Java | 637 lines | 416 code | 71 blank | 150 comment | 85 complexity | 2c2f76e5ab1a9187383d4ad8b92e4589 MD5 | raw file
- package vHMS.Facade;
- import java.lang.reflect.Type;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtilsBean;
- import org.modelmapper.ModelMapper;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
- import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
- import vHMS.Core.Models.Appointment;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.AppointmentDetailsViewModel;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.AppointmentViewModel;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.NotificationViewModel;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.ReportViewModel;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.Response;
- import vHMS.Core.ViewModels.ResponseViewModel;
- import Base.Data.IGenericMongoDao;
- import Base.Utilities.CommonUtils;
- import Base.Utilities.HelperUtil;
- import Base.Utilities.NullAwareBeanUtilsBean;
- import Base.Utilities.Report.ReportConstants;
- import Base.Utilities.Report.ReportProcessor;
- import Base.Utilities.Report.ReportUtils;
- import com.google.common.reflect.TypeToken;
- import com.google.gson.Gson;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
- import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder;
- /**
- * The AppointmentService is a Class containing methods like create, update
- * delete etc.. related to Appointment , and implements IAppointmentService
- *
- *
- * @author ShunmugaRajaG
- * @version 1.0
- */
- @Service
- @Transactional
- public class AppointmentService implements IAppointmentService {
- // created instance using DI.
- @Autowired
- private IGenericMongoDao genericDAO;
- // Created NullAwareBeanUtilsBean instance.
- private BeanUtilsBean notNull = new NullAwareBeanUtilsBean();
- // Created HelperUtil instance.
- private HelperUtil helperUtil = new HelperUtil();
- private ModelMapper modelmapper = new ModelMapper();
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService all method which returns
- * a list of all appointment.
- */
- public Response all(AppointmentViewModel viewModel) throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- try {
- // Condition to check whether where attribute is empty
- // To check for search criteria
- if (viewModel.where != null) {
- // for appending the where and the like for search criteria
- viewModel.where = helperUtil
- .ConstructWhereClauseFromJson(viewModel.where);
- }
- List<Appointment> list = null;
- if (viewModel != null) {
- list = genericDAO.all(viewModel.entityObject,
- Appointment.class, viewModel.where, viewModel.limit,
- viewModel.skip);
- }
- // Checking whether the list is empty or not
- if (null != list && list.size() > 0) {
- // Define the target type
- Type targetListType = new TypeToken<List<AppointmentViewModel>>() {
- }.getType();
- // Mapping the list with the target view model
- List<AppointmentViewModel> lists = modelmapper.map(list,
- targetListType);
- response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.fetchAppointmentdata");
- // appending the list to the response viewModels list to didplay
- // in the UI
- response.ViewModels = lists;
- } else {
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.fetchAppointmentdata");
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // error in the database or connection
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService create method which is
- * used to create/save an Appointment.
- */
- public Response create(AppointmentViewModel viewModel) throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- String id = null;
- ResponseViewModel responseViewModel = new ResponseViewModel();
- try {
- if (viewModel != null && !checkAppointment(viewModel)) {
- // Calling the helper class to set the mandatory properties of
- // the
- // view model
- viewModel = helperUtil.AttachCommonFields(viewModel,
- AppointmentViewModel.class);
- // getting the source and target to set the properties
- Appointment appointment = modelmapper.map(viewModel,
- Appointment.class);
- // saving the data with the pojo and collection name
- // to get the ID for the saved item
- Object[] obj = genericDAO.save(viewModel.entityObject,
- appointment);
- // to sms to patient contact number
- NotificationViewModel notificationViewModel = new NotificationViewModel();
- notificationViewModel.setNotificationType("sms");
- notificationViewModel.setTo(viewModel.patientContactNumber
- + "," + viewModel.userContactNumber);
- notificationViewModel.setBody(CommonUtils
- .getMessage("sms.message.appointment.creation"));
- responseViewModel.smsNotificationViewModel = notificationViewModel;
- for (Object objId : obj) {
- id = String.valueOf(objId);
- appointment.setId(id);
- }
- responseViewModel.viewModel = modelmapper.map(appointment,
- AppointmentViewModel.class);
- response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.createAppointment");
- // Binding the created data to the view model in the response
- response.ViewModel = responseViewModel;
- } else {
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.createAppointment");
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // return false if there is any database connection problem
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService update method which is
- * used to update the Appointment details with the given id.
