PHP | 307 lines | 269 code | 20 blank | 18 comment | 19 complexity | 2aecfe0373f7a2752da4eb8ae1d9379c MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- require_once("facebook_config.php");
- require_once("mysql_connect.php");
- require_once("memcache_functions.php");
- $oauth_id = $_GET['oauth_id'];
- $oauth_arr = explode(",",$oauth_id);
- $access_token = $_GET['access_token'];
- $access_token = mysql_escape_string($access_token);
- $user_oauth_id = $_GET['user_oauth_id'];
- $user_oauth_id = mysql_escape_string($user_oauth_id);
- $is_sql_friends = intval($_GET['is_sql_friends']);
- echo makeAjax($oauth_arr,$access_token,$is_sql_friends);
- //check users that are facebook or not right away
- function getLatLng($addressStr){
- //inputs a formatted text address string
- //returns an array with 'lat' and 'lng' keys corresponding to lattitude and longitude
- $url = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=".$addressStr."&sensor=false";
- return checkLatLng($addressStr);
- }
- function checkLatLng($formattedAddress){
- mysqlConnect();
- $formattedAddress = mysql_escape_string($formattedAddress);
- //$res = mysql_query("SELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `geocodes` WHERE `location`='$formattedAddress'");
- $res = mysql_query_cache("SELECT `lat`,`lng` FROM `geocodes` WHERE `location`='$formattedAddress'");
- //if (mysql_num_rows($res)){
- if (count($res)>0){
- //if the location currently exists
- $row = $res[0];
- $location = array();
- $location['lat'] = $row['lat'];
- $location['lng'] = $row['lng'];
- return $location;
- }
- else{
- $url = "http://trailertrack.me/redirect.php?address=".$formattedAddress;
- $data = file_get_contents($url);
- $jsondata = json_decode($data,true);
- if ($jsondata['status']=="OVERY_QUERY_LIMIT") {
- $url = "http://dilemmaroulette.com/redirect.php?address=".$formattedAddress;
- $data = file_get_contents($url);
- $jsondata = json_decode($data,true);
- if ($jsondata['status']=="OVERY_QUERY_LIMIT") {
- mail("dshipper@gmail.com","Retard","Fix it");
- mail("ajayumehta@gmail.com","Retard","Fix this");
- mail("wesley.zhao@gmail.com","Retard","Fix it");
- }
- }
- $location = $jsondata['results'][0]['geometry']['location'];
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO geocodes (location,lat,lng) VALUES('$formattedAddress','{$location['lat']}','{$location['lng']}')");
- return $location;
- }
- }
- function makeLatLng($location,$varName = "latlng"){
- //inputs $location array with 'lat' and 'lng' variables
- //@param varName is the name it is
- $lat = $location['lat'];
- $lng = $location['lng'];
- return "var $varName = new google.maps.LatLng($lat,$lng);\n";
- }
- function placeMarker($LatlngObj, $markerName, $index="1"){
- $script = "var $markerName = new google.maps.Marker({ position: $LatlngObj,zIndex: $index}); \n markers.push($markerName);\n";
- return $script;
- }
- function placePath($LatlngObjHome, $LatlngObjPlace, $pathName){
- $script = "var flightPlanCoordinates = [$LatlngObjHome,$LatlngObjPlace];\n
- var $pathName = new google.maps.Polyline({
- path: flightPlanCoordinates,
- strokeColor: '#FF0000',
- strokeOpacity: 1.0,
- strokeWeight: 2
- });\n markers.push($pathName);\n";
- return $script;
- }
- function makeStringLocation($string){
- //inputs facebook string, converts to google url api string
- $arr1 = explode(', ',$string);
- $string = makeGoogleString($arr1);
- return $string;
- }
- function addPlus($arr){
- //must have 2 indexs 0,1
- $arr[0] = str_replace(' ','+',$arr[0]);
- $arr[1] = str_replace(' ','+',$arr[1]);
- return $arr;
- }
- function makeLocation($arr){
- $string = implode(",",$arr);
- return $string;
- }
- function makeGoogleString($arr){
- $arr = addPlus($arr);
- return makeLocation($arr);
- }
- function completeMarker($fb_location,$latLngObj,$markerObj,$latLngObjHome){
- //inputs a facebook string location
- //inputs the string name of the Latlng obj
- //inputs the string name of the Marker obj
- //returns scripts to place marker
- $location = makeStringLocation($fb_location);
- $arr = getLatLng($location);
- $makeLatlng = makeLatLng($arr,$latLngObj);
- $placer = placeMarker($latLngObj,$markerObj);
- $pather = placePath($latLngObjHome,$latLngObj,"path".$markerObj."");
- $script = $makeLatlng.$placer.$pather;
- return $script;
- }
- function makeAjax($oauth_arr,$token,$is_sql_friends=false){
- //gets an array of oauth_ids and returns the lat/lng/name followed by a comma
- global $facebook,$user_oauth_id;
- $returnString = "";
- if ($is_sql_friends) {
- $friends_arr = getFriendLocationsSql($oauth_arr);
- foreach ($friends_arr as $friend_id => $friend_arr){
- $lat = $friend_arr['lat'];
- $lng = $friend_arr['lng'];
- if (($lat != "") && ($lng != "")){
- if ($returnString == "") $comma = "";
- else $comma = ';';
- $returnString =$returnString.$comma.$arr['lat']."/".$arr['lng']."/{$friend_arr['name']}/{$friend_arr['location']}";
- $returnString =$returnString.$comma.$lat."/".$lng."/{$friend_arr['name']}/{$friend_arr['location']}";
- createFriendship($user_oauth_id,$friend_id);
- }
- }
- }
- else{
- $friends_arr = getFriendLocations($oauth_arr,$token);
- foreach ($friends_arr as $friend_id=>$friend_arr){
