Python | 213 lines | 198 code | 13 blank | 2 comment | 5 complexity | 7d0a71696ad35c9ac6eef8b608ecf064 MD5 | raw file
- import sys
- import logging
- log = logging.getLogger('tool')
- from unapy import cli
- from unapy import flow
- from unapy.commands import at
- from pprint import pformat
- class TCPATRUN(flow.ATFlow):
- def get_config(self):
- self.tcpatruncfg = self.session.process(at.TCPATRUNCFG.query( ))
- log.info(' '.join( map( pformat, [
- self.tcpatruncfg,
- self.tcpatruncfg.getData( ) ]) ))
- def get_active_instances(self):
- self.active_instances = self.session.process(at.TCPATRUND.query( ))
- def flow(self, req):
- self.get_config()
- self.get_active_instances( )
- class PDPContext(flow.ATFlow):
- apns = None
- def _get_config(self):
- # TODO: make this return something from a config file or database or cli
- # options
- default = {
- 'apn': [ ]
- }
- return {
- 'apn': [
- { 'cid': 1, 'name': 'webtrial.globalm2m.net' },
- ],
- 'auth': [
- ],
- 'attach': True,
- }
- def flow(self, req):
- config = self._get_config()
- self.set_module_verbose_error()
- self.get_apns( )
- for apn in config.get('apn', [ ]):
- if apn['name'] != self.get_apns:
- self.set_apn(**apn)
- if config.get('attach', False):
- if not self.is_attached( ):
- self.attach_grps( )
- def get_active_cids(self):
- self.cids = self.session.process(at.SGACT.query( ))
- def get_ip_addr(self):
- self.ip_addr_info = self.session.process(at.CGPADDR.assign(1))
- return self.ip_addr_info
- def get_apns(self):
- command = self.session.process(at.CGDCONT.query( ))
- self.apns = command.getData( )
- return self.apns
- def get_apn(self, ctx=1):
- r = ''
- if self.apns is None:
- self.get_apns( )
- try:
- r = self.apns[ctx].name
- except IndexError, e: pass # no apn
- return r
- def set_apn(self, name='webtrial.globalm2m.net', cid=1, pdp="IP"):
- oldapn = self.get_apn(cid)
- newapn = '"%s"' % oldapn
- if oldapn != name:
- name = '"%s"' % name
- pdp = '"%s"' % pdp
- command = self.session.process(at.CGDCONT.assign(cid, pdp, name))
- self.get_apns( )
- newapn = self.get_apn(cid)
- return newapn
- def set_module_verbose_error(self):
- command = self.session.process(at.CMEE.assign(2))
- log.info(command.getData( ))
- def is_registered(self):
- command = self.session.process(at.CREG.query())
- result = command.getData( )
- return result[1]
- def attach_grps(self):
- self.session.process(at.CGATT.assign(1))
- def is_attached(self):
- attached = self.session.process(at.CGATT.query()).getData( )
- return attached
- def hello(self):
- attached = link.process(at.CGATT.query()).data
- if int(attached[0][0]) == 0:
- print "GPRS PDP context not attached: %s" % attached
- attached = link.process(at.CGATT.assign(1))
- activated = link.process(at.SGACT.query()).data
- print "GPRS PDP context attached: %s" % attached
- print "GPRS PDP context activated: %s" % activated
- if int(attached[0][0]):
- print "context attached"
- if int(activated[0][1]) != 1:
- print "attempt sgact"
- link.process(at.SGACT.assign(1,1))
- print "ip address: ", ip_addr(link)
- class Flow(flow.ATFlow):
- """Doesn't do much except check SIM status."""
- def check_sim(self, link):
- command = link.process(at.QSS.query())
- qss = command.getData( )
- self.log.info("sim status %r" % (qss, ))
- return qss
- def flow(self, req):
- self.log.info("do stuff with request here. %r" % req )
- req.io.setTimeout( 3 )
- req.sim_status = self.check_sim(req)
- print "SIM ENABLED: %s" % req.sim_status.status
- class FlowTool(object):
- Flow = None
- def __init__(self, link, flows, opts):
- self.flows = flows
- self.session = flow.Session(link, self)
- #self.args, self.options =
- def selectFlow(self, name, options={}):
- self.Flow = self.flows[name]
- def runSelected(self):
- flows = self.Flow(self.session)
- log.info("starting to run flows")
- for flow in flows( ):
- flow(self.session)
- @classmethod
- def getFlows(klass):
- """Should return a dict of flows. The keys are the names of the commands, and the values are Flow objects.
- The flow objects are inspected by the tool to generate help and options
- automatically.
- """
- return { 'qss' : Flow, 'tcpatrun': TCPATRUN,
- 'gsm' : PDPContext,
- }
- class Application(cli.CLIApp):
- def custom_pre_run(self):
- super(type(self), self).custom_pre_run()
- logging.basicConfig( )
- self.set_logger_level(logging.getLogger(__name__))
- logging.getLogger('tool').setLevel(logging.INFO)
- #self.set_logger_level()
- self.tool = FlowTool(self.link, self.flows, (self.args, self.options))
- #self.tool.selectFlow('qss')
- self.interpret_args( )
- def set_custom_options(self):
- usage = """%prog [options] command options
- commands:
- {commands}
- """
- cmd_help = [ ]
- self.flows = FlowTool.getFlows( )
- for cmd in self.flows:
- cmd_help.append(" %s" % cmd)
- super(type(self), self).set_custom_options()
- self.parser.set_usage(usage.format(commands="\n".join(cmd_help)))
- pass
- def interpret_args(self):
- args = list(self.args)
- flow = None
- try:
- flow = args.pop( )
- self.tool.selectFlow(flow)
- except (IndexError, KeyError), e:
- if flow not in [ '', 'help', 'ls', 'list' ]:
- print "unsupported flow: %r" % flow
- self.parser.print_usage( )
- sys.exit(0)
- def setup_pre_options(self):
- super(type(self), self).setup_pre_options()
- def run(self):
- self.tool.runSelected( )
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app = Application( )
- app( )
- #####
- # EOF