JavaScript | 1055 lines | 809 code | 201 blank | 45 comment | 47 complexity | ba181c766ebf01748ea592df17f47987 MD5 | raw file
- /* global jQuery, wp, window: false, Backbone: false, _: false */
- /**
- * Menu Icons
- *
- * @author Dzikri Aziz <kvcrvt@gmail.com>
- * @version 0.1.0
- *
- */
- (function($) {
- 'use strict';
- $.inputDependencies({
- selector : 'select.hasdep',
- disable : false
- });
- /**
- * Settings box tabs
- *
- * We can't use core's tabs script here because it will clear the
- * checkboxes upon tab switching
- */
- $('#menu-icons-settings-tabs')
- .on('click', 'a.mi-settings-nav-tab', function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var $el = $(this).blur();
- var $target = $( '#'+$el.data('type') );
- $el.parent().addClass('tabs').siblings().removeClass('tabs');
- $target
- .removeClass('tabs-panel-inactive')
- .addClass('tabs-panel-active')
- .show()
- .siblings('div.tabs-panel')
- .hide()
- .addClass('tabs-panel-inactive')
- .removeClass('tabs-panel-active');
- })
- .find('a.mi-settings-nav-tab').first().click();
- if ( 'undefined' === typeof window.menuIcons ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( undefined === window.menuIcons.iconTypes ) {
- return;
- }
- window.menuIcons = _.defaults({
- frame : '',
- currentItem : {},
- toggleSelect : function(e) {
- var $type = $(e.currentTarget);
- var $wrapr = $type.closest('div.menu-icons-wrap');
- var $select = $wrapr.find('a._select');
- var $remove = $wrapr.find('a._remove');
- if ( '' !== $type.val() ) {
- $remove.show();
- }
- else {
- $select.text( $select.data('text') );
- $remove.hide();
- }
- },
- selectIcon : function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var $el = $(this);
- var id = media.view.settings.post.id = $el.data('id');
- var attrs = {
- id : id,
- title : $('#edit-menu-item-title-'+id).val()
- };
- $el.closest('div.menu-icons-wrap').find(':input').each(function(i, input) {
- var key = $(input).data('key');
- attrs[ key ] = input.value;
- });
- window.menuIcons.currentItem = attrs;
- if ( ! ( window.menuIcons.frame instanceof media.view.MediaFrame.menuIcons ) ) {
- window.menuIcons.frame = new media.view.MediaFrame.menuIcons();
- }
- window.menuIcons.frame.open();
- },
- removeIcon : function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- var id = $(this).data('id');
- $('#menu-icons-'+ id +'-type').val('').trigger('mi:update');
- }
- }, window.menuIcons);
- // WP Media
- var media = wp.media;
- var Attachment = media.model.Attachment;
- // Models
- media.model.mi = {};
- // Model: Menu Items
- media.model.mi.MenuItems = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- props : new Backbone.Model({ item : '' }),
- model : Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults : {
- type : '',
- group : 'all',
- icon : ''
- },
- })
- });
- // Model: Settings fields
- media.model.mi.MenuItems.Settings = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model : Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults : {
- id : '',
- label : '',
- value : '',
- type : 'text'
- }
- })
- });
- // All: Sidebar
- media.view.miSidebar = media.view.Sidebar.extend({
- initialize : function() {
- var title = new media.View({
- tagName : 'h3',
- priority : -10
- });
- var info = new media.View({
- tagName : 'p',
- className : '_info',
- priority : 1000
- });
- media.view.Sidebar.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- title.$el.text( window.menuIcons.text.preview );
- this.set( 'title', title );
- info.$el.html( window.menuIcons.text.settingsInfo );
- this.set( 'info', info );
- }
- });
- // View: Settings wrapper
- media.view.miSidebar.Settings = media.view.PriorityList.extend({
- className : 'mi-settings attachment-info',
- prepare : function() {
- _.each( this.collection.map( this.createField, this ), function( view ) {
- this.set( view.model.id, view );
- }, this );
- },
- createField : function( model ) {
- var field = new media.view.miSidebar.Settings.Field({
- item : this.model,
- model : model,
- collection : this.collection
- });
- return field;
- }
- });
- // View: Settings field
- media.view.miSidebar.Settings.Field = media.View.extend({
- tagName : 'label',
- className : 'setting',
- events : {
- 'change :input' : '_update'
- },
- initialize : function() {
