https://gitlab.com/Gashler/dp · PHP · 143 lines · 93 code · 18 blank · 32 comment · 40 complexity · e076d69050430ba4f1a3d843bc7008e2 MD5 · raw file
- <?php
- /**
- * s2Member's PayPal® Auto-Return/PDT handler (inner processing routine).
- *
- * Copyright: © 2009-2011
- * {@link http://www.websharks-inc.com/ WebSharks, Inc.}
- * (coded in the USA)
- *
- * Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License,
- * along with this software. In the main directory, see: /licensing/
- * If not, see: {@link http://www.gnu.org/licenses/}.
- *
- * @package s2Member\PayPal
- * @since 110720
- */
- if (realpath (__FILE__) === realpath ($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]))
- exit("Do not access this file directly.");
- if (!class_exists ("c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_return_in_web_accept_sp"))
- {
- /**
- * s2Member's PayPal® Auto-Return/PDT handler (inner processing routine).
- *
- * @package s2Member\PayPal
- * @since 110720
- */
- class c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_return_in_web_accept_sp
- {
- /**
- * s2Member's PayPal® Auto-Return/PDT handler (inner processing routine).
- *
- * @package s2Member\PayPal
- * @since 110720
- *
- * @param array $vars Required. An array of defined variables passed by {@link s2Member\PayPal\c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_return_in::paypal_return()}.
- * @return array|bool The original ``$paypal`` array passed in (extracted) from ``$vars``, or false when conditions do NOT apply.
- *
- * @todo Optimize with ``empty()`` and ``isset()``.
- */
- public static function /* Conditional phase for ``c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_notify_in::paypal_notify()``. */ cp ($vars = array ())
- {
- extract /* Extract all vars passed in from: ``c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_notify_in::paypal_notify()``. */($vars);
- if ((!empty ($paypal["txn_type"]) && preg_match ("/^web_accept$/i", $paypal["txn_type"]))
- && (!empty ($paypal["item_number"]) && preg_match ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["sp_access_item_number_regex"], $paypal["item_number"]))
- && (empty ($paypal["payment_status"]) || empty ($payment_status_issues) || !preg_match ($payment_status_issues, $paypal["payment_status"]))
- && (!empty ($paypal["txn_id"])))
- {
- foreach(array_keys(get_defined_vars())as$__v)$__refs[$__v]=&$$__v;
- do_action ("ws_plugin__s2member_during_paypal_return_before_sp_access", get_defined_vars ());
- unset /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */ ($__refs, $__v);
- if (!get_transient ($transient_rtn = "s2m_rtn_" . md5 ("s2member_transient_" . $_paypal_s)) && set_transient ($transient_rtn, time (), 31556926 * 10))
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "s2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept` ) for Specific Post/Page Access.";
- list (, $paypal["sp_ids"], $paypal["hours"]) = preg_split ("/\:/", $paypal["item_number"], 3);
- $paypal["ip"] = (preg_match ("/ip address/i", $paypal["option_name2"]) && $paypal["option_selection2"]) ? $paypal["option_selection2"] : "";
- $paypal["ip"] = (!$paypal["ip"] && preg_match ("/^[a-z0-9]+~[0-9\.]+$/i", $paypal["invoice"])) ? preg_replace ("/^[a-z0-9]+~/i", "", $paypal["invoice"]) : $paypal["ip"];
- $paypal["ip"] = (!$paypal["ip"] && $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ? $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] : $paypal["ip"];
- if (($sp_access_url = c_ws_plugin__s2member_sp_access::sp_access_link_gen ($paypal["sp_ids"], $paypal["hours"], false)))
- {
- $processing = $during = /* Yes, we ARE processing this. */ true;
- setcookie ("s2member_sp_tracking", ($s2member_sp_tracking = c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_encryption::encrypt ($paypal["txn_id"])), time () + 31556926, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN) . setcookie ("s2member_sp_tracking", $s2member_sp_tracking, time () + 31556926, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN) . ($_COOKIE["s2member_sp_tracking"] = $s2member_sp_tracking);
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Transient Tracking Cookie set on ( `web_accept` ) for Specific Post/Page Access.";
- if ($processing && ($code = $GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["o"]["sp_tracking_codes"]) && is_array ($cv = preg_split ("/\|/", $paypal["custom"])))
- {
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%cv([0-9]+)%%/ei", 'trim($cv[$1])', $code)) && ($code = preg_replace ("/%%amount%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["mc_gross"]), $code)) && ($code = preg_replace ("/%%txn_id%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["txn_id"]), $code)))
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%item_number%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["item_number"]), $code)) && ($code = preg_replace ("/%%item_name%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["item_name"]), $code)))
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%first_name%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["first_name"]), $code)) && ($code = preg_replace ("/%%last_name%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["last_name"]), $code)))
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%full_name%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds (trim ($paypal["first_name"] . " " . $paypal["last_name"])), $code)))
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%payer_email%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["payer_email"]), $code)))
- if (($code = preg_replace ("/%%user_ip%%/i", c_ws_plugin__s2member_utils_strings::esc_ds ($paypal["ip"]), $code)))
- if (($code = trim (preg_replace ("/%%(.+?)%%/i", "", $code)))) // This gets stored into a Transient Queue.
