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  3. <title>Social-media Job Trends |</title>
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  5. <meta name="description" content="Research Social-media job trends and the demand for Social-media jobs at Search all Social-media jobs, and get Social-media job alerts by email."/>
  6. <meta name="keywords" content="Social-media job trends job search graph Social-media time jobs most popular Social-media jobs research career employment"/>
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  38. // Dean Edwards 2004.0.24
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  159. ----------------- */
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  163. function toTitleCase() {
  164. if ( typeof arguments[0] == 'string' ) {
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  183. /* other version....
  184. function toTitleCase(words) {
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  190. result[i] = first.toUpperCase() + rest.toLowerCase();
  191. }
  192. else { result[i] = words[i].toUpperCase(); }
  193. }
  194. return result.join(" ");
  195. } */
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  197. OBJECTS
  198. ----------------- */
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  230. /* ----- Begin ForumRequest Object ---- */
  231. function ForumRequest() {
  232. this.request = { jobtitles: [], companies: [], querymatch: '', user_id: '' };
  233. this._request = { jobtitles: [], companies: [] };
  234. this.results = {};
  235. }
  236. ForumRequest.prototype.encodeForumsMultivalueArgument = function( args ) {
  237. var arg_string = '';
  238. for ( var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
  239. arg_string += urlencode( args[i]) + ( i < args.length-1 ? "|" : "" );
  240. }
  241. return urlencode(arg_string); // encode twice to effectively quote "|" in values
  242. }
  243. ForumRequest.prototype.addJobtitle = function( title ) {
  244. if ( this._request.jobtitles[title] == undefined ) {
  245. this.request.jobtitles[this.request.jobtitles.length] = title;
  246. this._request.jobtitles[title] = (this.request.jobtitles.length - 1);
  247. }
  248. }
  249. ForumRequest.prototype.getForumForJobtitle = function( title ) {
  250. if ( this.results.jobtitles != undefined ) {
  251. var forum = this.results.jobtitles[this._request.jobtitles[title]];
  252. if ( != '-' ) {
  253. return forum;
  254. }
  255. }
  256. return null;
  257. }
  258. ForumRequest.prototype.addJobtitles = function( titles ) {
  259. for ( var i = 0; i < titles.length; i++ ) {
  260. this.addJobtitle( titles[i] );
  261. }
  262. }
  263. ForumRequest.prototype.addCompany = function( name ) {
  264. if ( this._request.companies[name] == undefined ) {
  265. this.request.companies[this.request.companies.length] = name;
  266. this._request.companies[name] = (this.request.companies.length - 1);
  267. }
  268. }
  269. ForumRequest.prototype.addCompanies = function( names ) {
  270. for ( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++ ) {
  271. this.addCompany( names[i] );
  272. }
  273. }
  274. ForumRequest.prototype.getForumForCompany = function( name ) {
  275. if ( this.results.companies != undefined ) {
  276. var forum = this.results.companies[this._request.companies[name]];
  277. if ( != '-' ) {
  278. return forum;
  279. }
  280. }
  281. return null;
  282. }
  283. ForumRequest.prototype.addQuery = function( query ) {
  284. this.request.querymatch = query;
  285. }
  286. ForumRequest.prototype.addUserId = function( user_id ) {
  287. this.request.user_id = user_id;
  288. }
  289. ForumRequest.prototype.getForums = function( callback ) {
  290. var self = this;
  291. var query_string = [];
  292. query_string.push( 'jobtitles=' + this.encodeForumsMultivalueArgument( this.request.jobtitles ) );
  293. query_string.push( 'companies=' + this.encodeForumsMultivalueArgument( this.request.companies ) );
  294. query_string.push( 'query=' + this.request.querymatch );
  295. query_string.push( 'userid=' + this.request.user_id );
  296. query_string.push( 'ts=' + new Date().getTime() );
  297. var uri = '/forum/service?all=1&action=get-forum-names&' + query_string.join( '&' );
  298. sendRequest( uri, 'GET', function( result ) {
  299. var request_obj = self;
  300. if ( result.readyState != 4 || result.responseText == '' ) { return; }
  301. eval( 'request_obj.results = ' + result.responseText + ';');
  302. if ( callback ) { callback( request_obj.results ); }
  303. }
  304. );
  305. }
  306. /* --------------
  308. ----------------- */
  309. function displayNewForumComments( notices, user_id ) {
  310. if ( notices == null || !notices.length ) { return; }
  311. var notice_table_id = 'recent_comments';
  312. var label_text_template = 'New Comments (#)';
  313. var total_num_comments = 0;
  314. function setLabelText( label_text ) {
  315. control.innerHTML = label_text;
  316. }
  317. var control = document.createElement( 'a' );
  318. control.href = '#' + notice_table_id;
  319. = 'new_comment_label';
  320. setLabelText( 'Loading...' );
  321. var user_actions = document.getElementById( 'user_actions' );
  322. var seperator = document.createTextNode( ' - ' );
  323. if ( user_actions ) {
  324. user_actions.appendChild( seperator );
  325. user_actions.appendChild( control );
  326. }
  327. var popup_label = PopupLabel( control );
  328. var table = document.createElement('table');
  329. = notice_table_id;
  330. = 'none';
  331. var tbody = document.createElement( 'tbody' );
  332. table.appendChild( tbody );
  333. function setNumComments( num_comments ) {
  334. setLabelText( label_text_template.replace( /\#/, num_comments ) );
  335. }
  336. function makeDefaultRow( msg ) {
  337. var row = document.createElement('tr');
  338. var default_td = document.createElement('td');
  339. default_td.className = 'col_a';