- media.View.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- this.template = media.template( 'menu-icons-settings-field-'+this.model.get('type') );
- this.model.on( 'change', this.render, this );
- },
- prepare : function() {
- return this.model.toJSON();
- },
- _update : function(e) {
- var item = this.options.item;
- var $input = $(e.currentTarget);
- var value = $input.val();
- var $field = $('#menu-icons-'+ item.id +'-'+ this.model.id +'._setting');
- this.model.set( 'value', value );
- item.set( this.model.id, value );
- $field.val( value ).trigger('mi:update');
- }
- });
- // View: Item preview on the sidebar
- media.view.miPreview = media.View.extend({
- tagName : 'p',
- className : 'mi-preview menu-item attachment-info',
- events : {
- 'click a' : 'preventDefault'
- },
- initialize : function() {
- media.View.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- this.model.on( 'change', this.render, this );
- },
- render : function() {
- var data = _.extend( this.model.toJSON(), this.options.data );
- var template = 'menu-icons-' + data.type + '-preview-';
- if ( data.hide_label ) {
- template += 'hide_label';
- }
- else {
- template += data.position;
- }
- this.template = media.template( template );
- this.$el.html( this.template( data ) );
- return this;
- },
- preventDefault: function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- // Methods for the browser view
- media.view.miBrowser = {
- createSidebar : function() {
- var options = this.options;
- var selection = options.selection;
- var sidebar = this.sidebar = new media.view.miSidebar({
- controller : this.controller,
- type : options.type
- });
- this.views.add( sidebar );
- selection.on( 'selection:single', this.createSingle, this );
- selection.on( 'selection:unsingle', this.disposeSingle, this );
- if ( selection.single() ) {
- this.createSingle();
- }
- },
- createSingle : function() {
- this.createPreview();
- },
- createSettings : function() {
- var item = this.controller.miGetCurrentItem();
- var fields = this.model.get('settings');
- if ( ! fields.length ) {
- return;
- }
- _.each( fields, function( field ) {
- field.value = item.get( field.id );
- } );
- this.sidebar.set( 'settings', new media.view.miSidebar.Settings({
- controller : this.controller,
- collection : new media.model.mi.MenuItems.Settings( fields ),
- model : item,
- type : this.options.type,
- priority : 120
- }) );
- }
- };
- // View: Font icon: Browser
- media.view.miFont = media.View.extend({
- className : 'attachments-browser mi-items-wrap',
- initialize : function() {
- this.createToolbar();
- this.createLibrary();
- this.createSidebar();
- },
- createLibrary : function() {
- this.items = new media.view.miFont.Library({
- controller : this.controller,
- collection : this.collection,
- selection : this.options.selection,
- type : this.options.type,
- data : this.options.data
- });
- this.views.add( this.items );
- },
- createToolbar : function() {
- var library = this.collection;
- var group = library.props.get('group');
- this.toolbar = new media.view.Toolbar({
- controller : this.controller
- });
- this.views.add( this.toolbar );
- // Dropdown filter
- this.toolbar.set( 'filters', new media.view.miFont.Filters({
- controller : this.controller,
- model : this.collection.props,
- priority : -80
- }).render() );
- // Search field
- this.toolbar.set( 'search', new media.view.Search({
- controller : this.controller,
- model : this.collection.props,
- priority : 60
- }).render() );
- },
- createPreview : function() {
- var controller = this.controller;
- var menuItem = controller.miGetCurrentItem();
- var selected = this.model.get('selection').single();
- this.createSettings();
- this.sidebar.set( 'preview', new media.view.miPreview({
- controller : controller,
- model : menuItem,
- data : {
- type : selected.get('type'),
- icon : selected.id
- },
- priority : 80
- }) );
- },
- disposeSingle : function() {
- var sidebar = this.sidebar;
- sidebar.unset('preview');
- sidebar.unset('settings');
- }
- });
- _.extend( media.view.miFont.prototype, media.view.miBrowser );
- // View: Font icon: Library
- media.view.miFont.Library = media.View.extend({
- tagName : 'ul',
- className : 'attachments mi-items clearfix',
- initialize : function() {
