Scala | 148 lines | 118 code | 22 blank | 8 comment | 11 complexity | 93044f9812308658cc1b97213b385979 MD5 | raw file
- package com.foursquare.twofishes.output
- import com.foursquare.twofishes.{FeatureNameFlags, Indexes, YahooWoeType}
- import com.foursquare.twofishes.mongo.{NameIndex, NameIndexDAO}
- import com.foursquare.twofishes.util.StoredFeatureId
- import com.mongodb.Bytes
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- import com.novus.salat._
- import com.novus.salat.annotations._
- import com.novus.salat.dao._
- import com.novus.salat.global._
- import java.io._
- import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes._
- import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet
- import scalaj.collection.Implicits._
- object PrefixIndexer {
- val MaxPrefixLength = 5
- val MaxNameRecordsToFetchFromMongo = 1000
- val MaxFidsToStorePerPrefix = 50
- val MaxFidsWithPreferredNamesBeforeConsideringNonPreferred = 3
- val index = Indexes.PrefixIndex
- }
- class PrefixIndexer(
- override val basepath: String,
- override val fidMap: FidMap,
- prefixSet: HashSet[String]
- ) extends Indexer {
- val index = PrefixIndexer.index
- override val outputs = Seq(index)
- def hasFlag(record: NameIndex, flag: FeatureNameFlags) =
- (record.flags & flag.getValue) > 0
- def joinLists(lists: List[NameIndex]*): List[NameIndex] = {
- lists.toList.flatMap(l => {
- l.sortBy(_.pop * -1)
- })
- }
- private def roundRobinByCountryCode(records: List[NameIndex]): List[NameIndex] = {
- // to ensure global distribution of features from all countries, group by cc
- // and then pick the top from each group by turn and cycle through
- // input: a (US), b (US), c (CN), d (US), e (AU), f (AU), g (CN)
- // desired output: a (US), c (CN), e (AU), b (US), g (CN), f (AU), d (US)
- records.groupBy(_.cc) // (US -> a, b, d), (CN -> c, g), (AU -> e, f)
- .values.toList // (a, b, d), (c, g), (e, f)
- .flatMap(_.zipWithIndex) // (a, 0), (b, 1), (d, 2), (c, 0), (g, 1), (e, 0), (f, 1)
- .groupBy(_._2).toList // (0 -> a, c, e), (1 -> b, g, f), (2 -> d)
- .sortBy(_._1).flatMap(_._2.map(_._1)) // a, c, e, b, g, f, d
- }
- def sortRecordsByNames(records: List[NameIndex]) = {
- // val (pureNames, unpureNames) = records.partition(r => {
- // !hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.ALIAS)
- // !hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.DEACCENT)
- // })
- val (prefPureNames, nonPrefPureNames) =
- records.partition(r =>
- (hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.PREFERRED) || hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.ALT_NAME)) &&
- (r.lang == "en" || hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.LOCAL_LANG))
- )
- val (secondBestNames, worstNames) =
- nonPrefPureNames.partition(r =>
- r.lang == "en"
- || hasFlag(r, FeatureNameFlags.LOCAL_LANG)
- )
- (joinLists(prefPureNames), joinLists(secondBestNames, worstNames))
- }
- def getRecordsByPrefix(prefix: String, limit: Int) = {
- val nameCursor = NameIndexDAO.find(
- MongoDBObject(
- "name" -> prefix,
- "excludeFromPrefixIndex" -> false)
- ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("pop" -> -1)).limit(limit)
- nameCursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT
- val prefixCursor = NameIndexDAO.find(
- MongoDBObject(
- "name" -> MongoDBObject("$regex" -> "^%s".format(prefix)),
- "excludeFromPrefixIndex" -> false)
- ).sort(orderBy = MongoDBObject("pop" -> -1)).limit(limit)
- prefixCursor.option = Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT
- (nameCursor ++ prefixCursor).toSeq.distinct.take(limit)
- }
- def writeIndexImpl() {
- logger.info("sorting prefix set")
- val sortedPrefixes = prefixSet.toList.sortWith(lexicalSort)
- logger.info("done sorting")
- val bestWoeTypes = List(
- YahooWoeType.POSTAL_CODE,
- YahooWoeType.TOWN,
- YahooWoeType.SUBURB,
- YahooWoeType.ADMIN3,
- YahooWoeType.AIRPORT,
- YahooWoeType.COUNTRY
- ).map(_.getValue)
- val prefixWriter = buildMapFileWriter(index,
- Map(
- ("MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH", PrefixIndexer.MaxPrefixLength.toString)
- )
- )
- val numPrefixes = sortedPrefixes.size
- for {
- (prefix, index) <- sortedPrefixes.zipWithIndex
- } {
- if (index % 1000 == 0) {
- logger.info("done with %d of %d prefixes".format(index, numPrefixes))
- }
- val records = getRecordsByPrefix(prefix, PrefixIndexer.MaxNameRecordsToFetchFromMongo)
- val (woeMatches, woeMismatches) = records.partition(r =>
- bestWoeTypes.contains(r.woeType))
- val (prefSortedRecords, unprefSortedRecords) =
- sortRecordsByNames(woeMatches.toList)
- val fids = new HashSet[StoredFeatureId]
- roundRobinByCountryCode(prefSortedRecords).foreach(f => {
- if (fids.size < PrefixIndexer.MaxFidsToStorePerPrefix) {
- fids.add(f.fidAsFeatureId)
- }
- })
- if (fids.size < PrefixIndexer.MaxFidsWithPreferredNamesBeforeConsideringNonPreferred) {
- roundRobinByCountryCode(unprefSortedRecords).foreach(f => {
- if (fids.size < PrefixIndexer.MaxFidsToStorePerPrefix) {
- fids.add(f.fidAsFeatureId)
- }
- })
- }
- prefixWriter.append(prefix, fidsToCanonicalFids(fids.toList))
- }
- prefixWriter.close()
- logger.info("done")
- }
- }