_title"])
- output_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(output_dir))
- suspend = SuspendInhibit("rip", "Ripping a DVD", SuspendInhibit.SUSPENDING)
- try :
- if(settings["title"] == "0") :
- if not got_title_info :
- title_info = get_title_info(settings["path"])
- got_title_info = True
- title = parse_int(title_info["longest_title"])
- output_dir = output_dir.replace("<title>", str(title).zfill(2))
- grab_title(title, settings, title_info["disc_title"], output_dir)
- else :
- have_valid_title = False
- for title in settings["title"].split(",") :
- title = parse_int(title)
- output_dir1 = output_dir.replace("<title>", str(title).zfill(2))
- if got_title_info :
- if( not title in title_info["title_numbers"] ) :
- continue
- have_valid_title = True
- print "Title: " + str(title)
- grab_title(title, settings, title_info["disc_title"], output_dir1)
- if( not have_valid_title ) :
- usage_and_exit("You must specify at least one valid title.")
- print "Complete."
- os.system("eject " + settings["path"])
- finally :
- suspend.uninhibit()
- def save_chapters(title_num, disc_path, output_directory) :
- print "saving chapters to directory: " + output_directory
- if not os.path.exists(output_directory) :
- os.makedirs(output_directory)
- output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, "chapters.txt")
- commands.getoutput("dvdxchap -t %d %s > %s" % (title_num, disc_path, output_file))
- class SuspendInhibit :
- def __init__(self, program, activity, flags=SUSPENDING) :
- self.dev = None
- try:
- bus = dbus.Bus(dbus.Bus.TYPE_SESSION)
- #last worked on jaunty
- #devobj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.PowerManagement', '/org/freedesktop/PowerManagement/Inhibit')
- #self.dev = dbus.Interface(devobj, "org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit")
- devobj = bus.get_object('org.gnome.SessionManager', '/org/gnome/SessionManager')
- self.dev = dbus.Interface(devobj, 'org.gnome.SessionManager')
- self.cookie = self.dev.Inhibit(program, 0, activity, flags)
- except:
- print "Can't inhibit suspend"
- def uninhibit(self) :
- if self.dev != None:
- self.dev.Uninhibit(self.cookie)
- class TitleInfo :
- _file = ""
- _subtitles = None
- _text = None
- _audio = None
- title = 0
- working_directory = ""
- disc_path = ""
- def __init__(self, working_directory, disc_path = None, title_num = None) :
- self.working_directory = working_directory
- if not os.path.exists(working_directory) :
- os.makedirs(working_directory)
- self.title = title_num
- self.disc_path = disc_path
- self._file = os.path.join(working_directory, "disc_info.txt")
- def save_info(self) :
- self.get_text()
- def get_text(self) :
- if self._text is not None :
- return self._text
- elif os.path.exists(self._file) :
- return read_text_file(self._file)
- else :
- if self.title == None:
- print "No disc title and file not found at", self._file
- sys.exit(1)
- self._text = commands.getoutput(
- "mplayer dvd://%d -dvd-device %s -vo dummy -ao dummy -identify 2>/dev/null"
- % (self.title, self.disc_path))
- write_text_file(self._file, self._text)
- return self._text
- def get_subtitles(self, lang = None) :
- if self._subtitles == None :
- matches = re.findall(r"subtitle\b.+(\d+) language: (\w+)", self.get_text())
- self._subtitles = [{"id" : int(m[0]), "lang" : m[1].strip().lower()} for m in matches]
- if lang is not None :
- ret = []
- for sub in self._subtitles :
- if sub["lang"] in lang :
- ret.append(sub)
- return ret
- return self._subtitles or []
- def get_audio_by_id(self, id) :
- id = int(id)
- for track in self.get_audio() :
- if int(track["id"]) == id :
- return track
- raise Exception, "track %d not found" % id
- def get_video_seconds(self) :
- m = re.search(r"^ID_LENGTH=(\d+)", self.get_text(), re.M)
- if m :
- return int(m.group(1))
- else :
- raise Exception, "Couldn't determine the number of seconds for the video."
- def get_default_audio_id(self) :
- pattern = r"^ID_AUDIO_ID=(\d+)"
- matches = re.findall(pattern, self.get_text(), re.M)
- print "default audio: ", matches[-1]
- return int(matches[-1])
- def get_audio(self, lang = None) :
- if self._audio == None :
- pattern = r"audio stream: (\d+) format: .+ \((.+)\) language: (\w+) aid: (\d+)."
