Scala | 87 lines | 67 code | 20 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 1eaf5615c08439e9ac938c273c3f3aae MD5 | raw file
- package ch.filefarmer.tests.repositories
- import ch.filefarmer.repositories.UserRepository
- import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.MongoDBObject
- import ch.filefarmer.poso.User
- import org.junit.runner.RunWith
- import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
- import ch.filefarmer.repositories.DuplicateException
- import ch.filefarmer.repositories.ArgumentInvalidException
- @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner])
- class UserRepositoryTests extends BaseRepositoryTestClass {
- describe("the user repository") {
- it("should add a user") {
- val user = new User(userName = "Username", _password = "password")
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- rep.addUser(user)
- val q = MongoDBObject("_id" -> user.id)
- mongoDB("users").findOne(q) should be('defined)
- }
- it("should throw an exception if the user already exists") {
- val user = new User(userName = "user", _password = "password")
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- rep.addUser(user)
- val thrown = evaluating { rep.addUser(user) } should produce[DuplicateException]
- thrown.getMessage should equal ("User already exists")
- }
- it("should throw an argument invalid exception if the user is empty") {
- val user = new User(userName = "", _password = "pw")
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- val thrown = evaluating { rep.addUser(user) } should produce[ArgumentInvalidException]
- thrown.getMessage should equal ("Username or password is empty")
- }
- it("should throw an argument invalid exception if the password is empty") {
- val user = new User(userName = "user", _password = "")
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- val thrown = evaluating { rep.addUser(user) } should produce[ArgumentInvalidException]
- thrown.getMessage should equal ("Username or password is empty")
- }
- it("should return true if the user and the password match") {
- val user = new User(userName = "userCorrect")
- user.password = "correct"
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- rep.addUser(user)
- rep.validLogin("userCorrect", "correct") should be(true)
- }
- it("should return false if the user and the password don't match (user wrong)") {
- val user = new User(userName = "userFalse")
- user.password = "correct"
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- rep.addUser(user)
- rep.validLogin("userFalse2", "correct") should be(false)
- }
- it("should return false if the user and the password don't match (password wrong)") {
- val user = new User(userName = "userFalse2")
- user.password = "passwordFalse"
- conn stubs 'connection returning mongoDB
- val rep = new UserRepository(conn)
- rep.addUser(user)
- rep.validLogin("userFalse2", "passwordFals") should be(false)
- }
- }
- }