Scala | 102 lines | 72 code | 27 blank | 3 comment | 4 complexity | 94653cd111e7c68e5c99067a13ee790d MD5 | raw file
- package org.riedelcastro.cmonnoun.clusterhub
- import org.bson.types.ObjectId
- import org.riedelcastro.cmonnoun.clusterhub.EntityService.ByIds
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import akka.actor.{ScalaActorRef, Actor}
- /**
- * @author sriedel
- */
- class EntityMentionAlignmentService(id: String) extends Actor with MongoSupport with StopWhenMailboxEmpty {
- import EntityMentionAlignmentService._
- lazy val coll = collFor("entityMentionAlign", id)
- coll.ensureIndex("entity")
- coll.ensureIndex("mention")
- def entityIdsFor(mentionId: Any): TraversableOnce[Any] = {
- for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("mention" -> mentionId))) yield {
- dbo.as[String]("entity")
- }
- }
- def entities(): TraversableOnce[Any] = {
- for (dbo <- coll.find()) yield {
- dbo.as[String]("entity")
- }
- }
- def mentionIdsFor(entityId: Any): TraversableOnce[Any] = {
- for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("entity" -> entityId))) yield {
- dbo.as[Any]("mention")
- }
- }
- def mentionsIdsFor(entityIds: Stream[Any]): TraversableOnce[Alignment] = {
- for (dbo <- coll.find(MongoDBObject("entity" -> MongoDBObject("$in" -> entityIds)))) yield {
- val m = dbo.as[Any]("mention")
- val e = dbo.as[Any]("entity")
- Alignment(m,e)
- }
- }
- def storeAlignment(mentionId: Any, entityId: Any) {
- val dbo = MongoDBObject(
- "mention" -> mentionId,
- "entity" -> entityId)
- coll += dbo
- }
- protected def receive = {
- stopWhenMailboxEmpty orElse {
- case StoreAlignment(alignment) =>
- storeAlignment(alignment.mentionId, alignment.entityId)
- case GetEntities(m, mentionId) =>
- val entityIds = entityIdsFor(mentionId)
- m.forward(EntityService.Query(ByIds(entityIds.toSeq)))
- case GetEntitiesWithMentions =>
- self.channel ! EntityIds(entities())
- case GetEntityIds(mentionId) =>
- self.channel ! EntityIds(entityIdsFor(mentionId))
- case GetAlignments(entityIds) =>
- self.channel ! Alignments(mentionsIdsFor(entityIds).map(a=>a.mentionId -> a.entityId).toMap)
- case GetMentions(m,entityIds) =>
- val mentionIds = mentionsIdsFor(entityIds)
- m.forward(EntityMentionService.Query(EntityMentionService.ByIds(mentionIds.toStream)))
- }
- }
- }
- object EntityMentionAlignmentService {
- type EntityId = Any
- type EntityMentionId = Any
- case class Alignment(mentionId: Any, entityId: Any)
- case class Alignments(alignments:Map[EntityMentionId,EntityId])
- case class StoreAlignment(alignment:Alignment)
- case class GetEntityIds(mentionId: Any)
- case class GetEntities(entityService: ScalaActorRef, mentionId: Any)
- case class GetAlignments(entityIds: Stream[Any])
- case class GetMentions(mentionService: ScalaActorRef, entityIds: Stream[Any])
- case object GetEntitiesWithMentions
- case class EntityIds(entityIds: TraversableOnce[Any])
- case class MentionIds(mentionIds:TraversableOnce[Any])
- }