Scala | 192 lines | 159 code | 22 blank | 11 comment | 17 complexity | 3b027c22568c68aa151a7ace24d9d5cc MD5 | raw file
- package com.foursquare.twofishes
- import akka.actor.{Actor, ActorSystem, PoisonPill, Props}
- import akka.routing.{Broadcast, RoundRobinRouter}
- import com.mongodb.Bytes
- import com.foursquare.geo.shapes.ShapefileS2Util
- import com.foursquare.twofishes.util.{DurationUtils, GeometryCleanupUtils, GeometryUtils, RevGeoConstants, S2CoveringConstants}
- import com.foursquare.twofishes.mongo.{PolygonIndexDAO, RevGeoIndexDAO, RevGeoIndex, S2CoveringIndexDAO, S2CoveringIndex}
- import com.google.common.geometry.S2CellId
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats
- import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.{Point => JTSPoint, Geometry}
- import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometryFactory
- import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.{WKBReader, WKBWriter}
- import com.weiglewilczek.slf4s.Logging
- import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
- import org.bson.types.ObjectId
- import scalaj.collection.Implicits._
- import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
- // ====================
- // ===== Messages =====
- // ====================
- case class CoverOptions(forS2CoveringIndex: Boolean = true, forRevGeoIndex: Boolean = true)
- sealed trait CoverMessage
- case class Done() extends CoverMessage
- case class CalculateCoverFromMongo(polyIds: List[ObjectId], options: CoverOptions) extends CoverMessage
- case class CalculateCover(polyId: ObjectId, geomBytes: Array[Byte], options: CoverOptions) extends CoverMessage
- case class FinishedCover() extends CoverMessage
- class NullActor extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case x =>
- }
- }
- object GlobalCounter {
- val count = new AtomicInteger
- }
- class S2CoveringWorker extends Actor with DurationUtils with RevGeoConstants with S2CoveringConstants with Logging {
- val wkbReader = new WKBReader()
- val wkbWriter = new WKBWriter()
- def calculateCoverFromMongo(msg: CalculateCoverFromMongo) {
- val records = PolygonIndexDAO.find(MongoDBObject("_id" -> MongoDBObject("$in" -> msg.polyIds)))
- records.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT
- records.foreach(p =>
- calculateCover(p._id, p.polygon, msg.options)
- )
- }
- def calculateCover(msg: CalculateCover) {
- calculateCover(msg.polyId, msg.geomBytes, msg.options)
- }
- def calculateCover(polyId: ObjectId, geomBytes: Array[Byte], options: CoverOptions) {
- logDuration("totalCovering", "generated cover for %s".format(polyId)) {
- val currentCount = GlobalCounter.count.getAndIncrement()
- if (currentCount % 1000 == 0) {
- logger.info("processed about %s polygons for s2 coverage".format(currentCount))
- }
- val geom = wkbReader.read(geomBytes)
- if (options.forS2CoveringIndex) {
- // println("generating cover for %s for s2covering index".format(polyId))
- val cells = logDuration("s2CoveringForS2CoveringIndex", "generated cover for %s for s2covering index".format(polyId)) {
- GeometryUtils.s2PolygonCovering(
- geom, minS2LevelForS2Covering, maxS2LevelForS2Covering,
- levelMod = Some(defaultLevelModForS2Covering),
- maxCellsHintWhichMightBeIgnored = Some(defaultMaxCellsHintForS2Covering)
- ).toList
- }
- val record = S2CoveringIndex(polyId, cells.map(_.id()))
- S2CoveringIndexDAO.insert(record)
- }
- if (options.forRevGeoIndex) {
- // println("generating cover for %s for revgeo index".format(polyId))
- val cells = logDuration("s2CoveringForRevGeoIndex", "generated cover for %s for revgeo index".format(polyId)) {
- GeometryUtils.s2PolygonCovering(
- geom, minS2LevelForRevGeo, maxS2LevelForRevGeo,
- levelMod = Some(defaultLevelModForRevGeo),
- maxCellsHintWhichMightBeIgnored = Some(defaultMaxCellsHintForRevGeo)
- )
- }
- logDuration("coverClippingForRevGeoIndex", "clipped and outputted cover for %d cells (%s) for revgeo index".format(cells.size, polyId)) {
- val records = cells.map((cellid: S2CellId) => {
- if (geom.isInstanceOf[JTSPoint]) {
- RevGeoIndex(
- cellid.id(), polyId,
- full = false,
- geom = Some(wkbWriter.write(geom))
- )
- } else {
- val recordShape = geom.buffer(0)
- val preparedRecordShape = PreparedGeometryFactory.prepare(recordShape)
- val s2shape = ShapefileS2Util.fullGeometryForCell(cellid)
- if (preparedRecordShape.contains(s2shape)) {
- RevGeoIndex(cellid.id(), polyId, full = true, geom = None)
- } else {
- val intersection = s2shape.intersection(recordShape)
- val geomToIndex = if (intersection.getGeometryType == "GeometryCollection") {
- GeometryCleanupUtils.cleanupGeometryCollection(intersection)
- } else {
- intersection
- }
- RevGeoIndex(
- cellid.id(), polyId,
- full = false,
- geom = Some(wkbWriter.write(geomToIndex))
- )
- }
- }
- })
- RevGeoIndexDAO.insert(records)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def receive = {
- case msg: CalculateCover =>
- calculateCover(msg)
- sender ! FinishedCover()
- case msg: CalculateCoverFromMongo =>
- calculateCoverFromMongo(msg)
- sender ! FinishedCover()
- }
- }
- // ==================
- // ===== Master =====
- // ==================
- class S2CoveringMaster(val latch: CountDownLatch) extends Actor with Logging {
- var start: Long = 0
- val _system = ActorSystem("RoundRobinRouterExample")
- val router = _system.actorOf(Props[S2CoveringWorker].withRouter(RoundRobinRouter(8)), name = "myRoundRobinRouterActor")
- var inFlight = 0
- var seenDone = false
- // message handler
- def receive = {
- case msg: FinishedCover =>
- inFlight -= 1
- if (inFlight == 0 && seenDone) {
- shutdownWithMessage("finished all s2 covers, shutting down system")
- }
- if (inFlight < 0) {
- logger.error("inFlight < 0 ... we're bad at a counting")
- }
- case msg: CalculateCover =>
- Stats.incr("s2.akkaWorkers.CalculateCover")
- inFlight += 1
- router ! msg
- case msg: CalculateCoverFromMongo =>
- inFlight += 1
- router ! msg
- case msg: Done =>
- logger.info("all done with s2 cover indexing, sending poison pills")
- // send a PoisonPill to all workers telling them to shut down themselves
- router ! Broadcast(PoisonPill)
- seenDone = true
- if (inFlight == 0) {
- shutdownWithMessage("had already finished all s2 covers, shutting down system")
- }
- }
- private def shutdownWithMessage(message: String): Unit = {
- logger.info(message)
- latch.countDown()
- self ! PoisonPill
- }
- override def preStart() {
- start = System.currentTimeMillis
- }
- override def postStop() {
- // tell the world that the calculation is complete
- logger.info(
- "s2 covering calculation time: \t%s millis"
- .format((System.currentTimeMillis - start))
- )
- }
- }