Python | 187 lines | 137 code | 49 blank | 1 comment | 3 complexity | 003d7b87926586428efb33b18a9348a0 MD5 | raw file
- import sys
- import time
- import copy as cp
- import asyncio
- from unittest import mock
- import celery
- import pytest
- from waterbutler import tasks # noqa
- from waterbutler.core.path import WaterButlerPath
- import tests.utils as test_utils
- # Hack to get the module, not the function
- copy = sys.modules['waterbutler.tasks.copy']
- FAKE_TIME = 1454684930.0
- @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
- def patch_backend(monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setattr(copy.core.app, 'backend', None)
- @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
- def callback(monkeypatch):
- mock_request = test_utils.MockCoroutine(return_value=mock.Mock(status=200))
- monkeypatch.setattr(copy.utils, 'send_signed_request', mock_request)
- return mock_request
- @pytest.fixture
- def mock_time(monkeypatch):
- mock_time = mock.Mock(return_value=FAKE_TIME)
- monkeypatch.setattr(time, 'time', mock_time)
- @pytest.fixture
- def src_path():
- return WaterButlerPath('/user/bin/python')
- @pytest.fixture
- def dest_path():
- return WaterButlerPath('/usr/bin/golang')
- @pytest.fixture(scope='function')
- def src_provider():
- p = test_utils.MockProvider()
- p.copy.return_value = (test_utils.MockFileMetadata(), True)
- return p
- @pytest.fixture(scope='function')
- def dest_provider():
- p = test_utils.MockProvider()
- p.copy.return_value = (test_utils.MockFileMetadata(), True)
- return p
- @pytest.fixture(scope='function')
- def providers(monkeypatch, src_provider, dest_provider):
- def make_provider(name=None, **kwargs):
- if name == 'src':
- return src_provider
- if name == 'dest':
- return dest_provider
- raise ValueError('Unexpected provider')
- monkeypatch.setattr(copy.utils, 'make_provider', make_provider)
- return src_provider, dest_provider
- @pytest.fixture
- def src_bundle(src_path):
- return {
- 'path': src_path,
- 'provider': {
- 'name': 'src',
- 'auth': {},
- 'settings': {},
- 'credentials': {},
- }
- }
- @pytest.fixture
- def dest_bundle(dest_path):
- return {
- 'path': dest_path,
- 'provider': {
- 'name': 'dest',
- 'auth': {},
- 'settings': {},
- 'credentials': {},
- }
- }
- @pytest.fixture
- def bundles(src_bundle, dest_bundle):
- return src_bundle, dest_bundle
- class TestCopyTask:
- def test_copy_calls_copy(self, providers, bundles):
- src, dest = providers
- src_bundle, dest_bundle = bundles
- copy.copy(cp.deepcopy(src_bundle), cp.deepcopy(dest_bundle), '', {'auth': {}})
- assert src.copy.called
- src.copy.assert_called_once_with(dest, src_bundle['path'], dest_bundle['path'])
- def test_is_task(self):
- assert callable(copy.copy)
- assert isinstance(copy.copy, celery.Task)
- assert not asyncio.iscoroutine(copy.copy)
- assert asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(copy.copy.adelay)
- def test_imputes_exceptions(self, providers, bundles, callback):
- src, dest = providers
- src_bundle, dest_bundle = bundles
- src.copy.side_effect = Exception('This is a string')
- with pytest.raises(Exception):
- copy.copy(cp.deepcopy(src_bundle), cp.deepcopy(dest_bundle), '', {'auth': {}})
- (method, url, data), _ = callback.call_args_list[0]
- assert src.copy.called
- src.copy.assert_called_once_with(dest, src_bundle['path'], dest_bundle['path'])
- assert url == ''
- assert method == 'PUT'
- assert data['errors'] == ["Exception('This is a string',)"]
- def test_return_values(self, providers, bundles, callback, src_path, dest_path, mock_time):
- src, dest = providers
- src_bundle, dest_bundle = bundles
- metadata = test_utils.MockFileMetadata()
- src.copy.return_value = (metadata, False)
- ret1, ret2 = copy.copy(cp.deepcopy(src_bundle), cp.deepcopy(dest_bundle), 'Test.com', {'auth': {'user': 'name'}})
- assert (ret1, ret2) == (metadata, False)
- callback.assert_called_once_with(
- 'PUT',
- 'Test.com',
- {
- 'errors': [],
- 'action': 'copy',
- 'source': {
- 'path': '/' + src_path.raw_path,
- 'name': src_path.name,
- 'materialized': str(src_path),
- 'provider': src.NAME,
- 'kind': 'file',
- },
- 'destination': metadata.serialized(),
- 'auth': {'user': 'name'},
- 'time': FAKE_TIME + 60,
- 'email': False
- }
- )
- def test_starttime_override(self, providers, bundles, callback, mock_time):
- src, dest = providers
- src_bundle, dest_bundle = bundles
- stamp = FAKE_TIME
- copy.copy(cp.deepcopy(src_bundle), cp.deepcopy(dest_bundle), '', {'auth': {}}, start_time=stamp-100)
- copy.copy(cp.deepcopy(src_bundle), cp.deepcopy(dest_bundle), '', {'auth': {}}, start_time=stamp+100)
- (_, _, data), _ = callback.call_args_list[0]
- assert data['email'] is True
- assert data['time'] == 60 + stamp
- (_, _, data), _ = callback.call_args_list[1]
- assert data['email'] is False
- assert data['time'] == 60 + stamp