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- <h1>Archive of posts from 03 January 2012</h1>
- <div class="post" about="/2012/01/03/timthumb-hack-check-script">
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- <a content="TimThumb Hack Check Script" property="dc:title" href="/2012/01/03/timthumb-hack-check-script">TimThumb Hack Check Script</a>
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- I was recently a victim of the [timthumb vulnerability](http://duckduckgo.com/?q=timthumb+vulnerability). At first I noticed some rogue PHP in all my index.php files, which I cleaned up. But it turned out they had already got in enough to re-hack in no time at all. This time it was my javascript files which all had some obstruficated code in them, causing every page load to make a request to some random site.
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