CoffeeScript | 320 lines | 260 code | 40 blank | 20 comment | 78 complexity | 4d2d134467d96d77a4b01b0a584a032d MD5 | raw file
- Importer.Slack = class Importer.Slack extends Importer.Base
- constructor: (name, descriptionI18N, fileTypeRegex) ->
- super(name, descriptionI18N, fileTypeRegex)
- @userTags = []
- @bots = {}
- prepare: (dataURI, sentContentType, fileName) =>
- super(dataURI, sentContentType, fileName)
- # try
- {image, contentType} = RocketChatFile.dataURIParse dataURI
- zip = new @AdmZip(new Buffer(image, 'base64'))
- zipEntries = zip.getEntries()
- tempChannels = []
- tempUsers = []
- tempMessages = {}
- for entry in zipEntries
- do (entry) =>
- if entry.entryName == 'channels.json'
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.PREPARING_CHANNELS
- tempChannels = JSON.parse entry.getData().toString()
- else if entry.entryName == 'users.json'
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.PREPARING_USERS
- tempUsers = JSON.parse entry.getData().toString()
- for user in tempUsers when user.is_bot
- @bots[user.profile.bot_id] = user
- else if not entry.isDirectory and entry.entryName.indexOf('/') > -1
- item = entry.entryName.split('/') #random/2015-10-04.json
- channelName = item[0] #random
- msgGroupData = item[1].split('.')[0] #2015-10-04
- if not tempMessages[channelName]
- tempMessages[channelName] = {}
- # Catch files which aren't valid JSON files, ignore them
- try
- tempMessages[channelName][msgGroupData] = JSON.parse entry.getData().toString()
- catch
- console.warn "#{entry.entryName} is not a valid JSON file! Unable to import it."
- # Insert the users record, eventually this might have to be split into several ones as well
- # if someone tries to import a several thousands users instance
- usersId = @collection.insert { 'import': @importRecord._id, 'importer': @name, 'type': 'users', 'users': tempUsers }
- @users = @collection.findOne usersId
- @updateRecord { 'count.users': tempUsers.length }
- @addCountToTotal tempUsers.length
- # Insert the channels records.
- channelsId = @collection.insert { 'import': @importRecord._id, 'importer': @name, 'type': 'channels', 'channels': tempChannels }
- @channels = @collection.findOne channelsId
- @updateRecord { 'count.channels': tempChannels.length }
- @addCountToTotal tempChannels.length
- # Insert the messages records
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.PREPARING_MESSAGES
- messagesCount = 0
- for channel, messagesObj of tempMessages
- do (channel, messagesObj) =>
- if not @messages[channel]
- @messages[channel] = {}
- for date, msgs of messagesObj
- messagesCount += msgs.length
- @updateRecord { 'messagesstatus': "#{channel}/#{date}" }
- if Importer.Base.getBSONSize(msgs) > Importer.Base.MaxBSONSize
- for splitMsg, i in Importer.Base.getBSONSafeArraysFromAnArray(msgs)
- messagesId = @collection.insert { 'import': @importRecord._id, 'importer': @name, 'type': 'messages', 'name': "#{channel}/#{date}.#{i}", 'messages': splitMsg }
- @messages[channel]["#{date}.#{i}"] = @collection.findOne messagesId
- else
- messagesId = @collection.insert { 'import': @importRecord._id, 'importer': @name, 'type': 'messages', 'name': "#{channel}/#{date}", 'messages': msgs }
- @messages[channel][date] = @collection.findOne messagesId
- @updateRecord { 'count.messages': messagesCount, 'messagesstatus': null }
- @addCountToTotal messagesCount
- if tempUsers.length is 0 or tempChannels.length is 0 or messagesCount is 0
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.ERROR
- return @getProgress()
- selectionUsers = tempUsers.map (user) ->
- return new Importer.SelectionUser user.id, user.name, user.profile.email, user.deleted, user.is_bot, !user.is_bot
- selectionChannels = tempChannels.map (channel) ->
- return new Importer.SelectionChannel channel.id, channel.name, channel.is_archived, true
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.USER_SELECTION
- return new Importer.Selection @name, selectionUsers, selectionChannels
- # catch error
- # @updateRecord { 'failed': true, 'error': error }
- # console.error Importer.ProgressStep.ERROR
- # throw new Error 'import-slack-error', error
- startImport: (importSelection) =>
- super(importSelection)
- start = Date.now()
- for user in importSelection.users
- for u in @users.users when u.id is user.user_id
- u.do_import = user.do_import
