Python | 235 lines | 156 code | 18 blank | 61 comment | 41 complexity | bd8cb251d7b377768f79bdfa4e4ad93f MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (C) 1998-2016 by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- #
- # This file is part of GNU Mailman.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- #
- # GNU Mailman is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
- # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
- # more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- # GNU Mailman. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """-request robot command runner."""
- # See the delivery diagram in IncomingRunner.py. This module handles all
- # email destined for mylist-request, -join, and -leave. It no longer handles
- # bounce messages (i.e. -admin or -bounces), nor does it handle mail to
- # -owner.
- import re
- import logging
- from email.errors import HeaderParseError
- from email.header import decode_header, make_header
- from email.iterators import typed_subpart_iterator
- from io import StringIO
- from mailman import public
- from mailman.config import config
- from mailman.core.i18n import _
- from mailman.core.runner import Runner
- from mailman.email.message import UserNotification
- from mailman.interfaces.command import ContinueProcessing, IEmailResults
- from mailman.interfaces.languages import ILanguageManager
- from zope.component import getUtility
- from zope.interface import implementer
- NL = '\n'
- log = logging.getLogger('mailman.vette')
- class CommandFinder:
- """Generate commands from the content of a message."""
- def __init__(self, msg, msgdata, results):
- self.command_lines = []
- self.ignored_lines = []
- self.processed_lines = []
- # Depending on where the message was destined to, add some implicit
- # commands. For example, if this was sent to the -join or -leave
- # addresses, it's the same as if 'join' or 'leave' commands were sent
- # to the -request address.
- subaddress = msgdata.get('subaddress')
- if subaddress == 'join':
- self.command_lines.append('join')
- elif subaddress == 'leave':
- self.command_lines.append('leave')
- elif subaddress == 'confirm':
- mo = re.match(config.mta.verp_confirm_regexp, msg.get('to', ''))
- if mo:
- self.command_lines.append('confirm ' + mo.group('cookie'))
- # Extract the subject header and do RFC 2047 decoding.
- raw_subject = msg.get('subject', '')
- try:
- subject = str(make_header(decode_header(raw_subject)))
- # Mail commands must be ASCII.
- self.command_lines.append(subject.encode('us-ascii'))
- except (HeaderParseError, UnicodeError, LookupError):
- # The Subject header was unparseable or not ASCII. If the raw
- # subject is a unicode object, convert it to ASCII ignoring all
- # bogus characters. Otherwise, there's nothing in the subject
- # that we can use.
- if isinstance(raw_subject, str):
- safe_subject = raw_subject.encode('us-ascii', 'ignore')
- self.command_lines.append(safe_subject)
- # Find the first text/plain part of the message.
- part = None
- for part in typed_subpart_iterator(msg, 'text', 'plain'):
- break
- if part is None or part is not msg:
- # Either there was no text/plain part or we ignored some
- # non-text/plain parts.
- print(_('Ignoring non-text/plain MIME parts'), file=results)
- if part is None:
- # There was no text/plain part to be found.
- return
- body = part.get_payload()
- # text/plain parts better have string payloads.
- assert isinstance(body, (bytes, str)), 'Non-string decoded payload'
- lines = body.splitlines()
- # Use no more lines than specified
- max_lines = int(config.mailman.email_commands_max_lines)
- self.command_lines.extend(lines[:max_lines])
- self.ignored_lines.extend(lines[max_lines:])
- def __iter__(self):
- """Return each command line, split into space separated arguments."""
- while self.command_lines:
- line = self.command_lines.pop(0)
- self.processed_lines.append(line)
- parts = line.strip().split()
- if len(parts) == 0:
- continue
- # Ensure that all the parts are unicodes. Since we only accept
- # ASCII commands and arguments, ignore anything else.
- parts = [(part
- if isinstance(part, str)
- else part.decode('ascii', 'ignore'))
- for part in parts]
- yield parts
- @public
- @implementer(IEmailResults)
- class Results:
- """The email command results."""
