Python | 552 lines | 515 code | 5 blank | 32 comment | 0 complexity | dce9afb53bf0b973ad73e4ff3cb9c068 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- import user
- import struct
- import sys
- import serial
- import time
- import logging
- from pprint import pprint, pformat
- import doctest
- from insulaudit.core import Command
- from insulaudit.clmm.usbstick import *
- from insulaudit import lib
- logging.basicConfig( stream=sys.stdout )
- log = logging.getLogger( 'auditor' )
- log.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
- log.info( 'hello world' )
- io = logging.getLogger( 'auditor.io' )
- io.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
- """
- ######################
- #
- # ComLink2
- # pseudocode analysis of critical procedures
- # there is some implicit OO going on
- #
- execute(command):
- usbcommand.execute(self)
- ############################
- #
- # USB(Pump) Command Stuff
- #
- packSerialNumber:
- return makePackedBCD(serial)
- """
- """
- ######################
- #
- # Pump
- #
- # every command needs:
- # code, retries, params, length, pages
- initDevice:
- # cmdPowerControl Command(93, "rf power on", 2)
- # cmdPowerControl.params = [ 1, 1 ]
- # cmdPowerControl.retries = 0
- # cmdReadErrorStatus = Command(117, "read pump error status")
- # cmdReadState = Command(131, "Read Pump State")
- # cmdReadTempBasal = Command(152, "Read Temporary Basal")
- initDevice2
- iniDevice2:
- detectActiveBolus = Command(76, "set temp basal rate (bolus detection only)", 3)
- detectActiveBolus.params = [ 0, 0, 0 ]
- detectActiveBolus.retries = 0
- detectActiveBolus:
- # cmdDetectBolus
- shutDownPump
- if suspended:
- shutDownPump2()
- cmdCancelSuspend()
- # turn rf power off
- # retries 0
- cmdOff = Command(93, "rf power off", [ 0 ], 2)
- cmdOff.execute
- shutDownPump2:
- Command(91, "keypad push (ack)", [ 2 ], 1).execute
- time.sleep(.500)
- Command(91, "keypad push (esc)", [ 1 ], 1).execute
- time.sleep(.500)
- getNAKDescription:
- # pass
- # 2 params
- Command(code, descr)
- # 5: code, descr, bytesPerRecord, maxRecords, maxRetries
- return Command(code, descr, 64, 1, 0)
- # 3 params
- Command(code, descr, paramCount):
- # 5
- #
- com = Command(code, descr, 0, 1, 11)
- com.paramCount = paramCount
- numblocks = paramCount / 64 + 1
- # 4 params
- Command(code, descr, params, tail)
- # 5
- com = Command(code, descr, 0, 1, 11)
- com.params = params
- #com.paramCount
- # 5 params
- Command(code, descr, bytesPerRecord, maxRecords, ??):
- # likely decompile error
- # 7
- Command(code, descr, bytesPerRecord, maxRecords, 0, 0, paramCount)
- dataOffset = 0
- cmdLength = 2
- # 7 params
- Command(code, descr, bytesPerRecord, maxRecords, address, addressLength, arg8):
- offset = 2
- if addressLength == 1:
- cmdLength = 2 + addressLength
- else:
- cmdLength = 2 + addressLength + 1
- retries = 2
- # 511
- execute:
- result = None
- for i in xrange(maxRetries)
- # reset bytes read
- response = usb.execute(self)
- # handle stack trace
- if response: break
- return result
- """
- """
- """
- class Link( core.CommBuffer ):
- class ID:
- VENDOR = 0x0a21
- PRODUCT = 0x8001
- timeout = .100
- def __init__( self, port, timeout=None ):
- super(type(self), self).__init__(port, timeout)
- def setTimeout(self, timeout):
- self.serial.setTimeout(timeout)
- def getTimeout(self):
- return self.serial.getTimeout()
- def initUSBComms(self):
- self.initCommunicationsIO()
- #self.initDevice()
- def getSignalStrength(self):
- result = self.readSignalStrength()
- signal = result[0]
- def readSignalStrength(self):
- result = self.sendComLink2Command(6, 0)
- # result[0] is signal strength
- log.info('%r:readSignalStrength:%s' % (self, int(result[0])))
- return result
- def initCommunicationsIO(self):
- # close/open serial
- self.readProductInfo( )
- self.readSignalStrength()
- def endCommunicationsIO(self):
- self.readSignalStrength()
- self.readInterfaceStatistics()
- # close port
- self.close()
- def readProductInfo(self):
- result = self.sendComLink2Command(4)
- # 1/0/255
- log.info('readProductInfo:result')
- freq = result[5]
- info = self.decodeProductInfo(result)
- log.info('product info: %s' % pformat(info))
- # decodeInterface stats
- def decodeProductInfo(self, data):
- class F:
- body = data
- comm = USBProductInfo()
- comm.reply = F()
- comm.onACK()
- return comm.info
- def sendComLink2Command(self, msg, a2=0x00, a3=0x00):
- # generally commands are 3 bytes, most often CMD, 0x00, 0x00
- msg = bytearray([ msg, a2, a3 ])
- io.info('sendComLink2Command:write')
- self.write(msg)
- return self.checkAck()
- # throw local usb exception
- def checkAck(self):
- time.sleep(.100)
- result = bytearray(self.read(64))
- io.info('checkAck:read')
- commStatus = result[0]
- # usable response
- assert commStatus == 1
- status = result[1]
- # status == 102 'f' NAK, look up NAK
- if status == 85: # 'U'
- log.info('ACK OK')
- return result[3:]
- assert False, "NAK!!"
