C# | 272 lines | 208 code | 49 blank | 15 comment | 84 complexity | 525401d153d7db61fa4bb5c1b3e3efb7 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- *
- * (c) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010-2021
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
- using System;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Web;
- using ASC.Common.Caching;
- using ASC.Core;
- using ASC.Data.Storage;
- using ASC.Forum;
- using ASC.Web.Core.Users;
- using ASC.Web.Core.Utility.Skins;
- using ASC.Web.Studio.Utility;
- namespace ASC.Web.UserControls.Forum.Common
- {
- public class ForumManager
- {
- private class SecurityActionValidator : ISecurityActionView
- {
- #region ISecurityActionView Members
- public bool IsAccessible { get; set; }
- public event EventHandler<SecurityAccessEventArgs> ValidateAccess;
- #endregion
- public void OnValidate(SecurityAccessEventArgs e)
- {
- if (ValidateAccess != null)
- ValidateAccess(this, e);
- }
- }
- internal static string ForumScriptKey { get { return "__forum_core_script"; } }
- internal static string SearchHelperScriptKey { get { return "__searchhelper_core_script"; } }
- private static readonly object _syncObj = new object();
- private static readonly Hashtable _settingsCollection;
- private readonly SecurityActionValidator _securityValidator;
- public IPresenterFactory PresenterFactory { get; private set; }
- public Settings Settings { get; private set; }
- private static readonly ICache CacheAsc = AscCache.Memory;
- internal ForumManager(Settings settings)
- {
- SessionKeys = new ForumSessionKeys(settings.ID);
- Settings = settings;
- PresenterFactory = new ForumPresenterFactory();
- _securityValidator = new SecurityActionValidator();
- IPresenter securityPresenter = PresenterFactory.GetPresenter<ISecurityActionView>();
- securityPresenter.SetView(_securityValidator);
- }
- static ForumManager()
- {
- _settingsCollection = Hashtable.Synchronized(new Hashtable());
- }
- public static ForumManager GetForumManager(Guid settingsID)
- {
- lock (_syncObj)
- {
- if (_settingsCollection.ContainsKey(settingsID))
- return (_settingsCollection[settingsID] as Settings).ForumManager;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public bool ValidateAccessSecurityAction(ForumAction forumAction, object targetObject)
- {
- _securityValidator.OnValidate(new SecurityAccessEventArgs(forumAction, targetObject));
- return _securityValidator.IsAccessible;
- }
- public string GetTopicImage(Topic topic)
- {
- var isNew = topic.IsNew();
- if (!topic.Sticky)
- {
- if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_new_closed.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_new.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && !isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_closed.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && !isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_new_closed.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_new.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && !isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_closed.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && !isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- }
- else
- {
- if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_new_closed_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_new_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && !isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_closed_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Informational && !isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("top_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_new_closed_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_new_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && !isNew && topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_closed_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- else if (topic.Type == TopicType.Poll && !isNew && !topic.Closed)
- return WebImageSupplier.GetAbsoluteWebPath("poll_sticky.png", Settings.ImageItemID);
- }
- return "";
- }
- internal IDataStore GetStore()
- {
- return StorageFactory.GetStorage(TenantProvider.CurrentTenantID.ToString(), this.Settings.FileStoreModuleID);
- }
- #region Remove and Find Attachments
- public string GetAttachmentVirtualDirPath(Thread thread, Guid settingsID, Guid userID, out string offsetPhysicalPath)
- {
- offsetPhysicalPath = thread.CategoryID + "\\" + thread.ID + "\\" + userID.ToString();
- return thread.CategoryID + "/" + thread.ID + "/" + userID.ToString();
- }
- public string GetAttachmentWebPath(Attachment attachment)
- {
- return GetStore().GetUri(attachment.OffsetPhysicalPath).ToString();
- }
- public void RemoveAttachments(string offsetPhysicalPath)
- {
- try
- {
- var store = GetStore();
- store.Delete(offsetPhysicalPath);
- }
- catch { };
- }
- public void RemoveAttachments(Post post)
- {
- if (post.Attachments == null)
- return;
- foreach (var attachment in post.Attachments)
- {
- RemoveAttachments(attachment.OffsetPhysicalPath);
- }
- }
- public void RemoveAttachments(string[] attachmentPaths)
- {
- foreach (var offsetPath in attachmentPaths)
- {
- RemoveAttachments(offsetPath);
- }
- }
- public void RemoveAttachments(Thread thread)
- {
- string attachmentTopicDir = thread.CategoryID + "\\" + thread.ID;
- ClearDirectory(attachmentTopicDir);
- }
- public void RemoveAttachments(ThreadCategory threadCategory)
- {
- ClearDirectory(threadCategory.ID.ToString());
- }
- private void ClearDirectory(string directoryPath)
- {
- var store = GetStore();
- try
- {
- store.DeleteFiles(directoryPath, "*", true);
- }
- catch { };
- }
- #endregion
- public string GetHTMLImgUserAvatar(Guid userID)
- {
- return "<img alt=\"\" class='userPhoto' src=\"" + UserPhotoManager.GetBigPhotoURL(userID) + "\"/>";
- }
- public string PreviousPage =>
- CacheAsc.Get<PageLocation>(this.SessionKeys.PreviousPageLocation) != null
- ? CacheAsc.Get<PageLocation>(this.SessionKeys.PreviousPageLocation).Url
- : Settings.StartPageAbsolutePath;
- public void SetCurrentPage(ForumPage page)
- {
- var current = new PageLocation(ForumPage.Default, Settings.StartPageAbsolutePath);
- if (CacheAsc.Get<PageLocation>(this.SessionKeys.CurrentPageLocation) != null)
- current = CacheAsc.Get<PageLocation>(this.SessionKeys.CurrentPageLocation);
- var previous = (PageLocation)current.Clone();
- if (previous.Page != page)
- CacheAsc.Insert(this.SessionKeys.PreviousPageLocation, previous, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
- current = new PageLocation(page, HttpContext.Current.Request.GetUrlRewriter().AbsoluteUri);
- CacheAsc.Insert(this.SessionKeys.CurrentPageLocation, current, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
- }
- public ForumSessionKeys SessionKeys { get; private set; }
- public class ForumSessionKeys
- {
- private Guid _settingsID;
- public ForumSessionKeys(Guid settingsID)
- {
- _settingsID = settingsID;
- }
- public string CurrentPageLocation => "forum_current_page_location" + _settingsID.ToString() + SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID.ToString();
- public string PreviousPageLocation => "forum_previous_page_location" + _settingsID.ToString() + SecurityContext.CurrentAccount.ID.ToString();
- }
- }
- }