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  83. <p>As a follow up to my <a href="">last post</a>, I posted a HIT on Mechanical Turk asking 20 turkers if they know Java. I paid them 5 cents to answer the question. Surprisingly, 9 of 20 claimed to know. I was amazed at how strong selection bias was in this case, since surely not 50% of turkers know how to program! </p>
  84. <p>I then asked those turkers who know Java to complete the following trivial Java method. If they wrote it correctly, I paid them a 45 cent bonus.<span id="more-568"></span><br />
  85. <code><br />
  86. public static String reverse(String source) {<br />
  87. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;// your code here<br />
  88. }<br />
  89. </code></p>
  90. <p>Here are the results:</p>
  91. <ul>
  92. <li>4 turkers used <code>StringBuffer.reverse</code></li>
  93. <li>3 turkers created a new string by iterating through the original string in reverse</li>
  94. <li>1 used recursion</li>
  95. <li>1 used <code>Collections.sort(l)</code>. I&#8217;m not sure what was intended</li>
  96. </ul>
  97. <p>I was hoping that people would fill in the empty reverse method with their code, but many of them implemented their own methods and helpers. One person implemented their own class with extensive comments. This data as a nice existence proof, indicating that turkers can be harnessed for programming-related crowdsourcing. </p>
  98. <p>I&#8217;d like to turn Mechanical Turkers into Mechanical Coders. Given a set of unit tests and a method to implement, their work could be automatically verified based on passing the unit tests. Furthermore, some turkers could be tasked to write additional unit tests for this method. Through this technique, it&#8217;s conceivable to harness the power of The Turk to implement whole classes. Code quality aside, what sort of software quality could be achieved by following this approach?
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  100. Tagged with: <a href="" rel="tag">mechanical turk</a>, <a href="" rel="tag">research</a> <div style="clear: both"></div>
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  117. <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Allen Pike</a> </span>
  118. <span class="comment_main">
  119. <p>The trick would be writing unit tests that were thorough enough in less time than it would take you to code it yourself. With that, you could add in Turks for QA and hey, maybe you could even get Turks to write the unit tests. I&#8217;m sure you could produce non-UI apps that function in basic tasks using this approach, but I doubt it could profitably extend to interesting or profitable types of apps.</p>
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  122. on January 16th, 2010 at 6:28 pm </div>
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  130. <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Boris Smus</a> </span>
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  132. <p>It&#8217;s pretty darn difficult to write any sort of reasonable unit tests for user interfaces, so I definitely agree with you there. </p>
  133. <p>But the interestingness of an application is determined by the designer, not a code monkeying turker, so I&#8217;m not sure what you mean.</p>
  134. <p>As far as profitability goes, perhaps this approach would allow a small number of software architects to roll out working (and unit tested) software very quickly, since turkers are easily parallelized.</p>
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  137. on January 17th, 2010 at 9:49 am </div>
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