- this._viewsByCid = {};
- this.collection.on( 'reset', this.refresh, this );
- this.controller.on( 'open', this.scrollToSelected, this );
- },
- render : function() {
- this.collection.each( function( model ) {
- this.views.add( this.renderItem( model ), {
- at : this.collection.indexOf( model )
- } );
- }, this );
- return this;
- },
- renderItem : function( model ) {
- var view = new media.view.miFont.Icon({
- controller : this.controller,
- model : model,
- collection : this.collection,
- selection : this.options.selection,
- type : this.options.type,
- data : this.options.data
- });
- return this._viewsByCid[ view.cid ] = view;
- },
- clearItems : function() {
- _.each( this._viewsByCid, function( view ) {
- delete this._viewsByCid[ view.cid ];
- view.remove();
- }, this );
- },
- refresh : function() {
- this.clearItems();
- this.render();
- },
- ready : function() {
- this.scrollToSelected();
- },
- scrollToSelected : function() {
- var single = this.options.selection.single();
- var singleView;
- if ( ! single ) {
- return;
- }
- singleView = this.getView( single );
- if ( singleView && ! this.isInView( singleView.$el ) ) {
- this.$el.scrollTop( singleView.$el.offset().top - this.$el.offset().top + this.$el.scrollTop() - parseInt( this.$el.css('paddingTop') ) );
- }
- },
- getView : function( model ) {
- return _.findWhere( this._viewsByCid, { model : model } );
- },
- isInView: function( $elem ) {
- var $window = $(window);
- var docViewTop = $window.scrollTop();
- var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $window.height();
- var elemTop = $elem.offset().top;
- var elemBottom = elemTop + $elem.height();
- return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
- }
- });
- // View: Font icon: Dropdown filter
- media.view.miFont.Filters = media.view.AttachmentFilters.extend({
- createFilters : function() {
- this.filters = {
- all : {
- text : window.menuIcons.text.all,
- props : {
- group : 'all'
- }
- }
- };
- var groups = this.controller.state().get('data').groups;
- _.each( groups, function( text, id ) {
- this.filters[ id ] = {
- text : text,
- props : {
- group : id
- }
- };
- }, this );
- },
- change : function() {
- var filter = this.filters[ this.el.value ];
- if ( filter ) {
- this.model.set( 'group', filter.props.group );
- }
- }
- });
- // View: Font icon: Item
- media.view.miFont.Icon = media.view.Attachment.extend({
- className : 'attachment mi-item',
- events : {
- 'click .attachment-preview' : 'toggleSelectionHandler',
- 'click a' : 'preventDefault'
- },
- initialize : function() {
- this.template = media.template( 'menu-icons-' + this.options.type + '-item' );
- media.view.Attachment.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- },
- render: function() {
- this.$el.html( this.template( this.model.toJSON() ) );
- this.updateSelect();
- return this;
- }
- });
- // Font icon state
- media.controller.miFont = media.controller.State.extend({
- defaults : {
- id : 'mi-font',
- menu : 'default',
- toolbar : 'mi-select',
- type : '',
- settings : [ 'hide_label', 'position', 'font_size', 'vertical_align' ]
- },
- initialize : function() {
- var icons = this.get('data').items;
- var library = this.get('library');
- var selection = this.get('selection');
- var fieldIds = this.get('settings');
- var fields;
- if ( ! ( library instanceof media.controller.miFont.Library ) ) {
- library = new media.controller.miFont.Library( icons );
- library.props.on( 'change', this.miResetLibrary, this );
- this.set( 'library', library );
- }
- if ( ! ( selection instanceof media.model.Selection ) ) {
- this.set( 'selection', new media.model.Selection( selection, {
- multiple : false
- }) );
- }
- fields = _.filter( window.menuIcons.settingsFields, function( field ) {
- return ( -1 !== $.inArray( field.id, fieldIds ) );
- });
- this.set( 'settings', fields );
- },
- activate : function() {
- this.frame.on( 'open', this.refresh, this );
- this.miUpdateSelection();
- },
- deactivate : function() {
- media.controller.State.prototype.deactivate.apply( this, arguments );
- this.frame.off( 'open', this.refresh, this );
- },
- refresh : function() {
- this.miResetFilter();
- this.miUpdateSelection();
- },
- miGetContent : function() {
- this.miResetFilter();
- return new media.view.miFont({
