https://gitlab.com/gaal/che-core · Java · 371 lines · 281 code · 69 blank · 21 comment · 0 complexity · aa7a4f5703b9968d081f63a13b6481be MD5 · raw file
- /*******************************************************************************
- * Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Codenvy, S.A.
- * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
- * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
- * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
- * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
- *
- * Contributors:
- * Codenvy, S.A. - initial API and implementation
- *******************************************************************************/
- package org.eclipse.che.api.project.server.type;
- import com.google.inject.AbstractModule;
- import com.google.inject.Guice;
- import com.google.inject.Injector;
- import com.google.inject.multibindings.Multibinder;
- import org.eclipse.che.api.core.NotFoundException;
- import org.eclipse.che.api.project.server.*;
- import org.junit.Assert;
- import org.junit.Before;
- import org.junit.Test;
- import javax.inject.Inject;
- import javax.inject.Singleton;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.HashSet;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Set;
- import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
- import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
- /**
- * @author gazarenkov
- */
- public class ProjectTypeTest {
- Injector injector;
- @Before
- public void setUp() throws Exception {
- // Bind components
- injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
- @Override
- protected void configure() {
- install(new ProjectApiModule());
- Multibinder<ValueProviderFactory> valueProviderMultibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), ValueProviderFactory.class);
- valueProviderMultibinder.addBinding().to(MyVPFactory.class);
- Multibinder<ProjectTypeDef> projectTypesMultibinder = Multibinder.newSetBinder(binder(), ProjectTypeDef.class);
- projectTypesMultibinder.addBinding().to(MyProjectType.class);
- bind(ProjectTypeRegistry.class);
- }
- });
- }
- @Test
- public void testProjectTypeService() throws Exception {
- ProjectTypeRegistry registry = injector.getInstance(ProjectTypeRegistry.class);
- ProjectTypeService service = new ProjectTypeService(registry);
- assertEquals(2, service.getProjectTypes().size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testProjectTypeDefinition() throws Exception {
- ProjectTypeRegistry registry = injector.getInstance(ProjectTypeRegistry.class);
- ProjectTypeDef type = registry.getProjectType("my");
- assertNotNull(type);
- assertEquals(1, type.getParents().size());
- assertEquals(BaseProjectType.ID, type.getParents().get(0));
- assertNotNull(((Variable)type.getAttribute("var")).getValueProviderFactory());
- Assert.assertNull(type.getAttribute("var").getValue());
- assertEquals(3, type.getAttributes().size());
- assertNotNull(type.getAttribute("const"));
- assertEquals(new AttributeValue("const_value"), type.getAttribute("const").getValue());
- assertEquals(new AttributeValue("value"), type.getAttribute("var1").getValue());
- Assert.assertTrue(type.getAttribute("var1").isRequired());
- Assert.assertTrue(type.getAttribute("var1").isVariable());
- Assert.assertFalse(type.getAttribute("const").isVariable());
- }
- @Test
- public void testInvalidPTDefinition() throws Exception {
- ProjectTypeDef pt = new ProjectTypeDef("my", "second", true, false) {
- };
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- pts.add(new MyProjectType(null));
- pts.add(pt);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- // BASE and MY (
- assertEquals(2, reg.getProjectTypes().size());
- // Invalid names
- pts.clear();
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef(null, "null id", true, false) {
- });
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef("", "empty id", true, false) {
- });
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef("invalid id", "invalid id", true, false) {
- });
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef("id1", null, true, false) {
- });
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef("id2", "", true, false) {
- });
- reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- // BASE only
- assertEquals(1, reg.getProjectTypes().size());
- // Invalid parent
- final ProjectTypeDef invalidParent = new ProjectTypeDef("i-parent", "parent", true, false) {
- };
- pts.add(new ProjectTypeDef("notRegParent", "not reg parent", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("i-parent");
- }
- });
- reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- // BASE only
- assertEquals(1, reg.getProjectTypes().size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testPTInheritance() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent = new ProjectTypeDef("parent", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent");
- addConstantDefinition("child_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- assertEquals(3, reg.getProjectTypes().size());
- assertEquals(1, child.getParents().size());
- assertEquals(2, child.getAncestors().size());
- assertEquals(2, reg.getProjectType("child").getAttributes().size());
- assertEquals(1, reg.getProjectType("parent").getAttributes().size());