- */
- @SuppressWarnings("unused")
- public Response update(AppointmentViewModel viewModel) throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- ResponseViewModel responseViewModel = new ResponseViewModel();
- try {
- // Calling the helper class to set the mandatory properties of the
- // view model
- viewModel = helperUtil.AttachCommonFields(viewModel,
- AppointmentViewModel.class);
- // Mapping the viewmodel to class of type
- Appointment appointment = modelmapper.map(viewModel,
- Appointment.class);
- // getting the id from the view model for updating for the specific
- // id
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- map.put("code", appointment.getCode());
- Appointment appointmentdata = genericDAO.findOneByAttribute(
- viewModel.entityObject, map, Appointment.class);
- if (appointmentdata != null) {
- // override the old properties with new properties exists in the
- // right side object
- notNull.copyProperties(appointmentdata, appointment);
- // Updating the record by ID
- genericDAO.updateById(viewModel.entityObject, appointmentdata,
- appointmentdata.getId());
- AppointmentViewModel data = modelmapper.map(appointmentdata,
- AppointmentViewModel.class);
- response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.updateAppointmentdata");
- // sending the response object as view model
- responseViewModel.viewModel = data;
- NotificationViewModel notificationViewModel = new NotificationViewModel();
- notificationViewModel.setNotificationType("sms");
- notificationViewModel.setTo(data.patientContactNumber + ","
- + viewModel.userContactNumber);
- notificationViewModel.setBody(CommonUtils
- .getMessage("sms.message.appointment.updation"));
- responseViewModel.smsNotificationViewModel = notificationViewModel;
- response.ViewModel = responseViewModel;
- } else {
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.findAppointmentdata");
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService findAllByAttributes
- * method which fetches all the record with the given criteria.
- */
- public Response findAllByAttributes(AppointmentViewModel viewModel)
- throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- int count = 0;
- try {
- if (viewModel != null) {
- // Converting MasterViewModel object to MasterEntity Pojo
- Appointment data = modelmapper
- .map(viewModel, Appointment.class);
- Gson gson = new Gson();
- // Converting MasterEntity to a JSON string
- String master = gson.toJson(data);
- Map<String, Object> map = gson.fromJson(master,
- new TypeToken<HashMap<String, Object>>() {
- }.getType());
- // changing query -- appointmentstartdatetime greater and equal
- // than input date
- if (null != viewModel.userCodes
- && viewModel.userCodes.length > 0) {
- map.put("userCode",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$in",
- viewModel.userCodes).get());
- }
- if (map.containsKey("appointmentStartDateTime")) {
- map.put("appointmentStartDateTime", BasicDBObjectBuilder
- .start("$gte", viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime)
- .get());
- }
- // changing query -- appointmentenddatetime less and equal than
- // input date
- if (map.containsKey("appointmentEndDateTime")) {
- map.put("appointmentEndDateTime", BasicDBObjectBuilder
- .start("$lte", viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime)
- .get());
- }
- if (null != viewModel.specialityCode
- && viewModel.specialityCode != ""
- && viewModel.specialityCode.trim().length() > 0) {
- /*
- * map.put("json.specialityCode",
- * BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$match",
- * viewModel.specialityCode).get());
- */
- // elemMatchObj.put("$elemMatch", new
- // BasicDBObject("device", ""));
- /*
- * map.put("json",
- * java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("specialityCode:" +
- * viewModel.specialityCode));
- */
- /*
- * BasicDBObject elemMatchObj = new BasicDBObject();
- * elemMatchObj.put("", new BasicDBObject("device",
- * ""));
- */
- map.put("json.specialityCode", viewModel.specialityCode);
- }
- BasicDBObject orderBy= new BasicDBObject("appointmentStartDateTime",-1);
- List<Appointment> list = genericDAO.findAllByAttributes(
- viewModel.entityObject, map, Appointment.class,
- viewModel.limit, viewModel.skip,orderBy);
- // get count of records based on the filter