- try{
- if ($friend_arr['location']){
- $location = makeStringLocation($friend_arr['location']);
- $arr = getLatLng($location);
- if ($arr['lat'] && $arr['lng']){
- //if the lat and lng are properly received
- if ($returnString == "") $comma = "";
- else $comma = ';';
- $returnString =$returnString.$comma.$arr['lat']."/".$arr['lng']."/{$friend_arr['name']}/{$friend_arr['location']}";
- addUser($friend_arr['name'],$friend_id,$friend_arr['location'],$arr['lat'],$arr['lng']);
- createFriendship($user_oauth_id,$friend_id);
- }
- }
- else{
- //if the friend location doesnt exist, continue loop
- }
- }
- catch (Exception $e){
- return "error";
- }
- }
- }
- return $returnString;
- }
- function getFriendLocations($friends_ids,$token=""){
- //takes in an oauth_array of ids, returns an array with 'name' key and 'location' value
- global $facebook;
- $query = "SELECT uid,name,current_location FROM user WHERE uid='";
- $friends_arr = array();
- mysqlConnect();
- $has_query_changed = true;
- /*
- foreach ($friends_ids as $id){
- $query = $query." uid='$id' OR";
- $has_query_changed = true;
- }
- */
- if (count($friends_ids)==1){
- $query = $query."{$friends_ids[0]}'";
- }
- else if (count($friends_ids)>1){
- $query_part = implode("' OR uid='",$friends_ids);
- $query = $query.$query_part."'";
- }
- //print substr($query,0,(strlen($query)-3));
- if ($has_query_changed)
- {
- //$query = substr($query,0,(strlen($query)-3));
- $params = array(
- 'method' => 'fql.query',
- 'query' => $query,
- 'access_token' =>$token
- );
- //Run Query
- $result = $facebook->api($params);
- foreach ($result as $person){
- $friends_arr[$person['uid']]=array('location'=>$person['current_location']['name'],'name'=>$person['name']);
- }
- }
- return $friends_arr;
- }
- function addUser($name,$oauth_id,$location,$lat,$lng,$token=""){
- //adds users to database
- //if user already existed, return false
- //if user was added successfully, return true
- global $user_oauth_id;
- mysqlConnect();
- $name = mysql_escape_string($name);
- $oauth_id = mysql_escape_string($oauth_id);
- $oauth_id = intval($oauth_id);
- //$res = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE oauth_id = '$oauth_id'");
- $res = mysql_query_cache("SELECT name FROM users WHERE oauth_id = '$oauth_id'");
- if (count($res)==0){
- $lat = mysql_escape_string($lat);
- $lng = mysql_escape_string ($lng);
- $token = mysql_escape_string($token);
- $location = mysql_escape_string($location);
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (name,oauth_id,lat,lng,access_token,location) VALUES('$name','$oauth_id','$lat','$lng','$token','$location')");
- return true;
- }
- else if ($user_oauth_id == $oauth_id){
- $lat = mysql_escape_string($lat);
- $lng = mysql_escape_string ($lng);
- $location = mysql_escape_string($location);
- mysql_query("UPDATE users SET lat = '$lat', lng='$lng',location='$location' WHERE oauth_id='$oauth_id'");
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function createFriendship($friend1_id,$friend2_id){
- //returns true if friendship is successfully added
- //returns false if friendship was already in database
- if ($friend1_id != $friend2_id){
- mysqlConnect();
- $id1 = mysql_escape_string($friend1_id);
- $id2 = mysql_escape_string($friend2_id);
- $id1 = intval($id1);
- $id2 = intval($id2);
- //$res = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM friends WHERE (friend1_id = '$id1' AND friend2_id='$id2') OR (friend2_id='$id1' AND friend1_id='$id2')");
- $res = mysql_query_cache("SELECT id FROM friends WHERE (friend1_id = '$id1' AND friend2_id='$id2') OR (friend2_id='$id1' AND friend1_id='$id2')");
- //checks to see if friendship is already in as friend1-friend2 or friend2-friend1
- if (count($res)==0){
- mysql_query("INSERT INTO friends (friend1_id,friend2_id) VALUES('$id1','$id2')");
- return true;
- }
- else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- else return false;
- }
- function getFriendLocationsSql($friends_ids){
- //takes an array of oauth_ids and returns an array with id as key and an array ('name','location','lat','lng') as values
- $arr = array();
- if (count($friends_ids) == 0) {
- $query = "";
- }
- else if (count($friends_ids) == 1){
- $friend_id = intval($friends_ids[0]);
- $query = "SELECT oauth_id,name,location,lat,lng FROM users WHERE oauth_id='{$friends_ids[0]}'";
- }
- else{
- $query = "SELECT oauth_id,name,location,lat,lng FROM users WHERE oauth_id='";
- $query_part = implode("' OR oauth_id='",$friends_ids);
- $query = $query.$query_part."'";
- }
- mysqlConnect();
- $res = mysql_query($query);
- if (mysql_num_rows($res)){
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)){
- $arr[$row['oauth_id']] = array('name'=>$row['name'],'location'=>$row['location'],'lat'=>$row['lat'],'lng'=>$row['lng']);
- }
- }
- /*
- mysqlConnect();
- foreach ($friends_ids as $id){
- $id = intval($id);
- $res = mysql_query("SELECT name,location,lat,lng FROM users WHERE oauth_id='$id'");
- $row = mysql_fetch_array($res);
- $arr[$id] = array('name'=>$row['name'],'location'=>$row['location'],'lat'=>$row['lat'],'lng'=>$row['lng']);
- }
- */
- return $arr;
- }
- ?>