- Assert.assertTrue(reg.getProjectType("child").isTypeOf("parent"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testAttributeNameConflict() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent = new ProjectTypeDef("parent", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent");
- addConstantDefinition("parent_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- assertNotNull(reg.getProjectType("parent"));
- //Assert.assertNull(reg.getProjectType("child"));
- try {
- reg.getProjectType("child");
- Assert.fail("NotFoundException should be thrown");
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- }
- assertEquals(2, reg.getProjectTypes().size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMultiInheritance() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent1 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent1", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent1_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef parent2 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent2", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent2_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent1");
- addParent("parent2");
- addConstantDefinition("child_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent1);
- pts.add(parent2);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- assertEquals(2, child.getParents().size());
- assertEquals(3, reg.getProjectType("child").getAttributes().size());
- }
- @Test
- public void testMultiInheritanceAttributeConflict() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent1 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent1", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef parent2 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent2", "parent", true, false) {
- {
- addConstantDefinition("parent_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent1");
- addParent("parent2");
- addConstantDefinition("child_const", "Constant", "const_value");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent1);
- pts.add(parent2);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- assertNotNull(reg.getProjectType("parent1"));
- assertNotNull(reg.getProjectType("parent2"));
- try {
- reg.getProjectType("child");
- Assert.fail("NotFoundException should be thrown");
- } catch (NotFoundException e) {
- }
- //Assert.assertNull(reg.getProjectType("child"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testTypeOf() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent = new ProjectTypeDef("parent", "parent", true, false) {
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef parent1 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent1", "parent", true, false) {
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef parent2 = new ProjectTypeDef("parent2", "parent", true, false) {
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent");
- addParent("parent2");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child2 = new ProjectTypeDef("child2", "child2", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("child");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent);
- pts.add(child2);
- pts.add(parent1);
- pts.add(parent2);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- ProjectTypeDef t1 = reg.getProjectType("child2");
- Assert.assertTrue(t1.isTypeOf("parent"));
- Assert.assertTrue(t1.isTypeOf("parent2"));
- Assert.assertTrue(t1.isTypeOf("blank"));
- Assert.assertFalse(t1.isTypeOf("parent1"));
- }
- @Test
- public void testSortPTs() throws Exception {
- Set<ProjectTypeDef> pts = new HashSet<>();
- final ProjectTypeDef parent = new ProjectTypeDef("parent", "parent", true, false) {
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child = new ProjectTypeDef("child", "child", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("parent");
- }
- };
- final ProjectTypeDef child2 = new ProjectTypeDef("child2", "child2", true, false) {
- {
- addParent("child");
- }
- };
- pts.add(child);
- pts.add(parent);
- pts.add(child2);
- ProjectTypeRegistry reg = new ProjectTypeRegistry(pts);
- List<ProjectTypeDef> list = reg.getProjectTypes(new ProjectTypeRegistry.ChildToParentComparator());
- assertEquals(list.get(0).getId(), "child2");
- assertEquals(list.get(1).getId(), "child");
- assertEquals(list.get(2).getId(), "parent");
- assertEquals(list.get(3).getId(), "blank");
- }
- @Singleton
- public static class MyVPFactory implements ValueProviderFactory {
- @Override
- public ValueProvider newInstance(FolderEntry projectFolder) {
- return new MyValueProvider();
- }
- public static class MyValueProvider implements ValueProvider {
- @Override
- public List<String> getValues(String attributeName) throws ValueStorageException {
- return Arrays.asList("gena");
- }
- @Override
- public void setValues(String attributeName, List<String> value) throws ValueStorageException, InvalidValueException {
- }
- }
- }
- @Singleton
- public static class MyProjectType extends ProjectTypeDef {
- @Inject
- public MyProjectType(MyVPFactory myVPFactory) {
- super("my", "my type", true, false);
- addConstantDefinition("const", "Constant", "const_value");
- addVariableDefinition("var", "Variable", false, myVPFactory);
- addVariableDefinition("var1", "var", true, new AttributeValue("value"));
- }
- }
- }