- def decodeIFaceStats(self, data):
- class F:
- body = data
- comm = InterfaceStats()
- comm.reply = F()
- comm.onACK()
- return comm.info
- def readInterfaceStatistics(self):
- # decode and log stats
- result = self.sendComLink2Command(5, 0)
- info = self.decodeIFaceStats(result)
- log.info("read radio Interface Stats: %s" % pformat(info))
- result = self.sendComLink2Command(5, 1)
- info = self.decodeIFaceStats(result)
- log.info("read stick Interface Stats: %s" % pformat(info))
- #######################
- #
- #
- #
- def CRC8(data):
- return lib.CRC8.compute(data)
- ################################
- # Remote Stuff
- #
- class BaseCommand(object):
- code = 0x00
- descr = "(error)"
- retries = 2
- timeout = 3
- params = [ ]
- bytesPerRecord = 0
- maxRecords = 0
- effectTime = 1
- def __init__(self, code, descr, *args):
- self.code = code
- self.descr = descr
- self.params = [ ]
- def format(self):
- pass
- def allocateRawData(self):
- self.raw = self.bytesPerRecord * self.maxRecords
- class Device(object):
- def __init__(self, link):
- self.link = link
- def execute(self, command):
- self.command = command
- self.allocateRawData()
- self.sendAndRead()
- def sendAndRead(self):
- self.sendDeviceCommand()
- time.sleep(self.command.effectTime)
- if self.expectedLength > 0:
- # in original code, this modifies the length tested in the previous if
- # statement
- self.command.data = self.readDeviceData()
- def sendDeviceCommand(self):
- packet = self.buildTransmitPacket()
- io.info('sendDeviceCommand:write:%r' % (self.command))
- self.link.write(packet)
- time.sleep(.500)
- code = self.command.code
- params = self.command.params
- if code != 93 or params[0] != 0:
- self.link.checkAck()
- def allocateRawData(self):
- self.command.allocateRawData()
- self.expectedLength = self.command.bytesPerRecord * self.command.maxRecords
- def readDeviceData(self):
- self.eod = False
- results = bytearray( )
- while not self.eod:
- data = self.readDeviceDataIO( )
- results.extend(data)
- return results
- def readDeviceDataIO(self):
- results = self.readData()
- lb, hb = results[5] & 0x7F, results[6]
- self.eod = (results[5] & 0x80) > 0
- resLength = lib.BangInt((lb, hb))
- assert resLength > 63, ("cmd low byte count:\n%s" % lib.hexdump(results))
- data = results[13:13+resLength]
- assert len(data) == resLength
- crc = results[-1]
- # crc check
- log.info('readDeviceDataIO:msgCRC:%r:expectedCRC:%r:data:%r' % (crc, CRC8(data), data))
- assert crc == CRC8(data)
- return data
- def readData(self):
- bytesAvailable = self.getNumBytesAvailable()
- packet = [12, 0, lib.HighByte(bytesAvailable), lib.LowByte(bytesAvailable)]
- packet.append( CRC8(packet) )
- response = self.writeAndRead(packet, bytesAvailable)
- # assert response.length > 14
- assert (int(response[0]) == 2), repr(response)
- # response[1] != 0 # interface number !=0
- # response[2] == 5 # timeout occurred
- # response[2] == 2 # NAK
- # response[2] # should be within 0..4
- log.info("readData ACK")
- return response
- def writeAndRead(self, msg, length):
- io.info("writeAndRead:")
- self.link.write(bytearray(msg))
- time.sleep(.300)
- self.link.setTimeout(self.command.timeout)
- return bytearray(self.link.read(length))
- def getNumBytesAvailable(self):
- result = self.readStatus( )
- start = time.time()
- i = 0
- while result == 0 and time.time() - start < 1:
- log.debug('%r:getNumBytesAvailable:attempt:%s' % (self, i))
- result = self.readStatus( )
- time.sleep(.100)
- i += 1
- log.info('getNumBytesAvailable:%s' % result)
- return result
- def readStatus(self):
- result = self.link.sendComLink2Command(3)
- commStatus = result[0] # 0 indicates success
- assert commStatus == 0
- status = result[2]
- lb, hb = result[3], result[4]
- bytesAvailable = lib.BangInt((lb, hb))
- self.status = status
- if (status & 0x1) > 0:
- return bytesAvailable
- return 0
- def buildTransmitPacket(self):
- return self.command.format( )
- class PumpCommand(BaseCommand):
- serial = '665455'
- #serial = '206525'
- params = [ ]
- bytesPerRecord = 64
- maxRecords = 1
- retries = 2
- __fields__ = ['maxRecords', 'code', 'descr',
- 'serial', 'bytesPerRecord', 'params']
- def __init__(self, **kwds):
- for k in self.__fields__:
- value = kwds.get(k, getattr(self, k))
- setattr(self, k, value)
- def getData(self):
- return self.data
- def format(self):
- params = self.params
- code = self.code
- maxRetries = self.retries
- serial = list(bytearray(self.serial.decode('hex')))
- paramsCount = len(params)
- head = [ 1, 0, 167, 1 ]
- # serial
- packet = head + serial
- # paramCount 2 bytes
- packet.extend( [ (0x80 | lib.HighByte(paramsCount)),
- lib.LowByte(paramsCount) ] )
- # not sure what this byte means
- button = 0
- # special case command 93
- if code == 93:
- button = 85
- packet.append(button)
- packet.append(maxRetries)
- # how many packets/frames/pages/flows will this take?