- controller : this.frame,
- model : this,
- collection : this.get('library'),
- selection : this.get('selection'),
- type : this.get('type')
- });
- },
- miResetLibrary : function() {
- var library = this.get('library');
- var group = library.props.get('group');
- var item = this.frame.miGetCurrentItem();
- item.set( 'group', group );
- library.reInitialize();
- this.set( 'library', library );
- this.miUpdateSelection();
- },
- miResetFilter : function() {
- var library = this.get('library');
- var item = this.frame.miGetCurrentItem();
- var groups = this.get('data').groups;
- var group = item.get('group');
- if ( _.isUndefined( groups[ group ] ) ) {
- group = 'all';
- }
- library.props.set( 'group', group );
- },
- miUpdateSelection : function() {
- var selection = this.get('selection');
- var type = this.get('type');
- var key = type+'-icon';
- var item = this.frame.miGetCurrentItem();
- var icon = item.get(key);
- var selected;
- if ( type === item.get('type') && icon ) {
- selected = this.get('library').findWhere({id: icon});
- }
- selection.reset( selected ? selected : [] );
- }
- });
- // Font icon collection
- media.controller.miFont.Library = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- props : new Backbone.Model({
- group : 'all',
- search : ''
- }),
- initialize : function( models ) {
- this.icons = new Backbone.Collection( models );
- },
- reInitialize : function() {
- var library = this;
- var icons = this.icons.toJSON();
- var props = this.props.toJSON();
- _.each( props, function( val, filter ) {
- if ( library.filters[ filter ] ) {
- icons = _.filter( icons, library.filters[ filter ], val );
- }
- }, this);
- this.reset( icons );
- },
- filters : {
- group : function( icon ) {
- var group = this;
- return ( 'all' === group || icon.group === group || '' === icon.group );
- },
- search : function( icon ) {
- var term = this;
- var result;
- if ( '' === term ) {
- result = true;
- }
- else {
- result = _.any(['id','label'], function( key ) {
- var value = icon[key];
- return value && -1 !== value.search( this );
- }, term );
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- });
- // Image icon state
- media.controller.miImage = media.controller.Library.extend({
- defaults : _.defaults({
- id : 'browse',
- menu : 'default',
- router : 'browse',
- toolbar : 'mi-select',
- filterable : 'uploaded',
- settings : [ 'hide_label', 'position', 'image_size', 'vertical_align' ],
- syncSelection : false
- }, media.controller.Library.prototype.defaults),
- initialize : function() {
- var selection = this.get('selection');
- var fieldIds = this.get('settings');
- var fields;
- this.set( 'library', media.query({ type: 'image' }) );
- this.routers = {
- upload : {
- text: media.view.l10n.uploadFilesTitle,
- priority: 20
- },
- browse : {
- text: media.view.l10n.mediaLibraryTitle,
- priority: 40
- }
- };
- if ( ! ( selection instanceof media.model.Selection ) ) {
- this.set( 'selection', new media.model.Selection( selection, {
- multiple : false
- }) );
- }
- fields = _.filter( window.menuIcons.settingsFields, function( field ) {
- return ( -1 !== $.inArray( field.id, fieldIds ) );
- });
- this.set( 'settings', fields );
- media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- },
- activate : function() {
- media.controller.Library.prototype.activate.apply( this, arguments );
- this.frame.on( 'open', this.miUpdateSelection, this );
- this.miUpdateSelection();
- },
- deactivate : function() {
- media.controller.Library.prototype.deactivate.apply( this, arguments );
- this.frame.off( 'open', this.miUpdateSelection, this );
- },
- miUpdateSelection : function() {
- var selection = this.get('selection');
- var type = this.get('type');
- var key = type+'-icon';
- var item = this.frame.miGetCurrentItem();
- var icon = item.get(key);
- var attachment;
- if ( type === item.get('type') && icon ) {
- attachment = Attachment.get( icon );
- this.dfd = attachment.fetch();
- }
- selection.reset( attachment ? attachment : [] );
- },
- miGetContent : function( mode ) {
- var content = ( 'upload' === mode ) ? this.uploadContent() : this.browseContent();
- this.frame.$el.removeClass('hide-toolbar');
- return content;
- },
- browseContent: function() {
- var state = this;
- // Browse our library of attachments.
