Python | 224 lines | 211 code | 7 blank | 6 comment | 5 complexity | 89b7e471cbfe281fa873c8692fb92742 MD5 | raw file
- import logging
- import serial
- import time
- from pprint import pprint, pformat
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- import util
- import lib
- class AtProcessor(util.Loggable):
- def long_read(self, timeout=2.5, repeats=15):
- B = [ ]
- oldTimeout = self.getTimeout()
- self.setTimeout(timeout)
- for i in xrange(repeats):
- self.log.debug("retry: %s" % i)
- B += self.readlines( )
- if len(B) > 0:
- lastline = B[-1].strip( )
- if (lastline in AT_TERMINATORS or "ERROR" in lastline):
- break
- time.sleep(.01)
- self.setTimeout(oldTimeout)
- return B
- def process(self, command):
- """
- Synchronously process a single command.
- """
- # format the command
- message = command.format()
- self.log.info('process: %r' % message)
- # write it into the port
- self.write(message)
- self.log.info('reading...')
- time.sleep(.020)
- # read response
- kwds = { }
- if getattr(command, 'readTimeout', None) is not None:
- kwds = dict(timeout= command.readTimeout,
- repeats= command.readRepeats)
- response = ''.join(self.long_read())
- self.log.info('process.response: %r' % response)
- # store response in the command
- result = command.parse(response)
- self.log.info('process.parse.result: %r' % result)
- return command
- class Link(serial.Serial, AtProcessor):
- __port__ = None
- __name__ = None
- def __init__(self, name = None):
- self.__name__ = name
- self.__port__ = super(type(self), self).__init__(name, timeout=2)
- self.getLog()
- self.log.debug('created device: %r' % self)
- def dump_port_settings(self):
- info = [ "Settings: %s %s,%s,%s,%s" % (
- self.portstr, self.baudrate,
- self.bytesize, self.parity,
- self.stopbits, ),
- ' -- software flow control %s' % (self.xonxoff and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- ' -- hardware flow control %s' % (self.rtscts and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- ]
- try:
- if self.isOpen():
- info.append(' -- CTS: %s DSR: %s RI: %s CD: %s' % (
- ((self.isOpen() and self.getCTS()) and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- (self.getDSR() and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- (self.getRI() and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- (self.getCD() and 'active' or 'inactive'),
- ))
- except serial.portNotOpenError:
- info.append("port is not open")
- except serial.SerialException:
- # on RFC 2217 ports it can happen to no modem state notification was
- # yet received. ignore this error.
- pass
- return "\n".join(info)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.dump_port_settings()
- def write( self, string ):
- r = super(type(self), self).write( string )
- #self.log.info( 'write: %s\n%s' % ( len( string ),
- # lib.hexdump( bytearray( string ) ) ) )
- return r
- def read( self, c ):
- r = super(type(self), self).read( c )
- #self.log.info( 'read: %s\n%s' % ( len( r ),
- # lib.hexdump( bytearray( r ) ) ) )
- return r
- def readline( self ):
- r = super(type(self), self).readline( )
- #self.log.info( 'read: %s\n%s' % ( len( r ),
- # lib.hexdump( bytearray( r ) ) ) )
- return r
- def readlines( self ):
- r = super(type(self), self).readlines( )
- self.log.info( 'read: %s\n%s' % ( len( r ),
- lib.hexdump( bytearray( ''.join( r ) ) ) ) )
- return r
- class FakeCommand(object):
- __examples__ = [ ("FOO", "OK") ]
- __example__ = ("FOO", "BAR")
- raw = 'ERROR'
- """Simulates a command and a response."""
- def format(self):
- return 'FOO'
- def parse(self, raw):
- if raw == "OK":
- self.raw = raw
- return self
- class FakeLink(Link):
- def __init__(self): pass
- def process(self, command):
- """
- Fake process that can read from a script.
- Useful for testing.
- >>> link = FakeLink( )
- >>> link.process(FakeCommand( )).raw
- 'OK'
- """
- k = command.format( )
- D = dict(command.__examples__)
- result = command.parse(D[k])
- return command
- class FakeKeyedLink(FakeLink):
- comm = { }
- def process(self, command):
- key = command.format( )
- raw = self.comm.get(key)
- res = command.parse(raw)
- return command
- class OKExampleLink(FakeLink):
- """OKExampleLink
- This one just feeds the command's __ex_ok into it's parse method.
- """
- def process(self, command):
- """We ignore formatting the command completely, and just parse the
- _ex_ok.
- """
- response = command.parse(command._ex_ok)
- return command
- class FakeListLink(FakeLink):
- """A fake link useful for testing.
- This one follows a script in the sense that it ignores formatting and
- writing commands, and always reads the next message in a list of messages.
- Eg it iterates over `comms` for each invoctation of `process`, regardless
- of the command given.
- >>> class SimpleFake(FakeListLink):
- ... comms = [ 1, 2, 3, 'hello', 'world', 'OK' ]
- >>> link = SimpleFake( )
- >>> link.read( )
- 1
- >>> link.read( )
- 2
- >>> link.read( )
- 3
- >>> link.read( )
- 'hello'
- >>> link.process(FakeCommand( )).raw
- >>> link.process(FakeCommand( )).raw
- 'OK'
- """
- comms = [ ]
- def __init__(self):
- self.index = 0
- def read(self):
- result = self.comms[self.index]
- self.incr( )
- return result
- def incr(self, step=1):
- for i in xrange(step):
- self.index += 1
- def decr(self, step=1):
- for i in xrange(step):
- self.index -= 1
- def process(self, command):
- """We ignore formatting the command completely, and just parse the next
- available message using whatever command you gave us."""
- response = command.parse(self.read( ))
- return command
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- import doctest
- doctest.testmod()
- #####
- # EOF