Python | 314 lines | 252 code | 19 blank | 43 comment | 24 complexity | 562cf1a94c7be433253dd3f07b7273c4 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- # found in the LICENSE file.
- """Utility functions for Windows builds.
- These functions are executed via gyp-win-tool when using the ninja generator.
- """
- import os
- import re
- import shutil
- import subprocess
- import stat
- import string
- import sys
- BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- # A regex matching an argument corresponding to the output filename passed to
- # link.exe.
- _LINK_EXE_OUT_ARG = re.compile('/OUT:(?P<out>.+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
- def main(args):
- executor = WinTool()
- exit_code = executor.Dispatch(args)
- if exit_code is not None:
- sys.exit(exit_code)
- class WinTool(object):
- """This class performs all the Windows tooling steps. The methods can either
- be executed directly, or dispatched from an argument list."""
- def _UseSeparateMspdbsrv(self, env, args):
- """Allows to use a unique instance of mspdbsrv.exe per linker instead of a
- shared one."""
- if len(args) < 1:
- raise Exception("Not enough arguments")
- if args[0] != 'link.exe':
- return
- # Use the output filename passed to the linker to generate an endpoint name
- # for mspdbsrv.exe.
- endpoint_name = None
- for arg in args:
- m = _LINK_EXE_OUT_ARG.match(arg)
- if m:
- endpoint_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '',
- '%s_%d' % (m.group('out'), os.getpid()))
- break
- if endpoint_name is None:
- return
- # Adds the appropriate environment variable. This will be read by link.exe
- # to know which instance of mspdbsrv.exe it should connect to (if it's
- # not set then the default endpoint is used).
- env['_MSPDBSRV_ENDPOINT_'] = endpoint_name
- def Dispatch(self, args):
- """Dispatches a string command to a method."""
- if len(args) < 1:
- raise Exception("Not enough arguments")
- method = "Exec%s" % self._CommandifyName(args[0])
- return getattr(self, method)(*args[1:])
- def _CommandifyName(self, name_string):
- """Transforms a tool name like recursive-mirror to RecursiveMirror."""
- return name_string.title().replace('-', '')
- def _GetEnv(self, arch):
- """Gets the saved environment from a file for a given architecture."""
- # The environment is saved as an "environment block" (see CreateProcess
- # and msvs_emulation for details). We convert to a dict here.
- # Drop last 2 NULs, one for list terminator, one for trailing vs. separator.
- pairs = open(arch).read()[:-2].split('\0')
- kvs = [item.split('=', 1) for item in pairs]
- return dict(kvs)
- def ExecStamp(self, path):
- """Simple stamp command."""
- open(path, 'w').close()
- def ExecRecursiveMirror(self, source, dest):
- """Emulation of rm -rf out && cp -af in out."""
- if os.path.exists(dest):
- if os.path.isdir(dest):
- def _on_error(fn, path, excinfo):
- # The operation failed, possibly because the file is set to
- # read-only. If that's why, make it writable and try the op again.
- if not os.access(path, os.W_OK):
- os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE)
- fn(path)
- shutil.rmtree(dest, onerror=_on_error)
- else:
- if not os.access(dest, os.W_OK):
- # Attempt to make the file writable before deleting it.
- os.chmod(dest, stat.S_IWRITE)
- os.unlink(dest)
- if os.path.isdir(source):
- shutil.copytree(source, dest)
- else:
- shutil.copy2(source, dest)
- def ExecLinkWrapper(self, arch, use_separate_mspdbsrv, *args):
- """Filter diagnostic output from link that looks like:
- ' Creating library ui.dll.lib and object ui.dll.exp'
- This happens when there are exports from the dll or exe.
- """
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- if use_separate_mspdbsrv == 'True':
- self._UseSeparateMspdbsrv(env, args)
- link = subprocess.Popen([args[0].replace('/', '\\')] + list(args[1:]),
- shell=True,
- env=env,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- out, _ = link.communicate()
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if (not line.startswith(' Creating library ') and
- not line.startswith('Generating code') and
- not line.startswith('Finished generating code')):
- print line
- return link.returncode
- def ExecLinkWithManifests(self, arch, embed_manifest, out, ldcmd, resname,
- mt, rc, intermediate_manifest, *manifests):
- """A wrapper for handling creating a manifest resource and then executing
- a link command."""
- # The 'normal' way to do manifests is to have link generate a manifest
- # based on gathering dependencies from the object files, then merge that
- # manifest with other manifests supplied as sources, convert the merged
- # manifest to a resource, and then *relink*, including the compiled
- # version of the manifest resource. This breaks incremental linking, and
- # is generally overly complicated. Instead, we merge all the manifests
- # provided (along with one that includes what would normally be in the
- # linker-generated one, see msvs_emulation.py), and include that into the
- # first and only link. We still tell link to generate a manifest, but we
- # only use that to assert that our simpler process did not miss anything.
- variables = {
- 'python': sys.executable,
- 'arch': arch,
- 'out': out,
- 'ldcmd': ldcmd,
- 'resname': resname,
- 'mt': mt,
- 'rc': rc,
- 'intermediate_manifest': intermediate_manifest,
- 'manifests': ' '.join(manifests),
- }
- add_to_ld = ''
- if manifests:
- subprocess.check_call(
- '%(python)s gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper %(arch)s %(mt)s -nologo '
- '-manifest %(manifests)s -out:%(out)s.manifest' % variables)
- if embed_manifest == 'True':
- subprocess.check_call(
- '%(python)s gyp-win-tool manifest-to-rc %(arch)s %(out)s.manifest'
- ' %(out)s.manifest.rc %(resname)s' % variables)
- subprocess.check_call(
- '%(python)s gyp-win-tool rc-wrapper %(arch)s %(rc)s '
- '%(out)s.manifest.rc' % variables)
- add_to_ld = ' %(out)s.manifest.res' % variables
- subprocess.check_call(ldcmd + add_to_ld)
- # Run mt.exe on the theoretically complete manifest we generated, merging
- # it with the one the linker generated to confirm that the linker
- # generated one does not add anything. This is strictly unnecessary for
- # correctness, it's only to verify that e.g. /MANIFESTDEPENDENCY was not
- # used in a #pragma comment.
