Python | 178 lines | 142 code | 15 blank | 21 comment | 28 complexity | 00a9ea5b639733ab84299d3e24a54dda MD5 | raw file
- import os
- import sys
- import glob
- import argparse
- import shutil
- import PIL
- from PIL import Image
- import random
- from random import shuffle
- def number_snapshots(input_dir, count):
- # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
- count = count
- oldwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(input_dir) # go to /images/
- print "Count is: {0}".format(count)
- print glob.glob("./*") # ./train, ./test, ./val
- for ttv in glob.glob("./*"):
- folders_list = glob.glob(ttv + "/*") # ./train/face ...
- for folder in folders_list:
- print folder
- fldername = folder.split("/")[-1] # face or no_face
- outfolder = "./" + ttv.split("/")[-1] + "/new_" + fldername + "/"
- files_list = glob.glob(folder + "/*")
- for f in files_list:
- try:
- if not os.path.exists(outfolder):
- os.makedirs(outfolder)
- Image.open(f).save(outfolder + str(count) + ".jpg", "JPEG")
- count += 1
- except IOError:
- print "Cannot convert: {0}".format(f)
- sys.exit(1)
- # remove the old face/ and not_face/ dirs
- shutil.rmtree(folder)
- os.rename(outfolder, folder)
- os.chdir(oldwd)
- print "Done."
- def resize(input_dir, resize_dim):
- oldwd = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(input_dir)
- print glob.glob("./*") # ./train, ./teset, ./val
- for ttv in glob.glob("./*"):
- folders_list = glob.glob(ttv + "/*")
- for folder in folders_list:
- print folder
- fldername = folder.split("/")[-1]
- outfolder = "./" + ttv.split("/")[-1] + "/new_" + fldername + "/"
- files_list = glob.glob(folder + "/*")
- for f in files_list:
- outfile = f.split('/')[-1]
- try:
- if not os.path.exists(outfolder):
- os.makedirs(outfolder)
- ### DO THIS to Preserve aspect ratio ###
- # basewidth = int(args.resize_width) # ex. 300 px
- # img = Image.open(f)
- # wpercent = (basewidth/float(img.size[0]))
- # hsize = int((float(img.size[1])*float(wpercent)))
- # img = img.resize((basewidth,hsize), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
- # img.save(outfolder + str(count) + ".jpg", "JPEG")
- #### DO This to Create Square Images ###
- img = Image.open(f)
- size = tuple(map(lambda k: int(k), resize_dim.split('x')))
- img = img.resize(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
- img.save(outfolder + outfile, "JPEG")
- except IOError:
- print "Cannot convert: {0}".format(f)
- sys.exit(1)
- # remove the old face no_face dirs and rename the cropped dirs
- shutil.rmtree(folder)
- os.rename(outfolder, folder)
- os.chdir(oldwd)
- print "Done."
- def convert2txt(input_dir, txt_dir):
- """ Creates train.txt, test.txt, val.txt files from the input images folder """
- images_root = input_dir # ./data/images/
- txt_dir = txt_dir # ./data/txt/
- for ttv in glob.glob(images_root + "*"):
- # ttv will be test, train, val
- print ttv+"\n"
- data_src = ttv.split('/')[-1] # train, test, val
- writefolder = txt_dir
- writefilename = data_src + '.txt'
- print "Writing to: {0}\n".format(writefilename)
- if not os.path.exists(writefolder):
- os.makedirs(writefolder)
- old_pwd = os.getcwd()
- print "Changing dir"
- os.chdir(old_pwd + "/" + writefolder)
- with open(writefilename, 'w') as wf:
- print "Opened file: " + writefilename
- os.chdir(old_pwd)
- print glob.glob(ttv + "/*")
- for label in glob.glob(ttv + "/*"):
- # label might be .data/images/train/face or ..../no_face
- print label
- for imgsrc in glob.glob(label + "/*"):
- line = imgsrc.replace(input_dir, "") # should be in form 'train/no_face/472.jpg'
- if "no_face" in label.split('/'):
- # label them 0
- line = line + " 0\n" # 'train/no_face/472.jpg 0'
- else:
- line = line + " 1\n" # 'train/face'
- wf.write(line)
- print "Done."
- def shuffle_all_data(images_root, ratio):
- """ images_root is going to be ./data/images/
- ratio determines train/val/test data ratios
- by default it is set to 48:32:20 percentages
- """
- ratios = [int(e) for e in ratio.split(":")] # ratios [train : test : val]
- image_paths = []
- ttv_s = glob.glob(images_root + "*")
- # collect all image paths in one big list
- for ttv in ttv_s:
- for folder in glob.glob(ttv + "/*"):
- image_paths.extend(glob.glob(folder + "/*"))
- # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
- random.shuffle(image_paths, random.random) # in-place shuffling
- size = len(image_paths)
- train_size = size*ratios[0]/100
- test_size = size*ratios[1]/100
- val_size = size - train_size - test_size
- if not os.path.exists(images_root + "train_shuffled/"):
- os.makedirs(images_root + "train_shuffled/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "train_shuffled/face/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "train_shuffled/no_face/")
- if not os.path.exists(images_root + "test_shuffled/"):
- os.makedirs(images_root + "test_shuffled/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "test_shuffled/face/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "test_shuffled/no_face/")
- if not os.path.exists(images_root + "val_shuffled/"):
- os.makedirs(images_root + "val_shuffled/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "val_shuffled/face/")
- os.makedirs(images_root + "val_shuffled/no_face/")
- train_paths = image_paths[0 : train_size]
- test_paths = image_paths[train_size : train_size+test_size]
- val_paths = image_paths[-val_size:]
- for srcpath in train_paths:
- destpath = srcpath.replace("/train/","/train_shuffled/").replace("/test/",
- "/train_shuffled/").replace("/val/","/train_shuffled/")
- print "Source: {0} | Dest {1}\n".format(srcpath, destpath)
- os.rename(srcpath, destpath)
- print "Training Shuffled...\n"
- for srcpath in test_paths:
- destpath = srcpath.replace("/train/", "/test_shuffled/").replace("/test/",
- "/test_shuffled/").replace("/val/", "/test_shuffled/")
- print "Source: {0} | Dest {1}\n".format(srcpath, destpath)
- os.rename(srcpath, destpath)
- print "Testing Shuffled...\n"
- for srcpath in val_paths:
- destpath = srcpath.replace("/train/", "/val_shuffled/").replace("/test/",
- "/val_shuffled/").replace("/val/", "/val_shuffled/")
- print "Source: {0} | Dest {1}\n".format(srcpath, destpath)
- os.rename(srcpath, destpath)
- print "Val Shuffled...\n"
- shutil.rmtree(images_root + "train/")
- os.rename(images_root + "train_shuffled/", images_root + "train/")
- shutil.rmtree(images_root + "test/")
- os.rename(images_root + "test_shuffled/", images_root + "test/")
- shutil.rmtree(images_root + "val/")
- os.rename(images_root + "val_shuffled/", images_root + "val/")
- print "Done."