Scala | 71 lines | 43 code | 20 blank | 8 comment | 0 complexity | c6ed058d35e9315bed9768988faed2ed MD5 | raw file
- package com.theintelligentbook.ibmodel.mongo
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import java.util.Date
- import com.novus.salat._
- import com.novus.salat.global._
- import com.novus.salat.dao.SalatDAO
- import com.wbillingsley.handy._
- import com.novus.salat.annotations._
- /**
- *
- * @param _id
- * @param ce
- * @param book A presentation always belongs to a book
- * @param protect A presentation always has an associated ContentEntry (to record the name, topics, etc)
- * @param entries
- */
- case class Presentation (
- _id:ObjectId = new ObjectId(),
- @Key("ce") _ce:Option[ObjectId] = None,
- @Key("book") _book:Option[ObjectId] = None,
- var protect:Boolean = false,
- @Key("entries") var _entries:Seq[ObjectId] = Seq.empty[ObjectId]
- ) extends HasObjectId {
- def id = _id
- def book = Ref.fromOptionId(classOf[Book], _book)
- def ce = Ref.fromOptionId(classOf[ContentEntry], _ce)
- def entries = new RefManyById(classOf[ContentEntry], _entries)
- def entries_=(l:RefManyById[ContentEntry, _]) {
- _entries = l.getIds
- }
- def start = entries.first
- }
- object PresentationDAO extends AbstractDAO[Presentation]("presentation") {
- def presentationsContainingEntry(entry:Ref[ContentEntry]) = {
- val idOpt = entry.getId
- val result = idOpt map { oid =>
- val ccSeq = sdao.find(MongoDBObject("entries" -> oid))
- ccSeq.toSeq
- }
- result.getOrElse(Seq.empty[Presentation])
- }
- def newPresentation(book:Ref[Book], ce:Ref[ContentEntry]) = {
- val p = new Presentation(_book = book.getId, _ce = ce.getId)
- DAO.cache(RefById(classOf[Presentation], p.id), RefItself(p))
- p
- }
- def save(p:Presentation) {
- DAO.cache(RefById(classOf[Presentation], p.id), RefItself(p))
- sdao.save(p)
- }
- }