- return new media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.miImage({
- type : state.get('type'),
- controller : state.frame,
- collection : state.get('library'),
- selection : state.get('selection'),
- model : state,
- sortable : state.get('sortable'),
- search : state.get('searchable'),
- filters : state.get('filterable'),
- display : state.get('displaySettings'),
- dragInfo : state.get('dragInfo')
- });
- },
- /**
- * Render callback for the content region in the `upload` mode.
- */
- uploadContent: function() {
- return new media.view.UploaderInline({
- controller: this.frame
- });
- }
- });
- // View: Image Icon: Browser
- media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.miImage = media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.extend({
- disposeSingle : function() {
- media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.prototype.disposeSingle.apply( this, arguments );
- this.sidebar.unset('preview');
- this.sidebar.unset('settings');
- },
- createPreview : function() {
- var self = this;
- var state = this.model;
- var selected, controller, menuItem;
- if ( state.dfd && 'pending' === state.dfd.state() ) {
- state.dfd.done( function() {
- self.createPreview();
- } );
- return;
- }
- selected = state.get('selection').single();
- // Disallow anything but image
- if ( 'image' !== selected.get('type') ) {
- state.get('selection').reset();
- return;
- }
- // Wait for the upload process to finish
- if ( selected.get('uploading') ) {
- selected.on( 'change:uploading', self.createPreview, this );
- return;
- }
- controller = this.controller;
- menuItem = controller.miGetCurrentItem();
- this.createSettings();
- this.sidebar.set( 'preview', new media.view.miPreview.miImage({
- controller : controller,
- settings : this.sidebar.get('settings'),
- model : menuItem,
- data : {
- type : state.get('type'),
- alt : selected.get('alt'),
- sizes : selected.get('sizes')
- },
- priority : 80
- }) );
- }
- });
- _.extend( media.view.AttachmentsBrowser.miImage.prototype, media.view.miBrowser );
- // View: Image Icon: Preview on the sidebar
- media.view.miPreview.miImage = media.view.miPreview.extend({
- render : function() {
- var size = this.options.model.get('image_size');
- var imageSizes = this.options.data.sizes;
- var sizeField = this.options.settings.get('image_size');
- var newChoices = [];
- if ( ! imageSizes.hasOwnProperty( size ) ) {
- size = 'full';
- }
- _.each( sizeField.model.get('choices'), function( choice ) {
- if ( imageSizes.hasOwnProperty( choice.value ) ) {
- newChoices.push( choice );
- }
- } );
- sizeField.model.set( 'choices', newChoices );
- this.options.model.set( 'image_size', size, { silent: true } );
- this.options.data.url = imageSizes[ size ].url;
- return media.view.miPreview.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments );
- }
- });
- // Frame
- media.view.MediaFrame.menuIcons = media.view.MediaFrame.extend({
- initialize : function() {
- media.view.MediaFrame.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
- _.defaults( this.options, {
- selection : [],
- multiple : false,
- editing : false,
- toolbar : 'mi-select',
- });
- this.miMenuItems = new media.model.mi.MenuItems();
- this.createStates();
- this.bindHandlers();
- },
- createStates : function() {
- var options = this.options;
- var Controller;
- if ( options.states ) {
- return;
- }
- _.each( window.menuIcons.iconTypes, function( props, type ) {
- if ( ! media.controller.hasOwnProperty( props.data.controller ) ) {
- delete window.menuIcons.iconTypes[ type ];
- return;
- }
- Controller = media.controller[ props.data.controller ];
- _.defaults( props, {
- content : props.id,
- selection : options.selection
- } );
- // States
- this.states.add( new Controller( props ) );
- }, this );
- },
- bindHandlers : function() {
- this.on( 'router:create:browse', this.createRouter, this );
