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HTML | 387 lines | 315 code | 62 blank | 10 comment | 0 complexity | 071e987e60f7485fa5f5152af15c0800 MD5 | raw file
  1. <!doctype html>
  2. <!--
  3. @license
  4. Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved.
  5. This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at
  6. The complete set of authors may be found at
  7. The complete set of contributors may be found at
  8. Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also
  9. subject to an additional IP rights grant found at
  10. -->
  11. <html>
  12. <head>
  13. <meta charset="UTF-8">
  14. <title>iron-dropdown basic tests</title>
  15. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
  16. <script src="../../webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
  17. <script src="../../web-component-tester/browser.js"></script>
  18. <script src="../../test-fixture/test-fixture-mocha.js"></script>
  19. <script src="../../iron-test-helpers/mock-interactions.js"></script>
  20. <link rel="import" href="../iron-dropdown.html">
  21. <link rel="import" href="../../test-fixture/test-fixture.html">
  22. </head>
  23. <style>
  24. body {
  25. margin: 0;
  26. padding: 0;
  27. }
  28. </style>
  29. <body>
  30. <test-fixture id="TrivialDropdown">
  31. <template>
  32. <iron-dropdown>
  33. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  34. </iron-dropdown>
  35. </template>
  36. </test-fixture>
  37. <test-fixture id="NonLockingDropdown">
  38. <template>
  39. <iron-dropdown allow-outside-scroll>
  40. <div class="dropdown-content">I don't lock scroll!</div>
  41. </iron-dropdown>
  42. </template>
  43. </test-fixture>
  44. <test-fixture id="AlignedDropdown">
  45. <template>
  46. <div style="display: block; position: relative; width: 100px; height: 100px;">
  47. <iron-dropdown horizontal-align="right" vertical-align="top">
  48. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  49. </iron-dropdown>
  50. </div>
  51. </template>
  52. </test-fixture>
  53. <!-- Absolutely position the dropdown so that it has enough space to move around -->
  54. <test-fixture id="OffsetDropdownTopLeft">
  55. <template>
  56. <div style="display: block; position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 40px; width: 100px; height: 100px;">
  57. <iron-dropdown>
  58. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  59. </iron-dropdown>
  60. </div>
  61. </template>
  62. </test-fixture>
  63. <test-fixture id="OffsetDropdownBottomRight">
  64. <template>
  65. <div style="display: block; position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 40px; width: 100px; height: 100px;">
  66. <iron-dropdown horizontal-align="right" vertical-align="bottom">
  67. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  68. </iron-dropdown>
  69. </div>
  70. </template>
  71. </test-fixture>
  72. <test-fixture id="FocusableContentDropdown">
  73. <template>
  74. <iron-dropdown>
  75. <div class="dropdown-content" tabindex="0">
  76. <div class="subcontent" tabindex="0"></div>
  77. </div>
  78. </iron-dropdown>
  79. </template>
  80. </test-fixture>
  81. <test-fixture id="RTLDropdownLeft">
  82. <template>
  83. <div dir="rtl" style="display: block; position: relative; width: 100px; height: 100px;">
  84. <iron-dropdown>
  85. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  86. </iron-dropdown>
  87. </div>
  88. </template>
  89. </test-fixture>
  90. <test-fixture id="RTLDropdownRight">
  91. <template>
  92. <div dir="rtl" style="display: block; position: relative; width: 100px; height: 100px;">
  93. <iron-dropdown horizontal-align="right">
  94. <div class="dropdown-content">Hello!</div>
  95. </iron-dropdown>
  96. </div>
  97. </template>
  98. </test-fixture>
  99. <script>
  100. function elementIsVisible(element) {
  101. var contentRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
  102. var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
  103. return computedStyle.display !== 'none' &&
  104. contentRect.width > 0 &&
  105. contentRect.height > 0;
  106. }
  107. suite('<iron-dropdown>', function() {
  108. var dropdown;
  109. var content;
  110. suite('basic', function() {
  111. setup(function() {
  112. dropdown = fixture('TrivialDropdown');
  113. content = Polymer.dom(dropdown).querySelector('.dropdown-content');
  114. });
  115. test('effectively hides the dropdown content', function() {
  116. expect(elementIsVisible(content));
  117. });
  118. test('shows dropdown content when opened', function(done) {
  120. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  121. expect(elementIsVisible(content));
  122. done();
  123. });
  124. });
  125. test('hides dropdown content when outside is clicked', function(done) {
  127. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  128. expect(elementIsVisible(content));
  129. // The document capture-click listeners are set async.
  130. // Note(noms): I think this bit in iron-overlay-behavior is pretty
  131. // brittle, so if the tests start failing in the future, make sure
  132. // _toggleListeners is getting called at the right time.
