https://gitlab.com/darezik/iptvplayer-for-e2 · Python · 296 lines · 223 code · 47 blank · 26 comment · 47 complexity · 807073ce60385d56b100d27f39946499 MD5 · raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Based on information provided by @jatrn: http://sd-xbmc.org/pl/content/iplexpl-zrodlo-apki-z-samsunga-smart-tv
- ###################################################
- # LOCAL import
- ###################################################
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.iptvplayerinit import TranslateTXT as _
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.components.ihost import CHostBase, CBaseHostClass, CDisplayListItem, ArticleContent, RetHost, CUrlItem
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.tools.iptvtools import CSelOneLink, printDBG, printExc, CSearchHistoryHelper, GetLogoDir, GetCookieDir
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.youtube_dl.utils import clean_html
- from Plugins.Extensions.IPTVPlayer.libs.crypto.cipher import blowfish
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # FOREIGN import
- ###################################################
- from Components.config import config, ConfigSelection, ConfigYesNo, ConfigText, getConfigListEntry
- from datetime import timedelta
- import re
- import urllib
- import time
- import binascii
- import base64
- import codecs
- try: import simplejson as json
- except: import json
- from os import urandom as os_urandom
- try:
- from hashlib import sha1
- except ImportError:
- import sha
- sha1 = sha.new
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- ###################################################
- # Config options for HOST
- ###################################################
- config.plugins.iptvplayer.iplex_proxy = ConfigYesNo(default = False)
- def GetConfigList():
- optionList = []
- optionList.append(getConfigListEntry("Iplex korzystaj z proxy?", config.plugins.iptvplayer.iplex_proxy))
- return optionList
- ###################################################
- def gettytul():
- return 'Iplex'
- class Iplex(CBaseHostClass):
- USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (SmartHub; SMART-TV; U; Linux/SmartTV; Maple2012) AppleWebKit/534.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) SmartTV Safari/534.7'
- def __init__(self):
- printDBG("Iplex.__init__")
- CBaseHostClass.__init__(self, {'proxyURL': config.plugins.iptvplayer.proxyurl.value, 'useProxy': config.plugins.iptvplayer.iplex_proxy.value})
- self.cm.HEADER = {'User-Agent': Iplex.USER_AGENT, 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'}
- def _getJItemStr(self, item, key, default=''):
- v = item.get(key, None)
- if None == v:
- return default
- return clean_html(u'%s' % v).encode('utf-8')
- def _getJItemNum(self, item, key, default=0):
- v = item.get(key, None)
- if None != v:
- try:
- NumberTypes = (int, long, float, complex)
- except NameError:
- NumberTypes = (int, long, float)
- if isinstance(v, NumberTypes):
- return v
- return default
- def _decodeUrl(self, url, key='-S75dbb-QB?<nE_['):
- '''
- Author: http://sd-xbmc.org/, @jatrn
- '''
- ret = ''
- #-------- decoding -----------
- match = re.search('(http:\/\/.*)\/(\d{1,5}|pre_adv|post_adv)\/(.*)\.mp4', url)
- #check if valid url
- if match:
- url_path = match.group(1) + '/' + match.group(2) + '/'
- s1 = codecs.encode(match.group(3), 'rot_13')
- s2 = base64.b64decode(s1)
- s3 = ''
- cipher = blowfish.Blowfish(key)
- for index in range(0, len(s2)/16):
- chunk = s2[index*16:index*16+16]
- s3 += cipher.decrypt(chunk.decode("hex"))
- s4 = s3.replace("$","")
- ret = url_path + s4 + '.mp4'
- return ret
- def listsCategories(self, url):
- printDBG("Iplex.listsCategories url[%s]" % url)
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts:
- printExc()
- return
- try:
- data = json.loads(data)
- if 'series' in data:
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(data['series'])
- if not sts:
- printExc()
- return
- data = json.loads(data)
- for item in data['feeds']:
- if item.get('license', '') in ['FREE', '']: #'PAID'
- type = self._getJItemStr(item, 'type')
- if 'account' == type: continue
- url = self._getJItemStr(item, 'url')
- title = self._getJItemStr(item, 'caption')
- if '' == title: title = self._getJItemStr(item, 'title')
- icon = self._getJItemStr(item, 'img')
- desc = ''
- duration = self._getJItemNum(item, 'duration', -1)
- rating = self._getJItemStr(item, 'rating', 'brak oceny')
- if 0 < duration: desc += str(timedelta(minutes=duration)) + '|'
- if 'brak oceny' != rating: desc += rating + '|'
- params = { 'url' : url,
- 'title' : title,
- 'desc' : desc,
- 'icon' : icon,
- 'category' : type,