- this.on( 'router:render:browse', this.browseRouter, this );
- this.on( 'content:render', this.miRenderContent, this );
- this.on( 'toolbar:create:mi-select', this.createToolbar, this );
- this.on( 'toolbar:render:mi-select', this.miSelectToolbar, this );
- this.on( 'open', this.miInitialize, this );
- },
- browseRouter : function( routerView ) {
- var routers = this.state().routers;
- if ( routers ) {
- routerView.set( routers );
- }
- },
- miRenderContent : function() {
- var state = this.state();
- var mode = this.content.mode();
- var content = state.miGetContent( mode );
- this.content.set( content );
- },
- // Toolbars
- miSelectToolbar : function( view ) {
- var frame = this;
- var state = frame.state();
- var type = state.get('type');
- view.set( state.id, {
- style : 'primary',
- priority : 80,
- text : window.menuIcons.text.select,
- requires : {
- selection : true
- },
- click : function() {
- frame.close();
- frame.miUpdateItemProps();
- frame.miUpdateItem();
- }
- });
- },
- // Content
- miContentRender : function() {
- var state = this.state();
- var content = state.miGetContent();
- this.content.set( content );
- },
- miGetState : function() {
- var item = window.menuIcons.currentItem;
- var type;
- if ( ! _.isUndefined( item.type ) && '' !== item.type && window.menuIcons.iconTypes.hasOwnProperty( item.type ) ) {
- type = item.type;
- }
- else {
- type = window.menuIcons.typeNames[0];
- }
- return 'mi-'+type;
- },
- miGetCurrentItem : function() {
- return this.miMenuItems.get( window.menuIcons.currentItem.id );
- },
- miUpdateMenuItems : function() {
- var item = this.miGetCurrentItem();
- if ( _.isUndefined( item ) ) {
- this.miMenuItems.add( window.menuIcons.currentItem );
- }
- else {
- item.set( window.menuIcons.currentItem );
- }
- this.miMenuItems.props.set( 'item', window.menuIcons.currentItem.id );
- },
- miInitialize : function() {
- this.miUpdateMenuItems();
- this.setState( this.miGetState() );
- },
- miUpdateItemProps : function() {
- var state = this.state();
- var type = state.get('type');
- var selection = state.get('selection');
- var single = selection.single();
- var icon = single ? single.id : '';
- var item = this.miGetCurrentItem();
- item.set( 'type', type );
- item.set( type+'-icon', icon );
- item.set( 'icon', icon );
- },
- miUpdateItem : function() {
- var attrs = this.miGetCurrentItem().toJSON();
- var id = attrs.id;
- var state = this.state();
- var selected = state.get('selection').single();
- var template = media.template( 'menu-icons-'+ attrs.type +'-field' );
- var data = selected.toJSON();
- var $el;
- data._settings = attrs;
- delete attrs.id;
- delete attrs.title;
- _.each( attrs, function( value, key ) {
- $el = $('#menu-icons-'+ id +'-'+ key).not('._setting');
- if ( $el.length ) {
- $el.val( value ).trigger('mi:update');
- }
- });
- $('#menu-icons-'+ id +'-select').html( template( data ) );
- }
- });
- $('body')
- .on( 'click', 'div.menu-icons-wrap a._select', window.menuIcons.selectIcon )
- .on( 'click', 'div.menu-icons-wrap a._remove', window.menuIcons.removeIcon )
- .on( 'mi:update', 'div.menu-icons-wrap select._type', window.menuIcons.toggleSelect );
- $('div.menu-icons-wrap select._type').trigger('mi:update');
- // Settings meta box
- $('#menu-item-settings-save').on('click', function(e) {
- var $button = $(this).prop( 'disabled', true );
- var $spinner = $button.siblings('span.spinner');
- e.preventDefault();
- $spinner.css( 'display', 'inline-block' );
- $.ajax({
- type : 'POST',
- url : window.menuIcons.ajaxUrls.update,
- data : $('#menu-icons-settings :input').serialize(),
- success : function( response, xhr ) {
- if ( true === response.success && response.data.redirectUrl ) {
- window.location = response.data.redirectUrl;
- }
- else {
- $button.prop( 'disabled', false );
- }
- },
- always : function() {
- $spinner.hide();
- }
- });
- });
- }(jQuery));