- if (viewModel.limit != null && null != list) {
- if (Integer.parseInt(viewModel.limit) >= list.size()) {
- count = genericDAO.count(viewModel.entityObject, map,
- Appointment.class);
- } else {
- count = list.size();
- }
- }
- // getting The list appointment by findbyQuery method and
- // passing query as param
- /*
- * List<Appointment> list = genericDAO.findByQuery(
- * viewModel.entityObject,contructQuery(map,viewModel),
- * Appointment.class, viewModel.limit, viewModel.skip);
- */
- // ModelMapper modelmapper = new ModelMapper();
- // Define the target type
- Type targetListType = new TypeToken<List<AppointmentViewModel>>() {
- }.getType();
- // Mapping the list with the target view model
- List<AppointmentViewModel> lists = modelmapper.map(list,
- targetListType);
- // Checking whether the list is empty or not
- if (null != lists && lists.size() > 0) {
- response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.fetchAppointmentdata");
- response.ViewModel = count;
- // appending the list to the response viewModels list to
- // display
- // in the UI
- response.ViewModels = lists;
- } else {
- // List is empty response is false
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.fetchAppointmentdata");
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // error in the database or connection
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService findByCode method which
- * is used to find an appointment using code(primary key).
- *
- * @see vHMS.Facade.IAppointmentService#findByCode(vHMS.Core.Models.
- * AppointmentViewModel
- */
- public Response findByCode(AppointmentViewModel viewModel) throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- try {
- // To find where the record exists
- Appointment appointmentexist = null;
- Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- if (viewModel != null) {
- map.put("code", viewModel.code);
- // get the patient object by passing code
- appointmentexist = genericDAO.findOneByAttribute(
- CommonUtils.getMessage("Appointment"), map,
- Appointment.class);
- }
- if (null != appointmentexist) {
- AppointmentViewModel appData = modelmapper.map(
- appointmentexist, AppointmentViewModel.class);
- response.success = true;
- // if the record exists bind to the view model
- response.ViewModel = appData;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.findPatientdata");
- } else {
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.findPatientdata");
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // return false if there is any database connection problem
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IUserService findByIdUser method which is
- * used to find an User using id(primary key).
- *
- * @see
- * HPFCR.Facade.IUserService#findById(HPFCR.Core.ViewModels.UserViewModel )
- */
- public Response appointmentReport(ReportViewModel reportViewModel)
- throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- try {
- reportViewModel.templateFileName = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("report.appointment.templateName");
- reportViewModel.reportProcessor = new ReportProcessor();
- reportViewModel.ModelClass = AppointmentDetailsViewModel.class;
- reportViewModel.reportDatasource = ReportUtils.getDataSource(null,
- null);
- reportViewModel.imageFileLocation = CommonUtils
- .getApplicationAbsolutePath() + "/public/jasper/";
- reportViewModel.templateFileLocation = CommonUtils
- .getApplicationAbsolutePath() + "/public/jasper/";
- reportViewModel.reportOutputFileName = reportViewModel.templateFileName
- + new Date()
- + ReportConstants.DOT
- + reportViewModel.reportOutputFormat.toLowerCase();
- Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- // parameters.put("userList", userList);
- // parameters.put("loggedonUser", "TEST USER");
- reportViewModel.reportParametersMap = parameters;
- response = reportViewModel.reportProcessor
- .executeReport(reportViewModel);
- // response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.report.generated");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // return false if there is any database connection problem
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService findAllByAttributes
- * method which fetches all the record with the given criteria.
