Scala | 122 lines | 106 code | 12 blank | 4 comment | 19 complexity | 04dfb5078b7bbc421370feb3b8641a28 MD5 | raw file
- package com.coinmachine.ares.trade.stock
- import com.alibaba.fastjson.{JSONObject, JSON}
- import com.coinmachine.ares.Logging
- import com.coinmachine.ares.trade.{Exchange, UserInfo, Order, Strategy}
- import com.coinmachine.ares.util.{StrategyUtil, LoopQuery}
- import scala.collection.mutable
- /**
- *
- */
- class WaveCutter(val user: UserInfo) extends Strategy with Logging{
- val upPlace = new mutable.Stack[Order]()
- val downPlace = new mutable.Stack[Order]()
- val coinType = "ltc"
- val currency = "cny"
- val orderDistance = 0.01f
- val tradeUnit = 1F
- override def init(): Unit = {
- val ticker = JSON.parse(user.stockGetV1.ticker(coinType + "_" + currency)).asInstanceOf[JSONObject].getJSONObject("ticker")
- logInfo(ticker.toJSONString)
- Option(ticker) match {
- case Some(t) =>
- val buyOne = t.getFloatValue("buy")
- placeUpDownOrders(upPlace, downPlace, buyOne)
- case None =>
- logError("Can't get ticker.")
- }
- }
- def placeUpDownOrders(upPlace: mutable.Stack[Order], downPlace: mutable.Stack[Order], price: Float): Unit = {
- //check whether balance is enough to place an order at best.
- val downOrderPrice = price - orderDistance
- if (!downPlace.exists(o => o.price == downOrderPrice)) {
- val orderId = LoopQuery.placeStockOrder(user, coinType + "_" + currency, "buy", downOrderPrice, tradeUnit)
- downPlace.push(new Order(orderId, downOrderPrice))
- Thread.sleep(20L)
- logInfo(s"Place an buy order:$orderId with price:$downOrderPrice and amount:$tradeUnit")
- } else {
- logInfo(s"Already placed an buy order with price:" + downOrderPrice)
- }
- val upOrderPrice = price + orderDistance
- if (!upPlace.exists(o => o.price == upOrderPrice)) {
- val orderId = LoopQuery.placeStockOrder(user, coinType + "_" + currency, "sell", upOrderPrice, tradeUnit)
- upPlace.push(new Order(orderId, upOrderPrice))
- Thread.sleep(20L)
- logInfo(s"Place an buy order:$orderId with price:$upOrderPrice and amount:$tradeUnit")
- } else {
- logInfo(s"Already placed an buy order with price:" + upOrderPrice)
- }
- }
- def processDeals(): Unit = {
- try {
- if (upPlace.nonEmpty) {
- val order = upPlace.top
- logDebug("Top Order of upPlace:" + order)
- val orderInfo = LoopQuery.stockOrderInfo(user, coinType + "_" + currency, order.id)
- Option(orderInfo.getIntValue("status")) match {
- case Some(oi) =>
- Option(orderInfo.getIntValue("status")) match {
- case Some(x) if x == -1 => //already canceled,被人工取消了理应再放一次
- upPlace.pop()
- case Some(x) if x == 2 => //totally concluded
- upPlace.pop()
- val price = orderInfo.getFloatValue("price")
- placeUpDownOrders(upPlace, downPlace, price)
- case _ =>
- }
- case None =>
- logError(s"Can't get order info for $order")
- }
- } else {
- logWarn(s"upPlace is empty.$upPlace")
- }
- if (downPlace.nonEmpty) {
- val order = downPlace.top
- val orderInfo = LoopQuery.stockOrderInfo(user, coinType + "_" + currency, order.id)
- Option(orderInfo) match {
- case Some(oi) =>
- Option(orderInfo.getIntValue("status")) match {
- case Some(x) if x == -1 =>
- downPlace.pop()
- case Some(x) if x == 2 =>
- downPlace.pop()
- val price = orderInfo.getFloatValue("price")
- placeUpDownOrders(upPlace, downPlace, price)
- case _ =>
- }
- case None =>
- logError(s"Can't get order info for $order")
- }
- } else {
- logWarn(s"downPlace is empty:$downPlace")
- }
- } catch {
- case e: Exception =>
- logError("Exception when placing order", e)
- }
- }
- override def run(): Unit = {
- init()
- while (!shutDownFlag) {
- processDeals()
- }
- }
- }
- object WaveCutter {
- def main(args: Array[String]) {
- val (userInfo, coinType, distance, unit, srr) = StrategyUtil.config()
- val waveCutter = new WaveCutter(userInfo)
- new Thread(waveCutter).run()
- }
- }