Java | 91 lines | 52 code | 19 blank | 20 comment | 3 complexity | 73e9895449e9675bd51f07817be2243a MD5 | raw file
- /**
- *
- */
- package com.tmm.nosql.mongodb.taglibs;
- import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
- import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
- import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagSupport;
- import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
- /**
- * @author robert.hinds
- *
- * TagLib designed to iterate through Google JSON Array
- */
- public class IterateJson extends TagSupport{
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -102924264339712780L;
- private JsonArray items = null;
- private int position=0;
- private String var;
- private String counter;
- @Override
- public int doStartTag() throws JspException{
- return processIteration();
- }
- private int processIteration() {
- if (items!=null && items.size()>position){
- pageContext.setAttribute(var, items.get(position), PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
- if (counter!=null){
- pageContext.setAttribute(counter, position, PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
- }
- position ++;
- }
- else{
- position=0;
- return SKIP_BODY;
- }
- }
- @Override
- public int doAfterBody() throws JspException {
- return processIteration();
- }
- /**
- * @param items the items to set
- */
- public void setItems(JsonArray items) {
- this.items = items;
- }
- /**
- * @return the items
- */
- public JsonArray getItems() {
- return items;
- }
- /**
- * @param var the var to set
- */
- public void setVar(String var) {
- this.var = var;
- }
- /**
- * @return the var
- */
- public String getVar() {
- return var;
- }
- public String getCounter() {
- return counter;
- }
- public void setCounter(String counter) {
- this.counter = counter;
- }
- }