- if manifests:
- # Merge the intermediate one with ours to .assert.manifest, then check
- # that .assert.manifest is identical to ours.
- subprocess.check_call(
- '%(python)s gyp-win-tool manifest-wrapper %(arch)s %(mt)s -nologo '
- '-manifest %(out)s.manifest %(intermediate_manifest)s '
- '-out:%(out)s.assert.manifest' % variables)
- assert_manifest = '%(out)s.assert.manifest' % variables
- our_manifest = '%(out)s.manifest' % variables
- # Load and normalize the manifests. mt.exe sometimes removes whitespace,
- # and sometimes doesn't unfortunately.
- with open(our_manifest, 'rb') as our_f:
- with open(assert_manifest, 'rb') as assert_f:
- our_data = our_f.read().translate(None, string.whitespace)
- assert_data = assert_f.read().translate(None, string.whitespace)
- if our_data != assert_data:
- os.unlink(out)
- def dump(filename):
- sys.stderr.write('%s\n-----\n' % filename)
- with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
- sys.stderr.write(f.read() + '\n-----\n')
- dump(intermediate_manifest)
- dump(our_manifest)
- dump(assert_manifest)
- sys.stderr.write(
- 'Linker generated manifest "%s" added to final manifest "%s" '
- '(result in "%s"). '
- 'Were /MANIFEST switches used in #pragma statements? ' % (
- intermediate_manifest, our_manifest, assert_manifest))
- return 1
- def ExecManifestWrapper(self, arch, *args):
- """Run manifest tool with environment set. Strip out undesirable warning
- (some XML blocks are recognized by the OS loader, but not the manifest
- tool)."""
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, env=env,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- out, _ = popen.communicate()
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if line and 'manifest authoring warning 81010002' not in line:
- print line
- return popen.returncode
- def ExecManifestToRc(self, arch, *args):
- """Creates a resource file pointing a SxS assembly manifest.
- |args| is tuple containing path to resource file, path to manifest file
- and resource name which can be "1" (for executables) or "2" (for DLLs)."""
- manifest_path, resource_path, resource_name = args
- with open(resource_path, 'wb') as output:
- output.write('#include <windows.h>\n%s RT_MANIFEST "%s"' % (
- resource_name,
- os.path.abspath(manifest_path).replace('\\', '/')))
- def ExecMidlWrapper(self, arch, outdir, tlb, h, dlldata, iid, proxy, idl,
- *flags):
- """Filter noisy filenames output from MIDL compile step that isn't
- quietable via command line flags.
- """
- args = ['midl', '/nologo'] + list(flags) + [
- '/out', outdir,
- '/tlb', tlb,
- '/h', h,
- '/dlldata', dlldata,
- '/iid', iid,
- '/proxy', proxy,
- idl]
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, env=env,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- out, _ = popen.communicate()
- # Filter junk out of stdout, and write filtered versions. Output we want
- # to filter is pairs of lines that look like this:
- # Processing C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\...\include\objidl.idl
- # objidl.idl
- lines = out.splitlines()
- prefixes = ('Processing ', '64 bit Processing ')
- processing = set(os.path.basename(x)
- for x in lines if x.startswith(prefixes))
- for line in lines:
- if not line.startswith(prefixes) and line not in processing:
- print line
- return popen.returncode
- def ExecAsmWrapper(self, arch, *args):
- """Filter logo banner from invocations of asm.exe."""
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, env=env,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- out, _ = popen.communicate()
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if (not line.startswith('Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation') and
- not line.startswith('Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler') and
- not line.startswith(' Assembling: ') and
- line):
- print line
- return popen.returncode
- def ExecRcWrapper(self, arch, *args):
- """Filter logo banner from invocations of rc.exe. Older versions of RC
- don't support the /nologo flag."""
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, env=env,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- out, _ = popen.communicate()
- for line in out.splitlines():
- if (not line.startswith('Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler') and
- not line.startswith('Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation') and
- line):
- print line
- return popen.returncode
- def ExecActionWrapper(self, arch, rspfile, *dir):
- """Runs an action command line from a response file using the environment
- for |arch|. If |dir| is supplied, use that as the working directory."""
- env = self._GetEnv(arch)
- # TODO(scottmg): This is a temporary hack to get some specific variables
- # through to actions that are set after gyp-time. http://crbug.com/333738.
- for k, v in os.environ.iteritems():
- if k not in env:
- env[k] = v
- args = open(rspfile).read()
- dir = dir[0] if dir else None
- return subprocess.call(args, shell=True, env=env, cwd=dir)
- def ExecClCompile(self, project_dir, selected_files):
- """Executed by msvs-ninja projects when the 'ClCompile' target is used to
- build selected C/C++ files."""
- project_dir = os.path.relpath(project_dir, BASE_DIR)
- selected_files = selected_files.split(';')
- ninja_targets = [os.path.join(project_dir, filename) + '^^'
- for filename in selected_files]
- cmd = ['ninja.exe']
- cmd.extend(ninja_targets)
- return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=BASE_DIR)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))