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You need always remember that life is the most important, and a fully equipped fishing boat need 1KW, and you do not order a few million of worthless things boat to the storm, and your clone also needs <a href=""><b>eve game time</b></a>.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 12pt; vertical-align: top"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri; color: black" lang="EN-US">In the game, you need to know how to estimate prize value: Rideau right in EVE, to look at items&rsquo; property: Select the item, then right-click and select Properties, view relevant information, if the ship EVE items has a line called the derived class property, the higher the number the more valuable, if there are no such lines, it is equipped with whiteboard, the kind of garbage.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 12pt; vertical-align: top"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri; color: black" lang="EN-US">Derived from 1 to 4, generally ranging from tens of thousands to tens of millions (the same kind of EVE items, may be as long as the derivative 3 50W, derivative 4 will sell 1000W, even if the property is only a thin about 1%, Western games are quantitative cause qualitative changes). Derivatives 5 and above is very valuable things from the value of general ten million, depending on the equipment, there are millions. By this, you will not need to <b><a href="">eve time card</a> </b>much. Derivative 10 or more, it is very valuable equipment, often referred to as god loaded, the value is hundreds of millions to hundreds of billion. Once you pick up loading of God, you should immediately run back to the station! Then do not sell! You can wait to play on a year later to deal with them! Otherwise it is easily be blackmailed!</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 12pt; vertical-align: top"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri; color: black" lang="EN-US">The God beside you is the dangerous goods loaded to stay, as a kind of electronic equipment in EVE: the container scanner, you can view other people with things. People will attack you and put you off the hook and then pick up your stuff! So the sooner the better you back to the station, dropped back on to the station, then forget about him, no matter how it is valuable. So you know how to deal with it for about 3 months. </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 12pt; vertical-align: top"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri; color: black" lang="EN-US">There are some items looks damaged almost, but things are called &quot;well-equipment&quot; (the things look like new parts, looks blue color), is valuable stuff, and very few people can salvage them, these things are expensive, have a small piece of tens of W only 0.1 cubic meters, it does not recommend new treatment.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="margin-bottom: 12pt; vertical-align: top"><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri; color: black" lang="EN-US">For newcomers, the best treatment is some of the following derivative 8 ships and equipment, for those who value a single purchase (not for sale! You buy something of value) the following items in 5W, directly into the recycling plant and into the ore. You can <a href=""><b>buy</b> </a><b><a href="">eve game card</a> </b>on HOTCDKEY.COM to enjoy the fun in the game.</span></p><!--end text_1-->
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  290. <!--begin text_2-->Under one of these subheadings, it's a good idea to list recent updates to my site so that visitors, especially return visitors, can check out the new stuff first. For example, I could list the date and a brief description of the update.<BR> <BR> I could also list updated news about my site's topic. For example, if my site were about a particular sport, I could discuss the outcome of a recent competition.<!--end text_2-->
  291. </DIV>
  292. </DIV>
  293. <DIV class="textbox2">
  294. <DIV id="image_1" class="imageitem">
  295. <!--begin image_1--><IMG src="/fs_img/builder/builder83/Photo2.jpg" width="180" height="128" alt="" border="0"><!--end image_1-->
  296. </DIV>
  297. <H3 id="heading_3">
  298. <!--begin heading_3-->Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements<!--end heading_3-->
  299. </H3>
  300. <DIV id="text_3" class="textitem">
  301. <!--begin text_3-->Another idea for my home page's text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my site's topic. <p>Need some extra help building your site? Here are some topics that may be helpful. <ul> <li><a class="linkitem" href="" target="_blank">Design Web Site</a> <li><a class="linkitem" href="" target="_blank">Games</a> <li><a class="linkitem" href="" target="_blank">Photos</a> <li><a class="linkitem" href="" target="_blank">Video</a> </ul><!--end text_3-->
  302. </DIV>
  303. </DIV>
  304. <DIV class="textbox1">
  305. <H3 id="heading_4">
  306. <!--begin heading_4-->Customizing and Personalizing My Site<!--end heading_4-->
  307. </H3>
  308. <DIV id="text_4" class="textitem">
  309. <!--begin text_4-->I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add photos or interesting links. One of the first things I would want to do is choose a template that reflects what my site is all about. Colors and themes are a great way to reinforce the message and purpose of my site.<!--end text_4-->
  310. </DIV>
  311. <DIV id="link_1" class="linkitem">
  312. <!--begin link_1--><A href=""></A><!--end link_1-->
  313. </DIV>
  314. <H3 id="heading_5">
  315. <!--begin heading_5-->Behind the Scenes of My Home Page<!--end heading_5-->
  316. </H3>
  317. <DIV id="text_5" class="textitem">
  318. <!--begin text_5-->Even if I don't put much text on my home page, it's a good idea to include hidden tools that will help me promote my site, so people other than my friends and family actually see it. For example, I could add meta tags, which are hidden codes that allow search engines to find my site. I could also install stats and a counter so I know how many people are visiting. If not many are visiting, submitting my site to search engines will guide more traffic to my site.<!--end text_5-->
  319. </DIV>
  320. <DIV id="link_2" class="linkitem">
  321. <!--begin link_2--><A href=""></A><!--end link_2-->
  322. </DIV>
  323. </DIV>
  324. <DIV class="textbox2">
  325. <DIV id="image_2" class="imageitem">
  326. <!--begin image_2--><IMG src="/fs_img/builder/builder80/Photo2.jpg" width="180" height="128" alt="" border="0"><!--end image_2-->
  327. </DIV>
  328. </DIV>
  329. </DIV>
  330. <DIV id="bottombuffer"></DIV>
  331. <!-- text here-->
  332. </DIV>
  333. <DIV id="searcharea">
  334. <!--begin search--><!--end search-->
  335. </DIV>
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