Python | 210 lines | 189 code | 12 blank | 9 comment | 9 complexity | 285920f0416fc3c62c5798f10a2aed92 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import argparse
- import re
- import os
- import ldap
- from getpass import getpass
- from string import Template
- # Base class for LDAP implementation object
- class directoryserver(object):
- # Attributes supported by this program
- s_attrs = ['username','lastname','firstname']
- def __init__(self, i_vals, ld_type):
- # These are common to all implementations
- values = {'lastname':'sn', 'firstname':'givenName', 'mode':ld_type}
- self.set_values(dict(values, **i_vals))
- def set_values(self, values):
- for k in values:
- setattr(self, k, values[k])
- setattr(self, values[k], k)
- # Active Directory instance
- class ad(directoryserver):
- def __init__(self):
- values = {'username':'sAMAccountName'}
- self.bindstring = Template("ldapsearch -x -LLL -e pr=200/noprompt -h $server -D \"$binder\" -W \"$search\" $attrs")
- super(type(self), self).__init__(values, type(self).__name__)
- # OpenLDAP instance
- class openldap(directoryserver):
- def __init__(self):
- values = {'username':'uid'}
- self.bindstring = Template("ldapsearch -x -LLL -h $server -D \"$binder\" -W \"$search\" $attrs")
- super(type(self), self).__init__(values, type(self).__name__)
- # Get the domain from the system. This needs some work...
- def get_sys_domain():
- dom = re.sub(r'^(.*?)\.','',os.getenv('HOSTNAME'))
- return dom
- # Get the user from the system
- def get_sys_user():
- user = os.getenv('USER')
- return user
- # Get the domain that was provided from the arguments
- def get_domain():
- return args.domain
- # Get the user that was provided from the arguments
- def get_user():
- return args.user
- # Prompt the user for their password
- def get_user_password():
- pw = getpass("Enter password: ")
- return pw
- # Set up and parse the arguments given on the CLI
- def get_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Lookup basic ID information from an LDAP server", epilog="Written by Grant Cohoe (http://grantcohoe.com)")
- parser.add_argument("-m", "--mode", dest="mode", metavar="MODE", default="ad", help="set ldap mode (ad or openldap)")
- parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", metavar="USER", default=get_sys_user(), help="User to bind as (default: current)")
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--domain", dest="domain", metavar="DOMAIN", default=get_sys_domain(), help="LDAP domain to search (ex: corp.example.com). Default is system domain.")
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", dest="server", metavar="SERVER", default=None, help="LDAP server to bind to (ex: ldap.example.com). Default is domain server (AD-style)")
- parser.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest="input", metavar="fields", required=True, help="specify input values (username,lastname,firstname)")
- parser.add_argument("-o", "--output", dest="output", metavar="fields", help="specify output values (username,lastname,firstname)")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--print", dest="prnt", action="store_true", help="print an ldapsearch command rather than executing a bind")
- return parser.parse_args()
- # Set the mode of the ldap object based on what the CLI said
- def set_ldap_mode():
- global ld
- if args.mode == "ad":
- ld = ad()
- elif args.mode == "openldap":
- ld = openldap()
- else:
- print "error: mode can only be 'ad' or 'openldap'"
- quit(1)
- # Build search filter
- def get_filter():
- u_input = str(args.input).split(',')
- u_attrs = {}
- for item in u_input:
- try:
- (k,v) = item.split('=')
- except ValueError:
- print "Need to specify a value to search on (ex: username=foo)"
- quit(1)
- if k not in ld.s_attrs:
- print "error: attribute "+k+" is not supported"
- quit(1)
- u_attrs[getattr(ld,k)] = v
- filter = "(&"
- for item in u_attrs:
- filter +="("+item+"="+u_attrs[item]+")"
- filter += ")"
- return filter
- # Output attrs
- def get_output_attributes(raw):
- u_output = str(args.output).split(',')
- u_print = []
- for item in u_output:
- if item not in ld.s_attrs:
- print "error: attribute "+item+" is not supported"
- quit(1)
- u_print.append(item)
- o_attrs = ""
- if raw:
- raw_attrs = []
- for item in u_print:
- raw_attrs.append(getattr(ld,item))
- return raw_attrs
- else:
- for item in u_print:
- o_attrs += getattr(ld,item)+" "
- return o_attrs
- # Create the bind DN string based on what mode we are in
- def get_binder():
- if ld.mode == "ad":
- return args.user+"@"+args.domain
- elif ld.mode == "openldap":
- return args.user
- else:
- print "Error in processing mode."
- quit(1)
- # Figure out where to bind to in the event the user never specified it
- def get_server():
- if args.server is None:
- return args.domain
- return args.server
- # Build the ldapsearch command
- def build_search():
- ldapsearch = ld.bindstring.substitute(
- domain=get_domain(),
- server=get_server(),
- user=get_user(),
- binder=get_binder(),
- search=get_filter(),
- attrs=get_output_attributes(None)
- )
- return ldapsearch
- # Calculate the base DN for a directory based on the domain name given
- def get_base_dn(domain):
- dn = "dc="
- dn += re.sub(r'\.',',dc=',domain)
- return dn
- # Bind to the directory server and query
- def bind_search():
- o_attrs = get_output_attributes(1)
- i_filter = get_filter()
- pw = get_user_password()
- l = ldap.initialize("ldap://"+get_server())
- l.protocol_version = 3
- # This allows for binding to AD with 'user@domain' syntax rather than 'cn=user'
- if ld.mode == "ad":
- l.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
- try:
- l.simple_bind_s(get_binder(), pw)
- print "Invalid LDAP credentials"
- quit(1)
- # Search
- r = l.search(get_base_dn(get_domain()), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, i_filter, o_attrs)
- type,results = l.result(r,60)
- # AD returns extra crap that we don't want
- if ld.mode == "ad":
- results.pop()
- return results
- # Print the results in a pretty way
- def result_print(res):
- for result in res:
- print "Result:"
- for attr in get_output_attributes(1):
- if attr in result[1]:
- print getattr(ld, attr)+": "+result[1][attr][0]
- else:
- print getattr(ld, attr)+": Not specified in this directory"
- # main functionality of this program
- def main():
- global args
- args = get_args()
- set_ldap_mode()
- if args.prnt is True:
- print build_search()
- else:
- res = bind_search()
- result_print(res)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()