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Org | 247 lines | 230 code | 16 blank | 1 comment | 0 complexity | 0d2568b7d3dec0c9bcc61e3e3287a1cb MD5 | raw file
  1. #+TITLE: Dotfiles
  2. #+DATE: February 4, 2020
  3. #+SINCE: {replace with next tagged release version}
  4. #+STARTUP: inlineimages nofold
  5. * Table of Contents :TOC_3:noexport:
  6. - [[#description][Description]]
  7. - [[#maintainers][Maintainers]]
  8. - [[#prerequisites][Prerequisites]]
  9. - [[#applications-installed-by-script][Applications installed by script]]
  10. - [[#applications][Applications]]
  11. - [[#fonts][Fonts]]
  12. - [[#libraries][Libraries]]
  13. - [[#st--dmenu--dwm][st / dmenu / dwm]]
  14. - [[#lsp-backends][LSP Backends]]
  15. - [[#configured-applications-also-installed-by-script][Configured Applications (also installed by script)]]
  16. - [[#configured-locales][Configured Locales]]
  17. - [[#golang][Golang]]
  18. - [[#shell][Shell]]
  19. - [[#fish][Fish]]
  20. - [[#theme][Theme]]
  21. - [[#package-manager][Package Manager]]
  22. - [[#packages][Packages]]
  23. - [[#neovim][Neovim]]
  24. - [[#theme-1][Theme]]
  25. - [[#plugin-manager][Plugin Manager]]
  26. - [[#plugins][Plugins]]
  27. - [[#general][General]]
  28. - [[#programming][Programming]]
  29. - [[#ui][UI]]
  30. - [[#npm][NPM]]
  31. - [[#packages-1][Packages]]
  32. - [[#zsh][Zsh]]
  33. - [[#theme-2][Theme]]
  34. - [[#plugin-manager-1][Plugin Manager]]
  35. - [[#plugins-1][Plugins]]
  36. - [[#configuration][Configuration]]
  37. - [[#installation][Installation]]
  38. - [[#find--delete-orphaned-symlinks][Find & delete orphaned symlinks]]
  39. - [[#license][License]]
  40. * Description
  41. A repository of my personal configuration files.
  42. ** Maintainers
  43. + [[][@alrayyes]]
  44. * Prerequisites
  45. - [[][Arch Linux]]
  46. - [[][fish shell]]
  47. - [[][yay]]
  48. * Applications installed by script
  49. ** Applications
  50. - [[][ag]]
  51. - [[][bat]]
  52. - [[][bmon]]
  53. - [[][broot]]
  54. - [[][brave]]
  55. - [[][caffeine-ng]]
  56. - [[][clipmenu]]
  57. - [[][exa]]
  58. - [[][fd]]
  59. - [[][fslint]]
  60. - [[][fzf]]
  61. - [[][gnupg]]
  62. - [[][graphviz]]
  63. - [[][ImageMagick]]
  64. - [[][isync]]
  65. - [[][LightDM]]
  66. - [[][mailcap]]
  67. - [[][mpv]]
  68. - [[][neofetch]]
  69. - [[][npm]]
  70. - [[][pamixer]]
  71. - [[][Pandoc]]
  72. - [[][Playerctl]]
  73. - [[][Pulseaudio]]
  74. - [[][pulsemixer]]
  75. - [[][Python]]
  76. - [[][pywal]]
  77. - [[][ripgrep]]
  78. - [[][Spotifyd]]
  79. - [[][stow]]
  80. - [[][sxiv]]
  81. - [[][tldr]]
  82. - [[][trayer-srg]]
  83. - [[][udisks]]
  84. - unclutter
  85. - [[][xbanish]]
  86. - [[][xprop]]
  87. - [[][xwallpaper]]
  88. - [[][yarn]]
  89. - [[][zathura]]
  90. ** Fonts
  91. - [[][Linux Libertine]]
  92. - [[][Noto Fonts]]
  93. - [[][Noto Color Emoji]]
  94. - Nerd patched [[][Hack]]
  95. ** Libraries
  96. *** st / dmenu / dwm
  97. - [[#+title:][libxft-bgra]]
  98. ** LSP Backends
  99. - [[][bash-language-server]]
  100. - [[][ccls]]
  101. - [[][php-language-server]]
  102. - [[][python-language-server]]
  103. - [[][typescript-language-server]]
  104. - [[][vscode-css-languageserver]]
  105. - [[][vscode-html-languageserver]]
  106. - [[][vscode-intelephense]]