- */
- private boolean checkAppointment(AppointmentViewModel viewModel)
- throws Exception {
- boolean appointmentExist = false;
- try {
- if (viewModel != null) {
- // Converting MasterViewModel object to MasterEntity Pojo
- Appointment data = modelmapper
- .map(viewModel, Appointment.class);
- Gson gson = new Gson();
- // Converting MasterEntity to a JSON string
- String master = gson.toJson(data);
- // Converting JON string to a HashMap
- Map<String, Object> map = new Gson().fromJson(master,
- new TypeToken<HashMap<String, Object>>() {
- }.getType());
- Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
- // changing query -- appointmentstartdatetime greater and equal
- // than input date
- /* if (map.containsKey("appointmentStartDateTime")) {
- newMap.put("appointmentStartDateTime", BasicDBObjectBuilder
- .start("$gte", viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime)
- .get());
- }
- // changing query -- appointmentenddatetime less and equal than
- // input date
- if (map.containsKey("appointmentEndDateTime")) {
- newMap.put("appointmentEndDateTime", BasicDBObjectBuilder
- .start("$lte", viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime)
- .get());
- }*/
- BasicDBList ORList = new BasicDBList();
- //checking the less than and greater than appointmentStartDateTime
- if (null != viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime) {
- BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
- BasicDBObject startobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentStartDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$lte",
- viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime).get());
- list.add(startobj);
- BasicDBObject endobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentEndDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte",
- viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime).get());
- list.add(endobj);
- ORList.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", list));
- }
- //checking the less than and greater than appointmentEndDateTime
- if (null != viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime) {
- BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
- BasicDBObject startobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentStartDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$lte",
- viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime).get());
- list.add(startobj);
- BasicDBObject endobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentEndDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte",
- viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime).get());
- list.add(endobj);
- ORList.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", list));
- }
- //checking greater than appointmentStartDateTime and less than appointmentEndDateTime
- if (null != viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime && null != viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime)
- {
- BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
- BasicDBObject startobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentStartDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$gte",
- viewModel.appointmentStartDateTime).get());
- list.add(startobj);
- BasicDBObject endobj = new BasicDBObject("appointmentEndDateTime",
- BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$lte",
- viewModel.appointmentEndDateTime).get());
- list.add(endobj);
- ORList.add(new BasicDBObject("$and", list));
- }
- //putting into map.
- if (ORList.size() > 0) {
- newMap.put("$or", ORList);
- }
- if (map.containsKey("userCode")) {
- newMap.put("userCode", map.get("userCode"));
- }
- if (map.containsKey("status")) {
- newMap.put("status", map.get("status"));
- }
- if (map.containsKey("appointmentStatus")) {
- newMap.put("appointmentStatus",
- map.get("appointmentStatus"));
- }
- List<Appointment> list = genericDAO.findAllByAttributes(
- viewModel.entityObject, newMap, Appointment.class,
- viewModel.limit, viewModel.skip);
- if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
- appointmentExist = true;
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- appointmentExist = true;
- }
- return appointmentExist;
- }
- /*
- * Implementation of interface IAppointmentService findAllByAttributes
- * method which fetches all the record with the given criteria.
- */
- public Response checkAppointmentAvailablity(AppointmentViewModel viewModel)
- throws Exception {
- Response response = new Response();
- int count = 0;
- try {
- if (viewModel != null) {
- if (!checkAppointment(viewModel)) {
- response.success = true;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("success.availableBooking");
- response.ViewModel = count;
- // appending the list to the response viewModels list to
- // display
- // in the UI
- response.ViewModels = null;
- } else {
- // List is empty response is false
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils
- .getMessage("error.AlreadyBooked");
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // error in the database or connection
- response.success = false;
- response.message = CommonUtils.getMessage("error.processfailure");
- if (null != e.getMessage()) {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.getMessage();
- } else {
- response.ExceptionMessage = e.toString();
- }
- }
- return response;
- }
- }