- responseSize = self.calcRecordsRequired()
- # really only 1 or 2?
- pages = responseSize
- if responseSize > 1:
- pages = 2
- packet.append(pages)
- packet.append(0)
- # command code goes here
- packet.append(code)
- packet.append(CRC8(packet))
- packet.extend(params)
- packet.append(CRC8(params))
- io.info(packet)
- return bytearray(packet)
- def calcRecordsRequired(self):
- length = self.bytesPerRecord * self.maxRecords
- i = length / 64
- j = length % 64
- if j > 0:
- return i + 1
- return i
- class PowerControl(PumpCommand):
- """
- >>> PowerControl().format() == PowerControl._test_ok
- True
- """
- _test_ok = bytearray( [ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80,
- 0x02, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5D, 0xE6, 0x01,
- 0x0A, 0xA2 ] )
- code = 93
- descr = "RF Power On"
- params = [ 0x01, 0x0A ]
- retries = 0
- maxRecords = 0
- timeout = 17
- effectTime = 17
- class PowerControlOff(PowerControl):
- params = [ 0x00, 0x0A ]
- class ReadErrorStatus(PumpCommand):
- """
- >>> ReadErrorStatus().format() == ReadErrorStatus._test_ok
- True
- """
- _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x75, 0xD7, 0x00 ])
- code = 117
- descr = "Read Error Status any current alarms set?"
- params = [ ]
- retries = 2
- maxRecords = 1
- class ReadPumpState(PumpCommand):
- """
- >>> ReadPumpState().format() == ReadPumpState._test_ok
- True
- """
- _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x83, 0x2E, 0x00 ])
- code = 131
- descr = "Read Pump State"
- params = [ ]
- retries = 2
- maxRecords = 1
- class ReadPumpModel(PumpCommand):
- """
- >>> ReadPumpModel().format() == ReadPumpModel._test_ok
- True
- """
- code = 141
- descr = "Read Pump Model Number"
- params = [ ]
- retries = 2
- maxRecords = 1
- _test_ok = bytearray([ 0x01, 0x00, 0xA7, 0x01, 0x66, 0x54, 0x55, 0x80,
- 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x01, 0x00, 0x8D, 0x5B, 0x00 ])
- def getData(self):
- data = self.data
- length = data[0]
- msg = data[1:1+length]
- self.model = msg
- return str(msg)
- def initDevice(link):
- device = Device(link)
- comm = PowerControl()
- device.execute(comm)
- log.info('comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm, 'data', None)))
- comm = ReadErrorStatus()
- device.execute(comm)
- log.info('comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm, 'data', None)))
- comm = ReadPumpState()
- device.execute(comm)
- log.info('comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm, 'data', None)))
- return device
- def do_commands(device):
- comm = ReadPumpModel( )
- device.execute(comm)
- log.info('comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm.getData( ), 'data', None)))
- log.info('REMOTE PUMP MODEL NUMBER: %s' % comm.getData( ))
- def shutdownDevice(device):
- comm = PowerControlOff()
- device.execute(comm)
- log.info('comm:%s:data:%s' % (comm, getattr(comm, 'data', None)))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- io.info("hello world")
- doctest.testmod( )
- port = None
- try:
- port = sys.argv[1]
- except IndexError, e:
- print "usage:\n%s /dev/ttyUSB0" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
- link = Link(port)
- link.initUSBComms()
- device = initDevice(link)
- do_commands(device)
- #shutdownDevice(device)
- link.endCommunicationsIO()
- #pprint( carelink( USBProductInfo( ) ).info )
- #####
- # EOF