Python | 158 lines | 120 code | 23 blank | 15 comment | 19 complexity | d98bf9a5aa21e0c3bb4c06d96119a8d9 MD5 | raw file
- from math import pi
- import numpy as np
- import pygimli as pg
- import pybert as pb
- try:
- from pygimli import ModellingBase
- except:
- from pygimli.core import ModellingBase
- # RhoAC = RhoDC * (1-m) ==> dRhoa / m = dRhoa/dRho * dRho/m = JDC * (-RhoDC)
- class DCIPMModelling(ModellingBase):
- """ DC/IP modelling class using an (FD-based) approach """
- def __init__(self, f, mesh, rho, verbose=False):
- """ init class with DC forward operator and resistivity vector """
- super().__init__(verbose=verbose)
- self.setMesh(mesh)
- self.f = f
- self.rho = rho # DC resistivity
- self.mrho = -self.rho
- self.rhoa = f.response(self.rho)
- self.drhoa = -1.0 / self.rhoa
- self.J = pg.matrix.MultLeftRightMatrix(f.jacobian(),
- self.drhoa, self.mrho)
- self.setJacobian(self.J)
- def response(self, m):
- """ return forward response as function of chargeability model """
- rho = self.rho * (1. - m)
- if self.verbose:
- print('min/max m=', min(m), max(m), end=" ")
- print('min/max rho=', min(rho), max(rho), end=" ")
- ma = 1.0 - self.f.response(rho) / self.rhoa
- if self.verbose:
- print('min/max ma=', min(ma), max(ma))
- return ma + 1e-4
- def createJacobian(self, model):
- """ create jacobian matrix using unchanged DC jacobian and m model """
- pass # do nothing (but prevent brute-force jacobian calculation)
- # self.J.left = - model * 1.0 # prevent reference change
- class ERTTLmod(ModellingBase):
- """ ERT timelapse modelling class based on BlockMatrices """
- def __init__(self, nf=0, data=None, mesh=None, fop=None, rotate=False,
- set1back=True, verbose=False):
- """ Parameters: """
- super(type(self), self).__init__(verbose)
- if fop is not None:
- data = fop.data()
- mesh = fop.mesh()
- if type(data) == list: # list of data with different size
- nf = len(data)
- self.nf = nf
- self.nd = []
- self.FOP2d = []
- for i in range(nf):
- if type(data) is list:
- fopi = pb.DCSRMultiElectrodeModelling(mesh, data[i])
- else:
- fopi = pb.DCSRMultiElectrodeModelling(mesh, data)
- self.nd.append(fopi.data().size())
- if set1back:
- fopi.region(1).setBackground(True)
- fopi.createRefinedForwardMesh(True)
- self.FOP2d.append(fopi)
- self.id = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum(self.nd, dtype=np.int64))) # indices
- self.pd2d = pg.Mesh(self.FOP2d[0].regionManager().paraDomain())
- print("2D PD:", self.pd2d)
- for c in self.pd2d.cells():
- c.setMarker(0)
- self.nc = self.pd2d.cellCount()
- self.J = pg.core.RBlockMatrix()
- for i in range(nf):
- n = self.J.addMatrix(self.FOP2d[i].jacobian())
- self.J.addMatrixEntry(n, int(self.id[i]), self.nc*i)
- z = pg.Vector(range(nf+1))
- self.mesh3D = pg.core.createMesh3D(self.pd2d, z, 0, 0)
- if rotate:
- self.mesh3D.swapCoordinates(1,2)
- # self.mesh3D.rotate(pg.Pos(pi/2, 0, 0))
- self.mesh3D.exportVTK('mesh3d.vtk')
- self.setMesh(self.mesh3D)
- print("3D PD:", self.mesh3D)
- if 0: # maybe skip it so that it will force recalc in 1st iteration
- self.FOP2d[0].jacobian().resize(data.size(), self.nc)
- self.FOP2d[-1].jacobian().resize(data.size(), self.nc)
- self.J.recalcMatrixSize()
- print(self.J.rows(), self.J.cols())
- self.setJacobian(self.J)
- def response(self, model):
- """ cut-together forward responses of all soundings """
- resp = pg.Vector(int(self.id[-1]))
- for i in range(self.nf):
- resp.setVal(self.FOP2d[i].response(
- model[self.nc*i:self.nc*(i+1)]),
- int(self.id[i]), int(self.id[i+1]))
- return resp
- def createJacobian(self, model):
- """Compute Jacobian matrix by individual (block) Jacobians."""
- for i in range(self.nf):
- self.FOP2d[i].createJacobian(model[self.nc*i:self.nc*(i+1)])
- class ERTMultiPhimod(ModellingBase):
- """ FDEM 2d-LCI modelling class based on BlockMatrices """
- def __init__(self, pd, J2d, nf, rotate=False, verbose=False):
- """ Parameters: FDEM data class and number of layers """
- super(ERTMultiPhimod, self).__init__(verbose)
- self.nf = nf
- self.mesh2d = pd
- self.pd2d = pd
- self.nc = pd.cellCount()
- for c in self.pd2d.cells():
- c.setMarker(0)
- self.nd = J2d.rows()
- self.J2d = J2d
- self.FOP2d = pg.core.LinearModelling(pd, J2d)
- self.J = pg.core.RBlockMatrix()
- for i in range(self.nf):
- n = self.J.addMatrix(self.J2d)
- self.J.addMatrixEntry(n, self.nd*i, self.nc*i)
- z = pg.Vector(range(nf+1))
- self.mesh3D = pg.core.createMesh3D(self.pd2d, z, 0, 0)
- if rotate:
- self.mesh3D.swapCoordinates(1, 2) # interchange y/z for zWeight
- # self.mesh3D.rotate(pg.Pos(pi/2, 0, 0))
- self.setMesh(self.mesh3D)
- print(self.nd*self.nf, self.nc*self.nf, self.mesh3D.cellCount())
- self.J.recalcMatrixSize()
- print(self.J.rows(), self.J.cols())
- self.setJacobian(self.J)
- def response(self, model):
- """ cut-together forward responses of all soundings """
- resp = pg.Vector(self.nd*self.nf)
- for i in range(self.nf):
- modeli = model[self.nc*i:self.nc*(i+1)]
- resp.setVal(self.J2d * modeli,
- self.nd*i, self.nd*(i+1))
- return resp
- def createJacobian(self, model):
- pass