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Storing Specific Post/Page Tracking Codes into a Transient Queue. These will be processed on-site.";
- set_transient ("s2m_" . md5 ("s2member_transient_sp_tracking_codes_" . $paypal["txn_id"]), $code, 43200);
- }
- }
- foreach(array_keys(get_defined_vars())as$__v)$__refs[$__v]=&$$__v;
- do_action ("ws_plugin__s2member_during_paypal_return_during_sp_access", get_defined_vars ());
- unset /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */ ($__refs, $__v);
- if (apply_filters ("ws_plugin__s2member_immediate_sp_access_redirection", false, get_defined_vars ()))
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Redirecting Customer immediately to the Specific Post/Page.";
- wp_redirect /* Immediate redirection to Specific Post/Page. */($sp_access_url);
- }
- else if /* Using a custom success redirection URL? */ ($custom_success_redirection)
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Redirecting Customer to a custom URL on success: " . $custom_success_redirection;
- wp_redirect($custom_success_redirection);
- }
- else // Else use the default return URL in this scenario, which is the Specific Post/Page.
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Redirecting Customer to the Specific Post/Page (after displaying a thank-you message).";
- echo c_ws_plugin__s2member_return_templates::return_template ($paypal["subscr_gateway"],
- _x ('<strong>Thank You! Your transaction has been approved.</strong>', "s2member-front", "s2member"),
- _x ("Continue (Click Here)", "s2member-front", "s2member"), $sp_access_url);
- }
- }
- else // Otherwise, the ID must have been invalid. Or the Post/Page was deleted.
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Unable to generate Specific Post/Page Access Link. Does your Leading Post/Page still exist?";
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Redirecting Customer to the Home Page (after displaying an error message).";
- echo c_ws_plugin__s2member_return_templates::return_template ($paypal["subscr_gateway"],
- _x ('<strong>ERROR:</strong> Unable to generate Access Link.<br />Please contact Support for assistance.', "s2member-front", "s2member"),
- _x ("Back To Home Page", "s2member-front", "s2member"), home_url ("/"));
- }
- }
- else // Page Expired. Duplicate Return-Data.
- {
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Page Expired. Duplicate Return-Data.";
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "s2Member `txn_type` identified as ( `web_accept` ) for Specific Post/Page Access.";
- $paypal["s2member_log"][] = "Page Expired. Redirecting Customer to the Home Page (after displaying an error message).";
- echo c_ws_plugin__s2member_return_templates::return_template ($paypal["subscr_gateway"],
- _x ('<strong>Page Expired:</strong> Duplicate Return-Data.<br />Please contact Support if you need any assistance.', "s2member-front", "s2member"),
- _x ("Back To Home Page", "s2member-front", "s2member"), home_url ("/"));
- }
- foreach(array_keys(get_defined_vars())as$__v)$__refs[$__v]=&$$__v;
- do_action ("ws_plugin__s2member_during_paypal_return_after_sp_access", get_defined_vars ());
- unset /* Unset defined __refs, __v. */ ($__refs, $__v);
- return apply_filters ("c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_return_in_web_accept_sp", $paypal, get_defined_vars ());
- }
- else return apply_filters ("c_ws_plugin__s2member_paypal_return_in_web_accept_sp", false, get_defined_vars ());
- }
- }
- }
- ?>