- def __init__(self, charset='us-ascii'):
- self._output = StringIO()
- self.charset = charset
- print(_("""\
- The results of your email command are provided below.
- """), file=self._output)
- def write(self, text):
- if isinstance(text, bytes):
- text = text.decode(self.charset, 'ignore')
- self._output.write(text)
- def __str__(self):
- value = self._output.getvalue()
- assert isinstance(value, str), 'Not a string: %r' % value
- return value
- @public
- class CommandRunner(Runner):
- """The email command runner."""
- def _dispose(self, mlist, msg, msgdata):
- message_id = msg.get('message-id', 'n/a')
- # The policy here is similar to the Replybot policy. If a message has
- # "Precedence: bulk|junk|list" and no "X-Ack: yes" header, we discard
- # the command message.
- precedence = msg.get('precedence', '').lower()
- ack = msg.get('x-ack', '').lower()
- if ack != 'yes' and precedence in ('bulk', 'junk', 'list'):
- log.info('%s Precedence: %s message discarded by: %s',
- message_id, precedence, mlist.request_address)
- return False
- # Do replybot for commands.
- replybot = config.handlers['replybot']
- replybot.process(mlist, msg, msgdata)
- if mlist.autorespond_requests == 1:
- # Respond and discard.
- log.info('%s -request message replied and discard', message_id)
- return False
- # Now craft the response and process the command lines.
- charset = msg.get_param('charset')
- if charset is None:
- charset = 'us-ascii'
- results = Results(charset)
- # Include just a few key pieces of information from the original: the
- # sender, date, and message id.
- print(_('- Original message details:'), file=results)
- subject = msg.get('subject', 'n/a') # noqa
- date = msg.get('date', 'n/a') # noqa
- from_ = msg.get('from', 'n/a') # noqa
- print(_(' From: $from_'), file=results)
- print(_(' Subject: $subject'), file=results)
- print(_(' Date: $date'), file=results)
- print(_(' Message-ID: $message_id'), file=results)
- print(_('\n- Results:'), file=results)
- finder = CommandFinder(msg, msgdata, results)
- for parts in finder:
- command = None
- # Try to find a command on this line. There may be a Re: prefix
- # (possibly internationalized) so try with the first and second
- # words on the line.
- if len(parts) > 0:
- command_name = parts.pop(0)
- command = config.commands.get(command_name)
- if command is None and len(parts) > 0:
- command_name = parts.pop(0)
- command = config.commands.get(command_name)
- if command is None:
- print(_('No such command: $command_name'), file=results)
- else:
- status = command.process(
- mlist, msg, msgdata, parts, results)
- assert status in ContinueProcessing, (
- 'Invalid status: %s' % status)
- if status == ContinueProcessing.no:
- break
- # All done. Strip blank lines and send the response.
- lines = [line.strip() for line in finder.command_lines if line]
- if len(lines) > 0:
- print(_('\n- Unprocessed:'), file=results)
- for line in lines:
- print(line, file=results)
- lines = [line.strip() for line in finder.ignored_lines if line]
- if len(lines) > 0:
- print(_('\n- Ignored:'), file=results)
- for line in lines:
- print(line, file=results)
- print(_('\n- Done.'), file=results)
- # Send a reply, but do not attach the original message. This is a
- # compromise because the original message is often helpful in tracking
- # down problems, but it's also a vector for backscatter spam.
- language = getUtility(ILanguageManager)[msgdata['lang']]
- reply = UserNotification(msg.sender, mlist.bounces_address,
- _('The results of your email commands'),
- lang=language)
- cte = msg.get('content-transfer-encoding')
- if cte is not None:
- reply['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = cte
- # Find a charset for the response body. Try the original message's
- # charset first, then ascii, then latin-1 and finally falling back to
- # utf-8.
- reply_body = str(results)
- for charset in (results.charset, 'us-ascii', 'latin-1'):
- try:
- reply_body.encode(charset)
- break
- except UnicodeError:
- pass
- else:
- charset = 'utf-8'
- reply.set_payload(reply_body, charset=charset)
- reply.send(mlist)