- matches = re.findall(pattern, self.get_text())
- self._audio = map(
- lambda m :
- {"stream" : int(m[0]), "format" : m[1], "lang" : m[2], "id" : m[3]}
- , matches)
- id = self.get_default_audio_id()
- for track in self._audio :
- if track["id"] == id :
- yield track
- break
- for track in self._audio :
- if (lang is None or track["lang"] in lang) and track["id"] != id :
- yield track
- retval = self._audio
- """
- if lang is not None :
- retval = filter(
- lambda track :
- track["lang"] in lang
- , retval)
- return retval
- """
- def save_subtitles(title_info, chapter, lang) :
- print "saving subtitles to directory: " + title_info.working_directory
- subtitles = title_info.get_subtitles(lang)
- if len(subtitles) == 0 :
- subtitles = title_info.get_subtitles()
- for sub in subtitles :
- output_file = os.path.join(title_info.working_directory, "subs%s" % sub["id"])
- cmd = "mencoder dvd://%d -chapter %s -dvd-device %s -nosound -ovc frameno -o /dev/null -sid %s -vobsubout %s"
- cmd = cmd % (title_info.title, chapter, title_info.disc_path, sub["id"], output_file)
- commands.getoutput(cmd)
- def save_audio(title_info, lang) :
- print "saving audio to directory: " + title_info.working_directory
- audio_tracks = list(title_info.get_audio(lang))
- try:
- if not any(track["id"] == 128 for track in audio_tracks):
- #When 128 doesn't exist as a track, an error is thrown, so nothing's added.
- audio_tracks.insert(0, title_info.get_audio_by_id(128))
- except: pass
- if len(audio_tracks) == 0 :
- audio_tracks = list(title_info.get_audio())
- if len(audio_tracks) == 0 :
- raise Exception, "still found zero audio tracks!"
- output_file = os.path.join(title_info.working_directory, "audiostreamlist")
- streamlist = [track["id"] for track in audio_tracks]
- write_text_file(output_file, "\n".join(streamlist))
- def grab_title(title_num, settings, disc_title, output_directory) :
- disc_path = settings["path"]
- angle = settings["angle"]
- chapter = settings["chapter"]
- print "ripping title to directory: " + output_directory
- if not os.path.exists(output_directory) :
- os.makedirs(output_directory)
- output_file = os.path.join(output_directory, "%s-%d-%d.vob" % (disc_title, title_num, angle))
- LANG = ["en", "unknown", "eng"]
- info = TitleInfo(output_directory, disc_path, title_num)
- info.save_info()
- save_audio(info, LANG)
- save_chapters(title_num, disc_path, output_directory)
- cmd = "mplayer dvd://%d -v -chapter %s -dumpstream -dumpfile '%s' -dvd-device %s 2> /dev/null" \
- % (title_num, chapter, output_file, disc_path)
- print cmd
- pipe = os.popen(cmd)
- while 1:
- line = pipe.readline()
- if not line:
- break
- if line.find("DVD next cell") >= 0 :
- print line,
- if not settings["nosubs"] :
- save_subtitles(info, chapter, LANG)
- def write_text_file(path, to_write) :
- f = open(path, 'w')
- f.write(to_write)
- f.close()
- def read_text_file(path) :
- if os.path.isfile(path) :
- f=open(path, 'r')
- line = f.read()
- f.close()
- return line
- else:
- return ""
- def get_title_info(dvd_path) :
- output = commands.getoutput("lsdvd " + dvd_path)
- disc_title = re.search("Disc Title: (\w+)", output, re.I).group(1).lower()
- re_title = re.compile("Title: (\d+),", re.I | re.M)
- title_numbers = re_title.findall(output)
- title_numbers = [parse_int(title_num) for title_num in title_numbers]
- longest_title = re.search(r"Longest track: (\d+)", output, re.I).group(1)
- return {"disc_title": disc_title, "longest_title": longest_title, "title_numbers": title_numbers}
- def parse_int(s) :
- m = re.search(r"-?\d+", s)
- if( not m ) :
- return 0
- return int(m.group())
- def read_args(settings) :
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "?c:t:l:a:d:o",
- ["help",
- "title=",
- "angle=",
- "chapter=",
- "dvd-path=",
- "output-directory=",
- "disc-title=",
- "nosubs",
- ])
- except getopt.GetoptError, msg:
- usage_and_exit(msg)
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt in ("-?", "--help"):
- usage_and_exit()
- elif opt in ("-t", "--title"):
- settings["title"] = arg
- elif opt in ("-a", "--angle"):
- settings["angle"] = arg
- elif opt in ("-c", "--chapter"):
- settings["chapter"] = arg
- elif opt in ("-d", "--dvd-path"):
- settings["path"] = arg
- elif opt in ("-o", "--output-directory"):
- settings["output_directory"] = arg
- elif opt in ("-l", "--disc-title"):
- settings["disc_title"] = arg
- elif opt in ("--nosubs") :
- settings["nosubs"] = True
- else :
- print "unknown arg: " + opt
- if len(args) > 0 :
- usage_and_exit("unknown arguments: " + str(args))
- return settings
- def usage_and_exit(errmsg):
- """Print a usage message, plus an ERRMSG (if provided), then exit.
- If ERRMSG is provided, the usage message is printed to stderr and
- the script exits with a non-zero error code. Otherwise, the usage
- message goes to stdout, and the script exits with a zero
- errorcode."""
- if errmsg is None:
- stream = sys.stdout
- else:
- stream = sys.stderr
- print >> stream, __doc__
- if errmsg:
- print >> stream, "\nError: %s" % (errmsg)
- sys.exit(2)
- sys.exit(0)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()