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  31. <h1>Re: about crowdsourcing</h1>
  32. <!-- received="Thu Apr 29 18:22:06 2010" -->
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  34. <!-- sent="Thu, 29 Apr 2010 13:20:59 -0500" -->
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  67. <dfn>From</dfn>: Laura Carlson &lt;<a href="mailto:laura.lee.carlson&#x40;&#0103;&#0109;&#0097;&#0105;&#0108;&#0046;&#0099;&#0111;&#0109;?Subject=Re%3A%20about%20crowdsourcing&amp;;">laura.lee.carlson&#x40;&#0103;&#0109;&#0097;&#0105;&#0108;&#0046;&#0099;&#0111;&#0109;</a>&gt;
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  69. <span id="date"><dfn>Date</dfn>: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 13:20:59 -0500</span><br />
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  72. <span id="to"><dfn>To</dfn>: Matt May &lt;<a href="mailto:mattmay&#x40;&#0097;&#0100;&#0111;&#0098;&#0101;&#0046;&#0099;&#0111;&#0109;?Subject=Re%3A%20about%20crowdsourcing&amp;;">mattmay&#x40;&#0097;&#0100;&#0111;&#0098;&#0101;&#0046;&#0099;&#0111;&#0109;</a>&gt;
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  77. <pre id="body">
  78. <a name="start341" accesskey="j" id="start341"></a>Hi Matt,
  79. Thanks for the clarification.
  80. &gt; I said I thought an attribute like &#64;missing is a valuable semantic for
  81. &gt; techniques like crowdsourcing to build upon. I dont care what that
  82. &gt; attribute is called, but that indication itself is valuable for determining
  83. &gt; what the authoring tool or user agent should do next.
  84. The important thing is that a hook would be there.
  85. &gt; I do _not_ think, and AFAIK have never expressed, that a reference to
  86. &gt; crowdsourcing should be in the spec. Its just one of many possible
  87. &gt; approaches to deal with intentionally missing metadata, all of which have
  88. &gt; pluses and minuses in practice, and it should be up to authors to determine
  89. &gt; what is best for them.
  90. The alternate proposal says possibilities for crowdsourcing exist and
  91. then lists the ID and rel attribute for the &lt;link&gt; that you had
  92. mentioned in the WAI CG alt discussion. Maybe I shouldn't have
  93. included that?
  94. Best Regards,
  95. Laura
  96. --
  97. Laura L. Carlson
  98. </pre>
  99. <span id="received"><dfn>Received on</dfn> Thursday, 29 April 2010 18:22:06 GMT</span>
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