- @collection.update { _id: @users._id }, { $set: { 'users': @users.users }}
- for channel in importSelection.channels
- for c in @channels.channels when c.id is channel.channel_id
- c.do_import = channel.do_import
- @collection.update { _id: @channels._id }, { $set: { 'channels': @channels.channels }}
- startedByUserId = Meteor.userId()
- Meteor.defer =>
- # try
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.IMPORTING_USERS
- for user in @users.users when user.do_import
- do (user) =>
- Meteor.runAsUser startedByUserId, () =>
- existantUser = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneByEmailAddress user.profile.email
- if existantUser
- user.rocketId = existantUser._id
- @userTags.push
- slack: "<@#{user.id}>"
- slackLong: "<@#{user.id}|#{user.name}>"
- rocket: "@#{existantUser.username}"
- else
- userId = Accounts.createUser { email: user.profile.email, password: Date.now() + user.name + user.profile.email.toUpperCase() }
- Meteor.runAsUser userId, () =>
- Meteor.call 'setUsername', user.name
- Meteor.call 'joinDefaultChannels', true
- url = null
- if user.profile.image_original
- url = user.profile.image_original
- else if user.profile.image_512
- url = user.profile.image_512
- Meteor.call 'setAvatarFromService', url, null, 'url'
- # Slack's is -18000 which translates to Rocket.Chat's after dividing by 3600
- if user.tz_offset
- Meteor.call 'updateUserUtcOffset', user.tz_offset / 3600
- if user.profile.real_name
- RocketChat.models.Users.setName userId, user.profile.real_name
- #Deleted users are 'inactive' users in Rocket.Chat
- if user.deleted
- Meteor.call 'setUserActiveStatus', userId, false
- #TODO: Maybe send emails?
- user.rocketId = userId
- @userTags.push
- slack: "<@#{user.id}>"
- slackLong: "<@#{user.id}|#{user.name}>"
- rocket: "@#{user.name}"
- @addCountCompleted 1
- @collection.update { _id: @users._id }, { $set: { 'users': @users.users }}
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.IMPORTING_CHANNELS
- for channel in @channels.channels when channel.do_import
- do (channel) =>
- Meteor.runAsUser startedByUserId, () =>
- existantRoom = RocketChat.models.Rooms.findOneByName channel.name
- if existantRoom or channel.is_general
- if channel.is_general and channel.name isnt existantRoom?.name
- Meteor.call 'saveRoomSettings', 'GENERAL', 'roomName', channel.name
- channel.rocketId = if channel.is_general then 'GENERAL' else existantRoom._id
- else
- users = []
- for member in channel.members when member isnt channel.creator
- user = @getRocketUser member
- if user?
- users.push user.username
- userId = ''
- for user in @users.users when user.id is channel.creator
- userId = user.rocketId
- Meteor.runAsUser userId, () =>
- returned = Meteor.call 'createChannel', channel.name, users
- channel.rocketId = returned.rid
- # @TODO implement model specific function
- roomUpdate =
- ts: new Date(channel.created * 1000)
- if not _.isEmpty channel.topic?.value
- roomUpdate.topic = channel.topic.value
- lastSetTopic = channel.topic.last_set
- if not _.isEmpty(channel.purpose?.value) and channel.purpose.last_set > lastSetTopic
- roomUpdate.topic = channel.purpose.value
- RocketChat.models.Rooms.update { _id: channel.rocketId }, { $set: roomUpdate }
- @addCountCompleted 1
- @collection.update { _id: @channels._id }, { $set: { 'channels': @channels.channels }}
- missedTypes = {}
- ignoreTypes = { 'bot_add': true, 'file_comment': true, 'file_mention': true, 'channel_name': true }
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.IMPORTING_MESSAGES
- for channel, messagesObj of @messages
- do (channel, messagesObj) =>
- Meteor.runAsUser startedByUserId, () =>
- slackChannel = @getSlackChannelFromName channel
- if slackChannel?.do_import
- room = RocketChat.models.Rooms.findOneById slackChannel.rocketId, { fields: { usernames: 1, t: 1, name: 1 } }
- for date, msgs of messagesObj
- @updateRecord { 'messagesstatus': "#{channel}/#{date}.#{msgs.messages.length}" }
- for message in msgs.messages
- if message.type is 'message'
- if message.subtype?
- if message.subtype is 'channel_join'
- if @getRocketUser(message.user)?
- RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserJoinWithRoomIdAndUser room._id, @getRocketUser(message.user), { ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000) }
- else if message.subtype is 'channel_leave'
- if @getRocketUser(message.user)?