  107. * Configured Applications (also installed by script)
  108. - [[][alacritty]]
  109. - [[][bspwm]]
  110. - [[][castero]]
  111. - [[][Doom Emacs]]
  112. - [[][dunst]]
  113. - [[][firejail]]
  114. - [[][fish]]
  115. - [[][git]]
  116. - [[][lf]]
  117. - [[][Lintux Notification Center]]
  118. - [[][mpd]]
  119. - [[][mpv]]
  120. - [[][ncmpcpp]]
  121. - [[][neomutt]]
  122. - [[][neovim]]
  123. - [[][picom]]
  124. - [[][redshift]]
  125. - [[][sxhkd]]
  126. - [[][tmux]]
  127. - [[][tuir]]
  128. - [[][weechat]]
  129. * Configured Locales
  130. - [[][aspell-en]]
  131. - hunspell-en_GB
  132. - hunspell-en_US
  133. - hunspell_nl
  134. * Golang
  135. - [[][golang]]
  136. - [[][golangci-lint]]
  137. * Shell
  138. - [[][shfmt]]
  139. - [[][shellcheck]]
  140. * Fish
  141. *** Theme
  142. - [[][starship]]
  143. *** Package Manager
  144. - [[][oh-my-fish]]
  145. *** Packages
  146. - [[][colored-man-pages]]
  147. - [[][extract]]
  148. - [[][fzf]]
  149. - [[][gi]]
  150. - [[][git-flow]]
  151. - [[][wttr]]
  152. * Neovim
  153. ** Theme
  154. - [[][gruvbox]]
  155. ** Plugin Manager
  156. - [[][vim-plug]]
  157. ** Plugins
  158. *** General
  159. - [[][bling/vim-bufferline]]
  160. - [[][ctrlp/ctrlp.vim]]
  161. - [[][easymotion/vim-easymotion]]
  162. - [[][farmergreg/vim-lastplace]]
  163. - [[][junegunn/fzf.vim]]
  164. - [[][mbbill/undotree]]
  165. - [[][mhinz/vim-signify]]
  166. - [[][myusuf3/numbers.vim]]
  167. - [[][preservim/nerdtree]]
  168. - [[][rhysd/conflict-marker.vim]]
  169. - [[][terryma/vim-multiple-cursors]]
  170. - [[][tpope/vim-abolish]]
  171. - [[][tpope/vim-surround]]
  172. - [[][vim-airline/vim-airline]]
  173. *** Programming
  174. - [[][airblade/vim-gitgutter]]
  175. - [[][alvan/vim-closetag]]
  176. - [[][dense-analysis/ale]]
  177. - [[][fatih/vim-go]]
  178. - [[][godlygeek/tabular]]
  179. - [[][neoclice/coc.nvim]]
  180. - [[][RRethy/vim-hexokinase]]
  181. - [[][sheerun/vim-polyglot]]
  182. - [[][tpope/vim-commentary]]
  183. - [[][tpope/vim-fugitive]]
  184. - [[][tpope/vim-unimpaired]]
  185. - [[][Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin]]
  186. -[[][ Yggdroot/indentLine]]
  187. *** UI
  188. - [[][morhetz/gruvbox]]
  189. - [[][ryanoasis/vim-devicons]]
  190. * NPM
  191. ** Packages
  192. - [[][lighthouse]]
  193. * Zsh
  194. ** Theme
  195. - [[][starship]]
  196. ** Plugin Manager
  197. - [[][zplug]]
  198. ** Plugins
  199. - [[][archlinux]]
  200. - [[][composer]]
  201. - [[][docker]]
  202. - [[][docker-compose]]
  203. - [[][extract]]
  204. - [[][fzf]]
  205. - [[][git]]
  206. - [[][gitignore]]
  207. - [[][pass]]
  208. - [[][ripgrep]]
  209. - [[][rsync]]
  210. - [[][sudo]]
  211. - [[][systemd]]
  212. - [[][tmux]]
  213. - [[][vi-mode]]
  214. - [[][zsh-autosuggestions]]
  215. - [[][zsh-syntax-highlighting]]
  216. * Configuration
  217. ** Installation
  218. #+BEGIN_SRC shell
  219. ./install
  220. #+END_SRC
  221. ** Find & delete orphaned symlinks
  222. #+BEGIN_SRC shell
  223. ./clean-dead-symlinks
  224. #+END_SRC
  225. * License
  227. :CUSTOM_ID: license
  228. :END:
  229. This theme is released under the MIT License. For more information read
  230. the [[][license]].
  231. # LocalWords: Neovim