- }
- if 'movie_card' == type:
- self.addVideo(params)
- else:
- self.addDir(params)
- except:
- printExc()
- def resolveLink(self, url):
- printDBG("Iplex.resolveLink url[%s]" % url)
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if not sts:
- return
- try:
- data = json.loads(data)
- url = self._decodeUrl(self._getJItemStr(data['movie'], 'url'))
- if type(url) == type(u''):
- url = url.encode('utf-8')
- return url
- except:
- printExc()
- return ''
- def getLinks(self, url):
- printDBG("Iplex.getLinks url[%r]" % url )
- videoUrls = []
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if sts:
- try:
- data = json.loads(data)
- printDBG(data)
- VER_TABLE = [{'type':'lector', 'name':'Lektor'}, {'type':'subtitles', 'name':'Napisy'}]
- for item in VER_TABLE:
- if item['type'] in data:
- videoUrls.append({'name': item['name'], 'url':self._getJItemStr(data, item['type'])})
- except:
- printExc()
- return videoUrls
- def getDescription(self, url):
- printDBG("Iplex.getDescription url[%r]" % url )
- content = {}
- sts, data = self.cm.getPage(url)
- if sts:
- try:
- data = json.loads(data)
- printDBG(data)
- content = { 'title': self._getJItemStr(data, 'title'),
- 'desc' : self._getJItemStr(data, 'description'),
- 'icon' : self._getJItemStr(data, 'img'),
- }
- if 10 < len(content['desc']):
- return content
- except:
- printExc()
- return content
- def handleService(self, index, refresh = 0, searchPattern = '', searchType = ''):
- printDBG('Iplex..handleService start')
- CBaseHostClass.handleService(self, index, refresh, searchPattern, searchType)
- name = self.currItem.get("name", '')
- category = self.currItem.get("category", '')
- url = self.currItem.get("url", 'http://samsung.iplex.pl/tv/main.menu?api=v4')
- printDBG( "Iplex.handleService: ---------> name[%s], category[%s] " % (name, category) )
- self.currList = []
- self.listsCategories(url)
- class IPTVHost(CHostBase):
- def __init__(self):
- CHostBase.__init__(self, Iplex(), False)
- def getLogoPath(self):
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = [GetLogoDir('iplexlogo.png')])
- def getArticleContent(self, Index = 0):
- listLen = len(self.host.currList)
- if listLen < Index and listLen > 0:
- printDBG( "ERROR getArticleContent - current list is to short len: %d, Index: %d" % (listLen, Index) )
- return RetHost(RetHost.ERROR, value = [])
- content = self.host.getDescription(self.host.currList[Index]['url'])
- title = content.get('title', '')
- text = content.get('desc' '')
- images = [ {'title':'', 'author': '', 'url': content.get('icon', '')} ]
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = [ArticleContent(title = title, text = text, images = images)])
- def getLinksForVideo(self, Index = 0, selItem = None):
- listLen = len(self.host.currList)
- if listLen < Index and listLen > 0:
- printDBG( "ERROR getLinksForVideo - current list is to short len: %d, Index: %d" % (listLen, Index) )
- return RetHost(RetHost.ERROR, value = [])
- if self.host.currList[Index]["type"] != 'video':
- printDBG( "ERROR getLinksForVideo - current item has wrong type" )
- return RetHost(RetHost.ERROR, value = [])
- retlist = []
- urlList = self.host.getLinks(self.host.currList[Index]['url'])
- for item in urlList:
- need_resolve = 1
- retlist.append(CUrlItem(item["name"], item["url"], need_resolve))
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = retlist)
- # end getLinksForVideo
- def getResolvedURL(self, url):
- # resolve url to get direct url to video file
- url = self.host.resolveLink(url)
- urlTab = []
- if isinstance(url, basestring) and url.startswith('http'):
- urlTab.append(url)
- return RetHost(RetHost.OK, value = urlTab)
- def convertList(self, cList):
- hostList = []
- searchTypesOptions = []
- for cItem in cList:
- hostLinks = []
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_UNKNOWN
- possibleTypesOfSearch = None
- if cItem['type'] == 'category':
- if cItem['title'] == 'Wyszukaj':
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_SEARCH
- possibleTypesOfSearch = searchTypesOptions
- else:
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_CATEGORY
- elif cItem['type'] == 'video':
- type = CDisplayListItem.TYPE_VIDEO
- url = cItem.get('url', '')
- if '' != url:
- hostLinks.append(CUrlItem("Link", url, 1))
- title = cItem.get('title', '')
- description = clean_html(cItem.get('desc', ''))
- icon = cItem.get('icon', '')
- hostItem = CDisplayListItem(name = title,
- description = description,
- type = type,
- urlItems = hostLinks,
- urlSeparateRequest = 1,
- iconimage = icon,
- possibleTypesOfSearch = possibleTypesOfSearch)
- hostList.append(hostItem)
- return hostList
- # end convertList