Python | 174 lines | 118 code | 31 blank | 25 comment | 7 complexity | 72d139bb8e3af426f8d0fa068d303f15 MD5 | raw file
- # This file is part of the Python aiocoap library project.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Maciej Wasilak <http://sixpinetrees.blogspot.com/>,
- # 2013-2014 Christian Amsüss <c.amsuess@energyharvesting.at>
- #
- # aiocoap is free software, this file is published under the MIT license as
- # described in the accompanying LICENSE file.
- """Confront an aiocoap server with a client that speaks so bad protocol it is
- easier to mock with sending byte sequences than with aiocoap"""
- import sys
- import socket
- import asyncio
- from asyncio import wait_for, TimeoutError
- import signal
- import contextlib
- import os
- import unittest
- import aiocoap
- from .test_server import WithTestServer, precise_warnings, no_warnings, asynctest, WithAsyncLoop
- # For some reasons site-local requests do not work on my test setup, resorting
- # to link-local; that means a link needs to be given, and while we never need
- # to find the default multicast interface to join MC groups, we need to know it
- # to address them. This needs support from outside the test suite right now.
- _skip_unless_defaultmcif = unittest.skipIf(
- "AIOCOAP_TEST_MCIF" not in os.environ,
- "Multicast tests require AIOCOAP_TEST_MCIF environment variable to tell"
- " the default multicast interface")
- class MockSockProtocol:
- def __init__(self, remote_addr):
- # It should be pointed out here that this whole mocksock thing is not
- # terribly well thought out, and just hacked together to replace the
- # blocking sockets that used to be there (which were equally hacked
- # together)
- self.incoming_queue = asyncio.Queue()
- self.remote_addr = remote_addr
- def connection_made(self, transport):
- self.transport = transport
- def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
- self.incoming_queue.put_nowait((data, addr))
- async def close(self):
- pass
- # emulating the possibly connected socket.socket this once was
- def send(self, data):
- self.transport.sendto(data, self.remote_addr)
- def sendto(self, data, addr):
- self.transport.sendto(data, addr)
- async def recv(self):
- return (await self.incoming_queue.get())[0]
- class WithMockSock(WithAsyncLoop):
- def setUp(self):
- super().setUp()
- _, self.mocksock = self.loop.run_until_complete(
- self.loop.create_datagram_endpoint(
- lambda: MockSockProtocol(self.mocksock_remote_addr),
- family=socket.AF_INET6,
- ))
- def tearDown(self):
- self.loop.run_until_complete(self.mocksock.close())
- super().tearDown()
- class TestNoncoapClient(WithTestServer, WithMockSock):
- def setUp(self):
- self.mocksock_remote_addr = (self.serveraddress, aiocoap.COAP_PORT)
- super().setUp()
- @precise_warnings(["Ignoring unparsable message from ..."])
- @asynctest
- async def test_veryshort(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x40')
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- @precise_warnings(["Ignoring unparsable message from ..."])
- @asynctest
- async def test_short_mid(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x40\x01\x97')
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- @precise_warnings(["Ignoring unparsable message from ..."])
- @asynctest
- async def test_version2(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x80\x01\x99\x98')
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_duplicate(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x40\x01\x99\x99') # that's a GET /
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x40\x01\x99\x99') # that's a GET /
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- r1 = r2 = None
- try:
- r1 = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- r2 = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- except TimeoutError:
- pass
- self.assertEqual(r1, r2, "Duplicate GETs gave different responses")
- self.assertTrue(r1 is not None, "No responses received to duplicate GET")
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_ping(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x40\x00\x99\x9a') # CoAP ping -- should this test be doable in aiocoap?
- response = await asyncio.wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- assert response == b'\x70\x00\x99\x9a'
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_noresponse(self):
- self.mocksock.send(b'\x50\x01\x99\x9b\xd1\xf5\x02') # CoAP NON GET / with no-response on 2.xx
- try:
- response = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- self.assertTrue(False, "Response was sent when No-Response should have suppressed it")
- except TimeoutError:
- pass
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_unknownresponse_reset(self):
- self.mocksock.send(bytes.fromhex("4040ffff"))
- response = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- self.assertEqual(response, bytes.fromhex("7000ffff"), "Unknown CON Response did not trigger RST")
- # Skipping the whole class when no multicast address was given (as otherwise
- # it'd try binding :: which is bound to fail with a simplesocketserver setting)
- @_skip_unless_defaultmcif
- class TestNoncoapMulticastClient(WithTestServer, WithMockSock):
- # This exposes the test server to traffic from the environment system for
- # some time; it's only run if a default multicast inteface is given
- # explicitly, though.
- serveraddress = '::'
- def setUp(self):
- # always used with sendto
- self.mocksock_remote_addr = None
- super().setUp()
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_mutlicast_ping(self):
- # exactly like the unicast case -- just to verify we're actually reaching our server
- self.mocksock.sendto(b'\x40\x00\x99\x9a', (aiocoap.numbers.constants.MCAST_IPV6_LINKLOCAL_ALLCOAPNODES, aiocoap.COAP_PORT, 0, socket.if_nametoindex(os.environ['AIOCOAP_TEST_MCIF'])))
- response = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- assert response == b'\x70\x00\x99\x9a'
- @no_warnings
- @asynctest
- async def test_multicast_unknownresponse_noreset(self):
- self.mocksock.sendto(bytes.fromhex("4040ffff"), (aiocoap.numbers.constants.MCAST_IPV6_LINKLOCAL_ALLCOAPNODES, aiocoap.COAP_PORT, 0, socket.if_nametoindex(os.environ['AIOCOAP_TEST_MCIF'])))
- try:
- response = await wait_for(self.mocksock.recv(), timeout=1)
- except TimeoutError:
- pass
- else:
- self.assertEqual(False, "Message was sent back responding to CON response to multicast address")