  340. default_td.appendChild( document.createTextNode( msg ) );
  341. row.appendChild( default_td );
  342. return row;
  343. }
  344. function makeRow( notice ) {
  345. total_num_comments += notice.comments;
  346. var hide_url = + '?hide=' + user_id;
  347. function hideNotification() {
  348. total_num_comments -= notice.comments;
  349. setNumComments( total_num_comments );
  350. tbody.removeChild( row );
  351. if ( tbody.getElementsByTagName('tr').length == 0 ) {
  352. seperator.parentNode.removeChild( seperator );
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  356. sendRequest( hide_url, 'GET', function() {} );
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  358. var row = document.createElement('tr');
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  360. title_td.className = 'col_a';
  361. var forum_link = document.createElement('a');
  362. forum_link.href = hide_url;
  363. forum_link.appendChild( document.createTextNode( notice.subject ) );
  364. title_td.appendChild( forum_link );
  365. title_td.appendChild( document.createTextNode( ' ' ) );
  366. var amount = document.createElement('span');
  367. amount.className = 'amount';
  368. amount.appendChild( document.createTextNode( '(' + notice.comments + ')' ) );
  369. title_td.appendChild( amount );
  370. setNumComments( total_num_comments );
  371. var actions_td = document.createElement('td');
  372. actions_td.className = 'col_b';
  373. var hide_action = document.createElement('a');
  374. hide_action.href = '#';
  375. hide_action.title = 'Stop showing notifications when this forum is updated.';
  376. hide_action.appendChild( document.createTextNode('Hide') );
  377. hide_action.onclick = hideNotification;
  378. actions_td.appendChild( hide_action );
  379. row.appendChild( title_td );
  380. row.appendChild( actions_td );
  381. return row;
  382. }
  383. // this actually populates the table...
  384. for ( var i = 0; i < notices.length; i ++ ) {
  385. tbody.appendChild( makeRow( notices[i] ) );
  386. }
  387. setNumComments( total_num_comments );
  388. control.parentNode.insertBefore( table, control.nextSibling );
  389. return;
  390. }
  391. /* --- New Comments --- */
  392. function hideForumTopic( url, element, num_comments ) {
  393. sendRequest( url, 'GET', function( result ) {
  394. if ( result.readyState != 4 || result.responseText == '' ) { return; }
  395. updateTotalNumComments( getTotalNumComments() - num_comments );
  396. if ( element && element.parentNode != null ) {
  397. element.parentNode.removeChild( element );
  398. if ( getNumCommentItems() == 0 ) {
  399. new_comment_label.close();
  400. var comments_label = getNumCommentsLabel();
  401. = 'none';
  402. comments_label.previousSibling.parentNode.removeChild( comments_label.previousSibling );
  403. }
  404. }
  405. } );
  406. }
  407. function getNumCommentItems() {
  408. var recent_comments = document.getElementById('recent_comments');
  409. if ( recent_comments ) {
  410. return recent_comments.getElementsByTagName('tr').length;
  411. }
  412. return 0;
  413. }
  414. function getNumCommentsLabel() {
  415. return document.getElementById('new_comment_label');
  416. }
  417. function getTotalNumComments() {
  418. var label = getNumCommentsLabel();
  419. var current_total = label.innerHTML.match(/[0-9]+/);
  420. return current_total[0];
  421. }
  422. function updateTotalNumComments( new_total ) {
  423. var comments_label = getNumCommentsLabel();
  424. comments_label.innerHTML = comments_label.innerHTML.replace( getTotalNumComments(), new_total );
  425. }
  426. </script>
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  474. function trim(str) {
  475. return str.replace( /^\s*/, '' ).replace( /\s*$/, '');
  476. }
  477. function createQueryStringFromObj(obj) {
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  479. for (var arg in obj) {
  480. encoded_args[encoded_args.length] = urlencode(arg) + '=' + urlencode(obj[arg]);
  481. }
  482. return '?' + encoded_args.join('&');
  483. }
  484. function genericEmailForm(rpc_base) {
  485. if (!hasAjax()) { alert('Sorry, your browser does not support this feature.'); return; }
  486. var form = gbid('sharetrends_form');
  487. var args = getFormValuesAsObject(form);
  488. var sts = document.getElementById('email_job_sts');
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  490. sts = document.createElement('div');
  491. = 'email_job_sts';
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  496. sendRequest(rpc_base + createQueryStringFromObj(args), form.method, function(response) { if (response.readyState != 4 || response.responseText == '') { return; } eval(response.responseText); });
  497. }
  498. function email_jobtrends_callback(status, errors) {
  499. if (status == 'success')
  500. sendemail_success();
  501. else
  502. sendemail_errors(errors);
  503. }
  504. function sendemail_success() {
  505. var sts = document.getElementById('email_job_sts');
  506. var form = gbid('sharetrends_form');
  507. var args = getFormValuesAsObject(form);
  508. = '';
  509. sts.innerHTML = '<p>Your email to <b>' + args.toEmail + '</b> has been sent! </p>';
  510. = 'none';
  511. var again = document.createElement('a');
  512. again.href = '#';
  513. again.onclick = function () { sts.innerHTML = ''; = ''; form.toEmail.value = args.toEmail; form.fromEmail.value = args.fromEmail; form.comments.value = ''; setTimeout( function( ) {; }, 0 ); return false; };
  514. sts.firstChild.appendChild(again);
  515. again.innerHTML = 'Send another email';
  516. again.focus();
  517. }
  518. function sendemail_errors(errors) {
  519. var sts = document.getElementById('email_job_sts');
  520. var error_msg = '';
  521. for (var error in errors) {
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  524. = '';
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