  133. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  134. MockInteractions.tap(dropdown.parentNode);
  135. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  136. expect(elementIsVisible(content));
  137. done();
  138. }, 100);
  139. }, 1);
  140. });
  141. });
  142. suite('when content is focusable', function() {
  143. setup(function() {
  144. dropdown = fixture('FocusableContentDropdown');
  145. content = Polymer.dom(dropdown).querySelector('.dropdown-content');
  146. });
  147. test('focuses the content when opened', function(done) {
  149. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  150. expect(document.activeElement);
  151. done();
  152. });
  153. });
  154. test('focuses a configured focus target', function(done) {
  155. var focusableChild = Polymer.dom(content).querySelector('div[tabindex]');
  156. dropdown.focusTarget = focusableChild;
  158. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  159. expect(document.activeElement);
  160. expect(document.activeElement);
  161. done();
  162. });
  163. });
  164. });
  165. });
  166. suite('locking scroll', function() {
  167. var dropdown;
  168. setup(function() {
  169. dropdown = fixture('NonLockingDropdown');
  170. });
  171. test('can be disabled with `allowOutsideScroll`', function(done) {
  173. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  174. expect(Polymer.IronDropdownScrollManager.elementIsScrollLocked(document.body))
  176. done();
  177. });
  178. });
  179. });
  180. suite('aligned dropdown', function() {
  181. var parent;
  182. setup(function() {
  183. parent = fixture('AlignedDropdown');
  184. dropdown = parent.querySelector('iron-dropdown');
  185. });
  186. test('can be re-aligned to the right and the top', function(done) {
  187. var parentRect;
  188. var dropdownRect;
  189. dropdown.opened = true;
  190. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  191. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  192. parentRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
  193. // NOTE(cdata): IE10 / 11 have minor rounding errors in this case,
  194. // so we assert with `closeTo` and a tight threshold:
  195. expect(, 0.1);
  196. expect(dropdownRect.right), 0.1);
  197. done();
  198. }, 1);
  199. });
  200. test('can be re-aligned to the bottom', function(done) {
  201. var parentRect;
  202. var dropdownRect;
  203. dropdown.verticalAlign = 'bottom';
  204. dropdown.opened = true;
  205. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  206. parentRect = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
  207. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  208. // NOTE(cdata): IE10 / 11 have minor rounding errors in this case,
  209. // so we assert with `closeTo` and a tight threshold:
  210. expect(dropdownRect.bottom), 0.1);
  211. expect(dropdownRect.right), 0.1);
  212. done();
  213. }, 1);
  214. });
  215. });
  216. suite('when align is left/top, with an offset', function() {
  217. var dropdownRect;
  218. var offsetDropdownRect;
  219. var dropdown;
  220. setup(function() {
  221. var parent = fixture('OffsetDropdownTopLeft');
  222. dropdown = parent.querySelector('iron-dropdown');
  223. });
  224. test('can be offset towards the bottom right', function(done) {
  225. dropdown.opened = true;
  226. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  227. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  228. dropdown.verticalOffset = 10;
  229. dropdown.horizontalOffset = 10;
  230. offsetDropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  231. // verticalAlign is top, so a positive offset moves down.
  232. expect( + 10), 0.1);
  233. // horizontalAlign is left, so a positive offset moves to the right.
  234. expect(dropdownRect.left + 10), 0.1);
  235. done();
  236. }, 1);
  237. });
  238. test('can be offset towards the top left', function(done) {
  239. dropdown.opened = true;
  240. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  241. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  242. dropdown.verticalOffset = -10;
  243. dropdown.horizontalOffset = -10;
  244. offsetDropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  245. // verticalAlign is top, so a negative offset moves up.
  246. expect( - 10), 0.1);
  247. // horizontalAlign is left, so a negative offset moves to the left.
  248. expect(dropdownRect.left - 10), 0.1);
  249. done();
  250. }, 1);
  251. });
  252. });
  253. suite('when align is right/bottom, with an offset', function() {
  254. var dropdownRect;
  255. var offsetDropdownRect;
  256. var dropdown;
  257. setup(function() {
  258. var parent = fixture('OffsetDropdownBottomRight');
  259. dropdown = parent.querySelector('iron-dropdown');
  260. });
  261. test('can be offset towards the top left', function(done) {
  262. dropdown.opened = true;
  263. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  264. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  265. dropdown.verticalOffset = 10;
  266. dropdown.horizontalOffset = 10;
  267. offsetDropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  268. // verticalAlign is bottom, so a positive offset moves up.
  269. expect(dropdownRect.bottom - 10), 0.1);
  270. // horizontalAlign is right, so a positive offset moves to the left.
  271. expect(dropdownRect.right - 10), 0.1);
  272. done();
  273. }, 1);
  274. });
  275. test('can be offset towards the bottom right', function(done) {
  276. dropdown.opened = true;
  277. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  278. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  279. dropdown.verticalOffset = -10;
  280. dropdown.horizontalOffset = -10;
  281. offsetDropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  282. // verticalAlign is bottom, so a negative offset moves down.
  283. expect(dropdownRect.bottom + 10), 0.1);
  284. // horizontalAlign is right, so a positive offset moves to the right.
  285. expect(dropdownRect.right + 10), 0.1);
  286. done();
  287. }, 1);
  288. });
  289. });
  290. suite('RTL', function() {
  291. var dropdown;
  292. var dropdownRect;
  293. test('with horizontalAlign=left', function(done) {
  294. var parent = fixture('RTLDropdownLeft');
  295. dropdown = parent.querySelector('iron-dropdown');
  297. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  298. // In RTL, if `horizontalAlign` is "left", that's the same as
  299. // being right-aligned in LTR. So the dropdown should be in the top
  300. // right corner.
  301. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  302. expect(;
  303. expect(dropdownRect.right);
  304. done();
  305. });
  306. });
  307. test('with horizontalAlign=right', function(done) {
  308. var parent = fixture('RTLDropdownRight');
  309. dropdown = parent.querySelector('iron-dropdown');
  311. Polymer.Base.async(function() {
  312. // In RTL, if `horizontalAlign` is "right", that's the same as
  313. // being left-aligned in LTR. So the dropdown should be in the top
  314. // left corner.
  315. dropdownRect = dropdown.getBoundingClientRect();
  316. expect(;
  317. expect(dropdownRect.left);
  318. done();
  319. });
  320. });
  321. });
  322. });
  323. </script>
  324. </body>
  325. </html>