https://gitlab.com/daniellawrence/sopel · Python · 133 lines · 88 code · 25 blank · 20 comment · 24 complexity · fe8baa41ae73ac2de2c070cf0cf89680 MD5 · raw file
- # coding=utf-8
- """
- search.py - Sopel Web Search Module
- Copyright 2008-9, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
- Copyright 2012, Edward Powell, embolalia.net
- Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
- http://sopel.chat
- """
- from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function, division
- import re
- from sopel import web
- from sopel.module import commands, example
- import json
- import sys
- if sys.version_info.major < 3:
- from urllib import quote_plus
- else:
- from urllib.parse import quote_plus
- def formatnumber(n):
- """Format a number with beautiful commas."""
- parts = list(str(n))
- for i in range((len(parts) - 3), 0, -3):
- parts.insert(i, ',')
- return ''.join(parts)
- r_bing = re.compile(r'<h3><a href="([^"]+)"')
- def bing_search(query, lang='en-GB'):
- base = 'http://www.bing.com/search?mkt=%s&q=' % lang
- bytes = web.get(base + query)
- m = r_bing.search(bytes)
- if m:
- return m.group(1)
- r_duck = re.compile(r'nofollow" class="[^"]+" href="(.*?)">')
- def duck_search(query):
- query = query.replace('!', '')
- uri = 'http://duckduckgo.com/html/?q=%s&kl=uk-en' % query
- bytes = web.get(uri)
- if 'web-result"' in bytes: # filter out the adds on top of the page
- bytes = bytes.split('web-result"')[1]
- m = r_duck.search(bytes)
- if m:
- return web.decode(m.group(1))
- # Alias google_search to duck_search
- google_search = duck_search
- def duck_api(query):
- if '!bang' in query.lower():
- return 'https://duckduckgo.com/bang.html'
- # This fixes issue #885 (https://github.com/sopel-irc/sopel/issues/885)
- # It seems that duckduckgo api redirects to its Instant answer API html page
- # if the query constains special charactares that aren't urlencoded.
- # So in order to always get a JSON response back the query is urlencoded
- query = quote_plus(query)
- uri = 'http://api.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s&format=json&no_html=1&no_redirect=1' % query
- results = json.loads(web.get(uri))
- if results['Redirect']:
- return results['Redirect']
- else:
- return None
- @commands('duck', 'ddg', 'g')
- @example('.duck privacy or .duck !mcwiki obsidian')
- def duck(bot, trigger):
- """Queries Duck Duck Go for the specified input."""
- query = trigger.group(2)
- if not query:
- return bot.reply('.ddg what?')
- # If the API gives us something, say it and stop
- result = duck_api(query)
- if result:
- bot.reply(result)
- return
- # Otherwise, look it up on the HTMl version
- uri = duck_search(query)
- if uri:
- bot.reply(uri)
- if 'last_seen_url' in bot.memory:
- bot.memory['last_seen_url'][trigger.sender] = uri
- else:
- bot.reply("No results found for '%s'." % query)
- @commands('search')
- @example('.search nerdfighter')
- def search(bot, trigger):
- """Searches Bing and Duck Duck Go."""
- if not trigger.group(2):
- return bot.reply('.search for what?')
- query = trigger.group(2)
- bu = bing_search(query) or '-'
- du = duck_search(query) or '-'
- if bu == du:
- result = '%s (b, d)' % bu
- else:
- if len(bu) > 150:
- bu = '(extremely long link)'
- if len(du) > 150:
- du = '(extremely long link)'
- result = '%s (b), %s (d)' % (bu, du)
- bot.reply(result)
- @commands('suggest')
- def suggest(bot, trigger):
- """Suggest terms starting with given input"""
- if not trigger.group(2):
- return bot.reply("No query term.")
- query = trigger.group(2)
- uri = 'http://websitedev.de/temp-bin/suggest.pl?q='
- answer = web.get(uri + query.replace('+', '%2B'))
- if answer:
- bot.say(answer)
- else:
- bot.reply('Sorry, no result.')