- RocketChat.models.Messages.createUserLeaveWithRoomIdAndUser room._id, @getRocketUser(message.user), { ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000) }
- else if message.subtype is 'me_message'
- RocketChat.sendMessage @getRocketUser(message.user), { msg: '_' + @convertSlackMessageToRocketChat(message.text) + '_', ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000) }, room
- else if message.subtype is 'bot_message'
- botUser = RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById 'rocket.cat', { fields: { username: 1 }}
- botUsername = if @bots[message.bot_id] then @bots[message.bot_id]?.name else message.username
- msgObj =
- msg: if message.text then message.text else ''
- ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- rid: room._id
- bot: true
- attachments: message.attachments
- username: if botUsername then botUsername else undefined
- if message.edited?
- msgObj.ets = new Date(parseInt(message.edited.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- if message.icons?
- msgObj.emoji = message.icons.emoji
- msgObj.msg = @convertSlackMessageToRocketChat(msgObj.msg)
- RocketChat.sendMessage botUser, msgObj, room
- else if message.subtype is 'channel_purpose'
- RocketChat.models.Messages.createRoomSettingsChangedWithTypeRoomIdMessageAndUser 'room_changed_topic', room._id, message.purpose, @getRocketUser(message.user), { ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000) }
- else if message.subtype is 'channel_topic'
- RocketChat.models.Messages.createRoomSettingsChangedWithTypeRoomIdMessageAndUser 'room_changed_topic', room._id, message.topic, @getRocketUser(message.user), { ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000) }
- else if message.subtype is 'pinned_item'
- RocketChat.models.Messages.createWithTypeRoomIdMessageAndUser 'message_pinned', room._id, '', @getRocketUser(message.user),
- ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- attachments: [
- "text" : @convertSlackMessageToRocketChat message.attachments[0].text
- "author_name" : message.attachments[0].author_subname
- "author_icon" : getAvatarUrlFromUsername(message.attachments[0].author_subname)
- ]
- else if message.subtype is 'file_share'
- if message.file?.url_private_download isnt undefined
- details =
- name: message.file.name
- size: message.file.size
- type: message.file.mimetype
- rid: room._id
- @uploadFile details, message.file.url_private_download, @getRocketUser(message.user), room, new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- else
- if not missedTypes[message.subtype] and not ignoreTypes[message.subtype]
- missedTypes[message.subtype] = message
- else
- user = @getRocketUser(message.user)
- if user?
- msgObj =
- msg: @convertSlackMessageToRocketChat message.text
- ts: new Date(parseInt(message.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- rid: room._id
- u:
- _id: user._id
- username: user.username
- if message.edited?
- msgObj.ets = new Date(parseInt(message.edited.ts.split('.')[0]) * 1000)
- RocketChat.sendMessage @getRocketUser(message.user), msgObj, room
- @addCountCompleted 1
- console.log missedTypes
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.FINISHING
- for channel in @channels.channels when channel.do_import and channel.is_archived
- do (channel) =>
- Meteor.runAsUser startedByUserId, () =>
- Meteor.call 'archiveRoom', channel.rocketId
- @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.DONE
- timeTook = Date.now() - start
- console.log "Import took #{timeTook} milliseconds."
- # catch error
- # @updateRecord { 'failed': true, 'error': error }
- # @updateProgress Importer.ProgressStep.ERROR
- # console.error Importer.ProgressStep.ERROR
- # throw new Error 'import-slack-error', error
- return @getProgress()
- getSlackChannelFromName: (channelName) =>
- for channel in @channels.channels when channel.name is channelName
- return channel
- getRocketUser: (slackId) =>
- for user in @users.users when user.id is slackId
- return RocketChat.models.Users.findOneById user.rocketId, { fields: { username: 1 }}
- convertSlackMessageToRocketChat: (message) =>
- if message?
- message = message.replace /<!everyone>/g, '@all'
- message = message.replace /<!channel>/g, '@all'
- message = message.replace />/g, '<'
- message = message.replace /</g, '>'
- message = message.replace /&/g, '&'
- message = message.replace /:simple_smile:/g, ':smile:'
- message = message.replace /:memo:/g, ':pencil:'
- message = message.replace /:piggy:/g, ':pig:'
- message = message.replace /:uk:/g, ':gb:'
- message = message.replace /<(http[s]?:[^>]*)>/g, '$1'
- for userReplace in @userTags
- message = message.replace userReplace.slack, userReplace.rocket
- message = message.replace userReplace.slackLong, userReplace.rocket
- return message
- getSelection: () =>
- selectionUsers = @users.users.map (user) ->
- return new Importer.SelectionUser user.id, user.name, user.profile.email, user.deleted, user.is_bot, !user.is_bot
- selectionChannels = @channels.channels.map (channel) ->
- return new Importer.SelectionChannel channel.id, channel.name, channel.is_archived, true
- return new Importer.Selection @name, selectionUsers, selectionChannels